Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances

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Field Stripped: 15 Steamy Military Romances Page 44

by Marissa Dobson

  Logan looked down and mumbled, “Motherfucking hell.”

  She blinked. “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. You must be doing something wrong.” He bent over and quickly pulled up his boxer-briefs then his pants. “I think you should go on home, Holly.”

  She raised a brow and stood to her feet. “Not that it’s any of my concern, but I was most definitely not doing it wrong.” She popped her hip to the side, displaying what looked to be attitude, but pint sized. “I suggest you get whatever is on your mind, off, so you can get off. My doctorly advice to you.”

  “Right. Get out.” He opened the door for her and waited. Holly flipped him off and walked out the door, just before he slammed it shut on her ass.

  She screamed a few profanities on the other side, but Logan ignored her. He opted for a shower instead. Stripping from his remaining clothes, the steam from the shower filled the bathroom. As he stepped inside, the hot water singed his skin, but he stood there and took it. The sting served as a reminder he was still alive, and hell, still human.

  “What the hell happened out there? When did my shit decide not to work?” He groaned in annoyance and leaned one hand against the wall.

  Obviously, Holly did nothing for me, he told himself. Fucking hell, Miranda. He sighed and absentmindedly rubbed his dick. He thought of how she tasted when he went down on her, the way she ground her pussy against his mouth, how she felt when he pushed inside her.

  His dick responded and if annoyance wasn’t enough earlier, now Logan felt pissed. He couldn’t get it up for Holly, but thoughts of Miranda made him erect.

  “Perfect,” he grumbled. He thought of how he began to seduce her, the way he teased her. Then how he kissed her that night in the park, the dance they shared the other week, and now, the way she haunted his mind.

  Before he realized it, his dick had become fully erect. He stroked his cock and thought of Miranda’s lips around his head, teasing him. His head tilted back and he came, letting out a guttural groan. Logan relaxed his shoulders and sighed as the evidence of his orgasm rinsed down the drain.

  Making quick work of a shower, he made his way back into his bedroom.

  He pulled his comforter and sheets back, lay in bed and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. He would go back into the field soon, and then, back on deployment. Ponce and the others were still in the sandbox while he played “Chase” with the women stateside.

  He closed his eyes and internally cussed at himself for being such a douche to them, to Miranda, and to himself.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Logan chopped a bell pepper and onion, then put them in the wok. He poured in olive oil, then began the stir-fry. He glanced over to the familiar unopened manila envelope that contained orders on his bar. He sighed and finally reached for them. Running a finger underneath, he pulled out the formal documents.

  Reading over the information, he was being sent into the field in a week’s time. He had training, a mock mission to run through, then eventually, back home.

  “Well, it’s not Iraq, at least not yet.”

  He again thought of Miranda. She would encourage him and let him know she’d be here on his return.

  I’d be lucky if she took my call.

  Returning to his wok, a knock sounded at his door. Turning the heat to low, he wiped his hands on a dishtowel and made his way over. Looking through the peep hole, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

  “Motherfucking hell.” He unlocked the door and pulled it open. “Miranda?” She had on black capris and a white sleeveless top. She looked amazing and Logan wanted to hug her, kiss her, pull her close and beg for her forgiveness.

  She looked up into his eyes. “Hello, Logan. May I come in?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” he told her and lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry, Miranda, for everything that has happened between us.”

  “That is why I’m here, to talk to you about it. Please, Logan, let me in.”

  He shook his head. “I did something I am not proud of.” Catching her gaze, his stomach tightened in a knot. “I brought someone home the other night.” Why the fuck did I tell her?

  Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped opened. She blinked then recovered. “Well, that is not what I expected from you.” She lowered her gaze and turned to leave just as Logan quickly grabbed her arm.

  “No, I need you to stay. I need you to hear this.”

  She pulled at her arm. “Let me go. First, you don’t want to let me in, then you spill the news you tried to fuck someone else, and now you want me to stay. I told you I would be your person Logan, but dammit, not like this. Let me go!”

