Dark Facade (Book One) (Dark Facade Series)

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Dark Facade (Book One) (Dark Facade Series) Page 7

by Hubbard, Sylvia

  She blushed seeing that he knew the game she played but he had not said anything yesterday. He just allowed her to go with her seduction.

  What else did he know? She wondered.

  When he disappeared behind the curtains, just as she was about to put her guard down after a few moments had passed, but then he came back into the bedroom and straight up to her. Sitting up in bed clutching the covers to her naked bosom, Maxine was ready to scream.

  Was this it? Was this when he would rape her?

  Philippe yanked the covers off the bed and held out his hand. Patiently he waited until she took it and pulled her up off the bed. She started to bend down for her robe, but he shook his head. There was this strange look in his eyes as he took her hand and guided her into the bathroom. The shower was running and already there was a steamy fog starting. Standing this close to him, she could see him perfectly well.

  She started to say something, but he pressed a finger against her lips and placed her hands on the belt of his robe. Butterflies fluttered from her neck to her belly as she realized what he wanted to do. Needing no further instructions, Maxine opened the robe and pushed it off his shoulder. As always, the intensity in his eyes increased and there was this hard look on his face. She was dying to know what he was thinking but she was already embarrassed by the fact that she was naked in front of this man.

  She forced her eyes to stay on his face terrified to look down at what he held between his legs. He took her hand and guided her into the shower with him. At first she hesitated because the thought of showering with anyone seemed foreign to her, but his grip was firm and she followed him in and let him close the shower door.

  Pressing her back against the wall, his back was a shield against the water. His arms moved to the sides of the wall and he leaned down until his face was only inches from her. He never broke contact and Maxine was terrified, excited and confused all at the same time.

  “Reach up above your head and get the wash cloth and the soap,” he ordered.

  Already knowing the shelf was up there, she didn’t have to look to reach over her head and get a towel and the handmade soap. Maxine refused to look down, no matter how curious she was. This complete stranger was naked! Naked! And wasn’t the least bit embarrassed about it! All night long she had felt his manhood pressing up against her butt and her imagination had escalated the size and width of him to a distorted magnanimous girth.

  Once she had each item in hand, she looked to him for further instructions.

  He took the towel from her and soaped it up. Maxine could have died from embarrassment at that moment as he began to rub her down. He didn’t miss one spot of her body and it didn’t even feel like he had the washcloth in his hands.

  She had to move around him to rinse off and when she was done, he guided her back against the wall. His rested his hands on the wall near her head after handing her the towel and the soap again.

  “Wet the towel, and wash me, slave,” he ordered.

  She had to reach over his shoulders to wet the cloth and then soap it up. Taking a deep slow breath, she started at his neck, then his arms and then this chest, not realizing that her breathing was increasing. He had not moved his body and with him leaning over slightly, she didn’t have to reach far.

  There was amusement in his tone as he said, “I think my neck and chest are clean enough, Maxine. Don’t you think you should move lower?”

  “Your back needs to be done.”

  He shook his head slowly as if he knew she was trying to avoid descending any further. “Move lower.” This was an order. Even though his tone was not as harsh, she knew she could not disobey.

  Keeping her eyes on his chest, she moved her hands to his stomach. Every once in a while she would close her eyes. The heat of his body warmed more than her hands and it felt as if her palms were not even using the washcloth. Not an ounce of fat was on his thick body. He was all big and muscular. Her palms could feel the hard ripples of his washboard stomach and then she moved even lower.


  Maxine closed her eyes and hurriedly wiped the towel down between his legs, but he grabbed her wrist just as she was going to move over to his side.

  “You’re not done,” he said.

  “You aren’t that dirty,” she argued without thinking.

  His eyes narrowed and she knew she was being disobedient immediately.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “But I don’t know what I’m doing.” Maxine voiced her fear. “I’ve never…I’ve never done this.”

  Philippe took her hands and helped her soap the cloth, then he took the soap out of her other hand and put it on the shelf. Returning his hands to her, he guided them between her legs again. He maneuvered her hands to the wash him thoroughly; Too thorough. Even after he was clean ten times over, he continued to maneuver her hands.

  Maxine gasped taking her eyes off his chest and looking up at him. His eyes were closed and there was a look of pleasure on his face. He had guided her fingers around his shaft and it was growing - getting bigger, right in her hands, with her touch.

  The cloth had dropped and Maxine couldn’t stop herself from looking down. Her hands were moving up and down his thick shaft. Her fingers, which were wrapped around him, were barely touching each other and he was long and so thick. Her imagination had not done him justice. He was a light brown coloring and not the pink she had imaged and the thicker he became she found herself unable to stop looking at him.

  This was the first time she had been able to study a man’s shaft and clearly she knew it was no “finger.”

  He gasped and his hold tightened on her hands as suddenly, fluid burst forth onto her wrist. It was her turn to gasp at the amazing reaction, which she had done - albeit with his help.

  Moving to her side to let the water fall on both of them, he leaned his head against the wall and slowly opened his eyes to meet hers. “Get out and use the bathroom. Brush your teeth and get dressed,” he ordered.

