Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances

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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances Page 6

by Marissa Dobson

  He closed his eyes, taking in the thundering rush of the waves and the draw of the ocean. The sea could be deadly if someone forgot that even for an instant. Reminding him of his job. Would he only end up leaving Gwen as a widow, grieving for him again? Was it fair to her? He cursed himself for letting the doubt creep in again.

  “You’ve been out here a while, is everything okay?”

  He opened his eyes to find Gwen standing beside him. “I didn’t hear you come out.”

  She slipped her arm around his waist. “Your forehead is all crinkled together in worry, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” He brought her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her. “How late do we have to stay?”

  “You’d think after your last deployment you’d want to spend time with them.”

  “It’s you I want to spend time with.” He slid his hand down her hip. “Naked time.”

  “Then let’s go.”

  “Oh, baby.” He lowered his head, letting his lips brush softly against hers. “I’m going to make you a very happy woman tonight.”

  “Are you always so confident?” She teased.

  “I’m a SEAL. I’ve been through hell week and survived, so yeah I’m confident. Tonight you’ll see I’m not just cocky, but I have what it takes to back it.”

  With a smirk and a twinkle in her eyes, she stepped back. “Let me say my goodbyes to Wynn and Lucky, and then we can put you to the test.”

  “You’ve got five minutes then I’ll carry you out of here if I have to.” His body responded as she turned to go back into the house.

  Oh yeah, baby, it’s time to take all doubt out of her mind.

  During the drive across town, Gwen couldn’t shake the anger over Wynn’s final words. She’d had it with people telling her how to live, thinking they knew best. This was between her and Ace and they’d find their way through all of it if it was meant to be. Otherwise, she’d have to give up on the fantasy of them together and move on with her life. This was their final shot.

  All or nothing, Gwen. Give it everything.

  “Are you planning to sit here in the car all night? If so I’m sure we could make this work, though I think a bed might be more comfortable.”

  Ace’s voice pulled her from her thoughts, making her realize they had pulled into the driveway. “Sorry.” She grabbed the handle and pulled it open.

  He laid his hand on her arm before she could slip out of the car. “Second thoughts?”

  “No…not at all. I was just thinking about something else, that’s all. Now can we go inside? It’s chilly.” She got out of the car and shut the door before he could say anything else.

  Following her lead, he stepped out of the car and met her by the walkway. “Wynn said something to you, didn’t she?” When she didn’t reply, he added, “I wish they’d just let us live our lives. I hate that she put doubt in your mind.”

  Anger and sadness crossed his face, pulling at her heart until she reached out and cupped his cheek. “I’m not doubting you.”

  “I’m going to prove to you…”

  “Shh…” She ran her thumb along the line of his jaw, the smooth skin sliding under her fingers like silk. “You’ve already proven everything to me. Well, except the reason you’re so confident.”

  In answer, he reached down, slid his arm under her legs, and lifted her into his arms. “Let’s get this show on the road then.”

  “Wow, you know I can walk.”

  “You’re a romantic. Don’t you want someone to carry you across the threshold?”

  She tipped her head back and let out a lighthearted laugh. “That’s after a wedding.”

  “If you’d marry me I’d carry you over every threshold. For now, this will have to do.” He winked at her before strolling toward the house, carrying her with ease.

  “We’ll talk about it after I see how this confidence of yours plays out.” She teased him with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

  “So my sexual aptitude will decide our marriage.” Still holding her, he managed to unlock the door and step inside. “SEALs have stamina unknown to others. I’ll have you screaming my name all night.”

  “Promises, promises.” She teased. Their night together before he shipped off for training was special, but something about the way he acted made her think this was going to blow her world.

  He kicked the door shut and swung the lock home. “In a moment, it will be more than just words.”

  “Let me down.”

  “Not until you’re upstairs and laid out on the bed ready for me.” Dashing up the steps two at a time, she used her free hand to work on the buttons of his dress shirt. “Then I’ll have my way with you.”

  In the bedroom, he gently placed her on the bed and in one quick move pulled her dress over her head. “Lay back.”

  “Are you always so demanding?”

  “Comes with the territory.” He stood there waiting for her to do as he asked, giving her one final chance to back out.

  She kicked off her shoes and moved back to the middle of the bed, then leaned back on her elbows waiting for him to join her. “If we’re going to be demanding, then you should be just as naked as I am. Out of the dress shirt and jeans.”

  He tugged the shirt apart, sending the remaining buttons flying. “Is that what you had in mind, sweets?” He unhooked his jeans and let them slid down his hips and onto the floor, until he was standing there in just his boxers with his shaft stretching against the material.

  With a shake of her head, she tried to hold back the laughs. “Not entirely, but it works. Now come here.”

  Without delay, he flopped onto the bed and slid on top of her. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Second thoughts?” She started to move up the bed, away from him, and swallowed the fears that were rising within her.

  “Not about you, sweets.” He pressed his lips to her forehead, sending heat racing through her body.

  Laying her hand against his chest, she played with the little patch of hair in the center of his pecs. “I never thought we’d be here…us after all these years, who’d have thought?”

