Complex Dimensions

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Complex Dimensions Page 15

by Brenda Murphy

  “Yes.” Veronica straddled Millie, keeping one hand in place around her neck. “Spread your legs. Open yourself to me.”

  Millie’s tongue slid over her lower lip as she spread her legs wide and used her hands to expose her clit. Veronica lifted her body and glanced between her legs. The sight of Millie’s hands between her legs, obeying Veronica, made her clit throb.

  Veronica shifted until her body made contact with Millie’s center, clit to clit. The glorious sensation of the slick slide drew a deep growl from Millie. “Move your hands.”

  Millie complied and fisted her hands in the sheets. Her eyes were closed, her face suffused with pleasure, and her pulse rapid beneath Veronica’s fingertips. Trust, she trusts me. Wants me. Loves me. She rolled her hips, caught up in their intimate dance, their flesh as one. “Look at me.”

  Millie opened her eyes and met Veronica’s gaze.

  “You want to come for me?”

  “Yes, please, Ceannard, please.”

  Veronica flexed her fingers, tightening her grip on Millie’s throat. “You want to be mine?”

  Millie lifted her chin, signaling her desire, her voice thick. “Only yours, Ceannard.”

  Veronica leaned down and kissed her. She rotated her hips, bringing Millie off, swallowing her shouts as she came. Mine. She wants to be mine.

  “HEY, THIS CAME for you.” Robin held out a thick cream-colored envelope. Veronica tugged off her gloves and wiped her hand on her jeans before she took the letter from Robin. It was addressed in flowing copperplate script. She flipped it over and read her parents’ return address on the back. Veronica fought the rising sense of dread that settled in the pit of her stomach.

  Robin flopped on the office couch. “So, who’s getting married?”

  “My sister. Damn it.” Veronica tossed the envelope on her desk blotter. “I knew this was coming. She sent me a ‘save the date’ card, six months ago, but with the job and everything I forgot all about it.”

  “Is the guy a douche?” Robin’s lips thinned.

  “He’s not a douche, but damn, I don’t know what I’m going to do. My parents and my sister expect me at this thing.”

  “So, what’s the problem? You go. It’s your sister’s wedding. You don’t blow something like this off. You said your family is cool with you. What’s your problem?”

  “My family is fine, but the whole rest of the damn family will be there. Most of them haven’t talked to me since I got out. They stare right through me. Fuck. And my aunt will be there. My aunt is the worst. Right after I got out, I went to my little cousin’s baptism, and my aunt made a huge scene on the sidewalk outside the church. Said my being there was an affront to God because I was a drug dealer. Which I never was. Her own kids smoke weed. My cousins could light up in front of her, and she’d deny it.” Veronica scrubbed her hands over her face. “What am I going to do?”

  Robin rested her chin on her hand. “Don’t be ridiculous. You go, you don’t talk to them. Take somebody with you.” Her eyes shone with glee. “Take Millie. Oh, that’s so romantic, going as a couple to a wedding. It’s the perfect solution. Millie’s charming, and they’ll be so busy staring at her and trying to figure out what’s up with you two, you won’t have to worry about anybody being jerks.”

  Veronica glared at Robin. “I don’t want them treating Millie like some sort of sideshow attraction. I wouldn’t do that to Millie. This guy my sister’s marrying, he’s not a douche but his family will be there, and they’re total assholes. They’ll never be okay with me.” She sat heavily on the couch and leaned back on the cushion and studied the ceiling. “I am well and truly fucked. If I don’t go, I’ll break my sister’s heart, and my parents will be pissed as hell.”

  Robin reached over and rested her hand on Veronica’s knee. “My friend, you can’t miss your sister’s wedding. You only get one family. Don’t break her heart.” Robin’s mouth turned down. “My family hasn’t talked to me in years. I don’t exist to them and haven’t since I was fifteen.”

  Veronica started at Robin’s words. “But you want to visit them, you told me you wanted to visit them.”

  “I want to visit my chosen family. I want to visit the friends who are more family than my birth family. Don’t let one bitch keep you from having a family. Your parents and your sister love you. They stood by you. They believed you when no one else did. Fuck your aunt. Fuck his family. You go and be with your family. That’s what’s important.” Robin’s eyes were bright with unshed tears.

