Evil Within

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by Richard S. Tuttle

  Meanwhile, the Mage discovers the shocking truth about the Darkness, a truth so unthinkable that it makes the rule of Sarac almost desirable. Delve into an adventure that it rife with danger, magic, deceit, and betrayal.


  Dragons' Onyx

  The Castle of Man, a huge towering castle that straddles an important mountain pass to the north of Tagaret, is besieged by ogres, goblins, yakis, and dark sorcerers. If it falls, the armies of the Dark One will descend on Tagaret to end the Ancient Prophecy. Far to the south of Tagaret, Emperor Hanchi and his hundred-thousand man army is moving northward, destroying everything in its path.

  Caught in the middle are King Arik and his Alceans. As King Arik struggles to find the Dragons' Onyx and restore it to the Sword of Heavens, his small band of heroes must battle against these two huge armies to save Tagaret from destruction.

  Meanwhile, Master Khatama is gathering a mysterious group of master magicians that appears bent on threatening the Ancient Prophecy. The stakes in the war of good versus evil have never been higher. The fate of the world rests in the hands of a small group of warriors known as the Knights of Alcea.


  Amethyst of the Gods

  A hundred-thousand man Lanoirian army is poised outside the walls of Melbin in a bid to attack Alcea from the south. Meanwhile an enormous army of goblins, yaki, ogres, and Black Devils are heading towards Tagaret, the capital of Alcea, from the north. King Arik and his Alcea Knights must defeat these two armies to complete the Ancient Prophecy.

  The immortal Mage has gathered six of the world's greatest magician to embark upon a mysterious mission that appears to be at odds with King Arik's fulfillment of the prophecy.

  The stakes have never been higher, nor the situation ever so dire. Amethyst of the Gods is the final volume of the Sword of Heavens series.


  Demonstone Chronicles

  For years the Darkness shrouded the world causing fields to wither and die. Forest growth halted and animal life grew scarce and lean. The bounty of the sea diminished to the point where fishermen had trouble feeding their families. To add to the misery of the peoples of the world, rogue armies took control of the lands as governments fell and perished. Banditry ran rampant and people kept to their homes in fear of their lives.

  Out of this era of desperation and misery arose the son of a fisherman, a seemingly simple lad born in a small village on the coast of Sordoa, but the future of the world had been waiting for him. After seventeen years of being a fisherman’s only son, Arik Clava was thrust into a world of danger and set on a perilous quest to destroy the Darkness. Accompanied by others his own age, and guided by a strange pair of gypsies, Arik would grow into the Warrior King, and his companions would become the Knights of Alcea.

  Arik was given the Sword of Heavens, a magical artifact that would vanquish a portion of the Darkness with each gem restored to its hilt, but the gems did not come easy. The Knights of Alcea were constantly hunted by the minions of Sarac, an evil mage with vast powers, but each gem also brought new allies sworn to the boy king. Fairies, unicorns, dwarves, elves, and even dragons eventually swore allegiance to Arik, but Sarac’s forces were even greater in number. Huge armies of men, goblins, ogres, and yaki swarmed over the land to prevent the boy king from fulfilling the ancient prophecy. As the great armies of Sarac swept across the continent, the fragile land was further beaten down until food became a precious commodity.

  In the end, King Arik and the Knights of Alcea won the day. All of the land was united under the banner of the Warrior King, and the evil Sarac and his minions were destroyed, but the cost was great. The land was barren and bloodstained. Fishermen had no boats, and farmers lacked implements to coax life into the soil. Tradesmen had no shops, and merchants had nothing to sell. It seemed as though the only profession with a steady stream of customers were the healers, and they had more than they could handle.

  For three years the people of Alcea toiled to reclaim their lives, and many were well on the way to recovery, but others were not. While peace reigned over the land, and the skies were no longer tainted by the Darkness, many people were lured to a new religion. The Temples of Balmak began to appear, and the priests offered a vision of paradise that proved tempting to many. It didn’t matter to those who sought refuge from misery that Balmak was an unknown god. What mattered to them was the thin sliver of hope for a better existence.

