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Life Next Door (Love Not Included Series Book 2)

Page 7

by J. D. Hollyfield


  I turn to Trent. “Okay, I gotta go. Katie is already waiting.” I turn and grab the handle to exit the vehicle, but he grabs my shoulder.

  “Sweetcheeks, give me a goodbye kiss, yeah?”

  I look at him, then back at Katie—who is now staring at me wide-eyed with her mouth hanging open. Remind me to tell her that the gaping fish look is not attractive on her.

  I turn to Trent. “Seriously? Right now? I have to go, Trent, and I have Katie waiting for me.”

  “Say my name again.” Oh, not this again. “Trent, Trent, Tren—” I’m quickly learning that whatever Trent wants, Trent takes. He swiftly wraps his hand around my neck and pulls me forward to lock his lips to mine. He wastes no time, inviting his tongue into my mouth and playing around in it like it’s a playground. As weak as I am, I let him, forgetting all about work, and Katie, and...Katie!

  I pull back and he lets go of my neck.



  “See you tonight, Sweetcheeks.”

  I get out of the car and turn around. “See ya later, neighbor.” I turn my back to his now scowling face and walk up to Katie. I feel a little bit triumphant right now. In no way do I think I won’t pay for that later, of course.

  “Um. What in the heck was that?” Katie finally blinks and starts looking more human.

  “My ride to work.” I pull out my keys to unlock the shop doors.

  “I know that was your ride to work. It was your car. What I’m asking is, who was that driving you to work?”

  “Oh…that guy? That’s my new neighbor. Where are your keys?”

  “At home. Your new neighbor?”

  “Katie. Are you feeling okay? I’m not speaking another language that I know of.” I unlock the door and enter the shop, then flick on the lights.

  “Okay, cut the shit. You were not dating anyone as of Friday. And since when did you get a new neighbor?!”

  I think about this like it’s a simple answer. No big deal. Because last time anyone asked me, I was a single divorcee who did not have anything nice to say about anything surrounding the word “neighbor”.

  “Last week.” I throw my purse under the register as always and walk back into the bakery. Katie doesn’t miss a step and is right on my heels.

  “Are you going to explain why you were just making out heavily in your car with your neighbor?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Oh, come on! You can’t do that to me. Seriously, that might have been the hottest guy I’ve seen in this town and you come rolling up, locking lips with him. You better give me details, Priscilla Westcott, or I might find myself suddenly ill today and sent home…on a MONDAY!”

  I look at her in shock! She wouldn’t! “You wouldn’t!”

  “Oh, I would. Start spillin’.” She jumps onto my metal creative station and waits.

  “You’re evil.”

  “Fair enough. Go on, we have a busy day today. Board’s filled to the brim. No time to waste!”

  I turn and look at the order board and see not a stitch of cork showing. Shit.

  “Okay. You win. His name is Trent. He’s renting the she-devil’s house next door. He showed up last week, and here and there we have been having some sort of a tongue war with each other. It’s super hot and sexy, and he is super strong and sweet and romantic and great with his hands, amongst other things. I have no idea what is going on with us so I cannot say we are dating. That word sounds horrible, even coming out of my mouth, so we will definitely not say we are that. We had a little misunderstanding the other night, after which I proceeded to pull out the eggs.” At that she gasps. She is well aware of my egg obsession with the house next door.

  “You didn’t.”

  “I did.” I sigh.

  “Either way. We talked it out. Unfortunately, his car was an innocent victim of our disagreement, so now it’s in the shop needing a good scrub and possibly a new interior. Therefore, we are carpooling to work until then.” I look at Katie who is just staring at me, open-mouthed.

  “You know, Katie, this whole trying-to-catch-flies-with-your-mouth look is not the best on you.”


  “Wow what?”

  “Wow. As in holy wow you have been getting it on with a beast of a god and you are acting like it’s nothing more than us talking about the weather.”

  I hate when people put things into perspective, and I think the weather is definitely an important part of conversation. I mean weather can make or break any time of day, event, or outfit planning…

  “Hello? Are you going to continue this conversation with me or in your head?”

