Captive of the Wolf Pack:Captive 0f The Wolf Pack (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 2) A Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance

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Captive of the Wolf Pack:Captive 0f The Wolf Pack (Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Book 2) A Bonfire Falls Paranormal Romance Page 3

by Liv Brywood

  He shrugs.

  “She’s never late.” I dive in the pond then swim to the shallow water. As I wade onto the rocky bank, I shake off water like a wolf.

  Torak covers his eyes with a grunt.

  Iris has never been late to meet us at the waterfall. I’m worried. My wolf paces in my chest. He can’t wait to see her tonight, and neither can I.

  “Well, maybe she couldn’t get away from the Academy or her stepmother tonight,” Remus says.

  “Yeah.” Torak dries off his face. He turns a puzzled expression toward me. “You know she has to sneak out and come see us, right? Maybe she finally got caught.”

  “Yeah, maybe you’re right.” My gut clenches.

  I consider their explanations, but my wolf is having none of it. He huffs and snorts, anxious to see Iris no matter what the logical explanation is for her absence. Until I see Iris with my own eyes and I’m absolutely certain that she’s safe, I won’t be able to put this out of my mind.

  It’s not easy to put Iris out of my mind anyway. All I seem to think about anymore is her. I’ve never told Remus or Torak that I want Iris, but I do. I’ve wanted her for years. I don’t know if it’s her innocence or the fact that she doesn’t have a malicious bone in her body—and to be fair, it’s one hell of a body—but Iris lives in my heart, and I don’t think I can get her out. I don’t even want to try.

  Iris has always been sweet and kind to me, even when I’ve acted like a bit of an alpha male jerk-off. Because she’s so kind, I don’t know if there’s more between us. I hope we’re more than just friends, but I don’t know for sure. I’ve never talked to her about how I feel. I’m not big into talking about my feelings, so I don’t even know where to start.

  Iris is special, so special that I don’t want to mess up our friendship. What if I make a move and she shoots me down? I can’t take that kind of rejection, not from her.

  When it comes to rejection, I don’t get it very often. I’m twenty-three and I keep myself in great shape. I have the type of confidence women secretly admire, even if they don’t admit it. I’m the guy people love to hate. I can make a woman drop her panties just by looking at her. And until recently, I took full advantage of this power.

  But something’s different now. Other women don’t interest me at all. I only think about Iris now, and I don’t know how this happened. It snuck up on me. One day we were just friends, and the next, I wanted more.

  I’m not afraid of anything, but I’m terrified about telling Iris how I feel. I value our friendship. I sound like a dork, but it’s true. I don’t want to lose her as a friend because I’m greedy for more, and I don’t want a quick fling either.

  Before I can make a move, I need some sort of sign that she wants more than friendship. I’d hate to ruin our relationship or make it awkward in our little group. I don’t know what the other guys would do if they found out how much I like Iris.

  I glance over at Torak and Remus. They’re my good friends too, fellow wolf shifters, but sometimes they don’t pick up on stuff like I do.

  Remus is intelligent, an expert herbalist who could teach even the old witches in Bonfire Falls a thing or two about protective elixirs. He won’t assume the worst has happened to Iris because his brain doesn’t go there. He thinks everyone is as good-natured as he is. He doesn’t see all the evil in the world the way I do.

  Torak’s not any better. He’s a reasonably intelligent man, but his head is often in the clouds. He’s closer to man than wolf because he likes to write and perform music. Most wolves prefer howling to singing, but not Torak. He shifts with us from time to time, but he’s usually in his human form. He doesn’t roam the woods in wolf form the way I do. I love my feral side. I embrace it, but Torak? Not so much.

  “She isn’t coming,” Torak says. “If she was, she’d be here by now. Why don’t we come back tomorrow night?”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” Remus nods and turns to me. “What do you think?”

  “We need to check the Academy. It’s the only way we’ll know what’s going on with Iris.”

  Remus’ eyes widen.

  Torak’s mouth gapes. “The Academy? You must be out of your mind.”

