Fearless Fighters [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Fearless Fighters [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  “And my sister and her husbands were happy. She and Jack seem to be doing will.”

  “They are, but they still miss Larry and mention him at times.”

  “If I hadn’t seen my sister so happy all these years, I’d be more worried about you. I’d just like you to be sure. How will you feel if you have this operation and you can go back to dancing? You’d have to choose between your ballet and them. They won’t want to leave their ranch.”

  “I’m aware of the decisions facing me.”

  “Have you thought of a career if you can’t return to doing ballet?”

  Her mother looked worried. Heather knew her parents loved her very much.

  “I’m considering opening a ballet studio in Triple Creeks Township. I met a lady in the next town over. She thought it was a good idea. She wants to semi-retire and has more business than she can keep up with or wants to handle.”

  “I can see you as an instructor, and it’d be the perfect job if you do decide to stay and marry Gavin and Beck.”

  “I think so, but I’ve only mentioned it to you and Aunt Bella. Gavin was with me when I visited the studio, but he stayed outside. And I appreciate he hasn’t tried to ask me a lot of questions or push me to make a choice. He told me about this possible operation.”

  “Your dad and I like him. We’re anxious to meet Beck.”

  Heather chuckled. “You’ll be surprised. They’re totally different in many ways. However, they’re still best friends and loyal to each other and their families.”

  “Those are important traits. I’ll let you rest. See you in the morning.” Her mom kissed her cheek and went out closing the door behind her.

  Heather lay in her bed and tried to shut down her thoughts. But it was hard. She wished she had Gavin beside her to talk with and cuddle close to him. But they’d agreed to respect her parents and not get together at night.

  She twisted around in her bed. She’d turned off the light hoping to sleep, but it wasn’t happening.

  Who can possibly hate me this much and why? Gavin’s right. It must be someone in the troupe. I spent all my time there practicing or dancing in the shows.

  If only the night would go faster. She wanted to hear what Dr. Kendrews would say about her having the experimental operation.

  Reaching out, Heather flipped on the bedside light and got up to walk to her bookcase. She glanced through her collection of favorites. She grabbed one of her Regency romances and got back in bed and started to read. It was going to be a long night. Maybe reading would make her sleepy. But she doubted it.

  I have an idea. I’ll call Beck and wake him. Before she changed her mind, she punched in his number.


  “You don’t sound like I woke you.”

  “You didn’t. I was laying here thinking about you. What’s up?”

  “I can’t sleep.”

  “I’m too far away to cuddle you, and I’m not a good bedtime singer.”

  Heather laughed. “I didn’t know you sang.”

  “I don’t. What’s bothering you, darlin’?”

  “Everything. I can’t imagine who wants to hurt or kill me, and I don’t know what to do about my leg.”

  “Chad and I will find out the answer to your first concern, but only you can decide about your leg.”

  “You won’t try and convince me to leave it alone?”

  “No. If Gavin and I did, you’d resent us in the future. And we have no right to tell you what to do, even if it means we might lose you.”

  “Other than my father and a few others, I’ve never met such honorable men as you and Gavin.”

  “Go to sleep, darlin’. You need to rest and have a clear mind tomorrow.”

  “You’re right. I think I can now. Good night.” Heather clicked off her phone and snuggled under the covers. Her mind quieted. She felt more confident since her talk with Beck. She yawned. I’m so fortunate.

  Chapter Twelve

  When Heather woke, she remembered her last thought before falling asleep. I haven’t thought I was lucky since my accident. I’ve been grieving my lost and running in circles about my future. Today, I feel peaceful and rested thanks to talking with Beck.

  There was a knock on her door. “It’s me, Gavin. Your mom said to wake you and tell you breakfast is almost ready,” he said through the door.

  “I’ll hurry and get dressed.” She looked at the clock. It was eight thirty. She hadn’t slept in this late in a while. She took a quick shower and dressed in black slacks with a green blouse. She’d leave her hair down until after she ate. Then she slipped on her black flats and walked to the kitchen.

