Complex Dimensions

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Complex Dimensions Page 8

by Brenda Murphy

“They are. And they need to get over themselves if they want to keep their jobs.” Myfanwy’s tone was sharp and cut through the conversation at the table. A beat went by as Myfanwy made eye contact with each of the women at the table before she went back to eating.

  Veronica was unsure what had happened. She didn’t know what went on in the house proper as she had confined her exploration of the house to the library, the game room, and the kitchen. She finished her last bite of potatoes and touched her napkin to her mouth. “Excuse me please, ladies.”

  “Not staying for pudding?” Myfanwy’s tone of mock surprise and wicked grin reinforced Veronica’s suspicion she knew exactly why she was so anxious to end her meal.

  “I’ve got some things to attend to, um, in the barn.”

  Veronica left the dining room rapidly and changed back into boots. She glanced at the clock over the door in the mudroom. Time for a shower. What to wear?

  VERONICA PATTED HER hair in place. It had grown out from her low cut, and she knew she’d have to start twisting it if she wanted locs again or get it trimmed if she wanted to keep her low cut. Millie’s haircut is always sharp. Myfanwy keeps it trimmed for her. Would she trim mine? I’ll ask. Too late for tonight. She chose a baby-blue short-sleeve button-down and her best pair of jeans to wear. Sorting through her clothes to find an outfit reminded her of the sorry state of her closet. She’d have her mom ship the rest of her clothes. She had come with very little, not wanting to have to worry about transporting a bunch of things home if the job didn’t work out. The freedom she had in this little part of Scotland was more than she had ever experienced at home. She was well paid and was well on her way to paying her parents back for what they had laid out for her poor excuse of a lawyer and her fine. She couldn’t even imagine not renewing her contract. She texted Millie to make sure she was back at her apartment. After her phone vibrated with her positive response, Veronica checked herself in the mirror one last time before she closed the door to her room and locked it.

  THE SIX-CAR garage was on the opposite side of the house from the barn. The gravel crunched under her boots and Veronica’s steps were quick. She arrived at the steps up to Millie’s apartment out of breath and waited a minute before she climbed the stairs, not wanting to arrive panting. She walked haltingly up the steps. Millie opened the door before she got there. She was wearing a white tank top and black jeans hugged her thick thighs.

  Veronica’s mouth went dry. “Hi.”

  “Hi yourself.” Millie stepped back and Veronica entered her space. Kiss her? No. She stepped back. She’s nervous too. The entryway led to a spacious layout, an open plan with a small kitchen area. Veronica saw a short hallway with two closed doors. The apartment was decorated in a simple style and bold bright colors, a sharp contrast to the dated elegance of the main house and extravagant compared to Veronica’s bedsit, modern but not over the top. As she swept her gaze around the room she noticed a guitar on a stand. “Hey, do you play?”

  Millie ran her finger around the top of her glass. “Some of us play open mike nights at a pub in Portree. Benita sings and Tessa plays the fiddle. Would you like a drink? I’ve a bottle of Talisker if you like single malt, or beer?”

  Veronica noticed the glass on the sideboard with a small bit of liquor in it. She started early. Really nervous.

  “What are you drinking?”

  “I’m finishing the last of my Edradour. Sorry, I should have waited.” Millie turned back to the bar.

  “No problem. Single malts have been above my pay grade forever. I’d like to try the Talisker.”

  Millie poured out a healthy two fingers of scotch into a squat glass and passed it to Veronica.

  Veronica took a sip, the sweet smooth taste and slight burn convincing her all the people who raved about single malts were right. “Delicious.”

  Millie tapped the empty bottle of Edradour. “When I get another bottle, you have to try it. It’s different, a little less peaty, and my favorite.”

  “It’s a date.” Veronica sipped her drink, her body responding to the alcohol, a warm relaxation spreading through her. Need to slow down before I’m drunk. It’s been forever. She placed her drink on the end table next to the couch.

  “May I?” Veronica tilted her head at the guitar.

  “Certainly.” Millie sipped her whisky.

