New Girl at St Justine's, Volume 1

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New Girl at St Justine's, Volume 1 Page 11

by Victor Bruno



  Erik Knudsen smiled at the dark-haired figure who was curled up on a couch piled high with cushions. The girl wore only a gossamer-light negligee of pale lemon-yellow which did little to conceal her high apple-round breasts and nothing at all to hide her long, shapely limbs.

  “Oh hallo, Nunky ... I didn’t hear you come in ...”

  “I’m not surprised,” smiled the tall, straight-backed Swede. The room was filled with a girl’s gasping-cries. On the wall, almost life-size, a red-welted bottom was writhing.

  Belinda touched a switch on the remote-control gadget by her side. The sound and the picture faded.

  “Don’t let me interrupt you.”

  “That’s alright, Nunky. I’ll give it a rest for a moment. Senior classroom that. I’m more interested in the Junior. That’s on the next tape. I was really waiting for you before I ran it.”

  “Thanks, my dear ...” Erik, who wore a red silk dressing gown and nothing else, sat down and stroked one of the shapely limbs. Belinda smiled and uttered a purring sound. She twisted around and kissed him.

  “You’re an amazing man,” she said.

  “Mmm ... that’s true,” nodded Erik Knudsen. He said it without conceit. For, without doubt, he was an amazing man. He had vast wealth, a keen intellect and superb physical fitness for his age. No one ever believed he had just passed the sixty mark. He looked and acted more like forty. Partly this was due to physical exercising all his life ... but mainly due to special vitamins and pills he took, these having the effect of checking the advancing ravages of age. Also they kept him in tip-top sexual condition.

  Tall, broad-shouldered, with sharp Scandinavian features, Erik had piercing blue eyes and close-cropped sandy hair. He was one of life’s winners, in every sense. He had millions easily. He had an inventive brain. He was relaxed and affable. Women had always fallen for him. And still did. It was rather a question of fending them off.

  Belinda Spence was a case in point. Only eighteen (but rather more sophisticated than her age would suggest). She adored the man she called Nunky, though he was not a blood relation.

  It was her step-sister, Fiona, who was the blood relation.

  Fiona, whose trials and tribulations were beginning to give Belinda such exquisite pleasure. She adored Erik all the more for giving her that opportunity, of course. It was quite incredible how he had arranged it all. Incarcerating Fiona in that bizarre ‘School’ he had organised. Moreover, Belinda felt no guilt about watching her step-sister’s sufferings. The little bitch had tried to send her to that very same place. Lucky for her, Erik (who fancied her no end) had got wind of it and reversed the placings!

  Oh yes, very lucky indeed!

  She moved nearer to Erik, who casually fondled Belinda’s firm breasts ... feeling the nipples harden at once. She was a real shapely dish this one. And oh how he liked them young!

  “Feeling randy?” enquired the girl, her dark eyes mischievous.

  “A little. I’ll get randier yet ...”

  “Good,” sighed Belinda nestling closer. Despite the very wide gap in their ages, she was genuinely attracted to Erik in a sexual way. As she had often told him, he fucked far better than most men half his age. She saw that compliment pleased Erik. Of course, she was well aware of his ‘kinkiness’, but that did not seem to affect his love-making. Nor did it concern Belinda. She was aware that a lot of men would like to be able to do what Erik was ... if only they were clever enough and could afford it!

  What a remarkable conception it was!

  A secret, secure and enclosed Academy for Young Ladies!

  In which the discipline made a Victorian Reform School appear like a holiday camp!

  Quite incredible how he had organised it all. And how smoothly everything ran. No need to visit the place even ... with all these fascinating video tapes being sent at regular intervals. It certainly was a most absorbing hobby for Erik she realised. And now she, too, was really hooked on it.

  Especially when Fiona was getting what she deserved!

  That little cow ... fancy trying to send her to such a place!

  By God, what a caning that girl had had! Her first. She hadn’t liked that one little bit. Not surprising. that Madame Duerrisse really laid it on. No half measures with her! Twelve slashing good strokes which had really had Fiona yelling the place down. How she had squirmed! A truly marvellous spectacle. It was easy to understand how a man ... how Erik ... would be turned on by such a thing.

  However, knowing the School Rules and Regulations, Belinda was aware that a twelve-stroke caning was the minimum Fiona could get. Doubtless, she thought (feeling a little bubble of pleasure inside her) the girl will soon be over the Whipping Horse again ... and getting eighteen or twenty four!

  Excellent ...

  “Shall we run through the latest tape ... the Class I tape?” asked Belinda.

  “Mmm ... if you like, my little one.” Erik continued to squeeze the girl’s firm, young breasts. His lust was beginning to mount and a swelling began. Lovely. Soon he would be inside this ripe little beauty. He’d fucked her before breakfast that morning ... but was very ready again. As far as he was concerned, age was no inhibitor of repeated sex.

  Belinda got up and strolled across to change the video-tape. Her rounded bottom wobbled deliciously. That was a bottom which was not going to feel leather or willow that afternoon. Just Erik’s caress. He sighed contentedly.

  Life was good.

  His erection began to harden more as Belinda returned. “I think I’d like you to sit on my lap while we watch,” he said.

