Black Light: Scandalized

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Black Light: Scandalized Page 16

by Grant, Livia


  “Follow directions, sub.”

  It surprised her how easily her “Yes, sir” fell from her lips.

  She was grateful she could hide her face against the bedspread. Despite having her legs spread, Shane picked up first one, then the other as she kneeled, maneuvering her legs obscenely wide. As she was at the edge, her feet jutted out over the end of the bed.

  Nalani closed her eyes, turning her head to the left and placing her right cheek against the cool spread, just as she felt something wrapping around her wrists. She’d never had anyone restrain her before during sex, let alone tie her. She waited to feel panic invade, but instead, with each second that ticked by, she felt the weight of the world lifting.

  For hours, she’d had to be on her toes—fielding questions, scrambling to make sense of Shane’s instructions and her own feelings. Struggling to obey when her brain told her what she was doing with the man who’d just finished making sure she could not move her arms was taboo.

  There was something liberating in lying helpless—no more decisions, no more instructions to obey. All that remained was the heated anticipation, almost desperation, to discover what other surprises Shane had up his sleeve.

  The smack of his palm against her ass broke her out of her thoughts, returning her to the reality of the moment. She was at his mercy. He could do whatever he wanted to her splayed open body, and apparently, what he wanted was to hear her squeak with surprise when his palm connected with her other butt cheek.

  The spanking was slow… deliberate, stoking the heat between them. Nalani closed her eyes, concentrating on the sensations bombarding her—the softness of the bedding, the scratch of the rope at her wrists, the ache of her knees, the snap of flesh against flesh, and the burn… oh, the burn on her ass.

  One by one, all sensations faded until the only thing that remained was the fire across her ass and the smoldering heat of her pussy. Only her own wetness between her legs could cool the heat.


  “Owww!” she cried out when Shane’s hand was replaced with something much harder and unforgiving. In the space of a few seconds, her slow burn exploded into hot flames across her ass as she wiggled side to side in an ill-fated attempt to escape.

  “Such a good girl.”


  “What the hell is that thing?” she screamed, tears clouding her vision.

  “I’m glad you asked. This is The Terminator. It has a way of stopping all naughty behavior.”

  “But I haven’t been naughty!”

  “Yet…” Shane connected the wooden paddle with her ass, again and again.

  Yellow was on the tip of her tongue until the next swat connected with a splat a bit lower on her sit spot. The tears she’d been holding back burst out. She didn’t have enough perspective to understand how she could feel both pain and a new kind of pleasure at the same time.

  Nalani flinched as Shane’s fingers found her wet folds with his fingers, teasing and pinching with one hand as his other shoved what felt like a single digit into her ass.

  The man was obsessed with her butt!

  Sensory overload—she was glad she was lying with her head down because, in spite of that, she still felt lightheaded. Only him releasing her completely and leaving her lying there, naked and immobile, could jar her out the almost trance she’d fallen into.

  The tip of his cock sliding through her folds woke her further, giving her just seconds to anticipate the feeling of being filled. He was inside her in a second.

  “So wet. So hot. So damn tight,” Shane grunted.

  His hands gripped her hips as he lifted her bent body off the bed to get a better angle for his thrusts. The night had been a production, and they were in the final act. Shane was driving them higher to the grand finale.

  Nalani got there first, exploding into a million pieces, held together by the man thrusting his cock hard and fast into her spasming channel. The sound of their bodies crashing together in a sexy rhythm was surreal.

  Shane released an animalistic growl as he finally stilled, buried inside her. Nalani loved the feel of his muscular chest as he leaned over her back, hugging her intimately as they tried to catch their breath after their workout.

  As his shaft left her body, so did the last glimmer of her energy.

  Maybe staying over for just one night would be okay.

  Chapter 11

  This had to be a new low. Submitting to Piper’s sadistic whims for the night at roulette had been humiliating enough, but sitting in his dark car, just outside the gate to her canyon property in Malibu at midnight—like a crazy stalker who chased after celebrities—had him questioning his sanity.

  Nolan was here on a hunch. It had taken two minutes on Google to find she’d been in New York to appear on the Late Show. With his connections, it had been easy to find out they’d wrapped up taping for the show just before five on the east coast. Assuming she’d at least been telling him the truth that she’d be in the air at the same time they’d talked the night before, Nolan had calculated a window of opportunity to see Piper tonight.

  Of course, his entire plan was reliant on the fact she’d lied to him when she’d told him she wasn’t flying back to Los Angeles. Knowing she had to be in town in less than a week for the Oscars, he knew she’d be coming home soon if not tonight.

  Everything about Piper Kole confused him. He was stuck choosing which was worse—getting lied to or ignored. He’d concluded it was the latter.

  That’s how he’d ended up sitting in his car with a cup of stale coffee like a seedy private investigator, hoping to catch her in a lie.

  He’d been waiting over an hour when he saw headlights coming up the secluded canyon road. He’d been disappointed a half dozen times already when the cars had turned out to be one of her neighbors passing by. He was half expecting the police to show up, after one of the neighbors reported a suspicious man sitting in his car in the dark.

