Claimed by the Mechanic

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Claimed by the Mechanic Page 3

by Izzy Slam

  Well, now I feel bad for acting like a brat. He’s holding my gaze, making me feel the force of this power he holds over me. “I’m sorry. And you’re right.”

  “You don’t ever have to apologize with me. Let’s establish that right off the bat, okay?”

  I nod, feeling those stirrings of desire build in my core.

  “Good girl. Now, tell me what you want. A new engine? Or you want me to get on the phone and see if I can find a decent used car?”

  Good girl.

  I haven’t heard those words… ever. Why am I suddenly shaking?

  “I … I don’t know. What would be easiest?”

  He chuckles and walks to his desk, leaving me feeling cold as he takes away his touch. “Obviously, getting a used car will be easier than rebuilding an engine. But also a little more expensive.”

  After sitting back down, he drums his fingers on his desk, jarring my memory.

  “You mentioned cutting the cost in half if I’m willing to get creative. What did you mean by that?”


  When Daisy poses her question, I’m still trying to get past the fact that a man, any man, would let Daisy slip through his fingers. That was not a man. That was a boy. But his loss is my gain. And drunk parents? God, her life must have been rough. I just want to envelop myself around her and take all her pain away.

  Back to her question, though.

  I’d already figured she didn’t have much money, if any. And I’ve been scrambling all morning trying to figure out how I can help her without her thinking I’m giving her a handout. I’d give Daisy everything I own if she needed it.

  Frankly, I kind of feel like a switch has gone off when it comes to her, like I’ve turned into this overprotective daddy who doesn’t want anything bad to come to his little girl. Not that I think of her as my little girl in that way. It’s just, I don’t know, I want to shield her from all the big, bad things in this world, then pull her in my lap and fondle every inch of her from head to toe.

  Maybe that makes me perverted, but it’s the way I feel about her.

  I run my gaze up and down her body, the body I want underneath mine, ASAP. Right now, I’ve got her attention. And I plan to hold it.

  “I did mention getting creative. I’m glad you remembered.”

  “I like to think of myself as a creative person, but it sounded like you had something specific in mind.”

  “I do, in fact. Well, two things. And they’re relatively simple.”

  “Cool. What are they?”

  “Deed me this car so I can sell it for parts. Then go with me to visit my mom this weekend.”

  Daisy lifts her brow and sits down in the chair across from me. “That’s it?”

  I nod.

  “Where is your mom?”

  I can tell she’s apprehensive. There’s no telling what she’s thinking, though. My mother could be in North Korea. Or in prison.

  “In Eastwood, which is about two hours from here. She lives with my uncle, and she’s sick. I just want someone to go with me.”

  Her angelic face softens, relieving some of the pain I feel bringing it up. She reaches over, taking my dirty hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. Fuck, she’s so goddamn soft.

  “I’m so sorry, Ranger. Of course I’ll go with you. But … that hardly seems like a fair exchange for a car.”

  If only she knew just how important this is to me. “Oh, trust me. It’s a perfectly fair exchange.”

  She offers up this smile that fucking melts my heart. The way her gorgeous green eyes look at me with so much appreciation and happiness. I want to see this smile every fucking day for the rest of my life.

  “I don’t know how to thank you. I know my piece of junk isn’t worth that much, so if it takes me the rest of my life to pay you the rest back, I won’t stop until you get every penny owed.”

  There’s no way I’m letting this angel worry about that. “Do me this one favor and you won’t owe me a penny. Now, I need to make a few phone calls, see if I can find something that doesn’t need a lot of work. I’ll come home at lunch and let you know what I found.”

  When I stand, Daisy jumps out of her seat and throws her arms around my neck. Her soft curves press against me, like the two of us are melting into one, and my cock immediately responds.

  I hold back a vocal sound that’s threatening to climb up my throat as my hands pass down her back. Fuck, it’s real work not grabbing onto that ass of hers.

