Fearless Fighters [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Fearless Fighters [Triple Dare County, South Dakota 7] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 12

by Paige Cameron

  He raised his gun toward Pamela, and Beck pointed his at Ivor’s chest. “If your finger moves, I’ll take pleasure in killing you.” He placed himself between Pam and Ivor. “You see, I love Heather, and I really want to kill you. But first I’d play a while and hit you in various parts of the body, causing exquisite pain, until I finally shot you in the heart.”

  “We’re here,” the two detectives said. “Both of you drop your guns.”

  “He goes first,” Beck said.

  Ivor looked from one of them to the other. “I’m not going to jail.” He sneered at Beck. “You think I’m afraid of pain. I’ve lived with pain all my life.” Ivor’s hand holding the gun moved toward his head.

  Beck yelled, “Stop.” Then he shot at Ivor’s wrist. Ivor pulled the trigger, but Beck’s bullet brushed across the top of Ivor’s wrist. Ivor’s hand wavered, and his bullet grazed along the front of his forehead instead of going into his skull.

  The detectives and Beck ran to him. The first detective took the gun for evidence. The other one put handcuffs on Ivor while his buddy called for an ambulance and the CSI people from their unit.

  “Damn, man, you almost had me shaking in my boots. How’d you get so mean?” the tall detective asked.

  “I fought in the war and lost a good buddy. I don’t like bad guys.”

  Chad had entered and came to Beck’s side. “I see everyone’s all right but Ivor.” He patted Beck on the back.

  Blood ran down Ivor’s face, and he groaned. “He’ll live to go to trial,” Beck said. “But I’d love to have shot him up some before they took him in.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t. Now we can go home.” Chad walked over to the detectives and told them what the FBI had discovered in California.

  “It appears he tried something similar, but when he told the woman he was obsessing about what he’d done, she didn’t appreciate it. She started to call the police to expose him. He killed her, and drove across country with a new identity and started over.”

  “We may have caught a serial killer. I wonder how many other people died because of his obsessions. He hid them well until the end,” Beck said. He walked to Ivor and bent down close to him. “I hope they don’t give you the death penalty. I prefer to think of you suffering all those long days in prison.”

  “Fuck you,” Ivor snarled.

  Beck laughed and walked back to Chad. “We’re finished here. Let’s go see Gavin and Heather.”

  Pamela had been standing in a corner. Chad and Beck walked over to her. “Are you all right?” Beck asked.

  She nodded. “I’m stunned, but fine otherwise. Thank you for saving my life, and please thank Heather for me.”

  “We will. Can we give you a ride home?” Chad asked.

  “None of you can go anywhere until we get your statements. Drive to the police station. I’ll call and have someone do them, so you can get on your way.”

  Beck frowned at him. “I don’t think I like you much.”

  The detective grinned. “The feeling’s mutual.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Beck and Chad reported all that had happened to Heather, Gavin, and Heather’s parents.

  “It’s all over. You don’t have to be scared. Ivor won’t be getting out of jail. He may even get the death penalty here or in California. They want to have a trial there for the woman he killed, and there may be more women,” Chad said.

  “At least I lived and it provided the opportunity for him to be caught and put in jail. I don’t feel quite so badly about my leg.”

  Gavin glanced at Beck. “I wish you’d show him how to feel fortunate he survived the war, and then maybe he’d get rid of his guilt.”

  Beck frowned. “Don’t start.”

  “I’m sorry I brought it up, but you know I’m right.”

  Heather tilted her head to the side. “We’re going to talk when I get back.”

  Beck and Gavin smiled. “Then you are returning?” Gavin asked.

  “For a while, but first I have to see this doctor in Minneapolis and find how what he thinks about my future in dancing.”

  “I have to get home,” Chad said. “Actually, I don’t have to.” He grinned at the assembled group and a light blush covered his cheeks. “I want to be home. I miss my wife.”

  “Heather said you were in a threesome marriage. It sounds like you’re very happy,” Heather’s mom said.

