Black Light: Scandalized

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Black Light: Scandalized Page 31

by Grant, Livia

  Included in the long line of visitors had been Danielle, her own assistant, with a suitcase of essentials, including the bikini she was wearing. As impressive as the massage, facial, and manicure he’d arranged had been, it was the amazing sex that had started her day she couldn’t stop thinking about. The man truly was a sex god.

  Piper was no fool. She knew he was manipulating her. The longer she stayed in Nolan’s house, the higher the odds were she’d be wearing that sleep mask tonight at bedtime.

  On the one hand, it bugged her to let him be right about her staying over again. But the thought of another round of Nolan sexcapades was becoming increasingly attractive the longer she lounged next to his masculine perfection, currently sleeping on the lounge chair next to her.

  Don’t panic. It’s just one day.

  “Why didn’t you undo that bikini top when you were on your back?”

  Correction, his masculine perfection was currently awake next to her. A quick peek confirmed his cock was definitely waking up too, tenting his swim trunks.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Considering we’ve had a parade of people coming and going all day, I thought it best to stay covered.”

  “Well, we’re alone now. It’ll be a sacrifice, but if you need to sunbathe naked to avoid tan lines, feel free.”

  “You’re a real champ, Boeing. Way to take one for the team.”

  He chuckled before she heard him rolling toward her on his chaise lounge.

  “Damn, you’re gorgeous.”

  “Right.” It was her turn to chuckle, careful to keep her eyes closed. “I don’t have makeup on, and the sun has probably brought out every damn freckle I’m cursed with.”

  “That’s what makes you so beautiful to me, baby.”

  “So, you have a fetish for freckles? Good to know.”

  “Only yours. It’s the fact I’m privileged enough to see you like this, literally with your hair down. That’s what I love the most.”

  Her trademark snark came easy when they were bantering, but it had increasingly begun to fail her when Nolan said sappy things.

  Several long minutes passed, and she started to suspect he’d fallen back asleep until she heard the creak of the chair next to her, telling her he’d stood up.

  “Come on. Let’s take a dip.”

  “Are you nuts? Today may be extra warm for February, but the water will be hella cold.”

  “Why do you think I have a heater? I swim laps three to four days a week, year-round. No way I could do that without a heater.”

  Was he serious? At least that explained how he stayed in such great shape.

  Piper pushed up her upper body, careful to hold her top over her tits, squinting into the sunlight just in time to see Nolan shedding his swim trunks. His cock was semi-hard, hanging heavy just a few feet away from her.

  “Wow, so you just let it all hang out, eh? Bet the neighbors love it.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but I have privacy fences and trees surrounding the property. The only thing that might see those glorious tits of yours other me will be the persistent squirrels I’ve been trying to get rid of.”

  “Aw, what did they ever do to you? Maybe they get off watching The Rock getting some sun.”

  “I see you’re enjoying the view.”

  Stop looking at it.

  Piper flopped back to the chair, closing her eyes to avoid his eye contact.

  “Have fun with your laps.”

  She only braved opening her eyes again when she heard Nolan diving into the pool. The rhythmic splashes as he took long, freestyle strokes through the water were oddly comforting. She half expected him to stop after a lap or two, but he kept up the same pace, switching first to the breaststroke, then a half-dozen laps later to the backstroke. He was over a dozen laps in before he switched to the butterfly stroke.

  She couldn’t pretend to ignore him any longer. The sight of his muscular body working out had her getting wet, and she hadn’t even touched the pool yet. Unlike the bulky muscles Peter had displayed earlier, she much preferred the perfection that was Nolan Boeing’s hard body. Watching him sluice through the water gracefully, his muscles ripping perfectly in unison with the water, was almost hypnotic.

  Piper couldn’t resist getting an up-close-and-personal view. Pushing to her feet, she threw caution to the wind, lifting her bikini top over her head and walking barefoot in her bottoms to the tiled steps at the corner of the large pool. The second her toes hit the water, the temperature was perfect—like its owner.

