Mirror in the Forest: Book One

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Mirror in the Forest: Book One Page 29

by B. Groves

  He remembered the look on Hal’s face when it happened. Hal never said what he actually saw, but Mark could tell by the look on his face that something was there to save Mark’s life, and it was not the hand of Fate.

  All Mark could do was think about what Mandy had told him when she came to that night of the homecoming game……

  “There was this thing coming right at me,” she struggled to whisper with fear in her eyes.

  “It looked like some kind of figure, but it was…..a mirror,” she continued.

  The words kept echoing in his head, as he put a fist to his mouth, and continued to stare out of the window.

  He wanted to go talk to Mandy again about what happened to her that night, but he didn’t want to raise any suspicion with Dale. Dale had come back to work a while back, and he was on a constant tear for what happened to his daughter. However, Mark had to admit, what happened to Mandy changed him. Still an asshole, but a changed asshole.

  Rick Tanner’s words also played through his head when he first attacked Jessica. He had also mentioned a mirror, several times. Then Mark had seen the mirror sitting in the woods after Rick hung himself. He wondered…..

  Mark didn’t know what to do. He never believed in any of this stuff before. He remembered when he was a child that his mother told him there was nothing different in the dark, than there was in daylight. Then one night, right after she passed, he had dreamed of her standing there with his father and they were smiling, looking so happy. His mother had looked like she was young again, and no evidence of cancer whatsoever. He remembered that he woke up in a sweat, but had brushed it off to wishful thinking.

  Then he had another dream several nights later where he could have sworn his mother took his hand with his father standing behind her, and they both kept saying how proud of him they were.

  After all of this, maybe there was something out there after all, even though he was never a believer before.

  He knew what he saw in the woods that day, and knew that something was not right in this town.

  He sat up as Bill walked in, and gave Mark a surprised glance.

  “I thought you’d be out celebrating with the others,” he commented.

  It was true. Since, Leon County helped catch the two-er-three fugitives, they’d had all been invited for drinks. Mark wasn’t in the mood.

  “Come in, sit down,” Mark replied instead of answering Bill’s question.

  Bill removed his hat, came into Mark’s office, and sat down in the chair facing Mark. “How long have you lived here, Bill?” Mark asked.

  Bill narrowed his dark eyes in confusion. “Too long, but going on fifty years.”

  Mark took a deep breath and said, “Is there anything more you can tell me about the strange events that happen here every now and then?”

  Bill sat back a little, and Mark knew from the look Bill’s face, he was reluctant to say much.

  “Something’s never been right in this town,” Bill revealed choosing his words carefully.

  Mark leaned forward. “Like what?”

  Bill lifted his shoulders a little. “You’re too young to remember….but about every ten to twenty years, this town seems to….have things happen.”

  Mark leaned forward on the desk even more. “Do you have specifics? The only thing I ever got was Hal handing me some old reports about Rick Tanner, that I didn’t know existed.”

  “Never been able to explain it, but usually involved kids. Sometimes teens, sometimes younger,” Bill explained further. “Always turned out to be accidents or something. Never could prove otherwise.”

  Mark took another deep breath and leaned back in his chair.

  “Happening again,” Bill said, matter-of-factly.

  Mark scoffed and said, “When were you planning on saying something to me about it?”

  Bill shrugged his shoulders and a smile touched his lips. “You didn’t ask till now. Besides, would you have believed me?”

  “Probably not,” Mark answered.

  “I knew it when ole’ Sara died, and that knife went missing,” Bill said.

  “Do you think she knew something?” Mark asked curious.

  “No, I don’t to be honest, but someone knows something,” Bill said eyeing him steadily. “I don’t care what the coroner report says.”

  “Have you ever tried to figure it out?” Mark asked.



  Bill thought for a moment, and put his hands on the back of his head.

  “Because for the longest time nobody wanted no black man in their business, and now it just can’t be proven,” Bill answered, honestly raising an eyebrow.

  Mark rubbed his eyes, and watched the sun finally go behind the mountain.

  “Things have changed, and I want to know,” Mark said steadily.

  “I’ll tell you everything I remember,” Bill answered. “But you can find out for yourself too.”

  “I appreciate that,” Mark said. “I’ll look at some old files on my own time.”

  “You should had one between the eyes today,” Bill observed.

  “I know, and I saw something I can’t explain,” Mark answered, surprisingly calm.

  Bill looked away for a moment, and Mark could tell he was caught up in his own memories. “Sometimes, there is nothing you can explain.”

  After a while, Bill left to cruise around again. Paul came in for a moment, and Mark wanted to talk to him about his memories of the area, but Paul was on the phone fighting with his wife as usual, so Mark decided to let it go for the night.

  However, Mark finally had some things to go on, and he didn’t know if unexplained events would keep happening in the town, but he would be more wary now.

  There were two things that bothered him the most, and that was what happened to every victim, and how he or she were connected in some way, if not directly.

  Sara Miller’s daughter had never been able to find out what happened to the knife that went missing, and Mark had no choice but to write it off as a terrible accident.

  Mandy Cooper had also been a horrible accident, but she had lived to tell her tale.