  “We are. Amy’s the best thing that ever happened to Torrad and me.”

  “I know my sister has always been happy in her marriage.”

  Chad took Mrs. Carrick’s hand. “Are you worried Heather will want to marry Beck and Gavin?”

  “A little,” her mother admitted.

  “Gavin and Beck are two of the finest men I know. They’re well thought of in the community, and they have a stable life. If they marry Heather she’ll be loved and well taken care of. I don’t doubt it for a minute.”

  Chad kissed the top of her hand. “I’m going to call the airlines and get the next flight out. It’s been nice meeting you and your husband.” He got up and left the room.

  No one spoke for a few minutes until Beck said, “Damn, I almost blushed. I didn’t expect Chad to get so wordy.”

  Gavin said, “Me, neither.”

  “I hope I didn’t embarrass you by asking him those questions.”

  “Not at all,” Gavin said. “I’d like to invite you to our ranch and you can meet our parents. I think it might ease your mind.”

  “I haven’t accepted your proposal,” Heather reminded him.

  “They can still come meet our folks,” Beck said. “You’ll like them. They’re great.”

  “We’ll visit within the next few weeks,” Mrs. Carrick said. “Is that okay with you?” she asked her husband.

  “Sure. I’m looking forward to it. Jack will take me fishing.”

  “I’m going to find Chad and ask him to book me on the same flight as his. I’ll see you two back at the ranch after you stop to see the doctor.” Beck hurried out to find Chad.

  “I’m glad we got my appointment set. We can visit with Mom and Dad in the morning and fly out later in the day to be there for my ten o’clock appointment the next morning.”

  * * * *

  Gavin held the hotel room door for Heather. She walked in and looked around while he put their suitcases in the bedroom.

  He found her out on the balcony. Curls had come loose around her face. Dang, she’s so delectable.

  “It’s a lovely suite, but I’d have been just as happy if we had stayed in a regular hotel room.”

  “I don’t get much time off. When I do, and I take my girl with me, I like to splurge on her.”

  “Then I promise to enjoy every bit of your spree.”

  He put his hands on her small waist and pulled her to him. Then he bent his head and nuzzled her neck. She shivered.

  “You tickled me.”

  “I hope to get the chance to do more than tickle you.”

  “I thought you’d never ask. We’ve been so good at mom and dad’s house, but I really missed having you close.”

  “What are we waiting for?” Gavin swung her into his arms and took long, quick strides to the bedroom. When he lowered her feet to the floor, he kept her body close so she rubbed against him all the way down.

  Heather moved her hips back and forth across his jeans where his cock strained at the material.

  “He’s anxious to be inside you,” Gavin whispered in her ear. He bit her earlobe and then laved his tongue over the spot. His hand slipped inside her blouse and bra and rubbed her nipple. She cuddled closer to him, and his heart jumped a beat. Her rose and lavender scent tantalized him with every breath.

  “I can’t wait any longer to undress you.” Gavin undid the buttons on her blouse and unfastened her bra and then threw them into a chair. He stepped back. “You are so beautiful.” He walked closer and kissed her mouth softly.

  She opened her lips, and he swept his tongue inside to caress the soft
ness with sensual stokes. She tasted of fresh mint. Their tongues curled around each other and as his kiss deepened, he held her tighter.

  “These clothes have to come off,” Gavin mumbled. He quickly stripped her of the rest of her clothing and in a moment he was naked. “That is much better.” He pulled her against him. “Don’t you agree?”

  “Absolutely. What took you so long?”

  He chuckled and kissed the side of her neck. Gavin stopped at the point where her heartbeat pulsed rapidly against her translucent skin. He licked across the spot.

  “Your cock is pulsing all along my abdomen. When are you going to let him play?” Heather purred.

  “When I get through tasting and touching all of you. You taste sweet and minty.” He nibbled along her shoulder and kissed his way to her breast. Gavin held one breast in his hand. His thumb rubbed the tight nipple. He watched her facial reaction. Her bluish-green eyes darkened and a sweet smile curved her delicious mouth.