  She pulled her sunglasses down from the top of her head, thankful they helped hide how closely she was watching the end of Nolan’s workout. Another few laps of freestyle strokes, Nolan finally stopped, hanging onto the edge of the pool, just a few feet to her left.

  Only after he’d caught his breath, he seemed to notice her proximity.

  “That was impressive.”

  “Naw, I used to do twice that many laps in a workout.”

  “Wow. Who are you? Michael Phelps?”

  “No, but there was a time in my life I wanted to be. I did the first few years of my undergrad degree on a swimming scholarship at Stanford. It was crazy competitive, and while I may not have won often enough in the pool, I’m grateful that’s where I fell into my business degree.”

  Interesting. Was he really sharing personal tidbits with her? Despite their lack of clothing, she suddenly felt like they were on some kind of a date instead of… what? What the hell were they doing, anyway?

  Nolan Boeing confused her—had her off base.

  “Sometimes I regret not going to college,”

  What the fuck? Why did she confess that?

  “I’m sure the modeling money being thrown your way in high school made it hard to pass up.”

  “Yeah, it didn’t help that…” She cut off mid-sentence. What the hell was she doing? He wasn’t her priest, and she wasn’t in a confessional. So, why did she almost spill some of her most guarded secrets?

  “That what?” he prompted. When she didn’t answer, he added, “You can trust me, Piper. I just want to learn more about what makes you tick.”

  “Why? So, you can use it against me?” Her accusation came out like a fight starter.

  He didn’t bite.

  “If I wanted to do that, I have more than enough shit to use already. I just want to learn more about you. If that’s too hard, tell me something easier. Like, what’s your favorite music? Or holiday? Hell, even your favorite color?”

  “Ha! You’ve obviously fallen behind on your gossip rag reading. You can find answers to all of those questions and more standing in line at the grocery store.”

  “Bullshit. We all know most of what’s in print is wrong, and even the parts they get right are skewed.”

  “What difference does it make?”

  “Do you have to ask?” Nolan closed the few feet between them, crawling up the pool steps on his hands and knees, coming to a stop just inches from her face as his body dripped water onto hers. “I want to know every single thing about you, Piper. That’s what people do for the ones they care about.”

  Her snark had deserted her. The only thoughts her brain could string together involved keeping her eyes on his to avoid glancing down to see if his cock was hard. She wanted to cry bullshit, but the intimacy she felt toward him after just finding out something as simple as he’d been a collegiate swimmer called her a liar.

  Intimacy mattered. That was what he was talking about, and it scared the shit out of her. She had too many secrets she’d worked too hard to bury to start getting careless now.

  “Fine. I’ll tell you a secret.” She paused for dramatic effect before confessing. “My favorite color is blood red.”

  “Ah, the color you see when you rip men’s hearts out. Makes sense.”

  “I can’t help it if they’re stupid enough not to pay attention when I tell them I don’t do relationships.” She may have used broad words, but they both knew she was warning him.

  “I got
news for you, Piper. I don’t really want to feel this way about you either. It would be a hell of a lot easier and certainly cheaper to pursue someone else. I’m just playing the hand we’ve been dealt.”

  “Yeah, well, I don’t gamble.”

  “The hell, you don’t. You take chances with your career. All I’m asking is for you to give me a chance to prove I can make it good.”

  When she couldn’t think of a snappy reply, Nolan took advantage of her silence to lean forward, letting their lips brush lightly before leaning in to nuzzle the crook of her neck, nipping and kissing his way along her shoulder until she visibly shivered. Nolan pulled away, peering down into her eyes.

  “Are you cold? I can get you a wrap.”

  She bit her tongue to keep from admitting she was actually burning up from his proximity. A small warning bell was going off in her head, telling her she should grab her things and get out while she still could, only she couldn’t will her body to move.

