Jack of Spades: A Mafia Romance

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Jack of Spades: A Mafia Romance Page 16

by Rose, Renee

  “I love you, Stefano,” I blurt, my cheeks wet with tears.

  For a second there, I swear I see moisture in Stefano’s eyes, too, but then my tough guy blinks them back. “Baby, I love you, too. I’m fucking crazy about you. Say you’ll come back with me when they let you out of here.”

  I nod through my tears. “Yes, of course. That’s where I want to go.” I sniff. “You’re the only one who ever saw the real me.”

  Stefano grows serious, picking up both my hands. “I want to discover everything there is to know about you.”

  “I’m sorry I held back. I was a coward. My fear of getting hurt is exactly what got me hurt.” I give a watery laugh. “Ironic, huh?”

  “I’ll never hurt you again,” Stefano swears.

  I squeeze his hands. “What happened with my dad? What did the police do?”

  “Your dad turned up dead in an alley in Detroit where he was working a case.”

  “He was still working in Detroit? He told me he’d been transferred here.”

  Stefano shakes his head. “No, he lied about that, too. He was here on personal time, looking for ways to manipulate his daughter’s situation to make money. Your winnings from Memphis have been recovered, by the way. The police will want to talk to you about the purse snatcher who shot you in the Hard Rock parking lot just before we found you. I imagine they’ll be in as soon as they hear you’re awake.”

  “Got it.” I reach for the water bottle and drink some more down. I’m not even worried about talking to the police. I don’t question Stefano’s methods.

  Justice was served, in its own way. It doesn’t matter to me if it happened on the right or wrong side of the law. My father didn’t uphold those laws.

  “A little bit of good news? Turns out your dad never took your mom off his life insurance as beneficiary. She’ll be getting a quarter million as soon as things are settled.”

  I smile. Yep. Justice has definitely been served. My mom deserves that money after putting up with my asswipe of a dad for all those years before he left.

  She can retire from her job as a school attendance clerk, figure out how to make herself happy.

  Me—I already know what makes me happy, and he’s sitting right in front of me.



  “You can’t keep me a prisoner in here forever,” Corey protests from where I have her tied to the bed.

  “Mmm, isn’t this how our relationship started?” I work the knot on the silk tie securing her open and scoop her up into my arms. I’ve kept her prisoner in our suite since she returned home from the hospital two days ago. The doctors said she needed to rest and let her wound recover fully before she begins any activity and she hasn’t received the green light yet.

  “I am capable of walking,” she protests as I carry her into the living room and settle her on the couch.

  “No more TV,” she groans. “I’m bored. You can’t leave me alone here any longer. I’m going nuts.”

  “I’m not leaving you. Nico’s got things covered tonight. I’m staying in with you.”

  Her stubborn expression melts away, and the softness and affection replacing it takes my breath. She’s been showing me glimpses of this side of her since the hospital, and every time, it humbles me to my core.

  I drag an end table in front of her and get a chair for me. “How about a game of cards?” I suggest, shuffling the deck.

  She scoffs. “Are you serious?”

  “Mmm hmm. We’ll bet clothing. Or”—I shoot her a wicked look—“sexual acts.”

  Her lips twist. “You won’t let me walk from the bedroom to the living room, but you think I’m ready to suck your dick?”

  I wink. “I’m sure we can find something that works for you.”

  She grins and takes the cards out of my hand. “You’re on, buddy. You know you’re the one who’s going to find himself on his knees, right?”

  I’m counting on it, amore.

  She shuffles the deck and deals the first hand, which I promptly lose.

  “So you wanted me on my knees?” I slide out of my chair and drop to my knees in front of her, pushing her thighs open. She’s in nothing but a short silk robe and a pair of panties. I run my fingertips up her inner thighs and she shivers.

  “Stefano.” Her voice wobbles when I nip her inner thigh with my teeth. “I really don’t know if I’m for it. “I mean, I want it, but I’m afraid I’ll get too excited and—”

  “Well, there’s other things to do on my knees,” I rumble, reaching in my pocket.

  She watches me with a quizzical look until I produce a small ring box and pop it open. She gasps and covers her mouth with her hand. “Stefano.”

  “I know you don’t like to rush into things, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to let you take a bullet for me without putting a ring on that finger,” I say in the world’s stupidest proposal speech. I clear my throat. “What I mean is… stay, baby. Stay forever. I need you by my side, lighting up my world. I know we don’t have our future figured out, but I want to figure mine out with you. I want to be a part of yours.” Fuck. I don’t know where I’m going with this speech. Are there issues I need to address? Or do I just ask her to marry me?


  It’s like plunging into warm water. “Did you say yes?”

  “Yes.” She laughs, tears glistening in her eyes. “I’m done playing small, playing safe. We don’t have time not to rush into this. We have our lives to start living—together.”

  “Yeah?” I laugh. “You’re gonna wear my ring?”

  She plucks the pink diamond from the box and slides it on her left ring finger. “I’m wearing it.” She holds her hand up to show me and I kiss her palm.