  “You don’t want me to do your back?” she asked. It didn’t seem fair that he had thoroughly washed her and she had done very little for him.

  “If you stay any longer, slave, I’m going to fuck you.”

  Maxine didn’t need to be told a second time. She scooted out the shower and closed the door. He turned his back to her and started washing himself up.

  Quickly going out the room, she grabbed her dress and found some underwear in the dressers, just like he said. Remembering she had put the gold key into her robe yesterday, she retrieved it and put it in the pocket of the dress she would be wearing. She used the downstairs bathroom once she heard the shower go off upstairs to relieve her bladder, brushed her teeth and comb her hair out. Her curls had fallen slightly from the humidity in the shower with him.

  After putting on her clothes, she found some shoes in the front closet that were her size. Since she was downstairs, she took a real look about the room. The entire ‘chamber’ was like a small apartment and it looked as if everything was built especially for him. She noticed that the ceiling was unusually high and the bed had been position so he could walk around without his long legs bumping it.

  There were high shelves in the kitchen for his height and even the doorway was slightly higher than a normal doorway.

  For some reason there was a need to please in her heart. Even though this situation was all new to her, instinct overcame her and she fixed toast and coffee with freshly squeeze orange juice.

  She removed the tray from the bedroom and was able to straighten the kitchen like new before he came dashing down the stairs with a new undershirt on, his pants opened and the shirt he had taken out the closet was wide open.

  There was the look of panic on his face until his eyes fell upon her. His body then relaxed and a heated look of passion beheld those dazzling turquoise eyes.

  Blushing again, remembering what had happened in the shower, Maxine pointed to the table proudly. He had been so consumed with locating her that his all-seeing eyes h
ad missed her display.

  Sternly, he asked, “Why did you do that?”

  Thinking she had done something wrong, Maxine flustered with a shrug indifferently.

  Phillip’s eyes narrowed and he walked up to her. “Maxine,” he said in that same stern voice. “Never be ashamed of what you do if you did it with good intentions.” Reaching up to caress her cheek, his large hand cupped her face. “Now I’ll ask again, why did you do that?”

  In spite of her anxiety, she couldn’t help but notice he smelled so good. His freshly washed body was sending arousing pheromones to her nose and her body’s reaction was immediate, complete with her nipples hardening and a slight dampness between her legs.

  Gathering her courage to speak, Maxine said, after licking her lips, “I thought I should do something nice. I wanted to do something without being told to do.”

  He moved even closer to her. Unconsciously, she had been moving away until her backside bumped against the counter. His hands went on both sides of the counter locking her in his proximity.

  “And what did you expect in return?” he demanded, his tone of voice was still rather brusque keeping her on the defensive.

  “I was expecting you’d eat it and not think I want something from you. I did it out the kindness of my heart.” She was almost inclined to push at his chest because he was so close and it would have also enforced her point.

  That strange look of desire came in his eyes again which moved down to her chest where the dress showed ample cleavage and then he slowly moved up her neck, to her chin, lingered on her lips and finally back to her own eyes. The visually caress had aroused her even more.

  Biting her bottom lip, she felt short of breath. She wanted him to kiss her. Hard and longing, just like he did last night. That look was just the same in his eyes from last night. He was going to-

  Instead of leaning forward, he straightened up and fixed his pants and shirt. “Go up and retrieve my tie, jacket and items from the table beside the bed.”

  Maxine was first caught off guard, not expecting him to draw away. Bristling just slightly, she was almost incline to mumble, ‘please would be nice,’ but suppressed her tongue.

  As she gathered the items for him replaying the latter conversation in her head, she had to agree that Phillip had just given her an eye opener about herself.

  On a day-to-day basis, she had never taken credit for things she had done. Her acts of kindness and support were always taken for granted. Most times at work, when Lisa was lagging on a project Maxine would assist or even take over some of Lisa’s projects and would not mind Lisa taking the credit for the entire thing. Even if they worked on the project together and Maxine ended up doing the entire job, she still never felt she deserved to be credited for it at all.

  Coming back downstairs and handing him his jacket, he didn’t make an effort to take it.

  As she opened the jacket so he could slip it on, Maxine almost giggled. As complicated as he seemed on the outside, it wasn’t very difficult to figure him out.

  She handed him his Rolex watch, his leather billfold, and a very heavy gold ring with the same emblem that was on her dress.

  When he finished putting on his jewelry, she stepped forward and handed him the tie.

  “I don’t know how to tie it,” she admitted embarrassed.

  Checking his watch, he huffed a little disappointed. “We’ll have to do something about that tonight.” There was this promising look glittering in those beautiful eyes as he took the tie.

  She stepped away from him and watched carefully. He didn’t even need a mirror to quickly put the tie around his neck and adjusted perfectly on his neck.

  There seemed to be an unspoken comfort level between them. Maxine had never felt so comfortable in the presence of any man before and the fact that she stood there in only a flimsy dress not feeling an ounce of embarrassment, made her question her own sanity.

  Glancing at the table, she smiled to herself seeing he had eaten the food she had prepared.