  “Shifters aren’t welcome at the Dark Magic Academy.” Torak shakes his head. “What if one of the witches decides to shove a lightning bolt up our asses just for looking over the wall?”

  “Yeah, it’s too dangerous. There has to be another way,” Remus says.

  They’re probably right. It probably is too dangerous. Still, my wolf can’t shake the feeling that Iris might need us.

  “You’re right, it’s dangerous. That’s why I should go alone. I’ll figure out what’s up with Iris, and then I’ll come back and let you guys know what’s up.”

  Torak glances at Remus and shrugs.

  Remus rubs his chin. “Maybe I should go with you. Two is stronger than one.”

  “Two is stronger than one, but one is easier to conceal and hide than two.” I slip my shirt over my head and struggle to pull it down across my damp skin. “I have a much better chance of not getting caught if I go alone.”

  “He’s one sneaky bastard.” Torak nods toward me. “He’s our best bet.”

  “Well, all right.” Remus purses his lips and grimaces at the moon. “It’s pretty unusual for her to be late.”

  “Good. It’s settled then.” I pull on my riding boots. “I’ll let you guys know what I find out.”

  “Agreed.” Remus cocks an eyebrow at me. “One more thing.”


  “Be careful.”

  I nod.

  My wolf wants free, but the Academy is all the way on the other side of town. My Harley is the best bet for at least the first part of the journey. I hurry out to the small parking lot where I left it and hop on. I kick her to life. I rumble out of the gravel lot and pull onto the black pavement of the highway. The cops are more likely to be at the donut shop at this hour than at speed traps, so I open the throttle all the way.

  My bike’s a beauty. She’s all black paint and shiny chrome. Normally, I inspect her for any sign of the slightest smudge on her chassis, but I don’t have time to think about that right now. I’m worried about Iris. I’ll worry about my bike later. If that doesn’t show how much I care, I don’t know what will.

  As I ride, the moon peeks through the leaves and silver light slashes down to illuminate the road. I wonder if the nearly full moon is a good omen. Wolf shifters draw power from the moon. It makes it easier to shift. But all that light will make it easier for someone to see me too. It’s a double-edged sword.

  I exit the side road and head toward the Academy.

  Wolf form is usually the best method of travel, but I have a lot of ground to cover, and I don't want to waste a single second. Something’s not right, but I’m going to find out what’s going on.

  The dark road that leads to the Academy coils up toward the imposing structure. I swallow. My neck tingles. Dark magic is present. I may not have magic, but I can sense it when it’s this strong.

  Fear doesn’t stop me, but the Academy’s gate does. A huge stone wall flanks the gate. I can’t pick the lock. It would be too noisy. I need another way in.

  I hide my ride in the bushes next to the road. I head across the street. I jump up and grab the wall, and then haul myself over.

  I crouch and begin to shift. My skin burns. My hands sprout black, and my toes extend to form black claws. With a crunch and a spark of pain, my face elongates into a canine muzzle with sharp, pointed teeth.

  I drop to all fours, fully one with my wolf. Although I can’t see her, I scent a guard near the gate. My wolf hears distant conversation. Even at this hour, some witches are still awake.

  The Academy is about a half mile or so from the road. My wolf traverses the distance in less than a minute. I lope through the trees until I reach edge of the main building then creep toward the dormitory.

  If a witch spots me, I’ll be hurt, maybe killed.

/>   I know which room belongs to Iris. I’ve followed her back several times to make sure she got home safely. Her second-floor room has distinctive heavy crimson drapes over the window. Faint light peeks out from the edges of the curtains.

  I shift back into human form. I pick up a small pebble and toss it at her window.

  She doesn’t appear.

  I throw another pebble.

  Again, no one appears.

  I pick up a rock and toss it.

  The rock spirals through the air.

  It thuds against the window much louder than I’d intended.

  I cringe.

  I look around as discreetly as I can manage in case I’ve raised an alarm.

  Iris pushes the drapes aside and whispers, “Who’s there?”

  “It’s me. I’m coming up.” I climb the stone façade. When I reach her window, I put my hand on the glass. I’m so close to her, and yet so far away—story of my life.