  In Tagaret, the capital of Alcea, King Arik and Queen Tanya worked tirelessly to rebuild the kingdom. Prince Oscar’s vast fortune was spent trying to help the provinces get back on their feet, but even he did not have enough gold to cure all of the ills of the devastated kingdom.

  The Knights of Alcea did not disband, but neither did they still exist as a group. Each Knight went his own way, trying to rebuild his life after years of continuous battle. Wylan and Sheri moved to Southland, the boyhood home of Wylan. Tedi and Natia spent all their time with the gypsies, and Alexander and Jenneva retired to Atar’s Cove. Prince Garong returned to the elves of Elderal, and Prince Darok settled back into the dwarven caves of Lanto. Bin-lu returned home to Lanoir. Only Fredrik and Niki remained in Tagaret with the king and queen. Fredrik was appointed the Royal Sorcerer, and his wife, Niki, became his assistant.

  Little did anyone know that storm clouds were massing on the horizon, and that the hard years of rebuilding Alcea were about to look like a short interlude of peace between great wars.


  Knights of Alcea

  The days of warfare and Darkness were supposedly over, and the Knights of Alcea had scattered across the huge nation, returning to their private lives. Unknown to them, a storm is rising over the horizon. When seemingly senseless acts of violence erupt across the breadth of Alcea, the Knights of Alcea find themselves recalled to duty.


  Final Voyage of the Remora

  Compelled to journey to an unknown land and spy on mysterious enemies, Alexander Tork assembles a small but deadly force for a voyage that may well be his last. Five Knights of Alcea, three Rangers, and three elves from Glendor set sail on a stolen enemy ship through uncharted waters to the homeland of the followers of Balmak. Guided only by a crude coastline chart found on the stolen ship, the Alceans find a vast continent that is preparing for global war.

  Journey to Zara with the Knights of Alcea as they discover strange new magics and encounter an empire that seeks to plunge the world into misery and despair.


  Council of War

  The Remora has sunk, and there is no way for the Alceans to return home before war breaks out. Stranded in the land of their enemy, seventeen Alceans set out to bring a quarter of a million enemy soldiers to their knees.

  Alexander Tork poses as Garth Shado, a special agent for a wealthy Tyronian merchant. To plot the destruction of his enemy, he makes alliances with all of the enemies of the Federation, but the real task will be in pulling the coalition together and coordinating the diverse forces under his command.

  Time is short and many of his new allies balk at Garth's efforts to create a Council of War. The fate of Alcea rests with the ability of the small group of Alceans to inflict damage on the Federation and obtain information on the attack plans of the enemy. Only a Council of War can ease the flow of soldiers set to attack Alcea.



  As two continents prepare for a world-wide war, a small group of Alceans plot to free the Dielderal elves from the grip of the Federation. The goal is to make the elves simply disappear, but over a thousand elven children are held captive in the four major cities of the Federation, and the Dielderal elves will not flee while their children are endangered.

  Complicating matters are the 'births' of a new breed of demonkin, the Claws of Alutar. While the K'san demonkin are charged with crushing Alcea, the Claws of Alutar are singular in purpose. Their goal is to assassinate the heroes of the Mage, and their victory would spell far more than defeat for Al
cea, as the world would crumble into a decaying ball of misery.


  Heirs of the Enemy

  Scrambling to prepare for the imminent invasion of their homeland, the Knights of Alcea respond in unorthodox ways. On the home front, the Alceans set out to design devious traps that will lessen the incredible odds facing them. In Zara, Knights of Alcea and Alcean Rangers set their sights on the heirs to the Federation thrones. On both continents, a campaign of disinformation is begun with the Alcean spymaster personally throwing himself into the very heart of the enemy's camp.

  But neither are Alutar's minions standing idle. The Claws of Alutar strike deep into the heart of Alcea, bringing death inside the walls of Tagaret, and the Great Demon's forces gain a decisive victory by finding something that was never supposed to be found.