  When he reached out to take her sunglasses off, she felt truly naked in front of him for the first time. There was no more hiding the emotions swirling through her. One look into his eyes and she knew there was nothing that could drag her away from him at that moment.

  Nolan crashed his mouth to hers in a passionate kiss that deepened with each second that passed. He lowered his body against hers, crushing her between his hard body and the stone steps at her back. Without taking his lips from hers, he maneuvered her into his arms as he lifted her up to the top step where all but her toes were out of the water.

  In one smooth motion, Nolan reached for a nearby pool floaty, putting it under her head as a pillow. She could feel his hardness pressing into her as his hands roamed her body, pinching and stroking her until she could think of nothing else but taking him inside her again.

  Nolan had more patience, pulling out of their kiss only to start nibbling her neck, lower to her breasts, her nipples. His tongue tickled as he licked lower, making a quick stop in her navel before she felt his fingers hooking into the sides of her bikini bottoms.

  Piper closed her eyes, determined to focus on the physical chemistry between them, instead of the emotional baggage that threatened to ruin the moment.

  The only hint Nolan was as anxious as she was to speed things up was when he roughly grabbed her ankles, spreading her legs wide, placing the bottoms of her feet on one of the stairs. The slow trail of kisses he left from her right knee down her inner thigh to her pussy was maddening. She wanted more—needed more.

  Anxious to speed him along, Piper lifted her ass higher in an attempt to crash his tongue against her pussy, but he was ready for her, hugging both her thighs as he split her legs open wider, holding her there. Piper cried out in frustration, opening her eyes to see him staring at her with the sexiest look on his face. Warning bells were going off.

  “Ask me for it, baby.”


  “What do you want me to do?”

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake. You need me to draw you a map?”

  “No, but I do need to hear you beg. It will be music to my ears.”

  “Beg? Fat chance… I don’t…”

  She couldn’t even finish her sentence. Nolan had lunged forward and brushed his tongue across her clit. It was a direct hit, and she almost came like an explosive.

  And then his tongue was gone. His lips were back, applying soft kisses to her inner thigh.

  Piper growled her frustration when seconds turned to long minutes, but his lips never got close enough to recreate the zing from before.

  “Nolan. Please…”

  His lips didn’t leave her skin as he mumbled, “Please, what?”

  “You know,” she said, wiggling her ass, trying to line up his lips with her needy pussy.

  “I’m afraid I don’t. You need to use your words. Tell me what you want.”

  “Why? Is this some kind of sick game you like to play?”

  He stopped nibbling her long enough to lean up so their eyes could meet again.

  “This is no game, Piper. But I need to know you really do want this. As much as I’d like to turn my inner caveman loose on you, I’m trying to be sensitive to the fact our dynamic is new for you.”

  The fucker. How could he possibly say something that could make her cry? Unwanted tears blurred her vision of the handsome man only inches away. Closing her eyes only made things worse, spilling the dreaded tears down her cheeks.

  Goddamnit, she was ruining everything. Panic rushed in. Damn Mistress Ice for deserting her. Damn Nolan Boeing for wiggling his way under her defenses. Damn her body for needing him.

  Nolan’s lips on her cheeks, kissing her tears away, were the final straw. Piper reached up to hold on to him for dear life as their mouths crashed together in a desperate kiss. His hands roamed across her, stoking her need higher and higher until she broke their kiss to do the impossible.

  “Please fuck me! I need you inside me!”

  She expected him to gloat, but instead, he held still above her, peering down into her eyes as she felt the tip of his shaft sliding through her slick slit.

  The words “I love you, Piper” left his mouth just as his cock filled her in one strong thrust. It was heaven… and it was hell.

  How had she not seen this coming? He wasn’t fucking her. There, on the top stair of his mammoth pool, Nolan Boeing was making love to her. If the soft kisses on her cheeks and the crook of her neck weren’t proof enough, his words of love and affection sealed the deal.

  She wanted to panic. She tried to rally her brain to resist what he was offering, but it felt too damn good. Sure, he was talented in the sex department, but there was something more—deeper—between them. Was this really what love felt like?