  “Thank you, Ranger. A million times, thank you.”

  I fight the urge to tell her she can thank me with her lips. “You’re welcome, Daisy.”

  She breaks the hug and cold air rushes between us. I watch her spin around and leave the office, making her way around the back of the building outside with her ass wiggling and her long hair blowing around.

  Damn, I don’t think I’ve ever responded to a girl like this so fast. But Daisy is suddenly becoming the center of my whole world.

  Once she’s out of sight, I start making some calls to hunt down a car. It takes about half an hour, but one of my buddies knows a guy who knows a guy that’s got an old beater that runs good but needs a few cosmetic upgrades and a minor oil pan repair. And he’s selling it dirt cheap. I make an appointment to go see it later this afternoon.

  Once that’s done, I get back to work on the Camaro. And damn if I don’t get it finished right as lunchtime approaches. I officially consider Daisy to be my good luck charm.

  And while I can’t dangle her from a keychain or hide her in my pocket, I will be sure to keep her with me at all times.


  “You really like the car? You’re not just saying that to be nice?” Ranger asks as he pulls out of his buddy’s driveway.

  “It runs, and it’s my favorite color. What’s not to like?”

  “Red is your favorite color? I’d have pegged you for a purple girl myself.”

  “Second favorite,” I say, beaming at Ranger. He looks my way and winks.

  I don’t know how I got lucky enough to find a guy who takes better care of me than my own parents. But I count my lucky stars that my car broke down where it did. Otherwise I’d probably be on a bus right now, riding back to my small, southern, rinky-dink town where I always felt a little out of place.

  The thought makes me shiver.

  Also, this new-slash-used car is a double-edged sword. On one hand, I’m getting a car that runs. On the other hand … I’m getting a car that runs. Which means after this weekend, Ranger and I will be parting ways so I can head up to Pennsylvania and start my “new life.” I’ve already called the manager at the dental practice and explained my situation, and she said she would hold my job for another week. Any longer than that, though, and she’ll have to hire someone else.

  The thought of leaving here for good is like a knife to the gut. It almost feels like I’ve started a new life in a way, even though I haven’t. But there is something about this town that feels good, feels right. Like I could see myself calling it home. Maybe it’s not the town but the people here.

  Or the one person I’ve seemed to latch on to.

  “We’ll head to the salvage yard to look for the parts it needs. I know the guy who owns it and he’ll let me take whatever I want.”

  “Really? For free?”

  “We do favors for one another like that. Customers come at me with totaled cars and I send them his way. He breaks them down for parts and makes a killing.”

  “So what does my car need? Besides a windshield?”

  “New mirrors, front tires, and the oil pan needs to be replaced.”

  “You think we can find all those things in a junkyard?”

  Ranger shrugs. “I don’t know if we’ll find them at this one, but if not, I can hop online and do a little digging.”

  “Hey, maybe Eastwood has a junkyard we could look at.” My voice sounds a little overly excited at the idea of visiting a salvage yard where his mom and uncle live. Ranger must think I’m weird.

  Belting out a laugh, he’s obviously entertained by me. “We can go just for fun, if you want.”

  When he reaches over and squeezes my knee, I giggle and push his hand away. “Sorry. I’m ticklish.”

  Ranger’s face morphs into one of twisted pleasure as he moves his hand back to the steering wheel. “Is that so?”

  “In certain places, yes.” My body tingles as I imagine him testing all the places on me that might potentially be ticklish.

  “That sounds like a challenge to me.” His eyes sweep over me, and I swear I can feel what he wants to do.

  My cheeks blush as I smile, biting my lip and waiting to see what he’s going to do. “Well, good girls don’t give all their secrets away.”

  He pulls in a deep breath and pops his head from side to side, making his neck crack in several places. “You’re right about that. But guys like me have ways of breaking down the walls of good girls.”

