Damaged: Bad Boy Romance

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by Amy Faye


  Bad Boy Romance

  ⚜ Amy Faye ⚜

  Published by Heartthrob Publishing

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  Here’s a preview of the sexy love story you’re about to read…

  Evan knew, in his gut, that the moment that they touched in a serious way, the moment that his lips touched hers, they were going to be on a crash course that was going to end in the bedroom. And he knew, more than that, that she didn't have a problem with it. He knew that he needed to get it done. He knew all of these things, and he waited.

  He ate the steaks he cooked. He watched the movie she picked. For a moment he even thought about letting her leave for the night, and picking it up next time. Because something about the whole thing gnawed at him in a way that he didn't know how to describe, except that he made himself nervous in a way that no girl had ever done to him.

  In the end, it wasn't a logical decision that brought them together. It was his gut. He took her all the way to the door, and was fishing for his keys, when he looked her in the eyes, and the attraction was as much magnetic as it was her appearance.

  His lips found hers and then his teeth found her lips, and then her teeth parted and their tongues found each other. His hands found her sides, pulled her shirt up, and discarded it to the side. Her underwear told him that she'd been seriously considering this possibility.

  Evan Park had never been a man who needed to hurry when it came to sex. In this case, though, he didn't know that he had the self-control to spend the time admiring her bra as much as he knew he should. He pulled it aside and pulled a breast between his lips. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her up.

  She let out a mewl of arousal when he held her against the wall, her feet not quite touching the ground. Her legs wrapped around his hips. They were still half-dressed and he was ready to find a way to skip the other clothes-shedding parts of the evening and get to the main event already. He grit his teeth and pushed against her. She pulled him against her hard.

  "Fuck me," she growled into his ear.

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  Evan Park opened the door to his apartment with one hand, his arm twisted behind his back. It was harder than usual; he wasn't usually pinned against the wall. But then again, the girls that he'd brought home with him weren't always this enthusiastic. He finally found the knob, scrambled to twist it, and promptly stumbled back into his living room.

  The kiss broke itself. The taller one pressed past the shorter redheaded girl, and stepped inside. It only took the redhead a moment before she followed him in. Evan's jaw set hard as they came in behind.

  He closed the door and found the blonde leaning down to press her lips against the redhead's neck. The shorter woman's arms came up to encourage her, pressing the other woman's mouth into her sensitive flesh. Evan watched only for a moment. They might have only been the flavor of the week, but he was going to get himself as much of a taste as he could in that time.

  His own lips found the other side of the redhead's throat. Between him and the taller woman, they pressed in tight. His hand found the hem of her shirt, pushing up. He bit down. The redhead mewled. He left a mark, not that it mattered to him. He kept moving. Her top found the floor. Even as he knew to expect it, he was surprised to find that she wasn't wearing anything underneath it.

  Her friend, on the other hand, didn't seem surprised by any of it. He took one breast in his hands as he moved his lips to find the taller woman's. She kissed him with relish, like it was all that she'd been waiting for. He had to admit, he liked her enthusiasm.

  The redhead, equally enthusiastic, slipped from between their bodies. Or, more accurately, slipped down between them. She found the zipper on his slacks and pulled it down. She found exactly what she'd hoped to find inside. Evan gasped on reflex as he felt something warm and wet engulf his hard cock, all of a sudden. It didn't take him long to get comfortable with the sensation, though.

  He guided her head bobbing up and down with one hand, his hips gently moving in an opposite rhythm. The other hand pulled the tall woman off to the side. She tasted sweet, like strawberries. Her breasts pressed into his arm, soft and large and he knew he wanted them in his mouth. He pulled her loose top down, pulled aside the cup of her bra, and sucked a brown nipple into his mouth. Her hand guided his head as surely as his own guided her friend's.

  He bit down. She gasped. The girl below looked up at the pair of them and began to move with renewed gusto, like she wanted to go home early. He pulled her off.

  "This is hardly fair," he said. "Here I am getting all this, and both of you are practically all dressed."

  He moved towards the bedroom, beckoning, his hardness still poking out of his pants and bobbing up and down slightly as he walked.

  The girls followed. Clothing fell wherever they took it off. He unbuttoned the slacks, kicked them into a corner. Pulled his shirt off. He reached over to the side table and pulled a pack of condoms out. Opened the box and pulled the wrappers out. They'd be there when he needed them, he thought, but not a moment sooner.

  He picked up the shorter girl and tossed her onto the bed. She bounced gently. The taller girl fell in beside her. Evan hadn't bothered to ask if this was a regular thing for them, but from the way that she crawled between the other woman's knees, he guessed that it was. Maybe the unusual thing was the man being there. He wasted no time gawking.

  Instead, he moved in behind the taller woman. Probed her entrance with his fingers. He teased her clit until her hips started moving on their own. The redhead's hands clutched at his pillows. He smiled hard. If that was what his competition was up to, then he wasn't going to be undone. He lowered himself to his knees and started probing with his tongue, his fingers still working at the apex of her womanhood.