  Right. “Fine. It was amazing.” I throw my hands up, blow a big puff of air from my lungs and throw myself back against the fridges. “It was…perfect. Our chemistry, as lame as this sounds, is so in tune. The second he gets anywhere near me, my body starts to hum. He knows exactly what to do with his mouth and his hands, and he is most definitely well blessed in all regions.” There it is, the mouth-dropping. I would do the same, too. I’m getting all warm just thinking about our Friday night wall session.

  “Pretty much, sex with my vibrator is never going to be the same, and I have a feeling he may have ruined me for all future men.” With that, I push off the fridge and head back to grab my apron.

  “That was seriously the hottest story I have ever been told.”

  “Great,” I yell from the back of the bakery. “Maybe now you can get to work.”

  I hear Katie laugh, and jump off the table. Enough of this sex talk, getting me all worked up. I need to seriously block my sexy neighbor out of my brain for the next eight hours, otherwise that board is not going to get emptied, and it’s never a good day when cakes don’t get made.

  Time to make the donuts.

  Chapter 12

  By the time Monday comes to an end, I am exhausted. I don’t think I could cut, roll, bake or slather one more single pastry. There are some days that I almost decide to find a new career path and ditch all the work for an easy desk job. But then I think about how much I would miss the buildup of a beautiful cake from the basics, and turning it into a beautiful masterpiece. It also helps when customers cry from how happy they are at the end result. If there is anything that keeps me going, it’s that. I hang my apron on its desired hook and head up front. I see Katie is all set to go and looks as beat as I do. She grabs both our purses and hands mine over.

  “You know, you don’t have to work such long hours, Katie. I am sure we can get Aunt May to staff another part time girl to help us out.”

  “No, it’s okay. I need the money. With rent and school, it’s worth it for me right now. Plus, I don’t want to put any more stress on Aunt May than she already has.”

  That comment baffles me. “What stress? Have you talked to her?”

  She starts to fiddle with her purse chain. “Katie, have you talked to her?”

  “Yeah. She’s fine. Just has some things going on. She said she would be in by the week’s end.”

  The week’s end?! I have invoices piling up in back and orders she has to sign off on. “Don’t worry. It’s fine. You and I are doing okay, aren’t we?” I look at her. She has been a saving grace. If Katie decided to skip town tomorrow, I would honestly be up Shit Creek.

  “No. You’re right. We are doing great. And if I don’t say it enough, thank you.”

  “Oh, you do and you’re welcome. Glad to be of assistance.” We smile at each other and make our way outside. Trent is on the curb, car idling, leaning against the passenger side door with his arms crossed. Since Katie is in front of me, she sees him first and comes to a halt, causing me to slam into her.

  “Geez, forget how to walk there, Kat—?” Of course, taking in the sight before me, anyone would drop what they were doing to ogle. The sight of him is simply breathtaking. His form is so powerful. He radiates confidence. The sun, I am starting to think, was made just to shine straight on his beautiful, tanned skin. And t
hat face. God. Simply no other words. He is beautiful.

  Apparently, our drooling stares are comical to Trent. A smirk appears on his face and his handsome chest is rising and falling as he chuckles. “Are you two gonna sit there all night staring at me? Or are you gonna get in the car, Sweetcheeks? Long day. Starving. Gotta get some food in me.”

  His deep voice breaks both our trances. I turn to lock the door while Katie snaps out of her creepy stare and approaches Trent. “Hey, I’m Katie. I work with CeCe.”

  “Hey. Trent. Nice to meet you.” She sticks out her hand and Trent accepts it. “So, what brings you to town? You must be new. I haven’t seen you around.”

  Oh God.

  “Job transfer.”

  “Oh wow. And what do you do?” Is she serious right now?! I am going to give her a tongue lashing tomorrow. “Senior Detective for the Richmond PD. Vice,” he replies. Holy badass! I didn’t know the job description for detective came with all those other badass titles. That is super hot.