  “All that matters is that we are.” He reached between her breasts and unhooked her bra. “Now lay back and let me prove I’m worthy to be your husband. Remember that marriage proposal depends on my performance.”

  She pulled another pillow from the side and shoved it under her head. “I’m waiting.”

  Their lips met in a long, slow, deliberate kiss that gave and demanded. He cupped her breasts and teased the nipples, gently swirling his thumbs against the hard buds and then pinching them. Pain mingled with pleasure and her back arched. She forgot about the pressures everyone was putting on them and just enjoyed the moment, feeling what Ace was offering her.

  His warm laughter washed over her and he abandoned her mouth, sucking one nipple against his teeth. Sparks of pleasure fired inside of her. She hadn’t felt anything like this since that night on the beach. Everything inside of her wanted to speed his touch, while another part wanted to enjoy every second as if it could be her last.

  He slid his hand under the thin material of her panties and between her thighs, urging them apart. Until his fingers could slide between her folds, finding her special spot, he teased the hard bundle of nerves. His mouth work on one nipple, kissing along the valley between before making his way to the other, all the while his fingers worked to wrench an orgasm from her.

  “Ohhh…”She cried out at the climax. The air sizzled around her as he drove her toward the brink again. Opening her eyes, her pleasure soaked gaze found him straddled above her, smirking.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gwen threw caution to the wind and slipped her hand down his chest until she could take his shaft in her hand. Wrapping her fingers around him, she slowly slid her hand over his length. With every touch, she embraced the life she wanted. This time she wouldn’t give up Ace without a fight.

  Her body craved his touch and it had been too long since she felt
the gentle caress of another. He pulled his mouth from hers and kissed a path down her neck. Sensations collided and threatened to overwhelm her when he teased her nipples. He slipped on top of her, breaking her hold on him. His bulky frame hovered above her and he stared down at her, desire burning in his eyes.

  He caressed every inch of her body, sending moans of ecstasy from her lips. For such a big man, he was incredibly tender, as though trying to memorize every curve of her body with his hands and mouth. Heat soared through her blood and she grew impatient with need, demanding.

  “Ace, I want you.”

  “Not yet.” He slipped down her body until he was at her waist. “Soon, first I want to make this memorable. The first of many…”

  He blazed a hot, wet trail of kisses across her belly and stroked her thighs with his fingertips. With every touch, she arched her hips, demanding more. She couldn’t get enough of him. Nudging her legs farther apart, he cupped her core. His fingers delved inside her and she met the teasing thrusts. A demanding moan she barely recognized vibrated in her throat. Passion drove fire through her, melting the chill in her center. The trail of wicked kisses tingled over her thighs. He moved his hand and replaced it with his mouth. Tiny nips and gentle licks flicked over her sweet spot, nearly driving her over the edge. She grabbed the top of his head, torn between pressing him closer and dragging him up. She wanted all of him.

  “Ace, please…” Even in the sexual haze, she realized what she said and those few words changed everything. There was no going back from sex, but in that moment she didn’t care, she wanted him inside her.

  “All right, sweets.” He spread her legs farther before filling her slowly, inch by inch. Halfway in, he slid out before thrusting, filling her completely with his manhood. His strokes fed her fire like tinder set to dynamite.

  His hips increased pace, driving the force of each pump. The thrusts became deeper and faster, falling into a perfect rhythm, moving with such precision, as if in a well-choreographed dance. Their bodies rocked back and forth, tension stretching her tighter as she fought for the release she longed for. She dug her nails into his back, arching her body into his when she came. His rhythm stayed strong until he shouted her name as his own climax followed.

  He stayed buried deep within her and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “How was that for a performance?”

  “Hmm, I think it could be improved.” She teased as he slipped out of her and collapsed beside her.

  “I’ll see if I can improve next round.”

  “Not just confident, you jump to assumptions.” He slipped his arm around her and pulled her close.

  Cuddling tight against Ace, her breath slowly returned to normal, while his fingers caressed her hip in long, lazy strokes. For the first time in a long time, she felt complete. In Ace’s arms, she knew she was safe.

  “What about the marriage proposal? Did I prove I was worthy of you?”

  “You’ve always been worthy of me.” She laid her hand on his chest, teasing along the lines of his abs.

  “That doesn’t answer my question.”

  “Ask me properly and you might get an honest answer.” She knew the answer she wanted to give, but she wanted it done right.

  He smirked at her before pulling his arm from under her head and rolling over. She pulled the sheet over her, hiding her nakedness. “Ace…” Her heart raced. He couldn’t…

  Rolling back over, he held an open ring box. “Gwyneth London, you’ve had my heart since I found you frolicking down by the creek. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?”

  She leaned forward, forgetting the sheet as it slid down her chest, and giving him her left hand. “Yes.”

  He slipped a beautiful white gold ring onto her finger, with a large princess diamond in the center, surrounded by smaller diamonds. It was completely stunning.

  “Before I left for boot camp I bought this.”