  “I can’t get enough of you.” His lips brushed across the soft skin of her breast and his teeth grazed over the tip. She shuddered under him. He took his time kissing, licking, and sucking on her breasts. His cock got harder and desire swept in a hot river through his veins.

  * * * *

  “I’m going to explode if you don’t hurry,” Heather said breathlessly. She moved restlessly under him.

  Inside her a coil of heat spread from her middle outward. Her juices flowed out of her aching pussy and wet her lower lips.

  “I want to enjoy every taste, touch, and smell like a connoisseur of fine wine. Nothing should be hurried.”

  Heather slipped her hand between them and clasped his cock. “Then I’m going to be another connoisseur.” She rubbed her finger across the pearly drop at the crown of his cock. Then she rubbed her hand up and down his silky hardness.

  He gently removed her hand before he slid further down her body. “This is for you, honey, and for me. But right now we’ll do it my way. I’ll let you lead some other time.”

  His mouth feathered across the soft skin of her midriff. He’d brought every one of her senses to life. She tingled from the frenzied passion he’d aroused. When he separated her lower lips and licked her clit, a thrill of excitement rushed from the bottom of her spine to her head. Heather screamed out Gavin’s name.

  Gavin glanced at her and winked. Then he licked her juices to her pussy opening and flicked his tongue inside. A rush of euphoria shot through her as an orgasmic wave flooded her senses.

  He moved quickly sheathing and placing his cock at her opening. Then he plunged inside, and thrust in and out fast.

  Her pussy grasped him tight and rippled along his length. Her orgasm went on and on. But gradually her body sank into the mattress as smaller tremors caressed Gavin’s cock.

  “Honey,” Gavin said, and put his forehead against hers. “I don’t know what to say, but I love you.” He stopped for a minute to catch his breath. “I hope you’ll come to realize you love me and Beck. But I won’t ask you to marry us again until you’ve talked with this doctor and had time to decide what you want.” He rolled on his back and waited while his breathing slowed. He took hold of her hand. “It won’t work unless you love us as much as we love you.” He rolled to his side and kissed her mouth, before getting up to go in the bathroom.

  Heather was drained, but it was a good exhaustion.

  She wasn’t sure she wanted to see the doctor. If the operation was a success everyone would expect she’d return to dancing. Did she want to? Heather knew how many hours she’s have to work and how hard it would be just to get back to a starting position.

  And I’d have to say good-bye to Gavin and Beck. It wouldn’t be a lifestyle that left room for the type of marriage they want and that I think I may like to have.

  Gavin came back to bed and pulled her close. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Maybe I should skip seeing the doctor.”

  “No. If you make a decision to marry us without knowing all your options, you may resent us in the future. I want you to see him and decide knowing everything. Even if the decision is not in our favor.”

  Heather ran her hand over his chin’s evening stubble. “You are an amazing man.”

  He tickled her neck with his lips. “Remember that when making your decision,” he whispered against her throat.

  She grinned and lay against him. Tipping her head up, she said, “You aren’t getting anymore until you feed me. I’m starved.”

  “You are the most unromantic woman at crucial times,” he teased and playfully slapped her buttocks. “Go shower and dress. We’ll eat since you insist. I could live on love at least until morning.”

  “Well, I can’t.” Heather stood at the side of the bed and stretched.

  Gavin took a long look up and down. “Now you’re just being mean and tormenting me.”

  She laughed on her way to the bathroom. “Not at all. I want you to remember what’s waiting back here for your dessert.”

  * * * *

  Heather’s hands were sweaty and her heart raced as Gavin opened the doctor’s office door and ushered her in. He took his handkerchief and wiped the perspiration from her forehead and her hands.

  “Don’t panic. No decision has to be made today. Just listen, ask questions, and you and I can talk on our drive back to Triple Dare County.

  “Beck will meet us at the hotel, and we’ll head right back,” Gavin said. “You can be quiet and think or bounce questions off of us.”