  “You have to leave.” She opens the window a few more inches before glancing over her shoulder. “If Lexus catches you…”

  “I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” I lean in and try to peer past the crimson curtains.

  “I’m fine. But I probably won’t be able to see you, Remus, or Torak, for a little while, okay?”

  “What?” I suppress a growl.

  My curiosity and my need to protect Iris, get the better of me. I shove the window open and crawl inside.

  My entrance is less than graceful.

  While Iris stifles a shout of surprise, I manage to entangle my feet into the curtains. They rip from the wall and collapse on top of me. I struggle to free myself.

  “Whew, I almost panicked.” I wriggle out of the curtains and stand to my full height. I crack my neck.

  Iris’s face flushes bright red, and her jaw drops open.

  “What’s wrong?” I take a step toward her, and she takes a step back.

  Iris shakes her head. “You’re naked.”

  “Naked?” I look at myself. It’s so natural for shifters to be nude that I didn’t consider it. I grab a pillow from her bed and hold it over my crotch. “Sorry. So why can’t you see me—I mean, see us—for a while?”

  Iris’s face scrunches up, and she puts her arms across her chest.

  “My stepmother, Lexus, she caught me sneaking in the other night.” Iris shakes her head and stares at the bedroom door. “I’m sorry, but I can’t meet you guys. I need to lie low and not draw her attention or ire.”

  My lips twitch with what could be a snarl. I already hate Lexus’ guts. This only solidifies my opinion of her.

  “What did she do?”

  “She freaked out.”


  “Yeah. So I can’t leave for a while. Just a few days. Maybe a week. I don’t know how long it will take her to calm down.”

  “A week?”

  “I don’t know.” She gnaws on her bottom lip. I want to kiss her to make her stop worrying. I hate seeing her like this, so I don’t want to pile on more stress.

  “All right, fine.” I sigh. “I don’t like it one bit, but I understand. Tell you what, I’ll wait for you at the waterfall every night. If you don’t show up in a week, I’m coming back to find out if you’re okay.”

  Iris smiles. She seems genuinely happy that I’m there in her bedroom for the first time.

  “I’m lucky to have someone who cares as much as you do,” she says.

  “I’ve always cared about you—always.”

  My heart thunders and my palms sweat.

  She’s standing here, so lovely and perfect, and all I want to do is kiss her. Despite my fear of rejection, I lean toward her, intending to kiss her beautiful mouth.

  A noise in the hallway makes me pull up short.

  We turn to look. The door knob rattles.

  I leap toward the window and climb out.

  Iris mutters a quick spell to make the curtains float back into their proper position.

  I don’t go far. I flatten myself against the wall beneath her window. I want to hear what’s about to happen, and I want to be here to protect her if she needs it. Her bedroom door creaks open and someone walks into her bedroom.



  “Damn, damn, damn,” I mutter.

  I fling open the door to find pretty boy Oscar standing there. He’s another witch, but I can’t stand him. He reminds me of Lexus. He’s just too perfect. Sometimes I wonder if he’s using a glamour to look that good. It totally turns me off. I don’t dare open my mouth in case something rude flies out.

  “I thought I heard a male voice in your room. I was worried, so I decided to check on you,” Oscar says in that nasally voice I can’t stand.

  “I’m fine. I was just practicing a voice-masking spell, which is likely what you heard. Besides, I can guarantee that I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” I’m not quite able to keep the snottiness out of my voice, although I’m pretty sure that Oscar is oblivious to it. He doesn’t seem to care about anything other than his own good looks and his status as Lexus’ favorite student.

  Oscar pushes past me as if he has the right to barge into my room. He looks around as if expecting to find a hot naked man lurking in the corner.

  He notices the open window and jaunts over to look out. My hands shake as I pray to all that is good in this universe that Nyx has already slipped away.

  “There’s nothing out there.” Oscar announces, as if I’d asked him to make sure there’s no boogey man hanging around.

  “I know that.” I roll my eyes.

  “You shouldn’t have your window open, especially at night.”