  Rick Tanner had attacked Jessica Winters, and been ranting and raving, but had ended up hanging himself in the middle of the forest where he was possibly hiding after the attack.

  He could not figure out how all three connected yet, but he would keep an eye out and hope for something to spring in front of him.

  Yet, there was something that shook him to the core. Jessica Winters had gone to school with Mandy Cooper, and Mandy had bullied her for years.

  She knew Jessica’s mother was a friend of Sara Miller, because they were at the funeral for Sara when Rick Tanner attacked Jessica. He kept telling Jessica that the mirror would destroy her.

  Jessica had also said a few things about getting help, and taking care of things. Mark knew they were slips of the tongue, and he had previously dismissed them, but now he was not so sure.

  Mark tried his best to dismiss it. He really did. No…..he really wanted to. Jessica was the first girl he had met in a long time that he really liked, and he meant really liked.

  Before Jessica had fallen asleep this morning, they had just laid there, and talked about anything and everything. He had never had a girl like that with him before.

  He knew after all these months that his feelings for her were real, and they were growing. Yet, something was still bothering him, and it was mainly what Rick Tanner was screaming at her before he had been arrested for attacking her. Also, she seemed like a caring and loving person, but her reaction after Rick Tanner had bothered him too. He told her not to be afraid, and most girls would have been. No…… not her. She had not shown at any time she was scared of him after his initial attack of her.

  She had not shown any more emotion after she found out he was dead. That’s what he wanted to talk to her about this morning, before they were interrupted.

  Also, when they first met it seemed like she had been
hiding something, and Mark still felt that she was. He suddenly thought of following her into the forest and seeing where she goes, but knew he might be asking for trouble with that.

  For now, he would wait it out and see what happens. He wondered if he was being overly paranoid about everything, and just needed some sleep. Yet, Bill knew something was not right in this town, so Mark knew that he was not being over cautious. Besides, there was the appearance of the figure…..

  Bill had mentioned Jessica a few times, but never pressed any further. He knew Mark was now seeing her, and didn’t want to be awkward. Though Mark wished Bill would have expressed his feelings on the matter a little more clearly.

  Mark finished his paperwork, and stood. He was finally going to go home, and get some sleep. He would watch and wait for now.

  Chapter 36

  Jessica was not having a good last couple of days. To start, Mary and Don were very disapproving over Jessica dating Mark.

  Her father looked her over and said, “I’m not sure about this Jessica……”

  “Dad, I can handle it. Besides, I am not giving up going to college, and he knows that. I promise nothing is going to happen, he’s a cop for goodness sakes,” Jessica answered.

  “We were just hoping that you would date someone more your age. He might get tired of you, because you’re still very young. We don’t want your feelings hurt, Jess,” Mary argued giving her husband a worried look.

  Jessica looked both of her parents square in the eye and said, “I am not some starry-eyed little teenager anymore. I am eighteen, and I can handle it. Mark is a good man. You have both seen that.”

  Jessica thought it was strange that her parents seemed overly protective of her all of a sudden.

  Her father and mother exchanged looks and Mary finally said, “Alright, you got us. We have been telling you for years that we wanted you to get out more, date boys, and party a little. Since, the house was not destroyed while we were away, we will let you continue to see him. It doesn’t mean we approve though.”

  Mary took a drag of her cigarette. “I knew something was going on between you two,” she commented.

  Jessica agreed to bring Mark over when they were able to get together again. She knew her parents were not going to approve no matter what she did to convince them that Mark was a good man.

  Jessica was frustrated with them. She knew she was being stubborn, and knew the only reason they disapproved of Mark was because he was older than her. They had wanted her to meet and marry a high school sweetheart like they did, and Jessica was not having it.

  Jessica was then in the locker room for practice the night before. Kelly approached her and said, “Great party. I was surprised to see the Sheriff show up.”

  Jessica stopped tying her sneakers and looked up to Kelly questioningly. “Why?”

  Kelly shrugged a little and said, “I didn’t know you two were friends, and it’s just that I’ve seen him around town with quite a few girls is all.”

  Jessica felt her anger rise, and knew Kelly was getting off on Jessica getting upset. Jessica fought to control her temper at the other girl. She thought after her birthday party that she and Kelly would be able to put the past behind them, but obviously Kelly had other ideas.

  “He is just a friend,” Jessica said through gritted teeth. It was none of her business what Jessica did with the Sheriff.

  Kelly sneered a little, and Jessica wanted to slap that sneer off her face. “Just telling you what I’ve seen.”

  “It’s nothing you need to worry about,” Jessica said, standing up straight and facing her.

  Kelly put up her hands a little, and answered, “I know. I was just being friendly.”

  “Thanks, but I think I’m good,” Jessica replied, after a moment when Kelly walked away. Jessica looked over at Amber, who shot a sympathetic look Jessica’s way. Jessica held back when she caught the sneer continue to distort Kelly’s smug face.

  It took every ounce of Jessica’s strength not to punch Kelly right then and there. She knew she could turn to The Spirit of the Mirror for help with Kelly, but she knew that Kelly making snide remarks was not enough to warrant a wish from The Spirit of the Mirror just yet.