  The taller woman made an appreciative noise into her lover's box, pressing back against him. Evan growled and worked harder. He was finally rewarded by the tall woman stiffening, her caramel-colored skin gently shaking as an orgasm overtook her.

  Evan kept his tongue moving until the shivering started to subside. He let out a breath.

  "Now, who wants to go first?"

  The taller woman crawled up the bed, collapsing beside her friend. Then, lazily, she pointed over. The redhead had been able to recover a little more; she was letting out soft moans as she exhaled. He walked around the other side of the bed, pulled a wrapper off the pack. He started to tear it open, turned over.

  "You ready?"

  She nodded, her eyes closed. He reached over and pinched one crinkled nipple. Her eyes shot open. Evan winked and crossed over, rolling the rubber onto his hardness. Then he lined himself up between her hips, lifted them a little, and started to slide in.

  She was tight, but the taller woman had done her job admirably. The little redhead was well-lubricated and he slid inside easily. He gave her only a moment to grow used to the sensation of fullness before he started to move. Some nights he was in a hurry to get things finished. Tonight he felt like he was going to go insane if he didn't finish, and soon.

  So instead, he moved slow. Rocked himself into her, held it there, deep. Pulled out. He moved back in deep. Each thrust seemed to slip a little deeper. She sucked in breaths when he pushed inside, let them out when he pulled back. The taller woman watched them. Kissed the redhead. Her lover, he decided, for certain.

  He wasn't going to go slow forever, though. He gripped the little woman's hips. He guessed that he could hold her entirely aloft, if he wanted to. Maybe, if the night went on long enough, he would
find out. He pulled out. Slow, controlled, calm. The thrust back in was anything but. He forced his hips to move fast, pulling hard with his hands at the same time.

  The little redhead felt the difference immediately, from the way that her eyes snapped open. He smiled at her hard. It was his turn, now. He was going to wring every bit of pleasure he could get out of this. And if this was an experimentation thing, well…he'd rather give the best impression that he could. Let her know what a man was capable of. Her lover's eyes flashed, and her lips got to work sending the redhead's mind spinning off into a wash of pleasure.

  He kept moving, hard. If he had anything to say about it, then none of them were going to be getting a lot of sleep that night.


  Evan laid back on the couch. The apartment wasn't small, but with four people in it, he thought it was claustrophobic. That was, he supposed, the cost of living in the city. Aside from the actual costs, which he preferred not to think about when it wasn't time to pay the rent. He still had two more weeks on that, which meant that he wasn't due to give it any thought for at least another ten days.

  "Come on, man," Colin growled. Maybe he was irritated at Evan for laying on the couch where he mostly slept, these days. Maybe he was irritated because these nights always ended one way. "Let's get going."

  "Just one minute," Evan said. He let out a breath. Walked through his notes from the day. They were talking about presentation. It was one of the few things that Evan Park had never needed to be taught. Not in college, anyways. He had plenty of experience with what it meant to present himself in the world.

  He let out a breath, ran his hands through his hair. When he was out of school at the end of next year, he would have to cut it short. Though it was hardly what anyone would call 'long' at this point, it was too moppy for someone hoping to get a job working in a Senate office. Then again, a lot of things were going to have to change. Presentation was important, and he was the master of presenting himself as the right kind of person.

  He sat up and shook his head. Colin waited quietly, impatiently.

  "Come on," Evan said. "We've got to get out there early if you want to find any girls tonight."

  He grinned. "Finding them isn't hard."

  It was starting to cool down; Evan still stalwartly refused to wear a jacket. He'd owned one before, of course. It was a nice thing, and didn't damp his game. Then it had gotten a wicked tear all through it, and replacing it had been a long time coming.


  "It's finding the ones who don't automatically go for you."

  "Tell them about your dad," Evan offered.

  "Encourages the wrong kind of girl."

  "Only if you call them after," Evan said. "There's no girl who's 'the wrong kind' for a few long hours of vigorous 'getting to know you' time."

  Colin eyed Evan sideways, but they went out of the apartment. Jesse was waiting outside.

  "I thought we said we were meeting there."

  "I thought you'd died," Jesse growled. His broad shoulders stretched a shirt that was a size too small for them. It was hard to blame him; his waist tapered so thin that the same shirt was a little loose around the midriff. "So I came to check on you."

  "Is that how they do it in the Marines?" Colin's voice was low, almost threatening.

  "At least some of us in the Marines 'did it' at all," Jesse said coolly. Evan watched the gears in Colin's head turn as he tried to think of some way to come back. Neither of them were in the military, not any more. But the time served had been formative for both, and now they had a rivalry a mile wide.

  "Hey, now," Colin finally said. "The Army gets plenty!"

