Forsaken (Academy of the Fallen #4)

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Forsaken (Academy of the Fallen #4) Page 1

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  Academy of the Fallen Series

  Wide Awake


  Sins of the Fallen



  Written by

  Daniele Lanzarotta

  Edited by Michelle Johnson

  Art Direction Meredith Hancock

  Front Cover Photography © TEA (Evgeny Trofimov)

  Published by Rocket Science Productions

  © Copyright 2013 Daniele Lanzarotta

  All rights reserved

  ISBN-13: 978-1-939954-18-3

  eISBN: 978-1-939954-19-0

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblances to actual events, locales, persons living or deceased, is entirely coincidental.

  No parts of this book can be reproduced in any form without the permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote excerpts in a review.

  To all Academy of the Fallen readers!

  Thank you to Jennifer Holcomb who has been my beta reader for a while now. I love your feedback and our long brainstorming chats and phone calls. To Michelle Johnson (editor) who leaves me funny side comments and makes editing so much fun! To Tara Pennington, my street team leader/intern/Benjamin’s biggest fan. Thank you for everything you do. To Amanda Sorrells-Larsen for proofreading/beta reading. To Meredith Hancock for the awesome book covers. To Sarah McKee for producing amazing audio books for the series! To my hubs, Bri, and Rocket Science Productions’ staff for the support.

  “We know what we are, but not what we may be.”

  – William Shakespeare



  Humans and their routines… Of course it took me no time at all to escape from the Academy. I could have confronted Daniels, but the idea of taking him days to find out that I bypassed his weak wards was quite entertaining.

  They were so stupid to leave the two sisters together. It was so easy to find them. I could care less about the human girl. It was the nephilim I wanted. Taking the one nephilim, Samael, was good, but getting the girl too, was even better. She was the key to me getting everything I ever wanted: power, the academies, and even her mother for that matter.

  It didn’t take long for Samael to agree to a deal: he would help me and in exchange I’d turn him all human. We watched them and their pathetic human lives for a few days. They figured the immortal’s presence along with the sisters’ wards around the house were enough protection. And so, they dismissed their angel guardian so that he could be with his mate during the nights. Personally, that was one angel I’d love to watch take the fall. The chaos that would create was a demon’s dream-come-true.

  The nephilim girl turned out to be stronger than I ever imagined, so I had to plan carefully. I never thought I’d say this, but there was actually one thing that humans were good for and that was their medicine. While the sisters were at school, Samael used one of those medicines by adding it to the drinks, which I hoped would be used for their meal that evening.

  My plan was flawless. The angel left to see his mate and Samael confirmed the sisters had gone to sleep. Although they’d be able to sense me, Samael had ways to make sure that was minimized and that they couldn’t sense him at all.

  As expected, the nephilim’s mate—the immortal—made himself unseen as he approached the house and ended up in the nephilim’s room.

  I must say, there was something that gave me more pleasure than taking the nephilim girl, and that was to watch the trapped immortal’s expression of pure horror as he helplessly watched me take her away.



  I lie down on my bed and my mind immediately goes back to that night as I wonder if I could have done anything different to save her. I can see her sleeping… unaware of what was happening. The demon, Benjamin’s father, laughed as Samael carried her away as I watched, unable to do anything because all I am is an immortal with powers not nearly as strong as a demon’s, or as a nephilim’s for that matter. When I couldn’t get through the wards, I yelled for Kim’s help. I yelled for Ethan, too, even though I knew he was away with Jennifer. No one came. I later found out they were all given something to make them sleep. I was helpless and I couldn’t move until they were long gone.

  That was the night I ran to Xavier for help. He had been trying to help me find a way to be mortal again and he was one of the few I trusted. I ran to the gates of the academy and yelled until Clarissa let me in. Once the gates opened, I ran toward Xavier’s room with Clarissa right behind me, asking me over and over again to stop and tell her what was happening. It wasn’t until I got to his room that I stopped. I could hardly breathe and was drenched in sweat. I pounded on the door as I yelled for him to open it. Within seconds, Xavier opened the door and looked from me to Clarissa who now stood beside me.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “Kayla was taken by the demon,” I said.

  Clarissa interrupted, “More of us have fallen. I can feel it. Do you know anything about that?”

  I looked from Xavier to Clarissa, “I couldn’t care less about your kind. Didn’t you hear what I just said? KAYLA WAS TAKEN BY THE DEMON.”

  The change in my tone made her flinch.

  She looked at Xavier. “Help the boy find her. I will take care of the rest.”

  That was when our journey from hell started.

  Ever since that night, all my time is spent either looking for Kayla or blaming myself for her being taken. It has now been over a month and we still have no leads on her.

  Nothing is the same anymore. The balance between good and evil tipped when Kayla was taken, but it wasn’t her fault it tipped. It was because one of the few remaining good ones, Jennifer, fell. I’ll never forget that night, the cell phones sending out warnings, the sudden earthquakes on the West Coast, hurricanes on the East Coast, and tornadoes at random places across the globe, all happening around the same time. I haven’t seen her or Ethan since that night.

