Zeke realised he was not dreaming, but had no idea what was occurring. He could actually feel all of the sections of the hull as if it was part of him. The area where the propulsion motors sat was warmer, the side facing the sun was degrees warmer as the solar rays hit it. He felt the weapons tubes and sensed the cold dark interiors where no sunlight ever reached.
He wasn’t afraid, for some reason deep within him he decided he was there because he needed to be. There was something he needed to see. He just needed to look for it. It was there. He looked outwards and was rewarded with a fantastic view.
It never ceased to amaze him how much the stars became bright orbs of light in space, the flatness of them from the Earth’s surface looking through the dust laden atmosphere was nothing compared to when seen like this.
From two dimensional twinkles to three dimensional sparkles, even photographs couldn’t catch the depth and intensity of a view like this. Zeke continued to wonder what had bought him out here. His abilities didn't extend to astral travelling.
His eyes warily scanned the heavens around him. They were looking for something specific. He could feel the tension building inside him. That 6th sense that he had in the gulf and that the Ferrazine was still honing inside him. He knew something was out there.
He continued to scan. He didn’t know whether he was dreaming, or if this was real, but he wasn’t prepared to take the chance. He would persevere until he had something tangible to hang his worry onto, or until it disappeared like an old ship in the fog.
His attention settled into a wide monitoring pattern and he waited, knowing that whatever had set his alarm bells ringing would be coming soon. Zeke was mesmerised by the stars, their pattern seemed to slip into a dance, he followed it as if the universe was serenading him. It was then that he noticed the anomaly.
There it was.
A blinking orb, not regular, irregular.
It was there. Yes.
He could see it. He watched for a few minutes. It was... getting bigger.
He zoomed in on the image. Was this him or the ships sensors, he couldn’t tell. It instantly became a large silver blob, no stick, no its a blob again. Ah! its a SHIP.
It was out of control falling through space bow over stern in an irregular motion that alternated the view of it from this perspective. He changed perspective. Now it was approaching along his port side. He could now see it clearly. Its stern had the uniform T-shape that denoted ... ZIRKOS!
Zeke was suddenly back inside the ship on his grey plinth. He leapt up, his vision bringing him to full alert.
“Arty, full sensor scan NOW!”
“Working, Zeke. Scanning.”
“Damn it! Zirkos, what happened to you?” he yelled as he ran into the Control Room.
‘SHIP do you hear me SHIP’ he mentally challenged across space in as loud a mental shout as he could manage.
“Arty, bring shields to maximum.”
“Arty, show view screens, bow and stern.”
The images leapt into focus on the large screens in front of him. He tried to remember the star map from his vision, nothing seemed to look at all like it. Then he thought he saw a familiar pattern.
There. He could see that pattern from his vision.
“Arty, zoom in bottom right quadrant, screen one.”
“I detect a metalloid object of a similar nature to this ship. It appears out of control.” Arty responded.
“Arty, hail it.”
“There is no response.”
“Object is closing with us and will be within tractor range in sixteen minutes...”
“Arty, prepare to capture craft with Tractor Beam as soon as in range, without adding damage,” he added.
He wasn’t confident that the tractor beam had been fully calibrated yet. A poor, or mistimed catch could crush the ship.
“Arty, continue to hail ship.”
“Arty, record coordinates, origin, direction and speed of distressed craft. Log for further analysis.”
Zeke could feel the moment when the Tractor beam caught Ship. As the momentum pulled them out of alignment he felt the slight shift as Arty pulled them back onto the previous course.
“Vessel secured.”
“Arty, scan vessel for life signs. Attempt contact with the ship.”
“There are no life signs. No on-board A.I. No external signs of damage,” informed Arty.
“In addition, engines are cold, there is no life support; power reserves appear to be at zero.” The A.I. completed its analysis.
“Arty, secure ship to our vessel. Prepare an emergency hatch connection. Do not open hatch until I command it.”
“Ship is Secured.”
“Emergency Hatch deployed. However, there is no corresponding response from the other vessel.”
“Damnation! What on earth has happened to you two?” he screamed in frustration.
“I need Pod!” Zeke said to nobody in particular.
He had missed the damned A.I. and now it was important, he needed a friendly A.I. that knew the score and could help him sort out what was going on.
‘Pod, where are you when I need you, Dammit!’ he voiced his mental frustration into the ether.
He was in space in an unfamiliar ship with an A.I. that barely scraped by. He needed to get to the answers without any delay and wasn’t sure if this ship had the capability of landing with another T-Ship in tow. Zeke had no idea how to get it to respond without a D-Field generator and meanwhile his friends, Ship AND Zirkos were missing, presumed captured, or worse dead. He was in major trouble.
“Dammit Pod, I need you” he uttered futilely.
‘I’m here, Zeke. I’m outside the ship,’ the mental communication activated his built-in device.
‘Geesh! Pod, how did you do that?’ Zeke mentally voiced ‘and why didn’t Arty inform me of your approach’
“Arty, detect anomalies in proximity to the ship.”
“None detected, Commander,” the A.I. responded.
‘Bloody Hell, where have you been Pod, I’ve missed you.’ Zeke blurted. Well he had, he realised.
‘I have been, err’m doing stuff, Zeke’ Pod hedged.
‘Okay, never mind. Can you transport me across to Ship I need to get aboard?’
‘No can do, Zeke.’
‘Damn, why not?’
‘I need to produce an atmosphere. I am instructing your ship to increase air pressure and I will port it across until there is sufficient atmosphere for you to breathe.’
‘Oh, okay, how long will that take?’
‘Not long.’
He felt the pressure increase, decrease and this went on for about ten minutes, his ears popped each time as the pressure regulated itself in his ear drums. After a while it stopped.
‘Heating air to ambient temperature,’ Pod advised him.
‘Zeke, ready to port you across, stand by.’
Zeke was suddenly in the control room of Ship. He immediately felt at home, although it was strangely empty without the A.I. and Zirkos.
Pod ported in beside him. Zeke smiled, stupidly as it materialised.
They went through the whole ship and could find no trace of anything, no battle scars, no body parts, nothing was missing. Except the processors that made up Ship.
It was then Zeke noticed the cube of Alacite was missing. In its place was a piece of crystal. He went to touch it , but Pod stopped him, warning him out loud.
”No Zeke, its a message.”
“What do you mean its a message?”
“That piece of crystal has been removed from a Nubl. If you touch it there is a strong possibility that it will transmit a signal, probably a locator beacon. It will tell the Nubl precisely where we are.”
“I believe it is a message and it has only one meaning.”
“Oh Christ, you don’t think...”
“Yes, Zeke. The Nubl are coming.�
Book Two The Nubl Wars will available from the end of March 2014.
Message from Tobias Roote
I hope you have enjoyed reading the first book in the ‘Pattern Book’ Series.
Follow the developing stories of Zeke, Pod and the Nubl Hives in Book 2 of the 'Pattern Universe' in 'Nubl Wars' coming soon.
Each book is intended to be available every three months. If you want to keep up to speed with time-scales and deadlines and participate in discussions, give-aways and promotions I would love it if you click 'like' and 'follow' on Facebook, search for Tobias Roote – Author to connect with me or click this link https://www.facebook.com/TobiasRooteAuthor
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Thanks again,
Tobias Roote
The Pattern Ship (The Pattern Universe) Page 21