  Veronica sighed. “I know I should. But I’m not sure it’s the right thing.” She stared at the envelope on the desk.

  Robin stood up and stretched. She reached down and offered her hand to Veronica. “Come on.”

  Veronica stood and clasped Robin’s hand. “Where’re we going?”

  “Whenever I have a problem, I go to the number one problem solver.”

  Veronica quirked her mouth. “And who is that?”

  “Mistress Lucia is the smartest woman I’ve ever met. She’ll know what to do. She’ll help you. Mostly she helps you figure out what you already know.” Robin held onto Veronica’s hand and led her out of the office.

  VERONICA AND ROBIN stood outside the dark wood six-paneled door leading to Mistress Lucia’s office. Robin squeezed Veronica’s hand. “I’m going to leave you here. Talk with her, she’ll help you figure this out.” She knocked on the door and left Veronica in the hall.

  Mistress Lucia opened the door, tilted her head at Veronica, and raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

  Veronica lost herself in the tall elegance of Mistress Lucia, captivated by her blue-green eyes. “I’m…Robin thought you could, I have a…” She struggled to organize her thoughts.

  “Why don’t you come in, and we’ll talk about it. No need to stand in the hall.” Mistress Lucia turned, and Veronica followed her into the office, mesmerized by her cool presence and grace. The walls were covered in large floral photographic prints, a sharp contrast to the dark wood paneling and the large mahogany desk occupying one corner of the room.

  Mistress Lucia sat on a Victorian-style fainting couch covered in dark-blue velvet. “Sit. Let’s talk.”

  Aware of her dusty jeans and barn clothing, Veronica brushed off the seat of her pants before she sat in the chair that matched the couch. She knotted her fingers together in her lap. “My sister’s getting married.”

  Mistress Lucia raised an eyebrow. “And you’d like some time off? I don’t see why there would be a problem. Were you afraid to ask Mistress Martha? I’ll speak to her if you are.”

  “No. It’s not that.” Veronica unknotted her fingers and tucked her hands under her thighs to keep them from shaking.

  Mistress Lucia shifted her position on the couch as she raised an eyebrow. “I’m not sure I’m understanding your problem.”

  Veronica took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “My extended family will be there and my sister’s future husband’s family. And, and…they don’t, well, none of them speak to me since I got out of prison. I don’t want my aunt to be an ass and cause all kinds of problems. I don’t want to ruin my sister’s wedding.”

  “I know what it is to be unwanted and an unexpected guest, but your sister invited you and your family want you to be there, yes?”

  Veronica slumped in her chair. “They do. They do expect me to be there.”

  “But you’re worried your presence will be a distraction?”

  “Yes. I went to my cousin’s baptism, and my aunt raised a stink about it. She was awful. My mother and father stood by me, but I knew they were embarrassed. And the worst part was it took away from my cousin’s special day.”

  “Understandable.” Mistress Lucia got up from the couch and walked to the window and stared out at the grounds. Her hands were clasped behind her back. “How many sisters do you have, Veronica?”

  “Just the one.”

  “And you love your sister? She’s been kind to you. She visited you when you were in prison. Did she shu
n you or stay away because people might not approve of you? Was she worried at all about what other people would think or say to her? Was she ashamed she had a sister who was in prison?”

  “No.” Veronica shifted in her chair.

  “And your parents, did they walk away from you, worried about what other people would think or say? Or did they stand by you?”

  “They all stood by me. They came to visit. They believed me when no one else did.”

  Mistress Lucia turned around and skewered Veronica with her gaze. “And you really have to ask me what you should do?”

  Veronica flushed and began to sweat under Mistress Lucia’s examination.

  She sat on the couch and extended her arm along the back as she studied Veronica’s face. Her eyes and her expression softened. “You have your answer, Veronica. You said yourself they didn’t give up on you. Why would you give up on them?”

  Veronica scrubbed her face with her hands. “Robin said you were good at this.”

  Mistress Lucia tilted her head and studied Veronica. “Are you planning on going alone to the wedding?”

  Sweat trickled down the back of Veronica’s neck. “I haven’t thought about it. I might ask Millie if she’d go with me.”