  “Good morning. You look rested,” her mom said.

  Gavin pulled out her chair and she sat. “I am. Thoughts were whirling in my head last night. I couldn’t sleep, so I called Beck. He was awake, and we talked. Then I went sound asleep.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment to Beck that he put you to sleep,” Gavin teased.

  “You both help me relax when I’m tense. But if I phoned you, I might have woken Mom or Dad in the next room.”

  “True.” Mrs. Carrick placed a plate of food in front of Gavin.

  “This smells and looks wonderful.” Gavin started eating with gusto.

  “I like to see a man with an appetite. My dear husband”—she looked across at Heather’s dad—“has gotten more particular as he gets older.” She hugged him as she put his plate down. “But I’ll keep him anyway.”

  Heather smiled at her parents. She’d always loved seeing their close relationship, which involved a lot of teasing between them.

  “My appointment’s at eleven. With all the traffic we’d better leave soon,” Heather said to Gavin. “I’ll go finish getting ready.”

  “You didn’t eat much,” her mother said.

  “I can’t. I’m too nervous.”

  “We’re glad Gavin is going to be with you. With him being a doctor, he’ll understand all the ramifications,” her dad said.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind my driving your SUV?” Gavin asked.

  “Not at all. Heather can direct you on how to get there.”

  * * * *

  The closer they got to the office, the more Heather’s stomach tensed. She wished she’d skipped breakfast completely, but Mom would have never let her out of the house on an empty stomach.

  Gavin placed a hand on her knee briefly. “Stop worrying. You’ll know what to do once you have all the information, and you will choose what’s right for you.”

  “If I even know. My brain’s in a jumble.”

  Dr. Kendrews stood and walked around his desk to greet them. Heather had had another x-ray before he saw them.

  “You’re walking without your cane, and I detect only a slight limp.”

  “My physical therapist is the best. She’s been working me hard. The only time I use the cane is when my leg gets tired. That’s less often lately.”

  “I’ve been studying your X-ray. The bones have healed nicely. I also called the doctor who does this procedure you’re asking about, and I’ll be sending him this X-ray if you decide to see him.”

  “What do you think, Dr. Kendrews?” Heather asked. Gavin had walked around to view the X-ray closer.

  “It’s experimental. There’s been some success, about eighty-five percent now.”


  “Heather, do you want me to be completely truthful and say what I think?”


  “You have healed wonderfully. I’m almost sure before long you’ll have no limp at all. Whether you can do ballet jumps”—he shook his head—“I honestly don’t know. If you tried and the leg broke again in the same spot, the healing would most likely not go as well. Can you do other dancing without the jumps? Probably.”

  “You don’t think I should risk the operation, do you?”

  “I wouldn’t if it was me, but you may want to take the risk to hopefully dance as you did before. I’d suggest you at le
ast meet with this doctor before you make up your mind.”

  Gavin sat beside Heather. “I agree about her seeing the other doctor. We’ll stop in Minneapolis on our way to South Dakota. It’s a regular stop for us anyway. Usually a friend flies us home from there or we make other arrangements. It won’t be out of our way to stay a day. Heather can ask him any questions she has and make a more informed decision.”

  “I completely agree.” They got up to leave and Dr. Kendrews walked them to the door. “It was nice meeting you, Dr. Melwyn. I’d like to see your state sometime. It’s one of the few my wife and I haven’t visited.”

  “I hope you will, and if you do, be sure to stop and see us. We have plenty of bedrooms to put up friends.” Gavin shook his hand and they left.

  Gavin’s phone rang as he drove out into the traffic. “Heather, honey, answer it for me.”

  She pulled it out of the holder at his waist and clicked it on. “Hello, Beck. I saw your number on Gavin’s phone.”

  “We wanted you to know we landed. We’re on our way to the small hotel where Chad’s stayed a couple of times. It’s off the beaten path, but he said it’s quiet and has good service.” Beck gave her the directions.

