The Student

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The Student Page 13

by Darin Niemann

  As soon as I entered, Shar leaped on me from her hiding place, nearly knocking me over. Even through all the emotions still whirling inside me, I laughed. Shar was the one thing that had kept me sane in the past few weeks. She had made a full recovery, and was much more active now. Shar always wanted to play but it could be rough at times as she was a growing mountain cat. I entertained her for a while, which helped me keep my mind off of dark thoughts as well.

  For a few moments, I let myself relax and tried to not think of anything except Shar. She was growing faster than I had thought, now the size of a common hound. I realized that it wouldn’t be long before she had to leave the city, though there was still some time left.

  As if she could hear my thoughts, she paused to look at me, head tilted to one side. I rubbed her back and she purred, snuggling her head against my arm. Soon, I would have to take her outside the city. Eventually, she would be too large to sneak out, so it had to be done earlier. I knew she would be fine, as she was nearly strong enough to hunt on her own. Smaller game, at the very least.

  I snacked on some food, as I planned on training at the school tonight. Training with Dante let me focus and, more importantly, let me channel my rage. I would need energy in order to train for a decent amount of time.

  As far as school itself went, I hadn’t been back since Enelo’s death. Classes had started up around a week ago, but I couldn’t find it in me to care. The prince and Iselle had stopped by but I stayed mostly silent, though it was nice to hear their voices. It nearly made me smile to see their shocked faces when they saw Shar. They were wary at first but quickly warmed to her. They also tried to convince me to come back to school, but I only said I would think about it.

  I was about to leave for training, when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to find a single piece of parchment on the ground. I picked it up and went back inside. It read:


  It has been some time since last we met, and I regret to hear of Enelo’s fate. I offer my condolences. Learning that no headway has been made in the investigation, I have set my own resources to search. If you are interested in such information, I have arranged for a meeting, in two days time.

  -Headmaster Sol

  How would the Headmaster of the Academy be able to find anything more than a king? I was both intrigued and doubtful. But, if there was even a slight possibility that information on the killer could be found… I resolved that I would at least hear him out. I had no other options available.

  As the sun began to set, I left the house. Shar, as always, was staring out the window. Sometimes I wondered if she sat there the entire length of my absence. Entering the training grounds, I was glad to find it nearly empty. I retrieved a weapon from the racks, and secluded myself away from everyone else, which wasn’t hard to do as not many people were around.

  The training dummy seemed to laugh at me, as I stood there facing it. I shrugged it off and closed my eyes, imagining that horrid night in vivid detail. Enelo’s body lying there, his blood seeping into my clothes and covering my hands. Calling up my rage was the easy part. Being able to turn it off was a different story.

  When I opened my eyes, I did not see a training dummy. Before me stood a cloaked and hooded man, his face hidden in shadow. In his hand he carried a dagger, dripping with blood. Enelo’s blood.

  I rushed at him, mindlessly mixing forms together, without so much as a thought to my actions. I wanted to kill him. It was easy to let my rage take over, thinking of nothing but Enelo’s killer. A light sheen of sweat began to form over my body as I fought. Time passed and still I moved, even going so far as to pivot around the target, trying to get at any and all blind spots. Nothing worked as the shrouded man seemed to shrug off all my attacks.

  “Your form is sloppy.” A voice behind me said. I paused, breathing heavily. My sword tip fell to the floor as I blinked, seeing the training dummy before me once more. Even though it was built to withstand countless blows, I had put so much force into my strikes, that it had caused visible damage.

  I looked to find Dante, resting against a column, watching me. I didn’t say anything, turning back to stare at the dummy.

  Dante approached, “Your speed and power have grown. The rage helps with that.” He stepped in front of me, placing a hand on my shoulder. “The rage is good, but it cannot be used like this. As of now, you are being controlled by it. When you are controlled by rage, it makes you see one thing, blind to all else.”