  “Why?” Tears threatened to fall as she gazed down at the ring. After all these years, it was finally happening. She was going to get her prince charming, or maybe that was supposed to be prince SEAL.

  “I thought I’d propose before I left.”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  “I went to your father and asked his permission.” He propped himself up on his elbow, his fingers laced through hers. “He gave it to me, on the condition that I waited until I returned on my first leave.”

  “Why?” She felt like she was asking the same thing over and over.

  “Your parents’ marriage was strong but at the beginning it was rough. Your mother didn’t understand what she was getting into when she married a military man.”

  “But I grew up with it, I knew what I was getting into.”

  “He just wanted to make sure you understood. SEAL life is harder. I could be called up at any time and have to leave on a deployment. He thought the break while I was training would allow you to realize it completely, therefore giving us a solid foot in our marriage. The first year of marriage is always the hardest, especially for military families. He was trying to do right by his only daughter.”

  “Then he was the first of the crumbling blocks that ended things with us.”

  “No.” He squeezed her hand. “That was completely my fault.”

  She leaned back against the pillows and drew the back of her hand down his jawline. “Things worked out in the end.”

  “That they did.” He took his hand from hers and laid it on her stomach. “I’d like to marry before…”

  “Why is that important?”

  “I want this to be prefect. I want our daughter to have the Diamond name.”

  Our daughter.

  Her heart skipped a beat. When he’d arrived a few weeks ago, all she could think to do was run, run before he had a chance to break her heart again. Now there she was in bed with him, accepting his proposal, and talking about their daughter. It was almost more than she could believe. Things were nearly perfect. If only Wynn and Lucky could see what was between them without remembering the past.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A Roaring fire spread heat through the living room, keeping Gwen cozy as she dozed on the sofa while waiting for Ace to return from the base. Three weeks had passed since she had accepted his proposal, yet they were still keeping it from the rest of the Diamond gang. Wynn’s reaction when she found out was going to be the worst of any of them. It was destined to be a disaster.

  “Your Auntie Wynn will come around, don’t you worry.” She rubbed her stomach, trying to calm her daughter. The somersaults were beginning to make her queasy.

  Wynn was stubborn and getting her to come around could take time. Lucky would be supportive, but cautious; he was already like a brother to her. The Diamond parents were another story, the unknown factor in the equation. “It’s going to be okay.” She whispered to herself, trying to calm her nerves.

  The front door opened, sending a rush of cold air through the house. “Sweets, I’m home.”

  “In here.” She scooted up on the sofa and tucked her legs under her. “How was work?”

  “Same old, same old. Mom called, they’re an hour away and very excited to see you again.” He’d barely sat in the chair cattycorner from the sofa when he shot up and came to her. “Sweets, are you okay?”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat but couldn’t quite calm herself.

  “You’ve turned green. You’re not worried about Mom?”

  “Me, worried?” She tried to make light of it, but her stomach churned.

  “Everything is going to be fine. Mom always said we would work things out, and now we have.” He cupped her hands. “She’s going to be excited this happened, and she’s going to be a Grandmother. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks, only that we’re happy. Are you happy with the decision?”

  “Yes…but what about Wynn?”

  “Wynn is going to be fine. She’ll come around, don’t worry.”

  “Having the family gathered together to tell them all at once
seemed a good idea when you set it up, but now it’s so much pressure. What if things go awful? It could be a disaster.”

  “Then we ask them to leave. This isn’t about them, it’s our happiness that matters.” He ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Stop worrying.”

  “Maybe you could take my mind off it.” She licked her lips and wiggled her eyebrows. Having him naked again would keep her mind off the stress.

  “Unless you want to make the announcement at a restaurant I should get dinner on.”

  “I’ll help.” She started to slide her legs off the sofa before he stopped her.

  “Rest. I know you’re tired, I’ll get things started then I need to shower and change.”

  “I wouldn’t be tired if you didn’t keep me up all night.” She paused, unable to stifle a yawn. “How you don’t have circles under your eyes I don’t know.”

  “The need for sleep was kicked out of me long ago.” He leaned in and kissed her. “Everything is going to be fine, I promise.”

  When he headed to the kitchen, she let her head rest against the cushion of the sofa for a moment, and tried to gather her nerves. Being with Ace was what she wanted, what did she care if Wynn or the others weren’t happy? What mattered was he made her happy. He was the man she had given her heart to years ago, and in a few months he would be her husband and a father to the child she carried. Things couldn’t have worked out better if she had planned it.

  Standing on the back deck, Ace cracked opened a beer bottle, watching the fall leaves scatter through the air.

  Instead of giving him a second of peace, Lucky followed him. He rolled his shoulders and was ready to have it out with his brother. “Just get it out, so we can put this tension behind us. Though keep in mind nothing you say is going to change it. So you might want to keep your mouth shut and then I won’t have to whoop your ass.” He spun on his heels but instead of finding Lucky as he suspected, their father, Buck, stood there.

  “Boy, I know you haven’t lost your mind enough to speak to me that way.” Even as a grown man, Buck’s voice still managed to make him backtrack.


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