  I now fight day and night. Protections and wards no longer work in the human world. Humans who can’t see supernatural beings are unaware that the war between worlds has already started. They dismiss the frequent tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes, as if they are just normal tragedies. They have no idea… but the ones who can see us, the haunted; they are more scared than ever.

  I, along with several of the haunted still live in the academy and the fallen, try to keep them protected the best they can. The demons stay away for most of the time, but we all know if they’re staying away, it’s because they’re waiting for something… they’re holding something back, and that is the reason the fallen and I hunt for them. Well, that is the reason the fallen hunt for them. I’m only after one thing: finding Kayla.

  Chase, my friend from a long time ago who’s now a ghost, also helps me look. In the mean time, Kayla’s biological dad is too busy protecting the other Academy and her mom has been gone ever since before Kayla was taken. Honestly, I don’t even care to see anyone besides Xavier and Chase. We train and rest during the day, and at night, we hunt. Only, I don’t rest much, because like right now, whenever I close my eyes, all I see is her face and it takes me straight back to that night.

  Today feels different somehow. Maybe it’s because today is her birthday, and I can’t stop thinking about how although she is nephilim, she is also mortal, which makes every second of not finding her even more unbearable.

  When I hear the knock on the door, I know it can only be Xavier. I open the door and there he stands, sword in hand and ready to go. I walk over to my dresser and grab Kayla’s dagger. Th
e dagger that was once covered in her blood and now has the ability to truly kill a demon. I stare at the dagger and feel the heft of the hilt. No matter how much I hate Kayla being involved in this world, I know that this dagger belongs to no one else, yet, it makes me feel better to know that when we catch the demon who took her, he’ll suffer at the point of her blade.

  Tonight, just like any other night, we plan to focus on places with a high concentration of demons. One of the fallen is able to tell us where those are, but even then our chances of actually finding one who will know something about Kayla are close to none. I’ll never stop looking for her though. I’ll use her dagger over and over until I get rid of every single one of them if I have to. Everyday, Xavier also tries to make some kind of contact with Stephaine. He believes that by finding her, we will find Ben and, consequently, his father. I know it’s a waste of time, but Xavier is doing everything he can to help me, so I leave it alone.

  We’re ready to walk out of the door when we see Kayla’s biological mother… the one who didn’t even bother to make an appearance over the last month.

  I roll my eyes. I have no time or patience for this.

  “Hello, Hunter… Xavier.”

  “Do you know where she is?” I ask.

  She shakes her head and I move for the door. “We have to go.”

  “Hunter, wait,” says Xavier.

  That makes me stop. Over the past few weeks, Xavier became like a mentor. I respect him. I stop to see what he has to say.

  “Irene, do you know where Benjamin is?”

  “No, but I don’t think you’ll be seeing him again. He promised to leave everyone alone and live his own life. That was over a month ago.”

  I laugh and they both look at me. “What? Please don’t tell me you believe any of that!”

  Irene looks at me and I can tell that she does believe what she just said.

  I shake my head. I can tell Xavier doesn’t believe it either, but he plays along. “Irene, we think Benjamin might know where his dad is hiding Kayla.”

  “Oh, I doubt that. I doubt he even knows his father made it out of the academy.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I’m so irritated I’m practically yelling at her.

  “Hunter!” warns Xavier.

  I take a deep breath. “Look, I’m tired of everyone trying to make excuses to protect Benjamin when Kayla is the one you should be protecting!”

  “I apologize on his behalf, Irene,” says Xavier, “we just think that Benjamin might know of places where his father used to hide.”

  Irene eyes me curiously then looks back to Xavier.

  “You’re right. Focus on finding Kayla and I’ll focus on finding Ben to ask for his help.”

  “He is not going to help, but okay,” I snap at her.

  Irene nods. “I know you don’t see it, but there is hope for him.”

  I open my mouth to say something, but I close it back up. She really believes there is hope for Benjamin and so does Daniels, and that’s exactly why we are where we are today.

  I face Xavier. “Are you ready?”

  He nods.

  “Please let us know if you find him, Irene,” says Xavier.

  She nods then looks at me. “I’m glad my daughter has found a protector like you.”

  “Yeah.” I look down, avoiding her gaze. “I’m not that great of a protector considering that she was taken while I was in the same room as she was.”

  “There are times when you help others in ways you can’t even imagine. I see it all the time. Humans live for one another because there is someone out there to give them strength and hope to fight for better days. Wherever Kayla is right now, I’m sure that she is trying to fight her way back to you for that exact reason. You give her that strength.”

  I nod. I want to believe that is true, that I’m that person for Kayla, but I know I don’t deserve it. Nothing will ever change the fact that she was taken away and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it from happening.