  Veronica picked up the guitar, sat down on the couch and cradled it against her body. It was a Dreadnought, a full-size guitar fitted for Millie. Veronica strummed her fingers over the strings. She focused and picked out a tune she remembered from years of guitar lessons, from the time when her mother was convinced Veronica would be a classical guitarist. It had lasted until Veronica took her first algebra class, fell in love with mathematics, and joined the academic challenge team. College and her graduate school fellowship had slammed the door on anything other than her studies and teaching. She picked out a tune from memory, reminded how exquisite it was to create beautiful sounds. She missed a chord and stopped playing.

  “It’s not tuned for classical music. We play some classic rock favorites, and some rockabilly tunes.” Millie sat in the chair across from Veronica. “You studied guitar.” It wasn’t said as a question, but as an acknowledgment of Veronica’s skill.

  Veronica stopped and put the guitar back in its holder. “I did. Once upon a time. I’m rusty.”

  Millie fixed her gaze on her. Veronica struggled with her sense of being exposed. Another layer peeled back. This is how it goes. Learning about each other. The joy of being known. “I haven’t played in years.”

  Millie met her gaze. “You should. You enjoy it; it shows on your face. I’ve not seen you so peaceful and relaxed since you arrived. I can’t imagine how beautifully you would play if you practiced.”

  Veronica flushed. “Thanks for letting me plunk around on your guitar.”

  “That was more than plunking. It’s big for you and not tuned for classical playing and still it sounded amazing. You’ve a gift. You should share it.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Veronica shifted her gaze away from Millie’s face. “Your apartment is fantastic. I like the bold colors.”

  Millie laughed. “Thank you. Myfanwy decorated it.”

  “She takes good care of you, doesn’t she?” Veronica worked hard to keep the wistfulness out of her voice. She had not had a friend, a best friend in years. Her ex-best friend had ghosted while she was incarcerated. Veronica picked at the fabric of her pants, shoving her anger and hurt over her friend’s abandonment down into the tight box she kept it in.

  Millie tilted her head. “She does. Since Uni. We played rugby together and shared a room for four years.”

  Veronica raised her eyebrow. “Myfanwy played rugby? She seems so—gentle.” She giggled. “I can’t imagine her tackling anyone, she’s such a lady.”

  Millie laughed with her. “She steps on a rugby pitch and becomes a beast.” She stood and went over to the bookshelf and pulled a large album from the shelf. She sat next to Veronica on the couch and flipped through the pages. She turned the book toward Veronica. On the page was a rugby team shot, Myfanwy and Millie easy to pick out in the group. Below the group photo was an action shot of Myfanwy straight-arming a player, her lips pulled back in a snarl as she avoided a tackle. The photograph gave Veronica an entirely new appreciation of the woman who made the most delicious food she had ever eaten.

  “Damn. She was fierce.”

  “Still is.”

  Veronica flipped the page. A team shot with women dressed in all-black rugby kits stared back at her. Millie was in the back row, her red hair and build making her easy to pick out. “You played for the Black Ferns?”

  Millie took the photo album from Veronica’s hands. “For a bit.”

  “Scotland is a long way from New Zealand. How did you end up there?” Veronica traced her finger over the edge of the photo album.

  “I was recruited by a woman I met on holiday in New Zealand.” Millie tugged at her shirt collar, her tone

  “Recruited?” Veronica raised an eyebrow.

  Millie grimaced and glanced down at the page, avoiding Veronica’s eyes, her knuckles white where she gripped the photo album. “You know about the Black Ferns?”

  Aware of Millie’s discomfort, Veronica kept her tone even. “My first college girlfriend played rugby. I learned a lot watching her play. And she was obsessed with the Black Ferns. You must have been outstanding to play with them.”

  “Better than most, not as good as some.” Millie closed the album and placed it reverently on the shelf. “Ancient history.”

  Veronica had a million questions she wanted to ask but took the clue and let it go.

  Millie picked up the guitar and sat in the chair across from the couch and settled the guitar next to her body. Her fingers moved over the strings as she played a song Veronica was unfamiliar with, a ballad she suspected from the ebb and flow of the music.

  Veronica was entranced as she watched the change in Millie’s features as she played. She focused on her hands, fantasizing about how it would be if Millie’s skillful hands were on her. Millie finished playing and placed the guitar back in its stand.

  She moved back to the couch and sat next to her, so close the length of their thighs touched. Millie clasped Veronica’s hand. “I know you didn’t come here to talk about my decor, or guitars, or listen to me play.”