  “Are you concerned about that too?” Mistress Lucia’s sharp gaze was back.

  “I’ve never brought anyone like her home.”

  “Like her? You mean a woman?”

  “Oh no, they know I’m queer.”

  “So, what do you mean ‘like her’?” Mistress Lucia’s eyes were hard and cold.

  “I’ve never brought home a butch woman. And I’ve never dated a white woman ever.”

  Mistress Lucia pressed her lips together in a firm line. “Do you think it would be a problem with your family?”

  Veronica frowned. “I don’t think so, but I don’t know. No one in my family’s ever dated anyone white, that I know of.”

  “My father is white.”

  Veronica’s chest tightened and she shifted in her chair. “Was it hard? Growing up?”

  “Yes. His family hated my mother and me for the color of our skin. And my mother’s family hated my father for not standing up to his family. I understand your fears. Have you talked to them about Millie?”

  “No. Not yet.” Veronica quirked her mouth.

  “You need to.” Mistress Lucia’s voice was kind. “I know this is hard for you, and you’ve had a lot of things not go your way in the past. You need to trust the love your family has already shown for you. If they were going to abandon you, they would’ve abandoned you the second you were led out of the courtroom in shackles, but they stood by you. Do you think they’d abandon you over a choice in partner? They’ve shown you how they feel about you. Trust them. Listen to your heart, Veronica.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “LIE DOWN.” VERONICA placed a hand on Millie’s chest and pushed her back on the bed. “Roll over on your stomach. Arms out to the side.”

  Millie moved into position. “Aye, Ceannard.”

  Veronica touched her hip. “Spread your legs, babe.”

  Millie obeyed. Veronica kneeled between her legs. She poured massage oil into her palm to warm it. With firm strokes she passed her hands over the firm deliciousness that was Millie’s ass on her way to the flat planes of Millie’s’ broad back. Millie hummed her satisfaction as Veronica kneaded her muscles, working her way along both sides of Millie’s spine as she scattered light kisses over her freckled skin.

  Veronica cupped her ass and began squeezing and massaging her cheeks as she licked and nibbled her way down her spine. She stopped to tongue at the dimple at the base of Millie’s spine. Millie groaned and shifted her hips, spreading her legs wider. Veronica teased a finger over her slick center. “Need something?” She flicked a finger over Millie’s clit, and her whimper of need sent a wave of desire coursing through Veronica’s body.

  “Yes, Ceannard. I need.”

  Veronica lay flat over Millie, rubbing against her firm ass, groaning as her clit made contact with Millie’s slick firm flesh. “I love your ass.”

  Veronica shifted her body so she could finger Millie from behind, teasing a finger over her clit and then slipping a finger into her. “You’re so wet for me.”

  “Only for you.” Millie raised her hips. “Please, Ceannard, more please.”

  Veronica bit the curve of Millie’s neck, sinking her teeth into the delicate skin there as she slid another finger deep. She licked the spot she had bitten. “Want it fast and rough, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Please, Ceannard. I do. Please.”

  “Mmm. I like that too. But today I want to take my time.” She took her fingers from Millie and ignored her sad moans of loss. “No pouting.” She kissed Millie’s ass and nipped it, drawing a yip and squirm from Millie. “It’ll be worth it. Turn over for me. Same as before. Hands out to your sides, legs spread.”

  Veronica moved to stand at the foot of the bed as Millie complied. She began at Millie’s left foot, kissed the top of her foot, and then the inside of her ankle. From there Veronica took her time as she nipped and licked her way up the inside of Millie’s leg. Closing her eyes, Veronica lost herself in Millie’s soft smooth skin. She drew her tongue along the crease of her thigh. The sharp scent of Millie’s desire made her mouth water. She brushed her lips over the wet curls, used her hands to spread Millie wide, and licked with the flat of her tongue. Millie panted and pressed her hips into Veronica’s mouth. Veronica shifted and slid her hands under Millie until she was able to cup her ass. Hot and wet, and hers to enjoy. She thrust her tongue deep, lapping at the sweetness Millie’s body offered. She took her time, savoring the taste of her along with her soft cries and the deep groans rattling Millie’s chest.