  He paused, and began pacing as he spoke, “Controlling your rage takes practice and much effort. It was the hardest thing my master had to teach me. Once you master it, few will be able to stand against you.”

  In my mind, I understood. In my heart, though, the rage was all-consuming, and it was so easy to give in. Again I looked at the dummy, wanted to mindlessly throw myself at it once more.

  “My own master taught that there is only one way to overcome this obstacle.” I watched him pick up a training weapon as well. He faced me and took a stance. “You must learn through combat. Ready yourself.”

  Wordlessly, I took a stance. An offensive, forward stance. Dante smiled as he saw it. He had known the stance I would take, and he was prepared.

  “Come,” he commanded.

  I let the rage take over, and charged him. I attacked ferociously, never ceasing in my assault. Over and over, I smashed my weapon towards him, but it was always blocked, parried, or dodged. My frustration only added to the rage, fueling me further. I did not give up. I wanted desperately to take him down.

  The fiery haired blademaster dodged my next strike and rushed inside, past my weapon. His leg swung around mine and he pulled it forward as he shoved the hilt of his weapon into my chest. Imbalanced, I fell on my back. My anger sparked even higher, as the pain fed the blazing fire within.

  “Finished already?” He taunted me, flaunting that smug grin of his. Once more, I threw myself at him with all of my might, and once more I fell flat on my backside.

  “Had enough?” He asked. I snarled in response and attacked again. I kept going down, and kept getting up. Slowly, I began to realize that he was using the same combination of moves to take me down every single time. I knew which move he was going to make this time.

  I charged once more, waiting for the right moment. There. I feinted as if I was using the same strike as the last, and he fell for it. I pulled my strike at the last moment and spun around fully, whipping my sword at his side. I smiled, sure that victory was mine, until I looked out of the corner of my eye.

  Dante was smiling as he clearly followed my sword. Had he predicted even this? He jumped out of range as my sword whistled in the air. We stopped and stared at each other, breathing heavily.

  He nodded, “It is working. Before you were mindlessly being used by rage, but now you are thinking, attempting to control it. Once you can master it, bring your rage to the surface and use it at will, you will be much stronger.”

  He took a ready stance, “Again.”

  I faced him, my mind feeling clearer than it had in some time. I felt the rage, and I accepted it. I pulled it forward, but took control of my thoughts and my actions. I looked for openings, weaknesses, patterns; I watched for anything that would give me an advantage. It was a state of being that encompassed both extremes of calm and rage.

  I failed once more, but Dante reach down and grabbed my hand, hauling me to my feet.

  “You see it now, don’t you?” He asked.

  I nodded, closing my eyes and trying to feel that state of balance once more. “Come,” Dante beckoned, “we have much to do.”

  I opened my eyes with a focus unlike ever before.


  I strolled through the town gate as I carried Shar’s cage. I had decided to cover it as well, in order to not scare anyone, or draw attention to Shar. Once clear of the city, I removed the cover and let Shar look around. She seemed excited to be out in the wild. I didn’t dare let her out yet, as we were too close to the city for her to run

  I kept moving south-east until I couldn’t make out the city. It was close enough that I could come to check on her if she stayed nearby, but far enough that travelers wouldn’t stumble across her; unless, of course, she decided to roam. But, there was nothing I could do about that. Hopefully she was cautious enough to stay away from people.

  I set the cage down and opened the hatch. The door swung open, followed by Shar emerging onto the forest floor. She took in her surroundings, then looked towards me. I rubbed her fur a bit before picking up the cage.

  Finding a small hollow in a nearby tree, I nestled the cage within it. I left the blanket on the cage floor to provide some comfort, though I knew she would be fine without it. Shar just watched as I went about setting her makeshift den up. In a few months she might not even be able to fit into it at all.

  I stood and studied Shar. The starved, shabby creature she used to be had transformed into a cute looking cub. Her light brown coat seemed to have a healthy shine to it compared to the ragged appearance it used to have. She was beginning to take on a hint of ferocity as well, which would likely continue to increase as she grew older.