  I clench my thighs at his words, the need building between my legs. An ache. A constant pressure. Desire and a bit of nervousness consuming me. I want him so much. But I’m also terrified of having my heart broken again. After all, how do I know Ranger isn’t out for just a one-night stand?

  The answer seems obvious. He’s getting me a car and going to all the trouble of replacing worn or broken parts. That’s a hell of a lot of work to put into someone you just want to sleep with one time.

  And other than giving him my old car, he wants me to visit his mom with him. I feel like there’s something I’m missing on that front.

  Maybe there’s tension between them and he wants me there as a buffer. Maybe he doesn’t like traveling alone. Or, he could be using me to pose as his girlfriend.

  If that’s the case, it means he doesn’t have a girlfriend in real life.

  As much as I hate the thought of being used for any reason, I find this to be the most desirable reason. Especially since he’s flirting with me pretty hard. Not that I’m putting any stock into it. Like I said, a guy like him can get any woman he wants. Why waste time with a 19-year-old virgin?

  We get to the junkyard, and Ranger spends a few moments with the owner, looking over a map of the place and circling different areas with a pen. After folding the map and sliding it in his pocket, he leads me out the back door where we’re both faced with an endless ocean of cars. It’s like a rainbow of bright and dull colors with a lot of rust thrown in the mix.

  “We’re supposed to find parts for my car here? Like, where do we start?”

  Ranger pulls the map from his pocket, pointing the corner of it in the distance. “See where that school bus is?”

  I shield the sun with my hand and find the top half of the bus he’s talking about. “Oh, that’s not too far.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s the halfway point. We need to go past there and walk about another hundred yards, until we reach the antique camper.”

  “A camper?”

  He smirks, letting his eyes float around my face like he’s taken with every detail. I get a little rush that starts in my chest and settles in my core.

  “Come on.”

  I stay right behind him the whole way, and it surprisingly only takes about five minutes to get to our destination. I see the camper he’s talking about. It looks to be straight out of the 1970’s, rusty metal peeling down the sides and the paint-chipped door barely hanging on by a single hinge.

  “Right over here are two cars just like yours. Different years, but that shouldn’t matter for what we want.”

  “Uh-huh…” I mindlessly answer, staring at the inside of the camper in awe of the dichotomy between the interior and exterior. The outside appears cold and dying, but take one step up and you’re immediately safe from the elements. There’s a couch—which I assume also doubles as a sleeper—and a small stovetop. And to the left of the entryway, there’s a small table for eating, playing cards, or whatever.

  I hear Ranger’s boots approach from behind as I peer inside. A number of cobwebs catch my attention, but I’m drawn to the darkness of it all.

  “You have a thing for campers?”

  His eyes seem to sparkle when I look at him. I don’t know if it’s how he views me or if it’s how I view him.

  “When I was little, and we still lived in a decent neighborhood, the people across the street had something just like this. Maybe a little newer.”

  “Yeah? Did you ever go camping with them?”

  “No, but they offered to let us use it several times. My dad used to promise me he’d take me. But he never did. It was something I always wanted to do.”

  This memory guts me, but I don’t know why. I think it’s because that was the first of many letdowns from my dad. From both of my parents.

  Ranger cups my face and brushes his thumb over my lower lip. My heart goes from hurting to soaring in a matter of seconds. But then he moves past me and steps up into the interior, using the map to wipe away a few spider webs that hang above the small couch.

  “Come here,” he says, extending a hand my way.

  I take his hand and he pulls me inside, the darkness nearly swallowing us. The air is musty and stale, and several leaves litter the floor.

  “It needs a little work, but I can see its potential.” Ranger uses his elbow to wipe away a layer of dust on the stovetop.

  “Yeah. Potential to become a natural habitat for rodents, maybe,” I say, lifting the edge of the counter next to the stove.

  I lean down to get a look at it, but Ranger’s hand is moving along my lower back.

  “Right now, as far as I can tell, we’re the only animals in here.”

