Flawed (Triple Canopy Book 2)

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Flawed (Triple Canopy Book 2) Page 16

by Riley Edwards

  I felt bad that Mercy was having a rough go of it. I’d only met her a few times, but what little I knew about her, I liked.

  “Plan on it. But I needed to get straight with you first.”

  Jesus. I didn’t want to rehash his thoughts on me dating his sister.

  “Heard you loud and clear, Jason, so there’s nothing to get straight.”

  “I think—”

  “Then you’re thinking wrong,” I cut him off. “The only person you need to talk to is Adalynn. You weren’t a dick to me, you were a fucking asshole to her. You embarrassed her and hurt her feelings. As you pointed out, she’ll forgive you, so you should see to that.”


  “Do not call me that. I’m not your brother. I’m your employee. That’s all I am and you made that crystal clear. And as such, I’m asking you as my boss, not to bring my personal life to my workplace.”

  “Your personal life? You mean my family.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I meant. I didn’t miss your disapproval, I didn’t miss your dad’s. And likely today I won’t miss Nick’s and Carter’s. And when I see them, I won’t miss the rest of your family’s either. But what you got to get is, for me, I’m used to the disappointment and censure aimed my way. I know who I am and what kind of man I am, so I don’t give a rat’s ass what others think of me. However, I do care what Addy thinks, and I really care how she feels. So you all want to give me the cold shoulder, throw shade, give me shit—bring it. But you better learn real quick to hide that in front of Addy. None of this touches her. You wanna fire me because I’m dating your sister—do it. I’ll find another job. What I won’t do, is give her up.”

  “You’d walk away from Triple Canopy? From your brothers? Even Matt and Logan who only left the Navy to follow you?”

  “In a heartbeat,” I returned.

  Jason shook his head. He crossed his arms. But what he didn’t do was leave.

  “I’m not being a dick, but I got work, Jason. Was there something else?”

  “Belview’s records are on your desk. Ninety percent of it is bullshit. My dad put in some calls and we’re waiting to hear back. Nick went to the café and interviewed the manager. There’s surveillance footage. It’s being sent over this afternoon.”

  “The record isn’t surprising, but it will be interesting what’s been left out.”

  “Send you a text when we have the surveillance.”

  “’Preciate it.”

  I dipped my chin to indicate the conversation was over and to punctuate this non-verbal communication, I turned back to the long, open stretch of land that served as the rifle range.

  Apparently, Jason didn’t catch the hint. Either that or he chose to ignore it. Knowing Jason, it was the latter, which made it more annoying when he said, “We’re gonna have to talk about you and Addy.”

  “There’s nothing to say.”

  “There is, Trey, and you fucking know it.”

  I set the AR down on the bench and stepped away, both from the rifle and the man.

  “Tell me, Jason, in the last twenty-four hours, you suddenly have a change of heart and have decided to welcome me into your family?”

  I didn’t mask my anger or my sarcasm. Neither did Jason when he returned in kind.

  “You suddenly wake up and figure out that my sister isn’t strong enough to survive the pain you’ll leave?”

  That pissed me right the fuck off for so many reasons I was afraid my head was going to explode.

  “You don’t have the first clue.” I snatched my shit off the bench including my rifle, dropped the mag, pointed it downrange, and cleared the chamber. When that was done, I slung it over my shoulder and turned to leave.

  “You think you know her but you don’t.”

  Jason’s statement sent fire through my veins—so much so I didn’t take into account he was her brother when I halted and faced him.

  “No, Jason. You don’t know her, and the fact that you see her as some weak little girl is the first clue. The fact that shit has gone on in her life—big shit, bad shit, shit that you don’t know about—is a huge, flashing neon sign that you don’t know her at all. I get you got a wife with a kid on the way, and before that you had heavy shit going on losing Kayla the way you did. But it’s no fucking excuse.”

  Jason flinched, then full of bravado returned, “Nothing—”

  “Keep telling yourself that. Whatever makes you rest easy, man. Keep on lying to yourself that Addy’s lived a perfect, charmed life and nothing’s touched her. Keep on thinking she’s some soft, weak, woman who needs her big brother to step in and protect her. Oh, wait, she did need that—twice —and where were you then? Not fucking there, that’s where. To end this, you got some brass balls coming at me with this bullshit because if you knew your sister even a little bit, you’d know she’s damn well strong enough to survive any damn thing that comes her way.”