  Nolan’s pulse spiked when the car’s headlights slowed as they approached the closed gate to Piper’s property. He was parked close enough to see the driver of the limo pull up to the small security box outside the gate, reaching out to punch in a security code that got the heavy decorative gates to swing open. He’d never been inside and was somewhat surprised she didn’t have on-property security guards.

  Anger at being lied to warred with his deep desire to see the beauty hidden behind the tinted windows of the luxury car. Only then did he realize he’d come without a solid plan. So, she was here… now what?

  The decision was easy. He pushed the ignition button in his sports car, for once regretting how loud the engine was. He rushed to turn off the headlights that had come on automatically, quickly throwing the car into gear, and driving through the stone pillars, just in time to sneak in behind the limo before the gates closed.

  The winding drive to the main house worked in his favor. He was hopeful the driver had been distracted and not noticed they were being followed before turning around a curve. Even as he thought it, he made a mental note to make sure he hired a security firm to come in and beef up the surveillance system for her property. If he could gain access this easily, any dangerous asshole could get to Piper.

  The thought made him cringe—tonight, he was playing the role of the dangerous asshole.

  Her house was sheltered by dozens of full-grown trees and shorter foliage. It may not protect her from intruders, but it served to give her the privacy Piper needed from the paparazzi and fans, who took the celebrity home tours offered on Hollywood Boulevard. It was why when he rounded the final curve of the driveway and the house came into view for the first time, he was surprised.

  So many homes in Malibu had an almost sterile look. It was as if the pretentious, affluent builders purposely built houses that could be featured in magazines, forgetting people actually had to live there.

  The two-story stone A-line home reminded him more of a mountain villa in Vail instead of a home on the Pacific O
cean in Malibu. The driveway was stone as well, and the native palm trees closest to the house had been replaced with large oaks and evergreens, artfully lit with landscape lighting that made the property feel like a warm haven.

  He was lucky the property was huge, enabling him to pull his car into a side drive, out of the way, yet in position to watch as the limo came to a stop at the front walkway.

  He cut the engine, then held his breath, waiting for the driver to open the back door. A tired looking Piper stepped out, throwing a big leather tote over her shoulder and heading up the walkway to the front door under the overhang of what looked like a huge private second story patio.

  Why didn’t she have security with her? Did she always travel alone? He’d hoped the driver did double duty, but after the man in the black suit rolled the hard-sided suitcase to the front door, he hopped behind the wheel and drove back down the lane.

  As soon as he saw the various lights coming on inside, Nolan started to regret his decision. As exciting as it was to be this close to Piper again, he knew without a shadow of a doubt how pissed she was going to be if she found out he was there. If he didn’t plan on going up and pounding on the huge wood door until she admitted him, what the hell was he doing here?

  He weighed his options for several minutes, seeing Piper’s shadow through the sheer curtains covering the wall of windows on the second floor to what he suspected was her master bedroom. The anger she’d lied faded, replaced with longing to hold her.

  Before he could change his mind, he used the Bluetooth in the car to call her cell. It rang so many times, he was sure she was going to let it roll to voicemail, so when she answered, he was stunned.

  “Nolan? What the hell are you doing calling so late?”

  What was he doing calling so late? This was pathetic. Still, she’d answered. He couldn’t be the one to hang up this time.

  “You looked fantastic for your appearance with Stephen Colbert tonight.”

  Had she just chuckled?

  “You stalking me now?”

  Oh, Piper, you have no idea.

  “I hardly think noticing you were appearing on a nationally televised show with millions of viewers qualifies as stalking.”

  “Fair enough. Still, it’s late. I’m exhausted.”

  “I’m sure. Those cross-continental red-eyes are a real bitch.”

  He heard the hitch of her breath, but she didn’t fall for the bait.

  “It’s three in the morning in New York.”

  “And midnight here. Your point?” Silence. “I was hoping we could have an encore performance of last night. I haven’t slept that good in months.”

  “Honestly,” she sighed before admitting, “I slept great too, but I think it had more to do with the quantity of alcohol I ingested and less to do with who I talked to on the phone.”

  “Just think how great we’d sleep if we were actually together and not over the phone.”

  Silence again.

  He gave her time, and she finally answered.

  “I’m not sure you’d sleep that well. You must have forgotten, I’ll be in charge when we’re together, which means if you were here, I’d be torturing your cock and balls until you begged me to let you come, which of course, you wouldn’t be allowed to do.”

  “Sadist,” he teased.

  “Don’t look now, but the pot just called the kettle black.”

  “That’s not true. I can’t wait to give you so many orgasms, you’ll be begging me to stop because your hoo-ha was getting sore.”

  “My hoo-ha?” Her laughter was like pure gold to him. “And what do you call your cock? Your pee-pee?”

  “Actually, his name is The Rock.”

  “You named your dick?” she asked incredulously.

  “Of course, most men do.”


  “See how educational this relationship is for you?”

  “We don’t have a relationship,” she snapped.

  “Okay. What would you call it?”

  She took a few seconds to think before throwing shade. “A disaster in the making.”

  “That doesn’t really roll off the tip of the tongue. I think lovers might be best.”