  “Wow, Trent. That sounds super hot.” She did not just say exactly what I was thinking! I am so docking her pay for this.

  Trent, thankfully, looks amused. I see the corner of his mouth curling up into a semi-smile. ”I’m glad you think so, Katie. It was a pleasure meeting you. You mind letting me get my girl home so she can feed me, though? Got a serious craving for some sugar right now.”

  Of course. That causes me to trip over my own two feet like I have never walked before. I’m pretty sure he said what I think he just said, but I’m about to barrel head-first into the cement and most likely concuss the whole comment right outta me.

  Strong arms save the day, and in the blink of an eye, Trent is in front of me, preventing my potentially not so lady like face plant. “You okay, Sweetcheeks?” He lifts me up so I’m standing again on two feet. It’s hard to steady myself with his arms tightly wrapped around me. “Was it something I said?” He continues looking at me with that devilish smile and nothing-but-trouble look in his eyes.

  “I’m pretty sure it was the part where you said you’re in need of some sugar that did it for her,” Katie says and giggles.

  “Katie…” I say in warning. At the rate she’s going, she is working for free tomorrow.

  “Yes, well, on that note, you two kids have a great time. I got finals to study for. Yep. Well, see ya!” She waves and pivots toward her car.


  “Yeah, babe?”

  “You can let me go now.”

  “Right.” He lets go and we both make our way to my car and get in. Trent drives us home, and to avoid any awkward silence, I spend the whole time babbling, naming off every single pastry I made today and for whom. Then I follow up with what I want to make for tomorrow and then some possible changes to the menu. If that wasn’t enough ear vomit for him to listen to, I continue to go on about this new recipe I invented over the weekend that I want to try; if it works out, I want it to be one of my opener recipes if I ever open up my shop. By the time I stop to even take a breath, I realize that we are in my driveway and the car is shut off.

  “Oh, we’re home.”

  “Been for a little bit. Was too afraid to stop you in the middle of your tirade, so I thought I would let you finish. Didn’t think it would go on for another twenty more minutes after we pulled in, though.”

  Twenty minutes?! Oh my God, can someone just shoot me and put me out of my misery?

  I feel my cheeks heat as I speak. “Oh, well, sorry. Once I get started on something I can just go on and on and on…well, you get the point.”

  “No need to apologize to me,” he says, angling his body toward me. “I like listening to your sweet voice. And to know you have plans is sexy. A woman who knows what she wants. I like that.”

  I’ve never had sex in a car before, but I have a feeling I’m about to.

  In broad daylight.

  While Mr. Rutherford mows his lawn two houses down.

  “Get out of the car, CeCe.”

  Yup. “Yup. Got it.”

  I fling my door open and stumble out of the car. Nothing I do is with finesse. I straighten my back and arch my shoulders. Pull your shit together, Westcott.

  I brush my hair behind my shoulders and proceed to walk forward. Just another day. Nothing to get all worked up about. Neighbor Schneighbor.

  I make it so I am ahead of him. He doesn’t gear toward his house, but follows me up to mine instead. I am a ball of flipping nerves and when I try and put my key in the lock I keep missing the hole.

  Hole. God, the word hole is sounding so sexual. The things I want him to stick—

  “Give me that,” he says from behind me. He grabs the keys out of my hand, and with no effort at all, slides the key into the slot and unlocks the door. Pushing it open, he wastes no time in picking me up from behind and walking into the house. Doing his signature door shut with his heel, he continues to walk with me wrapped in his arms to my luxury couch. He then proceeds to toss me on my back onto the suede comfort of love.

  It doesn’t take a genius to know where this is heading. And I am so flipping excited. I have thought of nothing but round two with him since Friday, and if my lady parts could jump and dance, they would be clapping in complete elation right now. He lowers his body to mine and slams his mouth exactly where I want it to be. I definitely do not think it’s safe for fireworks to be going off in the house, because the second his mouth hits mine, sparks fly everywhere. They are so intense, they have to be real. This beast of a man has me overheated and horny. I’m so turned-on, I swear I’m going to come just by the feel of his presence.