  “We’re not far from there. We’ll see you soon.” Heather ended the call and gave Gavin directions. “We may beat them to the hotel. We’re close,” she said.

  The street where the hotel was located had trees on either side of the narrow road. The doorman stood under an elegant dark blue with gold trim awning. Gavin parked a few spaces pass the entrance. Just as they got to the front, a taxi swung in and Beck and Chad disembarked. Beck immediately wrapped his arms around Heather.

  She burrowed her head into his shirt and held on tight. “I’ve missed you,” she mumbled against his chest.

  The doorman patiently waited. Chad asked him to see their luggage was taken to their assigned rooms. “We’ll check in and have a drink in the bar.”

  They all walked in the foyer and to the front desk. The hotel’s décor was old-world elegant. Heather had never been here, but she liked the atmosphere.

  After they’d gotten their room cards and saw the luggage on its way up in the elevator, Chad led them to the bar. He chose a back booth.

  “The bar isn’t busy, but this way we’ll be sure we aren’t overheard,” Chad said. “Beck and I have a plan.”

  Heather leaned forward. “Already? That’s great. The sooner this is solved, the better I’ll feel.”

  Chad smiled. “I guess you will. It can’t be too comfortable knowing someone is trying to harm you.”

  She glanced at Beck and Gavin on either side of her and looked across the table at Chad. “I’m lucky I have such good protection.”

  “Our plan is that I’m going to pretend to be interested in investing money in the ballet company. People love to see men with money interested in their business,” Chad said. “I’ll ask to come and view several rehearsals. I’m sure I’ll be invited, and Beck as my friend will come along with me.”

  “What do you hope to find during rehearsals?” Heather asked.

  “Between the two of us we’ll keep an eye on all the people involved, dancers and other workers. I’m not sure what we’re looking for, but we’ll know if we see it,” Beck said.

  Gavin nodded his head. “I agree. This is a good plan. It has to be someone involved with the ballet. Heather had no social life to speak of, according to her and her parents. Dancing was her life,” Gavin added.

  Chad glanced at Heather. “It certainly narrows our focus. The detectives looked in the right spot. But from what you two say, they’ve picked the wrong person.”

  “See what you think when you meet Pamela,” Heather said. “I’d be interested in your honest opinion.”

  “Okay. I called early this morning and made an appointment for three this afternoon,” Chad said.

  “You aren’t wasting anytime.” Heather looked around as a waiter came to their table.

  They ordered drinks and hot chicken wings. Then when the waiter walked off, Chad said, “No, we aren’t. Time is of the essence. This person knows you’re in Chicago and may be planning his next attack. The second time we visit, I’d like you, Heather, to stop in. We’ll watch the others reactions to your visit.”

  A shiver ran down Heather’s spine. Gavin put his arm around her shoulders and Beck took hold of her hand.

  “We’ll keep you safe, honey,” Gavin said.

  Beck clenched his other hand. “I hope I get a chance at whoever did this, before we turn him over to the police.”

  Chad frowned. “We’re going to do this right, or I won’t help.”

  Beck shrugged, “I’d only rough him up a bit.”

  “No. He goes straight into police custody. Understand?”

  “You are no fun, Chad.” Beck grinned. “I’ll be good, but it’ll be a struggle.”

  “I appreciate you putting in the effort,” Chad said with a wry smile.

  The waiter walked up and placed a plate of wings in front of them. Then he brought their drinks. “Do you want anything else?”

  “I’d like to order a ham and cheese sandwich. I won’t want more than one or two of those wings.” Heather wrinkled her nose. “I’m not into very hot, seasoned food.”

  “I’ll be right back with the sandwich.” He hurried off and disappeared behind a swinging door. The bartender sat on a stool listening to the radio. The rest of the bar was empty.

  Heather glanced at her watch. “I can’t wait to hear what you find out.”

  “It’s best if we communicate by phone after this. We don’t want this person to see us together and know what’s up,” Chad said.