  That time when I turned away I didn’t stop, even though Jason called my name. I had shit to do and a class to get ready to teach.

  Time would tell how pissed Addy would be when Jason went to her and questioned her about what I’d said. That, I would have to figure out a way to smooth out.

  “Got a minute?” Carter called as he walked into the shoot house.

  My class had ended and the last officer to leave had barely cleared the door.

  No, I didn’t have a minute. I didn’t have one more second to give to another man who was important to Addy to give me a rash of shit. Most especially not Carter. Jason giving me hell stung, Jasper not wanting me near his daughter was expected but still hurt. Carter? If he warned me off, it would fucking slice to the bone.

  But instead, I said, “Sure. What’s going on?”

  “Got the footage for the café,” he started.

  Well, fuck, that grabbed my attention.

  “Audio and visual?”

  “No. Though, I didn’t need audio to confirm what you’d laid out—not that I needed confirmation at all. I believed—”

  “I get it,” I rushed out. “Anything useful?”

  “Not in the sense we learned something new. But it might be helpful for Jasper to have when he approaches the general.”

  “Is he going to Wick?”

  General Wick was a close friend of the Walker, Lenox, Clark, and McCoy families. He was also in charge of Liberty McCoy’s unit. He was a good ally, however, he was also by-the-book. I couldn’t see how he’d be of any use in this scenario.

  “No. General Pickett.”

  “Never heard of him.”

  “Neither have I. Jasper knows of him, but has never had any contact. He has a meeting set up with him today.”

  It was interesting Jasper would meet with a man he didn’t know.

  “Is there a reason Jasper’s showing his hand? Doesn’t seem like something he’d do. I’d keep this close and find someone we can trust. Pickett’s gonna hide behind operational security and likely go straight to Belview.”

  Carter nodded and smiled. “I think that’s what he wants.”

  “Yeah, not tracking that play. It could backfire, piss off Belview, and make him come after Addy thinking she’s causing problems for him.”

  “She’ll be covered.”

  “Damn right, she will be. But I still don’t like my woman’s ass getting swung out there. I was in this guy’s presence for five minutes and I’m telling you, I don’t want him having the upper hand. And if he knows we’re poking around, especially Jasper, he’ll be moved to strike.”

  “In my opinion, that’s what Jasper wants.”

  It was then I understood Jasper’s play. It was also then that I lost my fucking mind.

  “Are you fucking serious?” I roared.


  “Fuck that. He’s more worried about his daughter living with me than he is about playing this smart and in a way that will actually fucking protect her.”

  “I think he just wants this done for her.” Carter tried for pl
acating but it came out as conciliatory.

  Fuck that!

  “He wants it done, all right. And his impatience and desire to get Addy out of my fucking house is gonna backfire. And when it does, I’m telling you, Carter, I’m gonna lose my motherfucking shit. She is not happy her life is being disrupted. As in, not at all. She’s not pleased she had to rearrange her schedule. But she did it. Belview freaked her out but she’s keeping her shit. She and I are just starting out and she was forced to move in because her ex is a nutjob. But when this is over, nothing will change between me and Addy, except I’ll be in her bed as much as she is in mine. So there’s no purpose in giving Belview a head’s up we’re looking into him so I can make my approach. Which I won’t have to do at all if his time in Georgia is limited and he’ll be gone soon.”

  “I don’t think anyone’s thinking straight right now,” Carter admitted.

  I agreed, so I remained silent since there was nothing to say.

  “I got your back on this. On both fronts. I’m on your visitor list at the front gate. I’ll do drive-bys, Nick and Brady will, too. I also asked Jackson and Brice. They’re on board but you need to add them to the list. We’ll rotate and keep an eye out. And don’t worry about Jason, he’ll come around. I’m not making excuses for him, what he said yesterday was jacked, but Mercy’s having some issues with her pregnancy and all sorts of bad shit is coming up for him.”