  As he closes the window, I resist the urge to push him out of it. Usually I’m not a crazy evil bitch, but he’s getting on my damn nerves.

  “You don’t want to give bad spirits the chance to sneak into your room,” he says.

  I’m pretty sure the only bad spirit in this room is him.

  “The only bad spirit brave enough to come into my room and bother me at night is you.” He doesn’t seem to hear me, so I add, “I’d destroy any threat to me, including bad spirits, if they dared come in here.”

  “Don’t be too confident. I think you need a man and a powerful witch like me to protect you from all that is evil in this world.”

  Oscar tosses his long blond hair out of his face. His bright blue eyes seem to look through me. He licks his lips and grins. All the other females in the Academy drool every time he does that. I usually gag.

  He’s trying to charm me, but he’s failing miserably. He moves closer to me and puts his arm around me. As I lift his arm to remove it, I suppress a shiver of revulsion.

  I distance myself by walking to the door. I pull it open and look at him expectantly.

  “Lexus said that you haven’t had the chance to see much of the world outside your father’s house and this Academy,” Oscar says, oblivious to my cue to leave. “You don’t know all the terrible things out there that could hurt you. I’m a couple of years older than you, and I know what’s out there. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Oscar’s oily charm is gross. I don’t know what the other girls see in him besides a pretty face, but he completely weirds me out. It takes all of my self-control to not punch him. I squeeze my eyes shut. I count backward from ten in Latin.

  I summon a civil tone. “I appreciate the thought, but I don’t need a man in my life to protect me from bad spirits or anything else. I certainly don’t need another witch to take care of me. I appreciate that you and Lexus are so concerned about my well-being, but right now, I only need sleep. I’m exhausted. If you’ll kindly excuse me, I’m going to bed.”

  “I’ll be happy to stand guard to make sure you’re safe tonight. War is imminent. You never know who might sneak into your room and take advantage of you. Those shifters are sneaky creatures.”

  I hope he doesn’t hear the low growl in my throat.

  Oscar is a very weak witch, despite
his ego, and I can cast a mind-controlling spell on him. Technically, I’m not supposed to do that, but sometimes, a woman has to do what a woman has to do. Oscar will never know what hit him.

  I mouth the words silently, implanting the idea that he should never come near my room again. Oscar’s demeanor instantly changes.

  “Okay. Well, I have to go.”

  “So soon?”

  I shut and lock the door behind him and heave a sigh of relief as his footsteps fade down the hallway.

  “On his way to tell Lexus about our discussion, no doubt.” I clench my teeth so hard my jaw hurts.

  I rush to the window to see if Nyx is still around. I push open the window and look out. Glowing eyes indicate a wolf shifter is standing just inside the woods. Nyx is safe.

  I sigh with relief. I blow a kiss out the window to Nyx

  Then I close it.

  After all, I wouldn’t want any evil spirits sneaking into my room.

  I sit hard on my creaky bed. My chilled hands cool my warm face.

  I can’t stand Oscar. He knows he’s good-looking. He thinks that makes him special, but it doesn’t. Not to me at least. Maybe he can charm the others, but I’m onto his game. I don’t know what he’s up to, but if he’s in cahoots with Lexus, it can’t be good.

  Oscar’s good looks have to work overtime to make up for his lack of brains and talent. He’s nothing like Lexus. Regardless of what I think about her, I have to admit that she’s extremely cunning. She knows how to manipulate almost everyone she meets, including Oscar and, unfortunately, my father.

  Lexus has Oscar at her beck and call. She’s convinced him that he should be my future husband. Oscar has taken her bait, hook, line, and sinker. The thought of marrying him is completely revolting.

  Luckily, she can’t easily control me. But she can control Oscar. The spell I cast on him won’t last longer than a few days. Hopefully, I can just cast another one if he tries to bother me again. I’d hate to have to rearrange his beautiful face with my fist should he poke his nose back into my room.

  I growl pretty good for a witch. Nyx would be proud. I’ve got to get out of here. I can’t stand it anymore. Lexus is always watching me, and when she isn’t, one of her minions is.


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