  Veronica stopped and rested her head on Millie’s’ thigh. “I love the way you taste.”

  “Please don’t stop, Ceannard. Please. I want to come for you.” Veronica kissed her thigh and then bit hard. The sharp yip and gasp from Millie’s mouth had Veronica grinding her hips against the bed.

  “Do you?” Not waiting for Millie’s reply she returned to licking her, focusing on her clit. She took it between her lips and sucked, alternating soft and hard. Millie arched under her, seeking more. Veronica thrust two fingers deep and fucked her slowly, curling her fingers over her G-spot, as she sucked her, edging her, drawing out her pleasures. Millie’s voice was rough as she begged Veronica to come, begged to be fucked, begged to be allowed to give everything to Veronica.

  Millie’s body tightened and clenched around her hand. Sensing her need, Veronica lifted her head. “Come for me, babe. Give it to me.” She lowered her head and sucked hard and thrust deep, sweeping her fingers over her sweet spot. She was rewarded with a gush of fluid that soaked her chin and ran down her wrist. Millie’s shout as she came echoed in the room, and her hands wrenched the sheets loose, her body shaking. Veronica fucked her hard, taking everything she wanted, everything Millie had to give.

  Millie rested her hand on the top of Veronica’s head and pushed weakly against her. “No more, Ceannard, please, I can’t.”

  Veronica stopped and placed a tender kiss on Millie’s clit. She slid up to capture her mouth, opened her legs, and mounted Millie’s thigh, pressing her aching center to the hard muscle there. She rode her hard, driven by Millie’s surrender. Millie clasped her ass, holding her tight. She flexed her thigh, the muscle a hard ridge beneath Veronica’s clit.

  “Please, Ceannard. Come on me. Please.”

  Veronica arched back as she came hard, coating Millie’s leg with her liquid satisfaction. Millie pushed her hand between her legs, gathered the slickness there, and brought it to her mouth. She groaned as she sucked her fingers clean. “Please, Ceannard, please. Come in my mouth. Please. Let me lick you.”

  She urged Veronica up and over her face, her wide hands supporting Veronica.

  “Lick me.” Veronica opened herself with one hand. She shivered when the cool air hit her hot wet clit as she l
owered herself to Millie’s eager mouth.

  Veronica grabbed for the headboard and gripped it to steady herself as Millie’s wicked tongue swept over her clit. It circled the tip hard and fast and she came again, with a sharp cry. Her clit too sensitive for more, she lifted clear of Millie’s mouth and collapsed to her side. Millie lifted her arm and Veronica snuggled under it and rested her head on her chest.

  Millie wrapped both arms around her and she shifted and lifted her hips. “I’m in a giant wet spot. Did I squirt?”

  Veronica leaned up and kissed her, their tastes melding and mixing in their kiss. “Yeah. It was… Wow.” She kissed her again. “It makes me want to make you do it again.”

  “I’ve not done it before. It was a bit shocking.” Millie’s voice was soft.

  Veronica studied the blush coloring Millie’s cheeks. “Hey. It was sexy as hell. I loved it.” She scooted over on the bed. “Come on, this side is dry.”

  Millie shifted, and Veronica rolled on top of her and stretched out over her, their legs tangled together. She shivered.

  Millie tugged the duvet over them. “You make me do all kinds of things I’ve never done before.”

  Veronica traced her fingers over Millie’s collarbone. “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” She hated the uncertainty she heard in her own voice.

  Millie hugged her tight. “It’s a good thing, a very good thing.”

  Veronica touched Millie’s face and lifted her head to gaze into her eyes. “You’re amazing. I’ve not been able to be myself with other lovers.”

  Millie raised her hand and rubbed her thumb over Veronica’s cheekbone. “Their loss.”

  MILLIE SAT UP and switched on the bedside lamp. “Would you stay here tonight? I’ll change the sheets.” Her infectious grin was back, the one that made Veronica’s heart squeeze hard every time she saw it.

  She laced their hands together. “I have to be up early. Elaine wants me to have Luna and Bella ready for her and Roxy. Elaine has been crazier than usual about it. She called me three times to remind me. I think she has something special planned for Roxy.”


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