  Now, Jessica was sitting with Tessa in her room as they did their homework.

  Jessica scowled several times, forcing Tessa look up from the book she was reading.

  “She’s just jealous,” Tessa said, after a moment of watching Jessica.

  Jessica’s mom had been called in for a double shift, and her dad was back in Spokane for the week.

  “What if she’s right?” Jessica asked.

  Tessa thought for a moment. “The first time I saw Mark with you, he could barely take his eyes off of you. So what if he’s been with other women around here? You need to let that go, Jess. He is older than you, so of course there’s been other women.”

  “Do you think I should talk to him about it?” Jessica asked, clenching her fist in anger again.

  “No!” Tessa answered taken aback.

  “Why not?”

  Tessa scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Because, it’s none of your business that’s why. Kelly is just up to her old tricks, and picking up where Mandy left off. She’s jealous. Mark likes you, I know it, I’ve seen it. You have nothing to worry about.”

  Jessica set her book down on the bed next to her, and started to tap her fingers on her knees. She really wanted to go talk to The Spirit of the Mirror, and get some reassurance from him, but knew she would have to be patient with Tessa keeping her company.

  “I know. I have no right to be jealous either,” Jessica finally said.

  Tessa turned back to her book. “No, you don’t.”

  Jessica smiled slightly and eyed her best friend. She was willing her to go home, but it wasn’t working yet. So, she decided to try something else.

  “When were you planning on telling me about Danny?” Jessica asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Tessa didn’t look up, but Jessica could see her stiffen. “Are you mad?”

  Jessica scoffed. “No! I’m happy for you and Danny.”

  Tessa finally looked up and smiled, “Then there’s that.”

  The two friends smiled at each other knowingly. Jessica was sincere with her answer. She was happy for Tessa and Danny. She was glad to see they realized they liked each other.

  Finally, Tessa broke the silence and said, “Listen, Mark likes you a lot. You have nothing to worry about. Screw Kelly and her friends. You are going to be a hero soon and win our school a state championship!”

  Jessica grinned. She knew she was ready to take the school all the way to the championships, and show everyone who ever doubted her that she could do almost anything, and no one would ever know her secret.

  After a while, Tessa finally packed up her bookbag and left. Jessica watched from the door as Tessa pulled out of the driveway, and drove away.

  Jessica stood there for a few minutes, making sure that Tessa was gone. Jessica knew she did not have a lot of time to see The Spirit of the Mirror. Mark said he would call her at eight o’clock, and the sun was almost behind the mountains.

  After taking one last look down the street. Jessica put on her jacket, and locked up the house while she made her way down the path. She carried a flashlight just in case she stayed with The Spirit of the Mirror later than expected.

  Her sneakered feet crunched the hardened, cold dirt along the path. Jessica took a deep breath, and could almost smell spring in the air. The snow still capped the mountain above her, but they had just gotten rain lately.

  It was pretty foggy, and dreary which made Jessica shiver. The fog was cool and damp against her skin, making the forest seem even creepier than normal. Normally, she never took her walks in the woods this time of the year, but she had something special to see.

  Jessica sucked in a breath as the fog that surrounded the mirror began to swirl around it.

  Then the Spirit appeared, and Jessica stood there in awe as the fog dissipa
ted around him. That was something different.

  He smiled at her, and said, “Good evening Jessica.”

  She stood and stared for a moment, so mesmerized she could barely speak.

  “Hello, Spirit,” she finally squeaked out.

  The spirit nodded, asking, “What can I do for you tonight?”

  Jessica hesitated as The Spirit waited patiently for her to speak. Jessica put her flashlight in her pocket, and shoved her hands in her jacket.

  “I don’t know. I thought after Mandy’s accident it would all end, you know,” she said lowly kicking a few leaves around.

  The Spirit tilted his head sympathetically and said, “Yet, it hasn’t.”

  Jessica shook her head in response.

  “I thought the party had gone well?” he questioned.

  “Me too, but Amber did warn me,” Jessica answered shaking her head.

  “So, you think this is not over?” The Spirit asked.

  Jessica wiped away the tears that had gathered in her eyes. “I thought it was over, you know. All my life these girls have made my life and my friends’ lives hell. I tried to stay in corners to not attract their attention, and it just never ends, even with Mandy out of the picture. I just want to know why they won’t stop.”

  The Spirit frowned and put a reflective finger to his chin. “What did the girl say to you?”

  “She said that she has seen Mark around town with other women,” Jessica answered sobbing a little. “I know that, but she just had to take a shot at me, and try to ruin my happiness.”

  The spirit walked around in a small circle and seemed to be in thought. Jessica wiped her eyes again. She looked up at the sky, and knew she had to get home soon.

  “Jessica it is obvious they are jealous of your successes,” The spirit finally said.

  “That’s what Tessa said,” Jessica retorted.

  “Your friend is very smart,” he answered. “They will try to keep you down, and keep you under their control. You do not have to endure that. That is why I am here to help you remove your obstacles to be successful at whatever you choose.”

  Jessica looked up and nodded in understanding. She knew he was telling her that Kelly needed to be taken care of, and Jessica knew she had something to think about.


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