  Nolan rose up so they could stare into each other’s eyes as his hips pistoned in and out, filling her perfectly. Her climax hit her like a Mac truck, leaving her putty in his talented hands.

  If only she could just take her pleasure and walk out like she had the night of roulette, but that seemed like a lifetime ago. God help her, she wanted to bring him as much pleasure as he was bringing her, falling apart in his arms as he pushed her to orgasm after orgasm. She stopped lying to herself long enough to admit she couldn’t wait to sleep in his arms again tonight… and wake up in his bed in the morning.

  She knew he was getting close to coming when his thrusts became erratic, grunting with each stroke.

  “Come again, Piper. Come with me,” he commanded.

  She obeyed.

  She wasn’t sure how long they laid there recovering, but she eventually became aware of how heavy Nolan was collapsed on top of her.

  “You’re squishing me again.”

  Nolan’s chuckle made her oddly happy. How strange it was to have fun with a sexual partner, instead of say… torturing his balls—although to be fair, that had been kinda fun too.

  He pushed off her and helped her sit up next to him before pulling her onto his lap, holding her tenderly. She was grateful since the sun had started to go down, and it was noticeably chillier than it had been before they’d started their tryst.

  “I have a fun idea for dinner. Have you ever ridden a Harley Davidson?”

  “As in motorcycle?”

  “The same. I invested in a bike a couple of years ago and rarely have a chance to take her out. I know a great Italian place up in the hills about thirty minutes from here. It’s family owned. Only locals know about it. I’d love to take you there tonight for some pasta.”

  “On a motorcycle?”

  “Well, we could take the car if you’d rather.”

  “Oh, no. I mean, I’ve never ridden a bike before. Are you sure it’s safe?”

  “I’m sure. I wouldn’t do anything to endanger you, baby.”

  Nolan Boeing was one surprise after another. She was crazy to entertain the idea.

  “Alright, it sounds interesting.” The words were out before she could stop them.

  “Great, let’s go inside and get rea
dy. I just want to check the weather. As much fun as a ride sounds, I don’t want to get us drenched.”

  They took a few minutes to pick up the things they’d taken out to the pool before heading inside. She wasn’t sure which unnerved her more—the feel of Nolan’s warm cum seeping down her inner thigh as she walked or his grabbing her hand as they weaved through the outdoor furniture past the fire-pit toward the house.

  They entered through the long sliding door from the patio to the great room. Nolan went to the side table and grabbed the clicker, switching on the mammoth flat-screen TV above the fireplace.

  “You can take the first shower. I’ll be right behind you as soon as I make sure we aren’t in for rain tonight.”

  Piper was almost out of the room when the news anchor’s report coming from the TV registered in her brain.

  She froze in the doorway, afraid she’d hallucinated the words. Her ears piqued as her heart started to race, gasping for air when she realized she’d been holding her breath.

  “We repeat, we are interrupting our previously planned programming to report that Hollywood movie financier and Oscar-winning producer, Henry Ainsworth, has been taken into custody while attempting to board a private jet at the Bob Hope Airport in Burbank. State police, along with the Beverly Hills Police Department, are declining to comment further at this time.

  “Details are still emerging, and while we haven’t been able to confirm the charges with the District Attorney’s office, our sources are telling us a female victim was rushed to Cedar-Sinai overnight, accusing Ainsworth of sexual assault and battery.

  “Hospital authorities have not been authorized to release information on the victim, but we have learned she is a twenty-five-year-old housekeeper who had previously accused Ainsworth of assault. Sources not authorized to speak from the Beverly Hills Police Department have indicated Ainsworth was previously arrested but later released after accusations from the same woman were not substantiated.

  “We now return you to our normal programming. Stay tuned for further updates on this breaking story.”

  Piper’s ears were ringing from the spike in her blood pressure. Behind her, she recognized Nolan was speaking, but she only made out every few words.


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