  “No!” He pulled her inside and shut the door. “Please, I need you to hear me out.”

  She crossed her arms over her body and closed herself off to him. “Fine. Tell me how you fucked someone else when you won’t even return my damn calls.”

  He sighed and lowered his gaze. “Look, I deserve that, okay? I’m sorry if I hurt your arm.” She unfolded her arms and rubbed the area he grabbed. “I truly am. I just really need you to hear me out on this.”

  She nodded and leaned against the wall behind her. “Okay, fine. I’m listening.”

  “Give me two seconds.” Logan stepped into his kitchen and turned off the burner, then came back into the den. He explained meeting Holly, bringing her back to his home, then how he could not get his dick hard.

  Miranda’s brows lifted in amusement.

  “You think it is funny I couldn’t get it up?”

  She shrugged. “Seems so, maybe a little karma action coming your way. What do you think?”

  “Karma? Whatever. I just wanted you to know I didn’t fuck her.”

  “But you wanted to,” Miranda insisted.

  “Yeah, I wanted to. I wanted to fuck her.”

  Miranda sighed and shook her head. “Why are you telling me all this?”

  “Because you said you’re my person, and I could tell you anything.”

  “Logan, come on. I don’t really want to know this.”

  “Yes, you do and I need to tell you more.”

  Miranda shook her head no. “Logan, please…”

  He suddenly stepped closer to her. “Miranda, you need to hear me out. I couldn’t do it because of you.” This caught her attention and she looked up to him.

  “What?” she asked.

  “It was because of you. Miranda, you scare me more than anything else in my life. I’m scared of how I might feel about you and I’m scared of what will happen since I’ve acted on it.”

  “What exactly are you scared of, Logan?” Her voice dropped the accusing tone, replaced with something more concerning.

  “Since we slept together, I don’t want what I felt to die. The chase is what drove me to wanting you. Now that I’ve had you…hell, Miranda, this is hard to explain. I want to continue wanting you. I want to need you. I’m afraid since we already had sex, the façade will be just that…a façade.”

  “Why do you think your feelings for me would fade or disappear?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not sure. It’s the old wanting something you can’t have shit. Now that I’ve had you, I don’t want that feeling to die away.”

  She nodded and stood there for a moment. She looked into his eyes but did not say anything.

  Logan blinked and stepped closer to her. “Please, say something.”

  “Okay,” she paused for a moment. “Don’t get mad, but that is the most ridiculous excuse for not calling someone back that I’ve ever heard.”

  Logan’s brows furrowed and anger fueled him. He opened up to her and she gave him a backhanded remark. “Well, you can just leave then.”

  “No, now you let me finish.” She stepped closer to him and held her ground. “When you felt this way, you should have told me, rather than leading me on. There are two people involved in this, dammit. It is not all, about, you.” She poked him on each word. Logan began to back up as Miranda stalked for
ward. “You need to understand that I know what it feels like to want something you can’t have. Don’t you think I felt the same way?”

  “What?” he asked her.

  “Yeah, did you bother to consider that maybe I felt the same way? That I wanted you as much as you wanted me?”

  He shook his head. “But it was different for you, wasn’t it? I mean, weren’t you worried once you had me, it would all fade?”

  She shook her head no. “Why would it? I am an adult with adult feelings, Logan. I am not a teenager chasing after the football captain.”

  He sighed. “I’m an asshole.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest and raised a brow. She tapped her foot for a moment and huffed. Damn she is sexy as fuck when she is pissed.

  “Yeah, you are.” Miranda tossed her hair back and squared her shoulders. “Now, kiss me.”

  He blinked and raised his brows. “Come again?” He wasn’t sure what to expect from her tonight, but ‘kiss me’ was definitely not part of that. She just gave him the riot act and now demanded him to kiss her.

