Always You_A Friends to Lovers Romance-Book 1

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Always You_A Friends to Lovers Romance-Book 1 Page 5

by Alexis Winter

  Harper’s brow furrowed, “What’s going on?”

  Bridgette let out a loud sigh, “How much time you got?”

  “Help me put the weights and steps away and tell me what’s going on.”

  The girls went around the room picking up the weights and breaking down the steps to put things away. “Wait so you have your date scheduled with Paul but now you’re worried because things are finally getting back to normal with Luke?”

  “Yes. I know he’s been super stressed and busy with work, I get that I’m in a similar situation so I don’t want to try to dig into our relationship and see if there’s more to things if it’s just going to add stress on to his life. Also…I had like some weird thoughts about him.” Her voice went up about two octaves and she looked down at her shoes awkwardly.

  Harper turned around slowly, “Uhhhh what kind of ‘weird’ thoughts?” She said with air quotes. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw Bridgette’s discomfort grow.

  Bridgette groaned and covered her face with her hands. “I don’t know! Just weird thoughts! I’m super excited for my date with Paul and then these random thoughts about Luke popped in my head tonight when he made a kind of sexual comment. He didn’t mean it sexually but it just made me picture him naked! God I can’t believe I’m saying this out loud.”

  Harper let her head fall back and laugh. “Bridge I’d question your sanity if you didn’t have random thoughts like that about Luke. You guys are always together, you have shared so much of your life together and he looks like damn ken doll. I don’t think it means anything…unless it does?” She raised an eyebrow at her friend.

  “No, no! NO. Definitely just a weird, random thought.” She debated telling Harper that she had once told Luke she was in love with him back when they were in college. Even though she had only garnered the courage to tell him through alcohol it didn’t change the reality of her feelings back then. She had never told Harper about that night, mostly out of embarrassment but also because she knew her friend would make a big deal of the entire situation. Over the years Harper had asked her if they had ever slept together or kissed or if either had feelings for one another. She had always been able to keep her friend’s curiosity mostly at bay by ensuring her that they were more like siblings than anything else.

  “Well, again I’m sure it was just nerves…speaking of you find anything to wear for your date yet?”

  “No, I’m going to Nordstrom on Wednesday after work. Luke and I have our run tomorrow and then you have me back in this hell hole on Thursday and Friday so it’s really my only time. Speaking of time, it’s late and I am exhausted. I’m going to head home, Paul said he would give me a call tonight after his conference.” She was giddy as she skipped towards the door of the aerobics rooms.

  “Ohhhh you face-timing? Going to run home and slip into something a little more sexy?”

  Bridgette’s face flushed as she shushed her friend, “People can hear you!” She blew her friend a kiss and scurried off to the locker room to grab her things.

  She had to admit the thought of sexy time with Paul was enticing and nerve inducing. She hadn’t been with very many guys, she took intimacy personally and liked to build a connection before she shared her body with a man. Luke always given her a hard time about it but it just wasn’t her style to be so cavalier about it all and for as much as he teased her he always told her how admirable and desirable it was that she had such high standards.

  Chapter 8

  “Would you slow down!” Bridgette panted as she ran at top speed to catch up with Luke. He had taken off down the lake front as soon as she mentioned she could ‘kick his ass’ now that she had been attending Harper’s bootcamp. “I take it baaaaack!” She leaned over and placed her hand on her knees, giving up on catching him. He slowed down and ran back toward her.

  “So I guess it’s safe to say in a zombie apocalypse I’m pushing you down and running.” She nudged him but couldn’t speak through her rapid breaths.

  She straightened her back and they walked over to the grass to stretch. “Negative splits today, nice! I need to start training again soon for the marathon. You going to run with me again this year?” They had been running buddies since college, although she was well aware her smaller legs made him run at a slower pace but still even for being barely over 5 feet she managed to keep a 7 min mile pace during the marathon.

  “Yeah absolutely, can’t break tradition now.” They both launched into their stretches and caught up about work. Things seemed to be going better for Luke, he ended up getting promoted and was now the Sr. Engineer for his department at Boeing. He had always had a very impressive work ethic and graduated top of his class from high school, college and grad school. There really wasn’t anything Luke couldn’t excel in. He had loved space and technology since he was a kid and that passion never died, it had propelled him into a career of aeronautical engineering. His dream was to end up at NASA and at only 31 already being the top engineer in his department, he was well on his way.

  “So are you seeing anyone? I haven’t heard you talk about anyone specific lately so wasn’t sure if you were still keeping your local harem around or had finally found one that caught your eye.” Bridgette nudged his arm in a teasing manor but Luke just shook his head.

  “Na I’ve been too busy, haven’t had much time for anything outside work and softball. “What about you? How are things with…Paul?” The name seemed to leave a bit of a distaste in his mouth but Bridgette didn’t seem to notice, she even let out a sigh of relief when he brought him up.

  “So far so good, just taking it slow. We have our first date on Saturday so that should be fun. Just doing some local stuff. We’ve talked on the phone twice and text now and then. I know he’s extremely busy so trying to just give him space and let it come about organically.” She was rambling a bit and grabbing handfuls of grass before she realized it.