  The world is rushing to war at a dizzying pace, and there is no way to stop it. Or is there?


  13 Day War

  Massive Federation armies invade Alcea through magical portals seeking to devastate the entire continent. Outnumbered four to one, the Alceans grimly prepare for the bloody conflict, but victory on the battlefield is not good enough for young King Arik. Knowing that the Great Demon has initiated the war between the two countries solely to provide a million tears to fulfill an ancient prophecy, King Arik demands that the Knights of Alcea spare as many of the enemy soldiers as they can. While defeat on the battlefield means death for the Alceans, a victory that allows the Great Demon to fulfill the ancient prophecy will mean eternal servitude to Alutar.


  Alutar: the Great Demon

  Using the enemy's own portals, King Arik sends the elite forces of Alcea to Zara to crush the Federation. Woefully outnumbered, the Alceans join forces with the indigenous rebels to battle the massive armies of Emperor Jaar while the Knights of Alcea scheme from within the enemy's leadership to foil the Federation's ability to respond.

  While the world focuses on the battle between King Arik and the Federation, Fakir Aziz gathers the most powerful mages in Zara to carry his own battle directly to Alutar, the Great Demon. Should the Mage fail, all is lost.

  Alutar: the Great Demon is the seventh and final volume of the Demonstone Chronicles.


  Forgotten Legacy

  Ages ago the peaceful continent was invaded by savage conquerors. The invading army sought not only to rule and own the land, but to exterminate the indigenous peoples. Survivors of the peace-loving inhabitants of the continent escaped the slaughter and reformed their meager civilizations to learn the arts of war and magic awaiting word from the gods to extract their revenge and retake their homelands.

  The series starts in the country of Khadora with Young Lord of Khadora in which the son of a slave seeks to reform a government bent on feudal wars and disrespect for mages and the indigenous peoples.

  Star of Sakova takes place in Omunga, a neighboring country to Khadora and features a young female mage student who is suddenly and brutally thrust into a position of leadership of a strange indigenous people.

  Web of Deceit is centered in Fakara the third country of the continent and features a young man whose destiny is to create a financial empire that will aid in overthrowing the invaders.

  Aakuta: the Dark Mage introduces a mysterious male mage as the series returns to Khadora. Lord Marak undertakes battling thousands of Jiadin warriors invading Khadora as members of the Lords Council try to assassinate him.

  Island of Darkness returns to the Sakova as an evil mage takes over the government of Omunga declares war on the Sakovans. Complicating the war is the need to preserve the armies of both countries if the coming invasion is to be defeated. Two young women on a sea voyage happen upon the Island of Darkness where Vand is assembling his massive army to invade Omunga and Sakova. If they manage to escape the island to tell their story, their tales will chill the citizens of both countries.

  Elvangar introduces the land of the elves and the chaos that reigns there. The line of Kieran which has ruled the elves for a thousand years appears to be at an end. Marak, in an attempt to enlist the aid of the elves in the coming struggle, sanctions a trip to the secret land of Elvangar. Meanwhile the drums of war continue to beat loudly on the Island of Darkness.

  In ancient days, the mightiest of dragons were fearless in battle against the foes of Kaltara. Those special dragons were called Winged Warriors, and they were revered by the elves. In Winged Warrior, the Torak meets a Winged Warrior and learns that she is to become his battle steed.

  Army of the Dead: Massive armies are poised to invade the three main countries of the mainland. The Khadorans, Sakovans, and Fakarans are badly outnumbered as a thousand huge warships set sail from the Island of Darkness to exterminate all life on the mainland. Led by an ageless mage, the forces of evil appeared assured of success.

  The Torak, the Star of Sakova, and the Astor rally their forces to meet the onslaught and preserve humanity, but can their outnumbered forces stave off the murderous rampage that is about to descend upon them?

  Army of the Dead is the exciting conclusion to the epic fantasy series, Forgotten Legacy by Richard S. Tuttle.