  “If you’re not sure how you feel, then kiss me. And really kiss me, not just a damn peck on the lips. If you feel anything, then act on it. Because honestly, Logan, I want you. I’ve wanted you for a long time. Hell, I still want you.”

  “You do?” He stepped closer and noticed Miranda did not back away. He grinned softly as he approached.

  “Since I first met you. I love your lips, the way they frame your smile. Your eyes when you’re troubled, happy or hell…when you’re horny. You carry so much of your emotion in your features.”

  “What am I carrying right now?” He came a breath’s distance from her and lightly touched her cheek. “Because, right now, all I need in my life is you.”

  She smiled and pressed her cheek into his palm. “I love the way you make me feel when we’re alone,” she lowered her voice, “even right now.”

  Lightly, he pressed his forehead to hers and inhaled. “Miranda, you have managed to awaken a side of me that has been long since forgotten.” He looked into her eyes and held her gaze. “There is a side to me I forgot about, until we met. I am simply a beast who has met his beauty.” He caressed her neck softly.

  “Please, do not leave me again,” she whispered.

  “I won’t,” he told her, then pressed his lips softly to hers. He felt her shudder in his grasp. He tilted his head the other way and slipped his tongue into her mouth. His hands cupped her face and he stepped closer, pressing his body against hers.

  After a few moments, he broke the kiss long enough to mutter, “I need you.”

  “Then take me,” she mumbled against his lips.

  Logan quickly pulled her to him and he cupped the back of her neck, then kissed her hard. His arms tightened around her body and he picked her up, then carried her toward the couch. He sat and pulled her onto his lap.

  Miranda straddled his thighs and cupped his face, then kissed Logan again. His hands cupped her ass then moved up her back as his fingers gripped her flesh through the material of her shirt. He then brought them around to her breasts. He kneaded them vigorously as he rubbed his thumbs over her taut nipples. She whimpered softly and began to grind against him.

  Logan growled against her lips. “We need to move this party to another room, or I’m going to take you here on the couch, woman.”

  Her body shook as if she had a chill, then she grinned against his lips. “Then you better move us because I don’t plan on moving my legs from around you, except to remove my clothing.”

  He growled again, but this time it was louder than before. Miranda pulled back from him in a gasp as Logan stood. “What is it?” he asked her as he kissed her again.

  “That sound…it was sexy as hell, but also scared me to death!”

  He chuckled and carried her toward the bedroom. Logan sat her down and quickly removed his shirt. Tossing it, Miranda pulled him close and kissed across his broad chest. She flicked one of his nipples with her tongue, then lightly bit it.

  He inhaled sharply through his teeth, then grabbed a handful of her hair and tugged her head back. Her mouth opened as she gasped and stared up at him. “You like to nibble?”

  She grinned. “Matter of fact, I do. Oh, even better, I owe you something. So remove your pants, sit back, and relax.”

  “What happened to you not removing your legs from around my waist?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I promise after this, I’ll go back to my word.” She winked and stood in front of Logan. After he pushed his pants off, she cupped his face and kissed him once again. Reaching for a pillow, she dropped it to the floor, then went to her knees.

  “Oh, holy hell, woman,” Logan exclaimed as he grinned down at Miranda.

  She giggled and gently wrapped her slender fingers around his dick. She stroked him a few times and Logan groaned in pleasure. Miranda licked his tip and he watched as his precum stuck to her tongue. He closed his eyes and groaned once more.

  Suddenly, she took him all, completely to the back of her throat. He looked down to her and gathering her hair in his hands, Miranda slowly moved up and down on his cock. She sucked as she pulled up and lightly grazed her teeth against his sensitive flesh.

  “Holy hell, woman,” he grunted as his fist tightened in her hair. He pushed down gently on her head and as she took him in, she swallowed his head. Logan bucked when she did and his balls tightened. “Fuck me, woman, you’re going to make me cum fucking quick doing that.”

  She released him and looked up as she stroked his dick. “Do you want me to stop so we can have sex?”