  “So sweet,” he murmurs while nibbling my lips, moving downward across my jaw, dipping into my neckline.

  “Huh?” Is someone talking to me?

  “Sweet, babe,” he repeats while nuzzling my neck. “You are so fuckin’ sweet. And I’m about to find out just how sweet you taste.”

  It’s a shame I probably won’t remember, because I’m about to pass out. I don’t think my brain and body were created to withstand such intense pleasure. I try to focus but it’s so hot in here, I swear someone turned my heat on while I was gone. Maybe I should have an electrician come and— “Oh God!” Any coherent thought I was having is immediately cut off as I feel his hand shoving my skirt up my thighs.

  “Is it hot in here?” I ask.

  Trent grins. “It’s about to get even hotter, baby.” He finishes his statement at the same time he pulls my thong to the side and places ones finger inside my already wet opening.

  “Jesus, CeCe, you are always so wet. I bet you are the sweetest right here,” he states while inserting another finger inside me, all while taking his thumb and rubbing it against my nub. Who would have thought a hand can be so multi-useful—

  “Aaaaah shit, that feels so good.”

  “Does it, now?” He chuckles against my overheated skin. He continues kissing down my neck, traveling below my collarbone, passing my breasts, kissing along my rib cage. I’m a bit ashamed to admit this, but I am totally fucking his hand right now. With every thrust inside me, I meet him push for push. The pressure is building to such a height that I might snap his fingers in half because of how hard I’m about to clench and come. He must feel the battle I’m having and pulls out.

  What the…?

  “What are you doing?” I seriously thought we had a good thing going on there.

  “Oh, don’t worry, baby. You’re gonna come and soon, but it’s gonna be all over my tongue while it’s inside you.”

  A whimper comes out of my mouth; just his words cause me to clench. I am preparing for this to be my last orgasm before I have a heart attack. I brace my hands up against the side pillow of the couch and watch his head dip between my legs. He gracefully pushes my panties down my legs and carefully slides them off each foot. He takes my thong and stashes it in is front shirt pocket, giving me his signature smile.

  I am never going to survive this.

  He starts to lower his head again,
never breaking eye contact with me. He’s close. He’s so close. I am seconds away from feeling his super strong tongue jab into my most sensitive place. The moment I feel his hot breath hit my thigh, a ringing sound blares into the room, popping our sexual bubble. I can tell because Trent freezes, then swears into my thigh.

  “Fuck.” He pulls back and takes his phone out of his pocket.

  “Really, you think it’s the best time to take a phone call?” I ask. He was just about to do some serious tonguing and I’m not sure a call from Jesus would be more important than what was just about to happen.

  He looks at the screen and swears again. “FUCK!”

  Well, I’m seriously hoping we do this soon.

  He slides his finger across the screen and answers. Wtf!

  “Walker,” he spits out. “Yeah…when? Is Doug on scene? Fuck. Okay, I’m on my way.”

  No. No. NO. We were just getting to the best part. Shouldn’t he have said, ‘I’ll be there once I’m done over here’? He slides the phone back in his pocket and turns his attention toward my pleading eyes.

  His return expression is sullen. “I’m sorry. I gotta go.”

  “As in, you gotta go after we’re done here?”

  He bends and laughs into my neck. “No, babe. Gotta go now. Tagged a guy I’ve been tailing for a couple weeks now. Gotta go. And if I stay to finish up what we started I won’t be leaving for a couple hours.”

  Now I seriously whimper. If he leaves me this hot and horny right now, I swear I may not recover and will totally renege on my egg throwing deal.

  He takes a bite out of my neck, then sits up. He stands and adjusts himself in his pants. I’m not even sure he can just walk away from what we started either. He looks so hard and big in his pants, he may bust a seam! He reaches for my hand and pulls me up into a sitting position.

  “I don’t know how long I will be, but I will come back over once I’m done.”


  He laughs again. I am seriously not thinking any of this is funny and it’s going to take a freight train to stop me from throwing eggs at his back on his way out.


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