  “Good. Now I’m going to assert my manly rights.” I kiss the inside of her leg.

  Her fingers weave into my hair. “Stefano.”

  “I’ll go easy on you just this once.” I wink before I shove her panties to the side and lick into her.

  The End

  I hope you enjoyed Jack of Spades. If you loved it, please consider reviewing it or recommending to a friend—your reviews help indie authors so much.

  Want more Vegas Underground? You can pre-order the next book in the series, Ace of Hearts! Read a taster of Tony’s story on the next page!

  Also check out the first book in Vegas Underground series, King of Diamonds and the bonus story, Mafia Daddy (included in the anthology Daddy’s Demands).

  Don’t miss any releases! Sign up for my mailing list: http://owned.gr8.com. Are you in my super private Facebook group Renee’s Romper Room? If not, send me an email at [email protected] to request membership with the email you use to login to Facebook.

  Want More? A Teaser from Ace of Hearts

  Ace of Hearts: A Mafia Romance

  Vegas Underground, Book Three

  The songbird trapped in a cage.

  My manager made a deal with the devil

  and now his right hand man has come to collect.

  I owe millions to the mob, which means

  The hulking Tony Brando now owns me.

  I’ll be headlining at his boss’ casino until the debt is paid.

  Unless he decides to keep me forever.

  Chapter One


  The limo pulls up at the Bellissimo and a bellhop opens the door for me.

  You know your career’s reached a new low when you’re booked for three weeks in Vegas.

  I don’t care if the Bellissimo is the swankiest, hippest place in Sin City, it’s still Vegas. The shithole performers go to for low stress, easy money. Usually after they’re burned out.

  So why the hell am I here twenty months after the release of an album and less than fourteen hours after the last performance of a grueling tour?

  Because Hugh, my asshole manager, sold me out.

  And now my parents, Hugh and I are in a world of trouble only I can fix.

  Anton, my bodyguard, gets out firs
t, then offers a hand to help me. I ignore it, because, yeah, I’m twenty-three, so fully capable of getting out of a car on my own, and not prissy enough to want help, although I appreciate the gesture. I climb out and shake down the skirt of my strappy, babydoll dress, which I paired with a beat up pair of brick red Doc Martens, and pop my earbuds out, the Radiohead album still playing.

  A forty-something woman in a blue dress and heels clips out of the door, making a beeline for Hugh. Behind her, a huge, broad-shouldered man stands just outside the gold-trimmed door watching.

  Watching me.

  That’s not unusual. I’m the popstar, after all, but it’s the way he watches that sends rockets of warning shooting through my veins. His unimpressed, quiet observation and fine Italian suit give him away.

  He’s Tony Brando, the man who now owns me.

  I recognize him. He showed up to my concert in Vancouver, and again in Denver.

  He’s the reason we’re here, despite the fact that I’m three hours from a total collapse, about to lose my voice and in desperate need of some alone time.

  Of course, even if the mob wasn’t after me for millions of dollars, Hugh probably would still have me booked until the next century. My well-being never factored into his or my parents’ plans for my career.

  I told Hugh two years ago I needed a break. Time to find my muse again and make the music that catapulted me into stardom in the first place. I wanted to hole up in a studio to record my next album, which would fix the cash flow problem my parents were in after some bad investments last year.

  But Hugh had a scheme.

  An idiotic, dangerous plan that my parents and I blindly trusted him to execute.

  “Welcome, Ms. Heart. I’m Angela Torrino, Director of Events. The Bellissimo is so thrilled to have you, as you can see.” She gestures to the hundred-foot neon sign out on the strip with my name in lights.

  I shake her hand and try to force a smile. Try not to glance at the pinstriped suit lurking behind her.

  Hugh trots around and takes over, as always. “Thanks for making the arrangements, Ms. Torrino.” He pumps her hand. “Now, if you can get us access to the stage, we’ll start loading in so Pepper can rehearse before her performance tonight.”

  Right. Rehearse—now. Because lord knows it’s a sacrilege to actually have one day of rest after traveling before I perform. Or even an hour.

  I follow Hugh and Ms. Torrino toward the hotel/casino doors, Anton right behind me and slightly to my left.

  Ms. Torrino stops to introduce Hugh to the large man in the doorway. Brando ignores her and steps forward. His movements are graceful for a man at least six and a half feet tall and over 250 pounds. His gaze is clearly on my face, and not in the wow-I’m-meeting-the-famous-young-rockstar-Pepper-Heart way. No, it’s more a big bad wolf surveying his prey.

  His gaze skims over my face to my braless breasts and on down my bare legs. Then back up again at a more leisurely pace, resting on my eyes.

  I’m pretty sure he likes what he sees, but he doesn’t leer. The smirk on his mouth is more one of satisfaction, like I’m a fine wine that’s just been delivered to him and he’s savoring my scent.

  My stomach knots.