  “Seriously?” he asked her.

  “That’s what I thought.” Miranda wrapped her lips around his cock and continued the head she had been giving him. Logan moaned again and his head tilted back. His balls tightened again and he knew he was close to orgasm. No one had given him head like this before. If he had anything to do with it, no one ever would again.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m going to…I’m…Miranda!” he yelled her name as he came in her mouth. He groaned louder as he watched her swallow, then licked the head of his cock. His dick throbbed a few more times as she pressed the vein, milking the last bit of him out.

  “So, how was that?” she asked him.

  He shook his head and raised his brows. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

  She grinned. “Good answer.” Standing to her feet, she tossed the pillow back onto the bed, then began to undress herself. “Lay down and wait for me. I’m not done with you yet. I want you to see what you’ve been missing out on with me.”

  “Oh damn,” Logan stated in a low, husky voice. “Something tells me you’re going to make me regret everything.”

  “Oh, I definitely plan on it, baby.”

  “Baby?” he asked her. She nodded with a smile. “I like the sound of that,” and he did. He enjoyed his time with Miranda and realized sleeping with her had not been a mistake. He definitely sought her affection and wanted more than sex. Logan wanted her in his life.

  As he let go of the preconceived notions of heartbreak, cheating, and the concerns of war, he opened his heart and allowed himself to feel. He had begun to fall in love with this woman and knew she was falling as well.

  Miranda removed all her clothes and stood naked, except for a pair of red satin panties. Her nipples were taut and her skin had gooseflesh from the chill in the air. She placed one knee on the bed, then the other and crawled across his king size bed. She rested her back against the headboard and bent her knees. She spread her legs and pulled the material of the panties aside.

  Logan watched her and bit down on his lip. He grinned at the sight of her shaved pussy. “Mmm, mine.” He waggled his brows and licked his lips. “You going to let me taste you again?” he looked to her eyes as she shook her head no. He lost his grin and frowned.

  “I told you, you will see what you’ve been missing.” Miranda licked her index then slipped it between the folds cove
ring her clit. She gasped softly and rubbed it earnestly.

  “Oh shit, please woman, let me come closer.”

  She nodded. “You may, as long as you do not touch me. Consider this your punishment, Logan.”

  He shook his head with a grin. Who was this person, he thought to himself. Had she been hiding this side of herself this entire time? Damn, I’m a lucky son of a bitch!

  She continued to rub her clit and Logan watched as her pussy glistened. He licked his lips and moved forward on the bed. Lying down on his side, he propped his head on his hand and watched as her walls clenched and released as she teased herself.

  “Do you do this often?”

  Miranda grinned. “When I cannot have you, and I’m horny, then yes, I do this. I have toys I would be happy to share with you to use on me.”

  “Seriously?” his voice had come out deep, almost lustful.

  She nodded. “Absolutely.”

  Logan continued to watch and damn, did he want to touch her, to lick her, to do something. Her pussy began seeping small amounts. He wanted to taste her.

  “Please, let me touch you.”

  She sighed and grinned, then shook her head no.

  “Miranda, let me touch you or I’m going to pull your ass over on the bed, spank it, and shove my cock inside you.”

  She glared at him, then perked a brow. Inserting a finger inside herself, she moaned softly. “I dare you.”

  Logan grinned. He sat on his knees and made his way toward her like a predator stalking his prey. He watched her as she tried to force a frown when her lips kept trying to grin.

  He sat back on his heels and slowly ran his hands across his bed toward her. His fingers reached her ankles and with a quickness, he grabbed her and yanked her across the bed.

  Miranda squealed, then laughed out loud. She removed her hand and sat up on her elbows. “I told you, you would be in trouble for touching me.”

  “Then I’ll face the consequences.” He yanked her panties down her legs, pushed them apart and immediately shoved his face into her pussy.

  Miranda gasped, “Oh god,” and laid back on the bed. She reached for him and tugged at his hair, pulling him closer.


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