  “He told me about Mercy. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope everything’s okay with the baby. And I hope you don’t take this as heartless, but you’re right; it doesn’t excuse how he made his sister feel.”

  Carter nodded and then he shared, “You didn’t know Jason back in the day when he was with Kayla. The two of them, best friends, they tried to include the relationship stuff and it wasn’t a love match, not like he has with Mercy. But he and Kayla, tight until the end. She beat cancer the first time. It came back and Jason stuck to her like glue, fighting right alongside her, all the way to the bitter end. And it was bitter, brother. She died in his arms in their bed. Now he’s got a woman who is definitely his best friend but also the love of his life, and those old feelings of helplessness are resurfacing. He’s being strong for Mercy, shielding her, and in doing that he’s tearing into you. It’s fucked up. I know it is. And when he pulls himself out he’s gonna feel like a dick and he’ll struggle with what he’s done.

  “Now, of course there’s a difference between your wife being pregnant but so sick she’s in and out of the hospital and you’re holding her while she pukes her brains out, and your wife having cancer. But right now, Jason cannot see that. He’s blinded with fear because he’s living in the past.”

  Fucking shit. I didn’t think it was possible but all my anger for the guy was wiped clean. And I felt like the asshole for bringing up Kayla.

  Fucking hell.

  Carter went on. “Jasper is…Jasper. He loves his girls fiercely. So fierce, that sometimes he doesn’t see reason. When you’re on the other side of this, you’ll get it.”

  “I get it now and I take no offense.”

  “I sure as fuck would,” Carter complained.

  “No, you wouldn’t. You love Delaney enough to take whatever Jasper had to throw your way, eat it, then take the time needed to earn his trust.”

  “Yeah.” Carter smiled. “And you willing to eat his shit proves you’ll earn that, too. But just so you know, for me, for Nick, for the rest of us, you’ve already earned it. You didn’t see it, but yesterday, Nick threw down for you. Jason knows he’s wrong, he also knows the shit he gave you yesterday is just that—shit. Not a man in that room, except me,” Carter stopped to smirk, “can say jackshit about you playing the field. Neither can Jasper and he knows it. But he’s holding onto something because Addy’s the last one, and I reckon he’s feeling that. Don’t make it easier for you to swallow, but he’ll come around.”

  My chest started to burn. I hadn’t realized until that moment how much I needed to know Carter had my back. It felt good, and the knot that had taken root in my gut started to loosen. In an effort to hide the emotion, I circled back.

  “Does she know about that layover we had in Amsterdam?” Carter groaned and shook his head. “Never seen a man pinned against a wall with his hands up and fear in his eyes without a gun pressed to his forehead.”

  “She was damn near naked. Where was I supposed to put my hands?” he grumbled.

  The prostitute wasn’t damn near naked, she was fully clothed—although her ginormous, surgically enhanced tits were on full display.

  “You’re the one who suggested we hit up De Wallen,” I reminded him. “We were game because we thought you were finally lookin’ to get laid. Hell, she even offered you a discount.”

  “Go ahead and talk shit.” Carter grinned. “She did have me pinned down, but if memory serves, you’re the one who left that night with tears in his eyes.”

  “Bitch tried to twist my balls off.”

  In my haste, I’d forgotten that part, or maybe I’d blocked the painful memory of a sex worker literally trying to drag me down a hallway by my balls. By the time I’d freed my bruised testicles, tears had indeed sprung. Carter was being generous leaving out the part where I’d limped the two blocks to our hotel, then proceeded to ice my swollen balls.

  “You know, the only good part about being at a bar with you, Trey, was that I didn’t have to worry. No one paid me any mind once they caught sight of you.”

  Carter was full of shit; he’d had women falling over themselves to get a shot at him.

  “The only good part?”

  “Well, it sure as shit wasn’t your witty comebacks. And your personality leaves much to be desired. And if it wasn’t for Luke taking the top spot for being the most standoffish asshole on the team, the honor would’ve been yours. And Logan being the most cynical worked in your favor. But, yeah, you taking all the attention worked for me in a big way.”