  “Ms. Heart, this is Antonio Brando, one of the Directors of Operations here at the Bellissimo,” Ms. Torrino chirps from behind him. I’d like to say his big scary visage makes him ugly, but it would be a lie. Even with the light lines of scars marring his rugged jaw, forehead, and left cheek, he’s beautiful. Like some sort of Roman demi-god sent to Earth to rip apart men and conquer women until the lowly humans have all been tamed.

  He doesn’t offer his hand. I don’t either. In fact, I give him my best fuck you stare—the one I usually reserve for Hugh.

  “I’m looking forward to your show tonight.” His baritone moves through me, vibrating right between my thighs.

  I really wish my body didn’t have this reaction to his closeness, because I’d much rather hate the man than be turned on by him. But he’s massive masculine power; he radiates quiet confidence and control. And menace. Yes, there’s an undercurrent of violence to him that sends shivers running down my spine.

  I clamp my lips together because I can’t think of anything to say that won’t get my kneecaps broken. And I’m pretty sure that happens here. The Bellissimo is owned and run by the Tacone crime family. Besides, and more importantly, I don’t want him to hear the state of my voice. It’s almost gone. I’ve been sick for weeks now and I honestly don’t know if I can make it through this last stint in Vegas.

  Hugh bustles to my side and grabs my elbow in that controlling way of his. “Come on, let’s get you to that stage so you can rehearse. I want no flub-ups tonight.”

  I put my head down and follow, not because I agree that I need the rehearsal time, but because I need to get away from Brando’s searing regard. As fast as possible.

  Hugh’s grip tightens on my elbow as we move through the casino. “Do you want to get us all killed?” he hisses in my ear, his breath stinking of sour coffee.

  “I thought you already took care of that.” I use my most dry, bored tone—the one that sets him off on a rampage. Then I tune out the lecture as Bellissimo guests call out my name and start snapping photos. I grin and flash them the peace sign as we walk through casino on a long parade from the front door to the concert hall where my tour bus is parked in the way back. Of course we could’ve just pulled around there to begin with, but this is Hugh’s strategy of making sure everyone knows there’s someone famous in the building—hyping the show.

  A group of rowdy frat boys jostle too close, getting into my space to snag selfies with me. Anton barks for them to back up, shielding my body with his, but suddenly casino security swarm around us, forming a protective bubble.

  “I don’t know, she only has one bodyguard,” one of them speaks into a comms unit, then, “You got it, Tony. We’ll stay with her at all times.”


  I twist around to see my huge keeper. He’s walking casually behind us, his lips moving as he gives orders to his staff. Our gazes meet and lock, his dark, promising.

  My heart picks up speed.

  I want to march back and say all the things I bit back when we met outside, but it’s like the Earth is rumbling beneath my feet. The tetonic plates shifting and moving, rearranging.

  I may have thought I could handle Vegas. Handle my obligations at the Bellissimo. Get in, get out, hold my breakdown until it’s over. But now that I’ve met Tony Brando, I know I’m in way over my head.

  It’s hard to imagine I’ll survive this gig with my soul intact.


  Want FREE Renee Rose books?

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  About Renee Rose

  USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR RENEE ROSE is a naughty wordsmith who writes kinky romance novels. Named Eroticon USA’s Next Top Erotic Author in 2013, she has also won Spunky and Sassy’s Favorite Sci-Fi and Anthology Author, The Romance Reviews Best Historical Romance, and Spanking Romance Reviews’ Best Historical, Best Erotic, Best Ageplay and favorite author. She’s hit #1 on Amazon in the Erotic Paranormal, Western and Sci-fi categories. She also pens BDSM stories under the name Darling Adams.

  Please follow her on:

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  Renee loves to connect with readers!


  [email protected]

  Other Titles by Renee Rose

  Vegas Underground Mafia Romance

  King of Diamonds

  Jack of Spades

  Ace of Hearts (pre-order now, coming Dec 1st)

  Mafia Daddy (in Daddy’s Demands)

  More Mafia Ro

  The Russian

  The Don’s Daughter

  Mob Mistress

  The Bossman


  Blaze: A Firefighter Daddy Romance

  Black Light: Roulette Redux

  Her Royal Master

  The Russian

  Black Light: Valentine Roulette

  Theirs to Protect

  Scoring with Santa

  Owned by the Marine

  Theirs to Punish

  Punishing Portia

  The Professor’s Girl

  Safe in his Arms


  The Elusive “O”


  Bad Boy Alphas Series

  Alpha’s Bane (coming Nov. 1st)

  Alpha’s Mission

  Alpha’s War

  Alpha’s Desire

  Alpha’s Obsession

  Alpha’s Challenge

  Alpha’s Prize

  Alpha’s Danger

  Alpha’s Temptation

  Love in the Elevator (Bonus story to Alpha’s Temptation)

  Alpha Doms Series

  The Alpha’s Hunger

  The Alpha’s Promise

  The Alpha’s Punishment

  Other Paranormals

  His Captive Mortal

  Deathless Love


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