  Luke nodded and took a long drink from his water bottle, “Well I’m happy to hear things are going well. I’m sure it wouldn’t bother him if you reached out more often. Trust me, a man is never going to be annoyed by hearing from a smart, beautiful woman who wants to spend time with him.”

  “Wow look at you paying me compliments!” She threw a handful of the grass blades at him which caused him to launch himself at her, tossing her onto her back and sending her into fits of giggles. He tickled her a little and then helped her up off the ground so they could head back.

  “Okay it’s getting dark and I’m worn out so let’s grab an Uber back to your car.” He threw his arm around her neck as she slipped her arm around his waste, ignoring the niggling feeling that was brewing in her stomach.


  It was Wednesday afternoon and Bridgette was riffling through the racks at Nordstrom. She already had a room full of outfits and several more new ones hanging off of her arm. “Excuse me miss? Would you like me to add those to your dressing room?” A petite older woman tapped her on the shoulder.

  “Oh thank you but I’m heading back there now, I should quit while I’m ahead!” She said as she gestured to the growing pile on her arm. She smiled at the lady as she headed back to try on the outfits. She pulled out her phone to send a message to Luke, they had been texting all day.

  So finally made it to the store and I’m about to try on about thirty dresses, be prepared to give me some honest feedback. I know this is how you wanted to spend your Wednesday afternoon :)

  Luke laughed a little to himself as he read the message but couldn’t deny he was curious to see what kind of dresses she had picked out.

  Alright kid let’s see what you got.

  Bridgette smiled as she picked up the first dress she had chosen. It was cute and pretty, much more of an innocent appeal than a few of the others she had chosen. It was just above the knee and flared out at the waist. It had a pattern of black and white roses with a small gold belt and exposed gold zipper down the back. She snapped a picture making a silly face and sent if off to Luke.

/>   That’s a great choice, you look stunning as usual.

  Look felt his chest tighten a bit at the thought of Paul getting to touch her in that dress, slipping his arm around her waist or kissing her softly. “Fuck!” He said to himself. He was growing frustrated again. He knew he couldn’t always have her as his best friend, maybe that’s what was bothering him so bad. He knew that when she finally met someone who swept her off her feet things between the two of them would change. He would not only lose his best friend but the only woman he knew he loved.

  Bridgette continued trying on the dresses, sending pictures of the contenders. Each pic she did a silly face or funny pose, make Luke smile even though he wanted to throw his phone across the room.

  Okay this one is a liiiiiitle more revealing than I’d normally wear but do you think I could pull it off? I don’t want to send the wrong message though!

  The dress was stunning, it was fire engine red like the one she had worn to the reunion. Only this dress was completely backless. It was a halter style that dropped seductively across her breasts and accentuated her tiny waist. It hit a few inches above the knee making her toned legs look a mile long. This time she wasn’t making a funny face, her dark curls had fallen over her shoulder and her eyes were staring straight at the lens in the mirror. She looked like a confident, sexual woman that knew exactly what she wanted.

  Luke sucked in a sharp breath when he opened the picture. How could this woman that was so funny and smart and witty in one minute turn into a seductive minx the next? When she sent the earlier photos his heart felt warm and his chest tightened. This time when he looked at the photo his blood began to roar in his ears and he could feel his cock straining against the fly of his pants. He was frustrated with himself, frustrated that his body had this kind of reaction to her and frustrated that he was powerless to resist it.

  So be honest, is it too much? Oh I forgot to show you the back!

  Her message was accompanied by a photo of her bare back and those sultry eyes looking at him from over her shoulder. Before he could take a deep breath and be considerate he typed out a response in haste and sent it…immediately regretting his decision.

  I dunno Bridge just pick one. They all kind of look the same after a while anyway. I’m sure he won’t care what you’re wearing.

  Bridgette couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment when she read his response. She felt like once again she overstepped an invisible boundary and set off an alarm that pisses Luke off.

  I’m sorry if I’m bothering you, I didn’t mean to upset you.

  I’m not upset, I just don’t get why you’re asking me this stuff. Why not ask Harper? She’s your best friend and a girl. I just figure she could give a better opinion.

  Bridgette was shocked, You’re my best friend too Luke.

  Look don’t read into it or make it a big deal you know what I meant. I can’t do this right now anyway I need to get back to work. Good luck with the date.

  Bridgette hung her head and slumped down to the floor of the changing room. She was confused, hurt and didn’t understand what was happening between them. It was becoming exhausting and she just wanted things to be like they used to be. The only thing she could do right now was focus on herself and pick out the best damn dress she could find. She may feel like shit but she was going to look like a million bucks!


  It had been a few weeks since Bridgette’s first date with Paul, since then they had gone out on a few more dates. The time passed pleasantly between them as did the conversation. She liked how smart and laid back he was and that there never seemed to be any tensions between them. He had been a complete gentleman on their dates, always leaving her with a kiss at the door. She had to admit she was curious about more but she appreciated he wasn’t pressuring her for anything. She wasn’t sure how to make the first move or even bring it up. She was meeting the gang tonight after the guy’s softball game so she thought she’d run it by Harper and get her opinion.