  Young Lord of Khadora

  Khadora is a strange and complex land where the truth may not set you free, but a lie can cost you your life. Marak is a soldier in the Situ Clan army under Lord Ridak. He excels at his chosen profession, but his loyalty to his lord is tempered because his mother is a mage slave to Lord Ridak. Dreaming of a culture where people are valued for their contributions rather than their worth as a tool, Marak gains a chance to alter that very culture.

  Set up as a sacrificial lamb by his lord, Marak grabs the chance to create his own destiny and alter the culture he finds so reprehensible. The price of failure is certain death, yet the rewards of victory are undefined.

  Pitted against the ferocious cat people, rival warlords, and even his own clan, Marak must tread carefully yet decisively.


  Star of Sakova

  A devastating and senseless attack on her home and magic school leaves Lyra and two friends running for their lives. With her mother dead and her father kidnapped, Lyra sets out on a harrowing cross-country trek to reach her only relative, Uncle Temiker. Unfortunately, the raiders are chasing her and anticipating her every move.

  With no one to turn to and even the government joining in the pursuit, Lyra is forced to enter the dreaded Sakova, the home of cannibals, strange magic, and ferocious animals. The Sakova is a land that does not allow its trespassers to leave alive, yet it is the only path open to Lyra if she is to have any chance of surviving.

  Can Lyra's scant knowledge of magic help her survive long enough to escape? Will she ever learn who is behind the devastating attack that has ripped apart her world and what they are after?


  Web of Deceit

  Fakara, once one of the greatest nations of the world, is a desolate wasteland inhabited by tribes of bandits who demand yearly tribute from the poor villagers. Life in Fakara is a struggle for the bandits as well as the villagers and now the evil tribal leader of the Jiadin is making his move to unite the tribes and destroy neighboring Khadora.

  When his village is senselessly destroyed by the Jiadin, Rejji begins on a path that will move the young man into a confrontation with the evil leader, Grulak. Whichever opponent gains the upper hand, Fakara will be changed forever.

  Discover a world of deceit as friends become enemies and foes may be the best allies. The Time of Calling has begun and the sands of time cannot be halted.


  Aakuta: the Dark Mage

  As Lord Marak prepares for his first Assembly of Lords meeting, unknown enemies are trying to destroy him by targeting his caravans and assassinating him. The Torak lord treads carefully as his Sakovan and Fakaran allies accompany him to Khadoratung, capital of Khadora.

  Meanwhile, the Jiadin tribe of Fakara aligns with rogue Khadoran clans to brin
g havoc to the country. Adding to an already dangerous situation, a male mage suddenly appears and nobody knows what Aakuta's agenda is.


  Island of Darkness

  Just as peace between Omunga and Sakova appears to be a certainty, an evil mage steals the body of the newly chosen Katana, leader of the Omungan people. As the new Katana plots the destruction of the Sakova, a strange mystical disease ravages the country producing widespread famine. Both countries stand poised to annihilate each other, but the Star of Sakova fears a greater threat, which is brewing unseen across the ocean. To confront that new threat, she must preserve the armies of her Omungan enemy. Against all odds, she embarks upon a path towards a peaceful solution to the war, a path that could likely imperil the very existence of her own people.

  Meanwhile, two young orphans discover that they are sisters and set out from the Sakova on an ocean voyage to discovery their roots. What they discover is enough to terrorize both the Omungans and the Sakovans, if the young sisters manage to escape the Island of Darkness to tell their story.



  Thousands of years ago, humans attacked Elvangar, the land of the elves. The elves responded with a devastating attack, which ended with the sealing of the human city of Angragar. Sealed by the hand of Kaltara and hidden in an impenetrable jungle, Angragar has remained dormant waiting for the prophesized Astor to arrive and reopen the gates. Now that the Time of Calling has arrived, Angragar has awakened, and the elves of Elvangar prepare for a human invasion. Caught in the middle are four elves who have escaped from the Island of Darkness. Eltor, Caldal, Mistake, and MistyTrail tread carefully in both lands as the world prepares for a war unlike any other in history.


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