Hostile Takeover: Modern Girl's Quickie

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Hostile Takeover: Modern Girl's Quickie Page 5

by Gina Drayer

  “I have you to thank for that,” he said and kissed her temple as he leaned over to fill her coffee cup. It was such a casual show of affection, something he did without even thinking about it. He expected her to pull back or admonish him in some way, but she stared at her plate, cheeks warming under a blush.

  Well, that was unexpected. Maybe he’d managed to break through that armor after all. He sat down and heaped food onto their plates.

  Despite claiming to be a light morning eater, Holly ate a little bit of everything. He, on the other hand, was starving, but he found himself transfixed watching her eat—an altogether different hunger growing. The way her lips moved had a sensual motion to them. Her tongue darting out to catch a bit of honey from the biscuit. It was mesmerizing.

  When she glanced up at him and grinned, Mike realized he’d been staring and started in on his own breakfast.

  “What do you have planned today?” he asked.

  She swallowed her bite of eggs. “I have contracts to review, and I was hoping to schedule a conference call later this afternoon.”

  “Do you ever just take a weekend off?” he asked.

  “Sometimes,” she said with a shrug. “But when I’m on the road, there’s nothing else for me to do, so I work.”

  “Then let me propose an alternative. There’s someplace I’d like to take you.”

  Her curiosity peaked, she took a bite of the fluffy biscuit and considered his invitation. “Where?” she asked.

  He smiled and licked the bit of butter and honey off the end of her fingertip. “If I told you it wouldn’t be as interesting, would it?”

  He knew better than to drag this out. There was still a chance she’d just call the whole thing a big mistake, but he loved teasing her, seeing the color rise on those high cheek bones.

  “Just the afternoon,” she finally said. “I really do have some work to do.”

  “Deal,” Mike agreed. “We can grab some lunch and then I’ll have you back in time to work.”

  He was going to take every second she was willing to give, and still beg for more.


  Don’t apologize.

  The worst thing you can do during a negotiation is apologize for being yourself. “I’m sorry” basically means “don’t give me what I want.” There’s no need to apologize for being assertive and asking for what you want.

  Holly drove them back to the hotel. She grabbed a shower and changed while Mike made arrangements for their little outing. She agreed to meet him in the lobby in an hour, but she wasn’t at all surprised to see him waiting for her when she came down at a quarter to the hour.

  He looked different out of his business suit—more relaxed, but no less sexy. The fitted jeans showed off his firm ass, and a University of Pennsylvania t-shirt clung to his frame in all the right places. Her insides warming up at the reminder of the muscular frame that hid beneath.

  And while his physique made her body ache with want, his smile made something inside her chest swell. She tried to push that girlish feeling away. Regardless of what was happening between them, she’d be leaving in a few days. This was just some well-deserved fun, and it would do her well to remember.

  “You look gorgeous,” Mike said.

  “Thank you.” She’d chosen a casual blue dress that came just above her knees. It was one of the few non-business attire she’d packed and not something she got to put on often. But it made her feel feminine and attractive, not the hard business woman her hard earned reputation proclaimed her to be.

  “Let’s hit the road,” he said.

  Holly drove her rental and followed Mike’s direction out of town. He sat in the passenger seat while she turned and maneuvered to his instructions. She wasn’t sure where they were going, but for some reason, she trusted him completely. It wasn’t like her. She didn’t trust many people outside of her immediate family. Business had taught her that most people only had their best interest in mind and to hell with everyone else.

  But Mike made her reconsider that notion. He had a softer side, while still being all male. And that was probably why she was so conflicted about him. They still had a business deal to wrap up, but for now, she wasn’t going to think about that. She allowed herself to have this day.

  “It’s not far. Just make a left up here at the corner.”

  Holly made a left and realized they were going into an underground parking structure. “You sure this is it? You’re not going to kill me and dismember my body are you?”

  “You caught onto my evil plan,” he said with a faux sigh.

  “It’s always the nice guys,” she said, shaking her head. “Isn’t that what the neighbors always say? ‘I can’t believe he killed all those women. He was quiet and such a nice guy.’”

  “Trust me, none of my friends would ever call me quiet.” As she turned the corner, he pointed. “Park straight ahead.”

  She drove up and parked in one of the numerous open parking spaces and cut the ignition off. Once out of the car, she took a look around. It was obvious that the building hadn’t been used for a number of years. And even though she’d been joking earlier, as she looked around the deserted building, she started to worry a little.

  “I agree to spend the day with you, and this is where you bring me? An abandoned building,” she said with a nervous chuckle, “how romantic.”

  Mike laughed and pushed the up button. “It’s not abandoned. It’s under renovation.”

  And as much as the dilapidated parking structure went against his words, he was right. The elevator, it wasn’t old or in disrepair. The doors opened onto a stainless steel and glass interior car that sparkled.

  They went up a few floors, and the doors opened to reveal a man she didn’t know, waiting for them. He wore khaki pants and a polo work shirt with the words Danver’s Construction stitched into it.