  “Ha! You’re a funny guy. We might actually have to be in the same city before we can make that big of a stretch.”

  She’d setup the ideal comeback.

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure we’re plenty close enough.” When she didn’t respond, he tacked on, “When the doorbell rings in two minutes, don’t panic. It’s just me.” He reached to open the car door before adding, “I’ll lose you when I get out of the car.”

  “Stop!” Her shout kept him in his seat. “Are you fucking insane?”

  “Ironically, I’ve asked myself that same question a few times in the last hour while I was waiting for you.”

  “Jesus Christ.”

  “Nope, just Nolan. I’ll be…”

  “No! Don’t you dare come to the door!” She pulled the thin curtains aside and peered out into the dark, glancing around the driveway until he could see her honing in on his location. He turned on the interior lights so she could see him when he waved.

  “You look like you could use some help getting out of that tight outfit. I’ll be right there.”

  “You’re certifiable. It would serve you right if I called the police.”

  “Maybe, but you aren’t going to do that. You value your privacy way too much.”

  “Says the man who knowingly broke into my property.”

  “I resent that. I haven’t even got out of my car. I’ve not broken into anything.”

  “And yet you’re sitting in my private drive, past the locked gate.”

  “Speaking of which, I’m gonna call this tech guy I trust to come beef up your security. Do you know how easy it was for me to drive in behind your limo? You really should be more careful.”

  “Seriously? You break in, then try to lecture me?”

  “I will repeat, I haven’t broken in anywhere. I simply drove up your drive. I’m going to come to the front door like a perfectly civilized human being and ring the bell. All you have to do is open the door. I’ll be happy to help you get out of that skin-tight outfit and get ready for bed. I’ll even tuck you in after I give you at least one if not two glorious orgasms. I guarantee you’ll sleep like a baby.” Dare he? Fuck it. In for an ounce, in for a pound. “Right after I pull you over my lap and paddle that gorgeous ass of yours raw for lying to me, that is.”

  She would deny it, but he heard her breath hitch at his threat.

  “Insane…” It was just a whisper. Interesting she wasn’t screaming at him as he’d expected.

  “I know we’ve got a lot of complicated things to work out, baby, but one thing is nice and easy—no more lies. There will only be the truth between us from now on. Got it?”

  “Hell, no, I don’t got it! Who the fuck do you think you are, trying to lay down rules?”

  “I think I’m half of whatever the fuck this is we have going on between us, that’s who. I don’t have a damn clue how it’s all going to turn out, but I know this, I’m not going quietly into the night this time, Piper, so you’d better get used to it. You want to dominate me in the bedroom, I’m down with that. What I won’t allow is you to run away again or try to lie your way out of feeling whatever it is you’re feeling.”

  “The only thing I’m feeling is anger, Nolan.”

  “Anger is fine. I’ll even let you take it out on me when I get inside.”

  “You’re not coming in here.”

  He picked up on the almost manic quality in her voice, and it made him pause to rethink his plan.

  “Fine. I’ll stay out here, but by the rules set out last night, that means I’m in charge again.”

  Even at the distance through the dark, he could feel her gaze settle on him. It was interesting she didn’t have any snappy retort for him at his assertion of control.

  Nolan reached into the center console to grab his Blue
tooth headset. He inserted it into his left ear and hit the button on the dash to switch the call from the car sound system.

  “Now, naughty girl, I want you to go inside and find the biggest vibrator in your collection and bring it back to the window to show me.”

  “Who says I have any vibrators?”

  He didn’t bother answering her ridiculous question, letting his laughter answer. When she realized she was caught, she turned with a huff and left the window. Nolan got out of the car and stretched his long legs before walking to the front of the car, leaned his ass on the still warm hood, and waited for Piper to return.

  He had just started to worry she was going to ignore him when he saw the curtains fluttering again. God, even from this distance, she was so beautiful, it made his heart hurt. He forced himself to keep things light, afraid of scaring her with how strongly he felt about her.

  “Good girl. Open the slider and come out on the balcony.” It thrilled him she was obeying him as she approached the wood railing along the balcony.

  “Show me that big boy you brought out with you.”

  “This is stupid…”

  “Piper… show me,” he barked. It was too dark to see it, but he was sure the confident Domme was blushing beautifully.

  Nolan had the advantage of being hands free. Holding her eye contact over the distance, he reached down to unbuckle his leather belt before unbuttoning and unzipping his worn jeans. He reached in to pull out his hard cock in the chilly February night air.

  “Take a good look at The Rock, baby. See how hard he is for you?” He stroked himself slowly to stave off the urge to burst in and ravage Piper, settling for giving her more instructions.

  “Time to get naked for me.”

  “It’s freaking cold out here,” she whined.

  “You can solve that by opening the front door.”

  “Bite me.”

  “I’d love to. Open the door.”

  “Grrr. You’re incorrigible.”

  “You mean, adorable. Sexy. And since I’m out here, in charge… strip.”

  “In your dreams.”

  “Actually, I do think of you naked in my dreams. Usually tied down in all kinds of compromising positions, your holes on display, dripping wet for me to fuck nice and hard.”


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