Brides of the Kindred

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Brides of the Kindred Page 43

by Evangeline Anderson

  Do they really like what they see? Despite the admiration in the coal black and chocolate brown eyes, it was still hard to believe. Kat knew lots of guys who liked big breasts, but only if they were attached to a stick-thin, skinny-minnie woman. As though it was normal to see a pair of triple-Ds on a petite size two. And Kat was anything but petite. Thinking of that made the old body insecurities rise in her again and she longed to cover up.

  Clearing her throat, she looked at Deep. “Are you satisfied? Seen enough to make you happy?”

  “It’s never enough, not with you little Kat.” His voice was a deep, lustful growl. “And nothing would satisfy me but filling you with my cock while Lock did the same.”

  “Deep…” There was a warning note in Lock’s voice. “Don’t scare her. Can’t you see this is hard enough for Kat as it is? She’s very gracious to allow us to view her beautiful body so openly.”

  “I’m not scared.” Kat raised her chin and gave Deep a level look. “You can fantasize all you want to, as long as you realize that you will never have me that way. Understand?”

  Some emotion flashed in his black eyes and was gone before she could recognize it. “Of course, my Lady,” he murmured in a soft, angry tone. “I understand completely.” His eyes met Kat’s and he held her gaze for a long, breathless moment of silence. Though she wanted badly to look away, somehow she couldn’t.

  “Enough stalling,” Lock said at last, breaking the strange stalemate. “Come lie between us, Kat. We need to find Sophia if we can.”

  “You’re right.” Taking a deep breath, Kat moved up to the head of the bed and lay on her side facing Lock. “Now what?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “Now this.” Suddenly Deep was right behind her—the entire expanse of his broad, bare chest pressed against her thinly covered back.

  Kat jumped in surprise, but then Lock was there too, facing her with an arm over her hips. “It’s all right, Kat,” he murmured, reaching up to stroke her cheek. “Just breathe. We won’t hurt you.”

  The familiar, frightening tingle of pleasure raced through her as they both touched her at once and Kat wasn’t sure if she believed him. On one hand, she would have bet any amount of money that Lock would behave like a perfect gentleman. On the other, having Deep right behind her was like lying unprotected in the jungle and knowing that a hungry panther was at her back. Still, panicking wasn’t going to help anything.

  Have to stay calm, she told herself sternly, even as the pleasure of their touch teased her unmercifully. I can’t help find Sophie if I’m freaking out. Relax, just breathe like Lock said. Breathe…

  Slowly she got control of herself. The claustrophobic feeling of being sandwiched between two large, male bodies faded somewhat, to be replaced by a sense of enveloping warmth. The pleasure was still there but now it was like an undercurrent—something she could control if she concentrated hard enough. That alone made Kat feel immeasurably better. It’s all right, she thought. I don’t have to lose control if I don’t want to—no matter how good it feels.

  “Better now?” Lock asked softly, his brown eyes anxious.

  “Yes, thank you,” she whispered. “It’s just…a little scary.”

  “You wouldn’t be the first Earth female to be frightened of being between us.” Deep’s voice rumbled through her and she could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck.

  “Yes, but I’ll be the first to slap you if you try anything,” Kat responded tartly.

  “You mean like this?” A large, warm hand suddenly cupped one of her breasts, making her gasp and tremble with a combination of anger and pleasure.

  She twisted her neck around to look at him. “You—I just told you—”

  “What?” Deep murmured, his black eyes blazing into hers. “What did you tell me, little Kat?”

  “That I wouldn’t put up with anything. So stop it right now!”

  The hand cupping her breast stayed firmly in place. “I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with more than this if you want to find your friend,” Deep drawled in her ear.

  “He’s right.”

  “What?” Kat looked back to find Lock giving her an apologetic look.

  “We’ll need skin-to-skin contact—a lot of it, in order to cast the net so far,” he said. “Deep in particular will need to touch you in order to build up enough power to generate the net. So it’s better that you get used to his hands on your body now, Kat.”

  “I…I don’t buy that,” she said, her voice trembling. “Is this what you did with your old focus—the one who trained you?”