  I stand upright, and Ranger pulls my body to his, forcing my hands up to his chest. My world shifts on a dime, in the best possible way.

  “Ranger, I…”

  There’s enough sunlight filtering through to make out his eyes searching mine, but it’s just dark enough that his presence is felt more than seen.

  “Don’t tell me you don’t want this,” he says, sliding his fingers up my scalp, sending tingles dancing down the length of my body.

  “No … I …”

  His lips move to my neck where he kisses me, his tongue coming out to lick my flesh. I suddenly can’t form words.

  All I can do is moan and press my hands against his hard pecs.

  When he cups my face, I start to feel faint. But then those lips of his press against mine and it’s like he’s holding me tighter. I’m falling, but it’s more like we’re falling together.

  Our tongues dance, and I feel his cock grow hard, growing and pushing against my belly. His hands move back down, discovering my breasts and letting his fingers graze over my quickly hardening nipples.

  He releases a low growl, breaking the kiss as he gently kneads my chest. “Come over here for a moment.”

  He sits down on the couch and pulls me swiftly to him, holding my hips as I toss my hands to his shoulders. Hooking his fingers in my leggings, he begins to peel them down, making me tremble with aching need.

  “I’m sorry you weren’t taken care of as a little girl. But to be honest, it only makes the drive in me stronger, to give you everything you need, Daisy.” With my pants around my knees, and his fingers now hovering over the waistband of my panties, he looks up at me, his expression firm but urgent. “Daddy needs you, sweetheart. Every inch of you.”

  My hunger for him comes to a head when I hear that word. “Daddy?”

  He nods, pulling my panties down and revealing my pussy to him. It feels as though I’m going to burst into flames. “Take off your shoes. Let me see your beautiful, sweet body.”

  I slip off my flip-flops and he finishes pushing down my leggings. My heart pounds with fury as I step out of them while using his shoulders to keep my balance.

  He makes a number of vocal sounds as he slowly slides his palms up and down my legs, staring at my pussy. I’m relieved I keep it trimmed close, leaving a landing strip right down the middle.

  “Fuck,” he grits out. “Your perfe
ct body is making daddy hard. I need to be inside you. I need to make you cum, angel.”

  I bite my lip as he pushes my shirt up, and I can’t seem to tug it off fast enough. He then unclasps the back of my bra with lightning speed, sending it cascading to the floor.

  As he licks his lips, my breathing increases, knowing I should tell him that I’m much more innocent than he probably thinks.

  “I … I have a confession.”

  “What is it, baby?” he asks, letting his hands roam up my sides as he studies me with lust.

  I swallow the fear, the dryness in my throat. “You should know that I’m … I’m a virgin.”

  His fingers clamp down as his eyes close. He waits a few moments to open them and look up at me. “You have no idea how happy that makes me, sweetheart.”

  “Really? Are you sure?”

  I don’t know why I’m so insecure about this. But I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wants me, pure and untouched.

  “Oh god, yes, angel. I’m sure.”

  He steps me back and unbuckles his jeans before tugging them down his legs, taking his briefs with them. I see his cock spring forward, long and hard and seeping with need. Fear and need comingle inside of me, but the need wins out as I want so desperately to touch it, to feel its hardness in my grip.

  Taking me by the hand, Ranger pulls me on his lap. My knees sink into the cushion next to him, liquid dripping from between my legs as he cups my ass and slides me over his thighs.

  “Daddy isn’t going to take your innocence today, my angel.” He holds the base of his shaft and angles his cock in my direction. “But I am going to take something else.”


  Everything about Daisy is perfect. It’s taking a hell of a lot of will power right now to keep myself from tearing her pussy apart, from watching the look on her face as I plow through her virginity.

  I’ll enjoy that in time.

  Once I’ve put a ring on her finger and vowed her to me for life so she can bear my children.

  “What are you going to take from me, daddy?” Daisy asks, rutting her hips forward as she clasps her hands behind my neck.


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