  “Furthermore,” he said suddenly as if he had been speaking before, drawing her attention to him. “I’ll expect less talking and more doing from you. We’ll dine with others tonight.” Going over near the door, he picked up her box that had been delivered to her home.

  Opening it up, he removed a gold mask and came over to her. Carefully he put it over her head and pulled it down over her face. “You’ll wear this at all times today until you return here. Only here are you allowed to be without your mask. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  Philippe picked up the blindfold she had discarded the night before. Taking her hand, he led her over to a chair by the door. Taking out his billfold, he counted out fifteen hundred dollars and tucked the money in the pocket of her dress. “I’m prone to purple or gold. Remember that what happens in your chamber stays in your chamber, regardless of what others speak about.” He touched the emblem on her chest. “Your crest provides you with certain recompense, but use restraint. Above all, do not disobey those that govern over you outside of this chamber. I don’t want to come back tonight to find out that you are unable to service me because you are down in infirmary.”

  Her heart skipped a beat in fear. ‘Down in infirmary?!’

  Gently, he lifted her to look into his face. “If you are obedient to the letter, only I’ll have the privilege to touch you sexually,” he said firmly. “And I will expect full service tonight, slave.”

  Thoughts of torture and rape and the sounds of what she had heard throughout the night made chills run down her spine. Obedience is a must, he had said last night. Drilled it into her over and over again; for her safety? For his proprietary wants?

  Maxine pursed her lips together and then fudged out, “Yes, master.” Her heart palpitated anew at the thought of his massiveness pummeling inside of her tonight. The urge to speak out and protest made her almost quiver, but she pulled at her fingers to hide her conflict about having sex with him.

  It looked like he wanted to do or say more, but he didn’t. Instead, Philippe ordered her to turn around. When she did, he put the blindfold over the mask.

  “Someone will come and knock on the door twice, pause and then knock once. At that time, you’ll go and stand outside of the door and wait for further instruction.”

  She felt him guide her to sit back down. Listening closely, she heard him move around for a brief moment and then the front door opened and closed.

  What was to happen to her now?


  Awaking abruptly from the dream, Philippe looked around in a panic as if he were back in the nightmare again, but he wasn’t. He was on the charter jet just about to land in Chicago.

  The stewardess must have come by and put his seat belt on, because he had remembered immediately taking it off when he was permitted to.

  With his body type, finding comfortable seats anywhere was always a problem, so he often hired a charter jet that had been built for large men. It made traveling very comfortable and since he did a lot of it, he didn’t mind the expense.

  His family’s business instituted since even before slavery had afforded him wealthy opportunities and even though all his life he voiced his disgust about the wealth, the money had finally provided some kind of happiness in his life.

  Looking down at the crest ring his father had given him a very long time ago; he couldn’t help thinking about her. It had to all be fate. As much as he hated knowing his family’s secret, he couldn’t believe how the tables had turned for him.

  “Mr. Darkore, is everything ok?” the stewardess asked concerned, standing above him in the aisle.

  “No…yes, everything is fine.” He unbuckled his seatbelt and stood up. The plane had also been built for tall men of his stature so he didn’t bump his head so frequently.

  She held out his carry on and computer bag. “We’ve landed in Chicago. Your reservations with Ms. Diego has been confirmed and your limousine was cleared and awaiting on the tarmac for y
ou. Is there anything else?”

  He shook his head and pulled a bill out his wallet to hand it to her after he took his items. Soon as he stepped off the plane, he stepped into the awaiting limousine and was driven to the St. Royal Hotel of Chicago.

  His business appointment wasn’t until one, so he still had a couple of hours to dawdle, which was why he had hired Missy Diego. She was awaiting him when he walked in his suite, scantily dressed giving him a view of all the right places.

  The tall slender beautiful woman with pale skin always reminded him of a sultry Uma Thurman, except Missy Diego kept her shoulder length natural blonde hair very long and straight and her eyes were dark cocoa brown.

  He had been seeing Missy for a while. Referred by a business associate, Philippe enjoyed her no strings attached services.

  “Good morning, Philippe,” she said, with a beautiful welcome smile. “When your assistant called to let me know you would require my services while I was in town, I was very happy.”

  Jokingly, he teased, “I think you enjoy my company because I’m a big tipper, Missy.”

  She took his jacket and immediately put it over the chair just like he liked it and then began to unbutton his shirt. He stayed her hands by grabbing her wrist and Missy looked up with curiosity since he had never done something like that before.

  “Who is she?” Missy asked.

  He smirked, but ignored her question and moved over to the chair that he usually used when getting groomed. “Just the usual if you don’t mind. You’ll still be paid your full services.”

  Of course, there were no complaints in her department. She went over to a case she had brought in and pulled out the items she used for a manicure, pedicure and haircut.

  Philippe relaxed and let her do her thing, while he tried not to think about Maxine. Wondering how she was doing and what she was doing.

  An hour and a half later, Missy was done and then dropped to her knees. Unbuckling his pants, she released his member. Her mouth was wet and warm. She made sucking dick an art and Philippe couldn’t not help but enjoy what she did.


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