  “Of course not—F’lir was male,” Deep said.

  “His mind meshed much more effortlessly with ours than yours does,” Lock explained. “It was enough for us to all simply lay in close proximity to each other with a bare minimum of contact. But your mind, Kat…”

  “Is different. Very different,” Deep finished softly. “So we have to work extra hard to achieve a good connection. Like this.” The hand holding her breast squeezed gently, making Kat bite back a gasp.

  “We’ll go slowly,” Lock promised her, his deep brown eyes searching hers as he stroked her cheek. “But you must accept the fact that we need to touch you very intimately, my lady.”

  Kat closed her eyes briefly. I can do this. I can do this. I have to do this. “All right,” she said at last, looking at Lock again. “But try…try not to go too far.”

  “And how far would that be?” Deep murmured, plucking her nipple gently through the thin lace, sending tingles of pleasure through her body. “How far would you go to save your friend, little Kat? Would you let me touch your bare skin? Stroke these beautiful breasts with nothing between us?”

  Kat bit her lip and tried to breathe. “If…if you have to,” she whispered hoarsely.

  “And what if I have to go farther?” Deep growled, his breath hot in her ear. “Would you part your legs for me and let me cup your pussy? Would you let me spread you open? Let me stroke your inner folds and slide my fingers deep inside your cunt?”

  His hot words brought back the erotic image the three of them had shared during their first joining and Kat felt herself trembling with a mixture fear and desire. “Is that…” She cleared her throat and tried to keep her voice from trembling. “Will that really be necessary?”

  “Hopefully not,” Lock assured her. “Deep is just laying out some possible scenarios.”

  “But…but…I understand about the skin-to-skin contact,” Kat said. “But why does it have to be so…so intimate?”

  “So sexual, you mean?” Deep tugged at her nipple again. “Because, little Kat,” he rumbled as he cupped her other breast with his left hand. “Sex generates emotion and emotion generates power.” He pinched both nipples lightly to emphasize the last word and Kat couldn’t help but gasp.

  “Are you all right?” Lock looked at her anxiously. “Did he hurt you? I won’t allow that.”

  “N-no,” Kat admitted in a choked voice. “He…he didn’t.”

  “Of course not.” Deep pulled her closer until she could feel the long, hard ridge of his cock pressing against her ass. “I would never hurt our sweet little Kat. I only wish to bring her pleasure—even if she doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

  “I never said—”

  “Oh, yes you did,” Deep interrupted her. “Of course I’m sure when you said it, you never thought you’d be in this position, did you? But that’s all right,” he continued softly in her ear. “I’m not the type to hold a grudge for more than forty or fifty of your Earth years.”

  Oh God! Kat squeezed her eyes closed. I’m in trouble. So much trouble here.

  “Kat,” Lock murmured. He called her name again and finally she opened her eyes. “It’s all right,” he told her. “Deep isn’t as unforgiving as he’d like you to believe. If you can relax and open to him, he’ll be less angry and it will make the connection between the three of us deeper.”

  How can I relax with someone who so obviously hates me? she couldn�
��t help thinking.

  But he doesn’t hate you, Lock murmured into her mind and she realized the mental connection was open—between herself and the light twin, at least. Quite the opposite, my lady. He cares more deeply than you might suppose. More deeply than he will even admit to himself.

  Kat didn’t know if he was right or not but she did her best. She took a deep breath and stopped fighting the hands that were cupping her breasts. Up until now she’d been tense, trying to hold herself away from the intimate invasion of Deep’s touch as much as possible. Now she let the tension melt from her body and allowed herself to press forward, letting her breasts fill his palms completely and with no resistance.

  Kat? The new voice inside her head was hoarse and uncertain—very definitely Deep’s.

  “Do what you have to do,” she whispered. “Just this once I give you permission. I give you…myself.” But only for Sophie’s sake, she thought but didn’t add.

  “That’s good.” Lock kissed her forehead gently. “Very good, Kat. Just relax for a moment and let Deep see if he has enough power.”