  Things had still been tense with Luke. She hadn’t heard much from him and when she did it was one and two word answers. They were friendly at the softball games but he generally tended to avoid her, tonight hadn’t been any different. The group and several others celebrated the guys win with a round of drinks at Shanahans like usual. The guys replayed some the finer moments of the game with one another while Bridgette grabbed Harper and headed over to one of the hightop tables.

  “So I need to ask your advice about something.” Bridgette fiddled with her drink as she spoke. Harper looked at her intently and reached a hand out to calm her friend. “Okay you know Paul and I have been out a few times over the last few weeks and it’s been great. We get a long super well and I like being around him but he hasn’t…made a move.”

  Harper nodded her head slowly, “I see…has he done anything? Have you guys at least kissed?”

  “Yeah he always kisses me when he picks me up and drops me at home but it never goes beyond that. Trust me I like that he’s a gentleman and I appreciate that he has respect for me but I’m also a lady with needs ya know!” She quickly hushed her voice as Grant made his way over to their table.

  “Hey this is 2018 girl you need to make a damn move and get yours!” Bridgette was trying to signal to Harper to shut the hell up but it was too late.

  “That’s right lady!” Grant came up and slammed his hand down on the table. “Seems like I came in to the conversation at the right time.” He said with a smirk.

  The girls laughed as Bridgette placed a hand over her very red face. Luke saw the commotion and made his way over to the table as the group continued to laugh. “Anyway, as I was telling Bridgette, she needs to just put on something sexy and make her intentions very well known to Paul…by any means necessary.” Grant joined her in a high-five and laughter as Bridgette hung her head in embarrassment.

  Her eyes briefly met with Luke’s as Grant and Harper continued to carry on with their comments. Grant leaned over the table popping his hip out in a dramatic demonstration of how Bridgette could seduce Paul. He turned to Luke to bring him in on the conversation, “Luke come on help our friend here get laid, how can she send Paul the message that she’s ready to tame the one eyed snake!” Harper squealed at his comment and smacked his arm playfully. Luke rolled his eyes and threw his empty beer bottle in the neighboring trash can and walked towards the door of the bar. He waved his hand once in the air as he walked out without a word.

  “What the hell was that about?” Grant asked looking back at the girls. They both shrugged and carried on talking. Grant teased Harper and the flirtatious tension was beyond obvious. Bridgette couldn’t help but smile to herself as she discretely pulled her phone out to send Luke a text.

  Hey, you ok?

  She turned her attention back to the conversation, but kept casually glancing at her phone to see if Luke responded, he didn’t. She finished up her drink and made a generic excuse about being tired and having to get up early tomorrow. She hugged her friends goodbye and headed toward Luke’s place, she was confronting this once and for all.

  Chapter 9

  Bridgette said hello to Luke’s doorman and told him he was expecting her. Thankfully he knew her and didn’t think twice about letting her in the elevator and up to his floor. She knocked furiously on his apartment door “Luke we need to talk! I know you’re in there.” She had just raised her hand again for another round of aggressive pounding when the door swung open. She didn’t think twice about pushing her way into his apartment demanding they talk.

  “I don’t know what the hell is going on anymore Luke but I’m tired of this. I have done nothing wrong and yet I keep getting the sense that you’re upset with me and pushing me away. I value our friendship enough to actually address things. We need to talk about this like adults. Or is this just all in my head?”

  Luke sighed and shut his apartment door. He gestured to the living room, “I agree. Let’s sit.” Bridgette nervously walked into his living room and sat o
n the edge of the couch. It was a room she’d been in a hundred times but tonight she felt like a complete stranger. “You’re right I have been distant lately, I’ve been frustrated and I haven’t handled things well.”

  “What are you frustrated about? Since the reunion you’ve been this way. You’ve met Paul once and you didn’t even talk to him, I had to introduce you two and you spoke maybe three words?”

  Luke was starting to get frustrated, he stood up off the couch and paced the floor. “If you’d let me get a word in I could explain!” Bridgette rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. “You took me to the reunion as your date and then you basically upgraded me for Paul once we got there. You barely even noticed me or talked to me the rest of the night. It was just rude, I thought we were going to have fun and spend time together!”

  Bridgette shot up off the couch, “Are you freaking kidding me right now?! YOU offered to go as my date. YOU did! I did spend time with you, it’s not my job to babysit you Luke. I was having a great time and I thought you were too. I met someone who was interested in me and I was taking a chance, why do you have to make it about you?!” She was angry at this point, her voice was raised and she was gesturing wildly with her hands.

  “You just got out of a relationship two seconds before for god’s sake, I didn’t expect you to hook up with the first guy that paid you some attention and I certainly didn’t expect you to ignore your best friends for the entire night for him. Don’t act like I’m the only one that was annoyed by it, Harper and Grant noticed it as well Bridge.”

  His comments stung a little, she hadn’t actually thought about it from that point of view but he didn’t need to be so rude. “I didn’t just ‘hook up’ with some guy Luke, we were having a genuine adult conversation. Unlike you I don’t fuck random people then tell them my name afterward.”


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