  Veronica barked out a laugh. “No. But I didn’t have an agenda.” At Millie’s raised eyebrow she continued. “I’m out of practice.”

  Millie squeezed her hand. “You seemed to remember fine in the loft.”

  Veronica turned to Millie. She brushed her lips over her mouth. The quiet needy noise from Millie was laced with want. Veronica pulled back and raised her hand to Millie’s face. She touched her lips with her fingertips before she shifted her hand and gripped the back of Millie’s neck. She held her still while she kissed her way along her neck, leaning over to scatter nips and kisses over her wide shoulders. In one movement, Millie slid an arm around Veronica and pulled her onto her lap. Veronica straddled her hips. Millie’s hands cupped her ass and pulled her close as she ground determinedly against Veronica, the pressure on her clit intense and pleasurable.

  She palmed Millie’s breast, relishing the way her nipple hardened under her hand, her flesh warm and pliant beneath the soft cotton. She squeezed her breast as she rolled her nipple, rewarded by a deep groan from Millie. She rolled her hips against Millie, pushing hard against her body. The change in Millie’s breathing signaled her, letting her know she had found the right pace. Millie’s hands were a vise on her hips, and her fingertips dug into Veronica’s flesh. Veronica took Millie’s mouth, unable to get enough of the strong woman under her. She pinched and tugged her nipple in rhythm with the movement of her hips. Moving her lips to the shell of her ear, she whispered. “Do you want to come for me?”

  “Yes. So much.” Millie panted. “Please.”

  Veronica rocked hard, hating the clothes between them, so desperate to hear Millie come for her she didn’t want to stop to get undressed. She increased her movements and moved her other hand to Millie’s other nipple as she rolled and pinched both of them. She leaned back and fixed her gaze on Millie’s face. “Come on, babe, give it to me.”

  Millie’s body shook as she came, mouth open, eyes closed, no sound other than her harsh breathing. Veronica lowered her head to the apex between her neck and shoulder and bit down hard. She took the smooth skin and hard muscle between her teeth, rolling it, stopping shy of breaking the skin, forcing a shout and a second orgasm from Millie. She released her teeth and licked and sucked at the mark she had left and nuzzled her neck while Millie’s breathing returned to normal. Veronica leaned back to admire the aftermath of their session and the way Millie’s face glowed post orgasm. Unable to resist, she kissed her eyelids, the sharp angle of her cheekbone and the scattering of freckles across her cheeks.

  Millie opened her eyes and pulled Veronica into a bone-crushing embrace. “You remember fine. I don’t remember the last time I came from grinding.” She kissed the side of Veronica’s neck and Veronica trembled with want. “How about you? What do you need?”

  She slipped her hand down between their bodies. Millie thumbed open the top button of Veronica’s jeans and pushed her hand inside. Veronica groaned and shuddered as Millie’s fingertip brushed her clit, once, twice, and then she exploded in a flash of pleasure. Millie pushed lower and slipped one thick finger inside Veronica and stroked her to another orgasm.

  “Oh. Enough. You’re going to kill me.” Veronica panted and shifted her hips. She rested her head on Millie’s shoulder.

  Millie jerked her hand from Veronica’s pants. “Did I hurt you?”

  Her sudden movement made Veronica sit up so she could see Millie’s face.

  Her brow was knit. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be so rough.”

  The fear and concern in her voice brought Veronica out of her pleasant post-orgasm lassitude. “You didn’t hurt me. I’m fine.” She kissed Millie gently. “More than fine.” Veronica sensed the tension in Millie’s body fade as she kissed her way down Millie’s neck and then along her jaw before she returned to her mouth. Her body hummed with pleasure. So much for going slow. I could kiss her for days. So delicious.

  Millie shifted under her. She cupped Veronica’s ass in her broad hands and squeezed. Slow down. Don’t rush this. So hard. Do this the right way. She pulled back to look into Millie’s eyes again. She placed her hand on her chest and spread her fingers wide. “I want. So much I want to do with you. I don’t want you to think it’s because I’m desperate.” Veronica wrapped her arms around Millie’s shoulders.