  “As I said… I’ll look for Ben, but I have already searched through several of the places where I know he used to hide. I’m not sure if his dad uses the same places, but a handful of those could use another look. They were full of wards and trap doors that led to illusions. Maybe I missed something.”

  “Tell us where and we’ll go tonight,” says Xavier.

  She hands Xavier a piece of paper. I look over his shoulder at the paper and see that it has a list of addresses from the human world.

  “Thank you for your help in finding her, Xavier.”

  Xavier nods.

  “You too, Hunter.”



  We are in Hell, and I mean that literally. The house where the demon—Ezra, left us, is dark and there is never any light, except for what comes in through the windows because of the fires outside, and from the few lanterns on the wall. In the room where Kayla stays, there’s a mattress on the floor, which is about the only clean thing in here, and that is the extent of it all.

  Out of all of the mistakes I’ve ever made, none were as bad as this. Now we’re both trapped by the incubus. I know what he wants. Power. But no matter how many times I offer to serve him, he always declines. All he says is that he needs both Kayla and I and that once he achieves his goal, he will let us go and will make me human. That was our deal. I always hated being a nephilim, son of a fallen angel with a human. All I ever wanted was to be all human and he told me if I got him Kayla, he would erase every trace of nephilim in me.

  I just don’t understand why it’s taking so long for him to do whatever it is he wants to do. He hasn’t even bothered to get near Kayla. In fact, he’s gone most of the time, leaving us locked in here where most of our abilities are blocked by wards.

  I know it’s been about a month now and I’ve been trying to find a way out, which is the reason I’ve been using one of the few abilities that I can use to keep Kayla trapped in illusions. It’s easier that way. Every time she comes out of them she fights like crazy to get out. Hell, I don’t even know what she would do to me if she was awake and aware of her surroundings for more than a few seconds at a time.

  I’m looking for a way out, when I hear a crashing sound and run down the hall until I get to the room where Kayla’s kept. I stand in front of the door, frantically looking around and waiting for the worst… whatever that may be… but nothing happens. I open the door to check on her and she’s still trapped in the last illusion where I put her in. I contemplate once again whether this is where I should stay. I have my own room, but at this point, I’m in damage control mode. If I can get her back unharmed, the consequences for my mistakes won’t be as bad.

  I hear another crashing sound followed by footsteps and I open the door. I see Ezra coming down the hallway so I step out of the room, blocking him. He stares at me and smirks, a response that is so human, yet gives me the freaking chills inside and out. I’ve yet to see Ezra outside of human form… even here, in Hell, and that makes it looking at an average built human with peaceful brown eyes, and imagining a demon, even more disturbing.

  “How sweet of you to think that you can protect the other nephilim.”

  I stand there with my chin lifted and look right into his eyes. One thing I learned is not to show weakness, especially around beings like him.

  “I’m not stupid, nephilim. I know you have been keeping her trapped in illusions, but it’s time to wake her up. My plan is shaping up nicely, and I need you to train her. I need both of you trained. I need you to share your knowledge with one another, because if something happens to one of you, I will need the other to know it all.”

  “Why?” I ask in a cold tone.

  “It doesn’t concern you. Do as you are told and do it now. And trust me, I’ll know if you’re not following my instructions.”

  He turns around and walks down the hallway in the opposite direction of where he came from.

  I walk back into the room and close the door behind me. I then stand in fron
t of it because I know that once Kayla is out of this illusion, she’s going to want to kick my ass and storm out of the room to go after the demon.

  I take a deep breath and cut out the illusion completely. Her eyes fly open. Alarmed, she sits up and stares at me.

  “You!” she gets to her feet and launches at me. I let her. She pushes me against the door and in spite of the situation; her tough girl attitude makes me smile.

  “Ugh! You’re so infuriating!”

  I try hard not to laugh.

  That is when she stops and looks around.

  “Where am I? Why is it so hot in here?”

  I shake my head. “About that… we’re in Hell.”

  Her eyes widen even more. She rushes toward the open window and looks outside.

  “Benjamin’s father got us here.”

  I decide to leave out the part where I helped him get her here. She doesn’t need to know that just yet… or ever, for that matter.

  She turns around to face me and she looks scared, but she tries not to show it.

  “Where’s my dagger?” she asks in a firm tone.

  I laugh and that makes her even madder.

  “What? You didn’t expect him to leave a weapon on you while he was abducting you, did you?”

  “Ugh. Shut up! How long have we been here?”

  “About month. Give or take.”

  “A month! How? How long have you been awake? Did you even bother to look for a way out? How am I still alive? I’m still alive, right?”

  “Calm down! Yes, you’re still alive. From the moment we entered this place, even unconscious, our Nephilim instincts kicked in. We’re now more like the fallen in the sense that we don’t need things like food to survive.” She looks like she’s in shock and I feel like the worst thing I can do is give her time to think and take this all in, so I keep talking before she can even say anything. “And I’ve been awake for a while and yes, I’ve looked around but even if we get out of here, we can’t go back. You don’t just walk in and out of Hell as you please.”


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