  I smiled to myself, realizing it was the first since Enelo’s death. My smile faded quickly as I turned and headed back to the city. Deep inside, I wished I could also live out here, away from everything and everyone. But, I wasn’t ready to give up on finding Enelo’s killer.

  I looked back to find Shar following me back to town. I had feared this would happen. I stopped, planting my hands on my hips.

  “No,” I said. Shar tilted her head to the side, as if not understanding me. I pointed back to the cage.

  “Shar, stay,” I commanded. I continued on my way back to town, and after a few steps, checked back to find her still following me. I went back and picked her up, carrying her and setting her down in front of her cage. She just looked at me, waiting to follow.

  I sighed, not knowing how I was going to get her to stay. I waited there silently, trying to think of some way to prevent her from following me. As I was thinking, a rabbit darted by, far enough for me to barely make it out, but not far enough for Shar to see it. She darted, bounding after it through the forest, for once not focused solely on me.

  It almost felt wrong, using this as a time to escape. But, it was necessary in order for her to survive on her own. I walked as silently as I could back towards the city, and Shar didn’t follow, too busy chasing after the rabbit. Even if she did follow me, after having been captured by that greedy merchant, I doubt she would attempt to bypass the gate with all its people going in and out. Her only option would be to return to the cage and wait for me. It was harsh, but I knew in my mind that it had to be done. My heart on the other hand, didn’t agree.


  As I ate my morning meal, I noticed the silence. I looked around at the place that I used to love. It had always seemed so lively. I now realized that it hadn’t been the house that had given me joy, but those within it.

  Grief began to surface as memories of Enelo, and even some of Shar, played out in my mind. I shook it off, knowing nothing would come of wallowing in sorrow. The only thing I could do is keep looking for the one responsible. I would never give up searching. I needed to know why.

  Taking a deep breath, I tried to take Enelo’s advice, which was to look at the good things in my life. I had food to eat and a place to sleep. The sun was shining warmly, and the day was calm. And most of all, there was a small lead on the killer.

  I hastily finished my meal, cleaning up after myself. Soon, I would be meeting with the Headmaster. Perhaps he would have something that the King had missed. The least I could do is hear him out.

  Additionally, I could also let him know that I wouldn’t be returning to school. I knew Enelo had helped me get this far. But, I wasn’t sure if I could handle going about my life as if nothing had happened. Maybe some day, once Enelo’s murderer was brought to justice, I would finish out my schooling as a healer. Right now, though, I knew I wouldn’t be able to put forth the effort into learning. Everything would remind me of Enelo’s death, and that I still had yet to find any answers.

  I locked the door as I left. The blue sky above was speckled with clouds here and there. The gentle breeze tickled my clothes. It truly was a nice day. Children ran laughing through the streets, chased by worrying mothers. People everywhere went about their business, glad for the wonderful weather. I had been frozen in time, seized into stillness by Enelo’s death, whereas the world continued on.

  Arriving on one of the main roads, my ears were bombarded with the chorus of merchants hawking wares and goods. I didn’t tarry and pushed on through until the school appeared. The school grounds were just as I recalled, filled with students on their way to class, with a few teachers here and there. Even here, life had gone on while I had been frozen in time. I didn’t hate them for it, it was only natural. People died and there was nothing you could do to change that.

  I made my way through the familiar halls. In the last couple weeks I had only been here at night, when most of the students were asleep. Today I wasn’t here for training. I was here to see the Headmaster.

  When I arrived at the door, his aid was standing watch outside. He quickly noted me and stepped aside as I approached.

  “The Headmaster is waiting for you.” His demeanor seemed strange for a professor's aid. I put the thought to the back of my mind. Bracing myself, I entered to find the Headmaster looking out his window at the school gardens.