  Kat rested between them. Deep was still gently twisting her nipples and she tried to ignore the sparks of pleasure his touch shot through her body and straight to the vee between her legs. God, she felt like she was on fire and every instinct she had was screaming that this was wrong, was dangerous. That she had to jump up and run away again. But we have to find Sophie. And this is the only way. Grimly, she ignored her instincts and concentrated on opening herself instead.

  Your self sacrifice is most touching, little Kat, she heard Deep growl in her head. But I’m afraid your resolve is about to be tested. Strong hands twisted in the lace of her nighty and gave a sharp jerk.

  Kat gasped as the fragile spaghetti straps popped and the blue satin material slithered down to her waist, leaving her breasts completely bare. For a moment panic took her but then she heard Lock’s soothing voice in her mind.

  It’s all right, he reassured her as Deep cupped her now naked breasts. Deep just needs more power. Let him touch you, Kat. Don’t fight him.

  So beautiful. So full and ripe and luscious, Deep murmured in her head. And your scent…gods, it’s enough to drive a male crazy.

  They smelled pretty incredible themselves, Kat couldn’t help thinking. Deep was exuding a dark spice that seemed to get inside her head and make her drunk. Lock’s aroma was lighter but just as enticing. It was warm and comforting, making her wish she could wrap herself up in it and just breathe it in. Isn’t there something I should remember here? Something about when a Kindred warrior smells really good…?

  The thought was driven clean out of her head by Deep’s next words.

  Brother, he sent, now speaking to Lock. Taste her for me. Suck her plump nipples and let me know if her flavor is equal to her delicious aroma.

  May I? Lock held her gaze for a moment, his true brown eyes filled with longing and need.

  Kat felt like she was drowning between them. God, she really shouldn’t be doing this. And yet…somehow she couldn’t seem to stop. Slowly she nodded.

  Thank you, my lady. Lock pressed a chaste kiss to her lips and then moved lower and cupped one of her breasts, which Deep reluctantly relinquished. Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he lapped gently at the sensitive pink bud, making Kat gasp with sudden pleasure.

  Well? Deep wanted to know. How does she taste?

  Give me a moment—I haven’t finished yet. I need to taste her more deeply. Slowly, deliberately, Lock sucked her nipple deep into his hot, wet mouth, taking as much of her breast between his lips as he could.

  Kat moaned aloud as he sucked, drawing on her nipple gently at first and then harder. Though neither one of the brothers had tried to touch her between her legs, her pussy throbbed with desire and she could feel Deep’s cock throbbing in response against her ass.

  Well? Deep said again.

  Lock released her nipple with obvious reluctance and answered aloud. “Delicious,” he assured his brother, his voice hoarse with need. He looked at Kat. “May I taste the other one as well?”

  “If…if you want to.” Kat wished her voice didn’t tremble so much but she couldn’t help it. The feeling of being bracketed by two hard, male bodies and the sweet sensation of both Deep and Lock teasing and tasting her tight buds was almost too much to bear.

  Watch him do it, Deep whispered in her mind, as Lock leaned down to take her other nipple in his mouth. Watch him taste you, little Kat.

  Kat couldn’t have looked away if she wanted to. The sight of Lock lapping and sucking her bare breast was intensely erotic. Once again she felt sparks of pleasure shooting from her sensitive tip to her swollen pussy.

  Does it feel good? Deep murmured inside her head. Do you like letting Lock suck your sweet nipples?

  Yes, she whispered back, using her mind voice again, giving in to the connection.

  And does it make you wet, little Kat? Is your soft little pussy all hot and slippery with your juices?

  Kat squirmed uncomfortably. Of course she was wet—how could she help it? But she didn’t want to admit it, not to Deep. And for some reason it was much harder to lie through their mental connection than when she was speaking out loud. “I…I don’t know,” she said at last.