  Millie’s hands stilled. She moved her hands to Veronica’s hips and leaned her brow against Veronica’s chin. “I don’t think that. If you had only wanted a hookup you would have taken Ashley up on her offers, or any of the others who were angling to get to spend time with you in the stable, sure they could woo you away from your monk-like existence.”

  Veronica sat back. “What?”

  Millie smirked. “You didn’t notice the constant stream of new barn helpers? You made shoveling manure appealing. There’s a waitlist to be your helper. And a contest to see whose charms you would succumb to first.”

  “A contest? Oh for fuck’s sake.” Veronica moved her arms in an attempt to lever her body up and off Millie’s lap. “What? Why?”

  Millie held tight to Veronica. “Have you looked in the mirror? You’re gorgeous. Why wouldn’t they try to get your attention?”

  Veronica placed both hands on Millie’s chest. “Let me go. Now.”

  Millie’s voice softened and her tone became serious as she relaxed her grip on Veronica. “Why, Veronica? Why have you shut them down and ignored them?” She dusted her fingertips over Veronica’s cheek.

  This is it. Time to fess up. Say it. Tell her. Be honest. “They’re not my kind of women.”

  Millie drew her hand away from Veronica’s face. “Is it because of their profession? Because they’re sex workers?” Her voice held censure.

  “No. Because I… Because I want more. Someone mine. I’m not into sharing.” Veronica picked up Millie’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “And because I want more with you.”

  Millie tilted her head and studied Veronica. “More?” She pressed a gentle kiss against Veronica’s jaw. “More of this?” Her seductive delivery had Veronica wanting to kiss her again and not stop until they were both naked. And yet not. She was going to do this right this time.

  “Yes. But not only that. I want all of you. Not just sex. I want you, Millie. I want to know you.”

  Millie inhaled sharply. She broke their embrace, set Veronica off her lap, and stood. “Okay.” She paced the room, scrubbing her hand through her hair. She stopped and picked up her glass and gulped the rest of her drink. “Well. Okay, that’s different.”

  Veronica watched as a wariness filled Millie’s face. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomf
ortable.” She’s not looking for more. Just wanted a hookup. To win the fucking contest? Damn it that’s what Benita meant. Fuck. I shouldn’t have said anything. She’s freaked out. It was a game. She stood and jammed her hands in her pockets. “I’m not cool with being a prize. I get it. You were trying to win.”

  Millie stopped pacing and turned to Veronica. “You think I was trying to win the bloody contest? Is that what you think of me?” Her mouth drew down at the corners, her eyes dark.

  Veronica studied the pattern on the linoleum avoiding Millie’s eyes and sighed. “I don’t know what I think. I’m sorry if I gave a different impression in the barn. This was a mis…”

  “Don’t you dare say it was a mistake.” Millie was in front of her now. She cupped Veronica’s face with both hands and forced her to meet her gaze. Hunger. Need. Desire. She wants me. But not like I want her. Damn. Do it. Give in. Something is better than nothing. No. Not going to be a prize in some stupid contest. Fuck, this hurts.

  Millie’s voice was rough. “Please. Don’t say it was a mistake. I wanted you to kiss me. I wanted you because of you, not because of some idiotic bet. I wanted tonight.”

  Veronica wanted to kiss her, to spend the rest of the night kissing her, to take what Millie was offering, to say the hell with it, but she couldn’t ignore the ache in her heart, the part of her that wanted to matter to someone beyond a one-night stand. She placed both hands on Millie’s chest, fingers spread wide. “I can’t do this if sex is all it is. Sorry.” Millie stepped back, and Veronica moved toward the door.

  Veronica reached for the doorknob. Stopped and turned back to Millie. “Thanks for the drink. I enjoyed talking with you. And listening to you play.” She flushed. “And the other.” She stared into Millie’s eyes. “Will you let me tag along some night when you guys play?”

  “We have a gig next in two weeks. I’ll text you the details.” Millie’s voice was flat and her expression shuttered.

  Not interested in anything other than my body. Friends with benefits. Damn it. I thought she was different. Fuck me. Ugh, this is awkward. Why did I ever kiss her? Or think she was different? Or wanted more with me? Fuck me. The easy time between them ended. Veronica rested her palm on the doorknob. “I’ve got an early morning. So, um, I’ll say good night. Thanks again.”


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