  A year ago, I would’ve asked Carter if he regretted not tasting all that life had to offer. His answer would’ve been a resounding “fuck no” but I still would’ve asked. A year ago, I couldn’t imagine not living my life the way I had. Now, I understood why Carter didn’t regret it, why he’d held out. Why he’d stayed true to a commitment he’d made to himself, even when he was denying Delaney the relationship she’d wanted.

  The second my eyes had landed on Addy, all other women ceased to exist. And if I’d met her earlier in life, the same would’ve happened. Carter was correct, Logan was cynical. He didn’t believe in love, and being as his childhood was so fucked up, I didn’t blame him. And there was a time I’d subscribed to his way of thinking—but Addy had changed my mind.

  I shifted my weight to my good leg. Carter, not one to miss anything, narrowed his eyes.

  “When was the last time you went to PT and actually did the work?”

  Fucking hell. I didn’t want to get into it with him about physical therapy.


  “She’s my baby cousin so you gotta know I’m gaggin’ as I say this, but now that things have changed between the two of you, I bet you let her work you out, she’ll do it in a way that seriously works for you.”

  I felt my mouth form a smile and muttered, “’Preciate you taking that hit. Think maybe it’s time I schedule an appointment with my Addy, see if she can pencil me in for floor exercises tonight.”

  “That was a fucked way to show your gratitude, friend.”

  And without another word, Carter left the shoot house. A few minutes later, I grabbed my gear and went in search of my woman.


  “You both have jobs.” I stood in Triple Canopy’s gym and looked from Quinn to Hadley.

  “Yup,” Hadley agreed. “And I’m done for the day.”

  Awesome. Not.

  “I’m at work.” Quinn shrugged.

  “Um. I think there’s a difference between being at work and actually working,” I noted. “I’m sure you have plenty of…” Crap, I didn’t
know exactly what my sister did. “Stuff to do,” I lamely finished.

  “Totally. Next month’s training schedule is due to Nick by the end of the day and Carter wants the proposals for the new handgun range color-coded before he looks at them. I’m not sure why he needs them color-coded, or what that even means.”

  “Maybe you should go find him and ask,” I supplied, then turned to Hadley. “And I saw Brady earlier. He looked forlorn and lonely, he could probably use some attention. You should go find him.”

  “No way, sister. Spill.” Hadley grabbed a big exercise ball and sat. I watched it wobble and shake as she tried to get her balance. “God. These things are a death trap. Hope the insurance covers broken necks. Who uses these?”

  I would never wish my twin to break her neck, but I did wish she’d fall off the ball, hurt her butt, and go search out her fiancé to have him kiss it and make it better.

  “By the way, Mom’s on her way in.” Quinn smirked and I groaned.

  “Seriously, you called Mom?”

  “Of course I did. Who else is gonna straighten you out?”

  “Straighten me out?”

  “Help you pull your head out of your ass and give Trey a chance,” Hadley explained.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I am giving him a chance.”

  “You are?” Hadley’s spine snapped straight, then she pitched to the side, necessitating her arms shooting out to her sides to catch herself. “Seriously. What the hell is up with this ball?”

  “If you had any core muscles, you’d have no problems. But you refuse to do yoga with me or even go to the gym.” I threw my hands up in exasperation. “And I can’t believe you called Mom.”

  Quinn didn’t look the slightest bit repentant. Completely unfazed. I was irritated she’d called our mom to “straighten me out.”

  “I have no idea why that’d shock you. The only person you listen to is her.”

  That was a true statement. My sisters had given me a lot of advice over the years. So had my brother, dad, aunts, and uncles. But it was my mom’s advice and opinion I valued the most. However, I was not ready to ask for or hear Emily Walker’s wisdom. Part of that was because I was a damn adult and I was bloody tired of being treated like the baby of the family. The other reason was because I was scared to death of what her guidance would be. And I was scared because I knew without having to ask what she’d tell me to do, which was what I was doing—looking beyond all that was Trey’s outward appearance into the heart of him. She would not mean his good looks, she’d mean his rough, tough, hardened shell—the man he showed the world—to the center of him. To the parts he’d show only me. Then she’d tell me to heal what ailed him so he could be free to be the man he was meant to be.


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