  Mike stepped forward and shook the man’s hand. “Hey, Arnie.”

  “Mike,” He looked over at Holly and smiled. “Is this the ‘someone special’ you were talking about?”

  “Yeah.” Mike held his hand out to Holly. Confused, she took it, and he pulled her closer to them. “Holly, this is my best friend, Arnold Danvers. Arnie, this is Holly Carver.”

  Arnie nodded his head in greeting. “Nice to meet you, Holly.”

  “You too.” Holly would have said something more hospitable, but she was too confused about why they were there to answer.

  “Arnie and I studied architecture in college together,” Mike said. “Now he’s a big-time contractor. This is one of his buildings.”

  “Don’t be so modest,” Arnie said. “He designed this building. I just get the pleasure of building it for him.”

  “You designed this building?” Holly asked, looking around again. Almost everything was covered in plastic sheeting so she couldn’t get a feeling for the place.

  “I was part of the team that designed it. Before my dad died,” Mike said with a sigh. “But that’s not why I brought you here. I asked Arnie for a small favor so I could show you something.”

  Arnie chuckled. “This is no small favor, my friend. You owe me for this one.” He handed Mike a set of keys. “I’ll expect those back by tomorrow.”

  “First thing,” Mike said. He pushed the elevator button again, and the doors opened back up. “You coming?” He stared directly into Holly’s eyes and held his hand back out, waiting for her to decide.

  She didn’t need to think long as she took his hand and rejoined him in the elevator. The puzzle of it all too tempting.

  “Have fun, kids,” Arnie said before the elevator doors shut him out of view.

  Mike held on to her hand as he inserted the key into a special slot that was separated from the regular buttons. He turned the little key, and the elevator continued to ascend.

  Now Holly wasn’t just curious about what he was going to show her, she was downright eager. Something told her that whatever was happening right now was important—something she couldn’t just walk away fro

  And just like last night, she was helpless to stop it.


  Negotiate like a woman.

  Be strong and confident doesn’t mean you have to emulate men. Women are actually very good at asking questions and building relationships. These skills can help you craft creative solutions during negotiations.

  Mike had never been so nervous in his life. He might not have known Holly for long, but something about bringing her here felt right. He knew their time was short lived and this was his one chance to show her a piece of who he was. He’d never brought a woman here before. Mike had actually never brought anyone here, so this was new for him too. He wasn’t sure whether he was excited or wanted to puke. But when she slipped her hand into his hand and held on tight, he knew he’d made the right choice.

  “So are you going to finally tell me what this is about?”

  Mike shook his head. “It’s best if I show you. I couldn’t do it justice anyways.”

  The elevator bell rang right before the doors opened to the penthouse area or at least the area that was going to become the penthouse.

  “We’re here,” he said, a bit nervous.

  She looked around, somewhat confused, which he knew she would be.

  “Trust me?”

  “I do,” she said, shaking her head. “Not sure why or if I should. I’ve never had a guy bring me to an abandoned building as a surprise.”

  “Well, I like to stand out from the crowd,” he said with a wink. “Come on. You know you’re curious.”

  “Curiosity is what’s gotten me this far.” She laughed again, her voice sounding lighter.

  The tension that had started to build up inside of him eased and he pulled her into the room. “You asked me last night why I love designing things. I figured it was best to show you why instead of explaining it. So, sweetness, may I show you?”

  He offered his hand, asking her to see something he hadn’t even shown his family—bare a part of his soul few people knew about. And when she took it, he let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in.

  “I’d love for you to show me,” Holly said.

  He led her through the mostly done penthouse suite to the large floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the city. This was a tall building, and it gave them a perfect view of the world below. As if he’d staged the whole thing, the sun broke through the clouds and provided perfect afternoon lighting. Sunbeams glint off the glass of the building across the river, making the city come alive.

  “This is why I do it,” Mike said. “I know last night I said that the human existence is frail. That nature was enduring. But every chance I get, I come here to look at the skyline. To remind me how we shape our world. Each building and structure adds to the landscape like little pieces of a bigger puzzle and comes together to make one complete image beauty.”

  “You make brick and concrete sounds so exquisite,” Holly said. She got closer to the windows, her features softening as she took in the sight.

  “Arnie lets me help out on the weekends as one of his crew. It helps keep my dream alive. Besides,” he said, looking out over the view, “I find being here, high up above it all, meditative. Don’t you think?”

  “I do.” She moved up close to the glass so she could stare down even further.

  “People enjoy the city skyline,” he said, “but they only see what’s right in front of them. They become numb to the buildings, tall structures, and architecture. They take it all for granted until that view changes.”

  “And what do you see when you look down there?” she asked.

  “Me? When I looked down there, I see everything. I see today, tomorrow, next century. When I look down there, it gives me hope.”

  “I wish I could see the city through your eyes.” She cocked her head to the side and looked out the window again. “I live right off Millennium Park, and sometimes when I’m stressed, I go there and just watch the people. Maybe next time I go, I’ll pay more attention to the buildings.” She looked over her shoulder and winked, a flirty smile playing on her lips.