  “Please, sit,” he said, not even glancing at me. I sat, and waited for him to give any more acknowledgment that I was here. Finally, after a few moments, he left the window to sit opposite me. His eyes studied me silently before he spoke.

  “I am truly saddened by Enelo’s death. I was once close to the man.”

  I had not heard of this from Enelo. “He never mentioned such,” I told him.

  The Headmaster looked at his hands, “It was a long time ago, when we ourselves were the students. We went our separate ways once we graduated, with him becoming the king’s personal physician and me striving to become the headmaster.” He paused and settled his gaze at me. “Be that as it may, the past is not the reason for this meeting. I invited you here to talk about the present and, perhaps, the future.”

  Behind me, the door opened to reveal his assistant. He carried a piece of cloth in one hand as he turned to shut the door. Confused, I glanced back at the Headmaster. Noticing my puzzlement, he explained.

  “There is something I wish to show you. I am sure you will be interested in it, as it may prove useful in finding Enelo’s killer. I regret, though, that you will have to be blindfolded, as it is a matter of great secrecy.”

  I stared at the cloth in the assistant’s hands, unsure of what this was about. But, I was willing to do anything to get revenge for Enelo.

  The Headmaster spoke, “You may, of course, decline the offer. But, then you may never find Enelo’s killer. Well, what will it be?”

  I tried to think of what all of this meant but I couldn’t focus on anything other than the help he could provide in finding out who killed Enelo. From the secrecy, I knew that it may not be entirely virtuous. Before Enelo’s death, I would have declined right away, but now? Now it didn’t matter. I wanted so badly to know why Enelo had been killed, that I would do anything it took to get that knowledge.

  To answer the Headmaster, I stood and took the proffered cloth and tied it securely around my eyes.

  “Excellent. My assistant, Niels, will lead you until we get there,” the Headmaster said. I nodded and Niels gently placed his hand on my shoulder. I waited patiently as I heard the shuffling of robes, as the Headmaster moved about. A moment later a faint ‘click’ sounded. What followed sounded very much like furniture being moved. A false door, apparently. Interesting. I wondered if Enelo had ever known about such a place existing within the Academy.

  I was moved along, with Niels letting me know of the stairs that led down. At the bottom
of the stairs, I was steered left, and then after a ways, back to the right once more. A few more twists and turns and we stopped.

  “You may remove your blindfold now,” the Headmaster spoke. I untied the cloth from around my head, and opened my eyes to see a large open room filled with many instruments. Some I had seen before, such as the equipment used in making tonics, potions, and remedies. I also noted a variety of weaponry, with the usual daggers, swords, and bows. There were others that were clearly weapons, but none like I had ever seen before.

  I took note of the herbs and plants arrayed on the tables. None of them had much to do with healing at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. I knew a few of them, including the Heartwood, Greypetal, and the Lavorae plants. If given the right dosage, any could kill a man within seconds. The Heartwood, as its given name implied, would stop a heart while leaving little evidence of its existence. Any looking into foul play would say the victim had a heart attack. It was a popular staple of assassins, or so I had heard.

  There was only a handful of people in the room, and of them, they barely glanced our way before returning to their tasks. They were all hooded so that I couldn’t make out any faces.

  The Headmaster spoke as I continued to take in the room, “By now, you probably have an inkling as to why we would have such information.” I faced him, as he elaborated. “We are a group who has our hand within many areas of society itself, but we ourselves are not known to the public. Rumors, perhaps, but nobody truly believes them. Everyone here has their own reasons, but our main goals are to further our group as a whole.”

  He swept an arm out, gesturing at the room, “We have many ways to acquire information that those in service to the king would not have access to.” He paused, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Join us. Become one of us, and we will help you find the vengeance you seek.”

  He removed his hand from my shoulder, letting me absorb all that I had learned. I stood silent, my mind reeling that such a place and group existed, hidden within the confines of the Academy. It made sense in its own twisted way. To be able to heal, one must know what harms.


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