  “Lovely idea, Nunky,” answered Belinda, smiling wickedly. “Yes ... a real turn-on that. While we watch.”

  “Mmmmm ...” Erik fondled the eighteen-year-old lasciviously. There was nothing like a ripe young beauty who was ready for it! He felt the girl’s hand first touch, then gently grip, his hardness.

  “Oh, that’s lovely, Nunky,” she said. “How lucky I am you’ve got such a whopper!”

  Lucky for me too, thought Erik, savouring her sexy touch. The girl manouevred herself on to his thighs. Then raised herself. Soon, as she sank down slowly, he was sliding up into her.

  Warm-clinging, liquid-velvet.


  Oh yes ... oh yes ...

  What a fuckable young girl she was! He reckoned he’d have her around for quite some time.

  Belinda wriggled herself. Erik felt himself getting even harder.

  “Shall I turn on the video?”

  “Sure,” he said.

  The blank white wall filled with colour. They were looking at the face of Miss Hester. A face, thought Belinda, which must have become truly terrifying for Fiona. “English literature,” said the Form Mistress. “We’ll run through last night’s Prep.”

  The camera swung over the twelve tense, nervous faces of the girls. Pretty young women who, under normal circumstances, would have been having the time of their lives at that moment. As it was, they were all in a kind of ‘Slough of Despond’. Fiona’s features were last to be viewed. She looked more tense than all the rest. Her lips were trembling.

  One by one, the girls stood and recited their lines. This time, it was ‘Gray’s Elegy’ ... a rather simpler work than ‘Paradise Lost’. Most girls got it right, but two got it wrong. The first was Zoe, an attractive redhead of twenty ... and the second was Fiona.

  Zoe, with ivory-white flesh and four month’s residence at St Justine’s, got her punishment first. Three stinging whacks with the triple-thonged strap, which she took pretty well. The welts raised seemed an even brighter red in contrast to her flesh.

  “Oh God ... Oh God ... look at her squirm ... isn’t that superb!” gasped Belinda, wriggling up and down. “Oh look at that bottom go!”

bsp; “Mmmm ... super ... “ said Erik thickly. It certainly was a luscious bottom he saw writhing before him. And it certainly was a luscious piece of cunt into which his cock was inserted. Belinda was seated with her back against his chest, her legs drawn back a little so that she could raise and lower herself a little.

  “Oooooo ... it makes me feel so randy,” sighed Belinda, as she undulated and wriggled.

  “The video or me?”

  “Both ... darling Nunky!”

  Fiona made three errors in her short piece. There were tears in her blue eyes as she was reciting it. They flooded down as Miss Hester called her out.

  “I hope we’re not showing signs of that lazy streak, Fiona,” said the Form Mistress severely.

  “No ... ooooh ... no ... no ... Miss,” replied Fiona, hands clasping together in anguish.

  “For we know where that can lead, my girl, don’t we?”

  “Y-Yes ... ssss ... oooohhhh ... yes ... Miss!”

  Miss Hester nodded. “Very well then. Up you go ...”

  Fiona knelt on the Strapping Stool. Her wrists were pinioned.

  “Mmmmf ... ahh ... mmmfff ... aaaaaahhhh ...” she sobbed.

  Miss Hester took down the triple-thonged strap.

  “Oh goodie!” laughed Belinda.

  “Five, my girl.”

  “Even better ...” cried Belinda.

  She began to undulate herself up and down again. Loving the feel of Erik’s hard root inside her. Oh how marvellous life was! How utterly, utterly thrilling! She cried with pure joy as the leather thwacked across Fiona’s twisting bottom.

  “Lovely ... lovely ... oh give it to her!”

  Miss Hester proceeded to do that very thing. Five cracking strokes of the supple, swinging leather. Each one raising three bands of deep-burning pain. Each one sending Fiona into a squirming, buttock-juddering frenzy of awful pain.

  “Oh ... oh my God ... that’s good,” Erik was gasping.

  Was he referring to Fiona’s madly writhing bottom or the bottom which was now pounding up and down and bringing him fast to a superb climax?

  It made no difference.

  “Isn’t it? Oh isn’t it just!” cried Belinda, working herself into a climatic peak.

  Her eyes were on Fiona’s quaking bottom. Her sensations were centred upon Erik’s ramrod within her.

  “Ooooooohhhhh ... lovely ... lovely ...”

  They spent themselves more or less simultaneously whilst, weeping uncontrollably, Fiona made her short way back to her desk.

  Yet again, her tiny little briefs lay in tatters on the classroom floor!

  “Nnnn ... nnnnn ... aaaahhh ... ooooo ...”

  “Aaaahhhhh ... nnnn ... nnnn ... nnnnn ... aaaaahhhhhhh ...”

  Only slowly did the jerking convulsions of Erik and Belinda subside.

  “Mmmmm ... lovely ... lovely ...”

  “:Oh yes ... so lovely ...”

  A pause.

  Happy sighing.

  Such content! Oh such content!

  “I wonder,” said Belinda after a little while, “whether she’ll get more leather during this session.”

  His solid length, though temporarily flaccid, was comfortably ensconced within the melting warmth of Belinda’s cunt. A most happy situation.

  He would wait a while.

  Who knew how events would unfold?


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