  Mike moved over behind her, slipping an arm around her waist, and whispered in her ear. “Close your eyes.”

  “Close my eyes?” she asked, looking back over her shoulder. “Why?”

  He smirked. “You said you trusted me. There’s no going back now.”

  He watched as she closed her eyes and shut out the world around them.

  “Good,” he said. “Can you feel that?”

  “What?” She hesitated but kept her eyes shut. “All I feel is stillness.”

  “Wait for it. Listen for the pulse. Every building has one. A rhythm that is unique to the structure.”

  Her breathing changed and slowed down as she followed his instructions.

  “Each one of those beats merges to create a larger musical sound of this city, but it’s a quiet one very few can hear,” he continued. He brushed her hair back and pressed a kiss on the back of her neck.

  “Every note is a powerful force on its own, but when added together the power resonates, makes a home in our soul.” He kissed her neck and felt her tremble beneath him. “Can you feel it?”

  “Yes,” she said

  “That’s why I became an architect. I wanted to add to that symphony.”

  “I bet the women eat that up,” she said, breathily.

  “You’re the only one I’ve ever shared this with.” He used his fingers to guide her chin up to him and kissed her. It was firm and gentle, but he didn’t hold back from her. He put everything he was feeling, all those intangible, unformed thoughts, into that one action. Her body shifted under him. She rubbed those soft curves against his hardening cock and his plans for the day changed.

  The picnic lunch Arnie had put together for them was the last thing on his mind. He hungered for her, and her alone.

  “Lean forward and press your hands on the glass,” he said. She hesitated for only a heartbeat, but then did what he asked. “Close your eyes again and don’t open them until I tell you to.”

  Pushing up her skirt, his hand found her heat. His finger traced her sensitive spot between her legs, finding it wet and needy. He pushed against the fabric of her panties until her breathing picked up.

  He continued to trail kisses down her back until her skin flushed a pretty pink beneath his caresses. Her body was warm and welcoming. He wanted to get lost in the feel of her and forget about business and takeovers. He wanted to get lost in her. Like a guilty pleasure—you know was bad for you, but there’s no way you just give up. It didn’t matter how much he told himself that all this was fleeting, he still wanted more.

  But wanting something and actually getting it were two different things. She’d be gone before Mike knew what hit him and falling deeper into this relationship, or whatever the fuck you wanted to call it, was foolish.

  And they still had a negotiation to finish. The outcome of which was going to change his world, no matter what. But for today, he pushed that aside and focused on this single moment of bliss, building it up higher, touch by touch

  “You’re so beautiful and perfect,” he said. His mouth roamed over her skin easily as his fingers slipped inside her underwear. “I want you to feel, Holly. Let go and feel everything.”

  Her head dropped as he slipped his fingers into her wet folds, his thumb brushing her clit. A sharp gasp escaping her lips, a choked sound of arousal as her body came alive under his touch. The sound echoed in the empty room, making his cock strain against his jeans.

  “Picture yourself soaring over every tall building in this city, each beat taking you higher and higher.”

  He found a steady rhythm with his finger. His other hand gripped her ass, squeezing hard enough to hold her still while he continued to work her. All the while, his mouth explored her body, nipping at her tender skin. Her pussy tightened around his fingers, gripping him like a vice, as he moved her closer to the edge. Desperate, needy sounds spilled from her lips, filling the silence. He was so
fucking hard it hurt, but this wasn’t about him. He needed her to fly for him, with him, as if this sensual connection meant everything.

  She took a deep breath and let out a shaky plea. “Mike.”

  He nibbled on her ear and finally whispered. “Open your eyes and come for me, Holly.”

  In the reflective glass, he could see her eyes flutter open just as her orgasm hit her, causing her entire body to shudder. A mix of incoherent screams and pleas broke the silence.

  “That’s it,” he said as his fingers continued to move around her contractions. “Let go. I’ve got you.”

  Her knees gave way, and he slipped an arm around her waist, holding her up. She made no attempt to move away as he lowered them both to the floor, pulling her still shaking body in his lap.

  “That was intense,” she said and leaned her head back against his shoulder.

  “Intense bad or intense good?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “Different, but definitely not bad.”

  “I’ll take that.” He pulled her into another kiss, this time more intense than the first. She moaned against his mouth, wiggling her ass against his erection. He groaned. It would be so easy to shift her legs and bury himself deep inside of her, but instead, he grabbed her hips. “I really didn’t bring you up here for that.”

  “I know. But that doesn’t mean we can’t take advantage of our time together. That blanket looks thick and soft,” she said, nipping a trail down his neck as her clever hands found their way to the snap on his belt. “Big enough to stretch out on. I can think of several things we—”

  The sound of a phone ringing brought him out of his Holly-daze. She stopped what she was doing and looked over at the source of the sound.

  “Damn it. It’s the office. I need to get that.” She released a breath and got up to retrieve the device from her bag. A cool, expressionless mask slipped over her face. “Give me a sec.”


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