  You don’t know, hmm? Deep sounded both aroused and amused. Maybe I should find out. Tell me, Kat, what would I find if you spread your legs for me now? If I parted your pussy with my tongue, would you have honey for me to taste? Or would I have to keep tasting you, licking and sucking your sweet little cunt to make it flow? As he spoke, he sent her a mental picture of his broad shoulders splitting her thighs wide, as she opened for him. His dark head was pressed between her legs and he was working her hard with his tongue as Lock continued to suck her nipples…

  “Don’t,” Kat whispered out loud. “You…you’re not playing fair.”

  Who said it was a game? Deep whispered inside her head. I’m deadly serious, little Kat. I want to know if you’re wet. Want to know if the way Lock and I touch you affects you.

  I’m wet, all right? I…I can’t help it, she sent in frustration. Are you happy now?

  Not nearly as happy as I’d be if I could taste your wetness. He sent her the erotic image again and Kat thought she was going to explode. But just then Lock released her nipple and looked up.

  “Thank you for allowing me to taste you, my lady,” he murmured.

  “It…it’s all right,” Kat whispered breathlessly. “Do…do we have enough power now to find Sophie? Or do you need…need to do more?”

  “What do you mean by ‘more?’” Deep growled softly in her ear. “Are you asking if I need to do this?” His large hand parted her thighs and Kat gasped as his long, seeking fingers slid into her panties. Mmm, you are wet. So hot and wet and swollen I can feel your pussy lips opening for me…inviting me in. One long finger slid up and down her slit, not quite entering her but threatening to at any moment.

  “Deep…” she gasped helplessly as his fingertip barely brushed her swollen clit. “Are you sure? Do…do you have to?”

  His hand lingered on her, cupping her pussy intimately in his warm palm. “Do I have to? No,” he murmured in her ear. “But will you let me, little Kat? Will you let me spread you open and explore your pussy, as you allowed Lock to suck your nipples?”

  There was a depth of longing in his deep voice that was hard to deny. Again Kat had the sensation of drowning, of getting into something she didn’t understand, far over her head. This is dangerous, screamed a little voice in her head. Don’t go too far. Stop while you still can!

  “I…I can’t,” she said at last. “I’m sorry Deep but if you don’t really need to…”

  “Very well.” His voice was cold as he withdrew his hand. “I understand—you’re only here to find your friend.”

  “Deep—” she began.

  Well then, let’s find her. His mental tone was brisk. I think we have enough power now. But you’d better prepare yourself, Kat. You must open
yourself to both of us. Let Lock and I fill you completely before we can cast the net.

  Are you serious? Kat could scarcely believe him. Like I’m not open enough already?

  You’re not, Kat, Lock murmured. There are places in your mind…doors you have closed against us. We could break those doors down if we wanted to—your mind is unshielded, after all. But if we do that, we’ll damage the fragile connection between us. You have to open up on your own.

  And this is really necessary? Mentally, she cringed at the idea of what they might see.

  If you want to find your friend, it is. Deep sounded stern. Then his tone became a little gentler. Don’t worry, little Kat…it’s not as though we’re going to linger over your most intimate secrets. We just need to fill you completely in order for this to work. No door must be shut against us.

  All right then. I…I’ll try. It was an effort, and the warm tingle of sexual current running through her body didn’t help. But Kat forced herself to stop holding back mentally as she had forced herself to stop holding back physically earlier.

  At once a new rush of memories raced by her. Horrible, embarrassing, mortifying memories she never wanted anyone to see—they came out in a flood. Learning to skate and falling down in front of everyone when I was a kid…

  That time in class when the teacher called on me to give a book report and I hadn’t even read the book…

  Being stood up on junior prom night when everyone else had a date. Spending the night alone eating ice cream and crying…

  And then, worst of all—the one thing she really wanted to forget and didn’t want anyone else to see…

  My first time. It was with Tommy Barnes in the back of his dad’s van. He spent weeks pretending he really cared, telling me he loved me, taking me out and then I finally let him do it. It hurt so much I could barely breathe but at least it was over fast. It was worse the next day when he told everyone in the senior class what we’d done. Walking the halls with everyone looking at me, knowing that I had let him do that to me. The laughter and jeers… Feeling horrible…ashamed, stained. If it hadn’t been for Sophie and Liv sticking by me I don’t know how I could have stood it…


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