  “He’s right,” Beck agreed. “But you and Gavin can see me to my room after we leave here, and we’ll spend some time together.”

  “To make them less suspicious, I suggest Heather and I fly on to Minneapolis to see this doctor that does the experimental operation, after she visits the studio as you suggested. She can say she’s come to tell them good-bye for now and hint she may return. You may see a reaction from whoever wants to hurt her. Then after we see the doctor, we’ll go on home unless you need us to return here.”

  “Sounds like a good idea,” Chad agreed.

  “Then let’s get eating, so I can kiss my girl and tell her hello and good-bye again,” Beck said and grabbed a wing.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Beck, Heather, and Gavin took the elevator to the third floor to go to Beck’s room. He unlocked room eleven and ushered them in. His luggage sat to the side of the entrance.

  “It’s a lovely room,” Heather said. She admired the heavy, dark-wood furniture and all the trimmings that gave her the feeling of walking into a hotel from the past. “This hotel is very elegant.”

  “I want to see the bedroom,” Beck said and raised his eyebrows at her.

  “Then let’s check it out.” Heather led the way into the room on the right. Windows looked out on the treed street. The bed was king-sized and had a lush dark-green comforter.

  Gavin pulled back the covers. “You have silky lace sheets, Beck.”

  “They aren’t for me, but for our lady.”

  Heather ran her hand across the cool, silk sheets. “I think I’ll check out the bed.” She reached for the buttons on her shirt.

  “Let me help you, darlin’.” Beck’s fingers touched her skin as he undid her shirt.

  Where he touched sent a tingle to her nerve endings. Beside her Gavin was undressing. A slow smile curved her lips and her breathing quickened.

  When Beck finished with her blouse and threw it aside, he looked into her eyes. His were dark and smoldering. They stared at each other for several seconds. Heather felt a shift inside her chest and a softening in her heart.

  Gavin had stepped behind her. He kissed her neck as he reach around and unbuttoned and unzipped her slacks. Then he kissed her backside and her legs as he removed the rest of her clothes.

  They both stood back and looked at her can
didly. Gavin stared at her adoringly, while Beck smiled salaciously and winked. She was aware of her pulse racing and her juices flowing from her pussy.

  Beck swept her into his arms and placed her on the bed. He lay on his side and pulled her body against his. She thrilled at the touch of his hard muscled body against hers. His warmth had her cuddling closer.

  Gavin got behind her and kissed the nape of her neck. Shivers of delight sizzled throughout her body and her pussy clenched with hunger. Beck kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and then her mouth. When her lips opened, his tongue plunged in to stroke the soft interior.

  Gavin reached around her and tweaked the nearest nipple as he kissed his way down her spine. He massaged her buttocks and her arousal set her blood aflame. Her skin had become supersensitive to their every touch. The hunger in her pussy was ravenous.

  She bit the edge of Beck’s lower lip and then his hard jaw. When Gavin stroked her breast, she moaned and wiggled her backside closer to him.

  The scent of their desire filled the air and Heather’s longing to touch and explore them had her running her hands down Beck’s neck and along his wide shoulders.

  Gavin had pulled back and Beck kissed her neck where her pulse pounded, and then he covered her breast with his mouth.

  Her body bowed and she started to scream “yes,” but Gavin kissed her, cutting off the sound. “We don’t know how well these walls are insulated, honey,” he whispered.

  She frowned at him and Beck. “Then don’t torment me so much. Put your cock inside me, now,” she demanded to Beck.

  He rubbed his nose against her neck. “You are so impatient. I am going to teach you the art of slow lovemaking, but not today. I want to feel your sweet, hot, wet pussy wrapped around my hungry cock.” He reached for the condom he’d placed on the bedside table and sheathed his cock.

  His words had increased the fire in her core. “Then do it.”

  Beck chuckled, but he spread her legs and separated her lower lips. His tongue swept across her sensitive clit and licked the juices all the way to her pussy opening.


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