  “Won’t Beck be too tired to turn back around as soon as he gets here?”

  “If he is, I’ll drive. Here, have a seat. I’ll let the receptionist know we’ve arrived.” Gavin took long strides across the room. When he came back, he sat in the chair to her right. “The doctor will see us in a few minutes.”

  The next ten minutes seemed like an hour. Gavin put his arm around her and held her tight. He told her another story about him and Beck growing up, but only a few words sank into her brain. When the door finally opened, she jumped. His nurse called them back and led them to an office.

  She opened the door, announced them, and shut the door after they’d stepped inside. The doctor had a full head of white hair, and when he looked up his dark blue eyes closely examined her and Gavin.

  “I’m Dr. Gavin Melwyn and this is Heather Carrick. We’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” He put out his hand to the older doctor.

  “Please, have a seat.” He reached across and shook Gavin’s hand. “I’ve been reading the reports Dr. Kendrews sent me. I see you can walk without a cane. Why do you need me?” the doctor asked bluntly.

  “I was a ballet dancer. I’d like to recover my ability to dance.”

  He leaned back in his chair and stared at her. “I saw the picture of your crashed vehicle. If you’d been hit from the other side, I doubt you’d have survived.”

  “I know I’m fortunate. And the police have the man responsible in custody, but I still want to have my leg back as strong as before. What’s wrong with that?”

  “The medical trials I’m doing are for patients much worse off than you. I can’t put you in one of them because you don’t meet the criteria. You could end up worse. The medicine I’d put on your bone to strengthen it might instead cause a different reaction and weaken the area of the break.” He frowned at her. “You must wait until it is approved. At that time, if you still want the surgical treatment, I will do it.

  “I’m very busy man.” He pushed a bell at the edge of his desk. “My nurse will show you out.”

  “I thought I’d get to ask more questions,” Heather said as he was shooing them out the door.

  “Later, when the time is right, you may call for another appointment.” He shut his office door in their face.

  Heather looked at Gavin. She’d never seen him really angry, but he was now. His eyes sparked with annoyance and he’d clenched his jaw tight. He thanked the nurse, put his arm around Heather, and they walked out.

She bit her lip as he led her outside and hailed down a cab. He helped her in and got in beside her. After he gave the cab driver the hotel’s address, he pulled Heather into his arms.

  “Let it out, honey. Go ahead and cry. What an asshole. I wouldn’t let him touch my dog.”

  Heather put her arms around his waist and wet his shirt with her tears. He rubbed her back. She had stopped crying by the time the cabbie pulled to the curb. She got out and waited for Gavin to pay him. Then they walked in the lobby.

  Beck waved and walked quickly to their side. “How did it…? What’s wrong?” he asked when he saw her reddened eyes.

  “Would you like to have a drink and eat lunch in the bar or upstairs?” Gavin asked, before he answered Beck.

  “In the room,” Heather said.

  “Then we’ll go to our suite and I’ll tell you all about our visit with the most obnoxious doctor I’ve met,” Gavin said to Beck. They headed toward the row of elevators.

  Once inside their rooms, Beck turned to Heather and pulled her close. “Did he say the operation wouldn’t do you any good, darlin’?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t qualify for the trials and he won’t consider me until the procedure is approved. I understand, but he was abrupt. He wouldn’t answer questions and rushed us out.”

  “What a jerk. I wouldn’t let him near the animals on the ranch, much less your beautiful leg.”

  Heather started laughing and couldn’t stop. Tears ran down her face.

  “What’s so funny?” Beck asked with a puzzled expression on his face. Heather had collapsed in a chair and another peal of laughter rolled through her.

  “I think I know.” Gavin picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. He placed her in the shower and turned on the cold water. Her laughter turned to shrieks.

  She hit him. “This is cold, and you’ve wet my clothes.”

  “Sweetheart, you were hysterical. When I said that about not letting the doctor near my dog and then Beck said almost the same, it was funny. But once you started laughing you couldn’t stop. All your pent-up hope had been dashed and that’s how it came out.”


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