  "Well, I guess if I imagine the Army to be anyone other than you," Jesse said, letting the words come out slowly, "Then it's a little easier to imagine. A little."

  "Why you…"

  Evan opened the passenger door of his car, and practically shoved Colin inside. He slipped in with minimal protest. "We'll see you there, Jess," Evan said. The big guy smiled that tight-lipped smile of his, and nodded.


  Evan got into the driver's seat, turned his car on, and knew in his gut that it was going to be a race. It wasn't a race he was going to win, because that was the exact sort of youthful indiscretion that he needed to protect his future image from.

  As if the scores of women weren't.

  "You know he's just messing with you," Evan said as they pulled onto the street. Sure enough, behind him, Jesse's engine roared. He tried for a moment to resist. Then he eased onto the gas a little harder. Maybe just a little racing.

  "I know," Colin said.

  "You don't have to let it get to you, man."

  "He doesn't get to me." They both knew it was a lie, and both knew the other knew. Both also had the good taste not to mention it. Everything got to Colin. Which was ironic, because of the three of them, he was the one who was the least vulnerable moving forward.

  Evan had his political career; in the end, anything that really damaged that future was something to be avoided at all costs. A little sleeping around was one thing. As long as it was all consensual, and nobody was too hammered to know what was going on, that was just a little harmless fun.

  On the other hand, going twenty over…he looked down at his speedometer. Ten over, he could try to push. He moved around a slow-moving car. He thought that he'd see an old woman behind the wheel, someone in no special hurry. Something.

  But no, the guy in the driver's seat was their own age. He wrote it off. Maybe he just wasn't in a hurry. When he checked the rear-view mirror, though, there was an indisputable shape sitting up in the passenger seat. One that hadn't been there before. Well, he thought, if you're going slow, at least let it be for a good reason, right?

  They rounded the last corner. Jesse, on the other hand, had plenty of dangers to face right then and there. In high school, they'd all met at some prep place. It wasn't talked about how they all got in. Jesse was the odd one out, though, and everyone knew about it. His parents, when they visited, couldn't even try to put a happy face on their situation.

  There was no amount of scraping that could have gotten the money together to send him to a school like Westmoreland. Colin's parents had money coming out their ears; Evan's parents had tightened the belt a little. If Jesse's parents spent every dollar that passed through their hands, it wouldn't have made up the difference.

  The fact that he was the top of his class didn't stop him from hanging out with other kids, at least. Sometimes, Eric, thought, it could. But more surprisingly, it hadn't availed him to anything. He'd gone straight into the Marine corps, and from there, he'd gotten into body guarding.

  At some point, maybe, there was going to be a school future for him. There should be. He was fucking smart. But he hadn't said anything about it, or his time in Afghanistan. Not one word. When he was ready, maybe that would change.

  But for now, Evan's eyebrows knit together. Only another half-mile to go, and if he didn't lose his concentration, there was no way that–

  Jesse's car slid past. Evan watched it go.

  "That son of a bitch," he growled quietly. "I had him."

  "That's exactly what I've been saying," Colin said. "He's a son of a bitch."

  "Well, apparently, you were right."


  Evan went inside first. He had a bad tendency to do that; it hadn't lead to problems yet, but it was bound to sooner or later. Because he also fancied himself the best-looking, and apparently, at the very least, Colin didn't disagree. It made for a convenient night for him; he found pretty much anyone he was interested in right away.

  And of course, they weren't unlikely to be interested in him. The trouble was that once they'd set their sights on him, the odds of going for Colin were pretty much out the window. Unless, of course, he was to bring up his absurd bank account, but he patently refused. Something between him and his parents, Evan thought, but he didn't want to know badly enough to ask.

  It wasn't a surprise
when he found the place empty. They weren't going to get really crowded for another twenty minutes, even on an early night. But there was something about being early that made him feel better. Pregaming, maybe. He settled into a seat by the bar and watched the empty floor.

  The seat beside him, though, wasn't empty. It wasn't a decision that Evan made intentionally. He'd taken a seat beside a woman; her presence never entered his mind either as a reason to avoid, nor to choose, the spot.

  But when she spoke, he looked over, regardless. She was ordering another drink. The pile in front of her wasn't large, though the bartender's response to her made it sound as if he had been dealing with her all evening. He reached behind the counter, pulled out a dispenser, filled a small whiskey glass two fingers full of something amber, set it in front of her, and then reached for a pint-sized glass.

  That, he filled with something bright green and bubbly. Probably Mountain Dew, Evan thought, though he wasn't about to ask. He pushed them both towards the woman. She took a drink of the soda first.

  "Haven't seen you around here before," Evan said. She turned. She wasn't unattractive; her long hair was well-kept. She had it loose, with bangs that hung just past her eyebrows. It was dark enough that he didn't believe it was natural. And the complete the look, the girl scowled at him.

  "What do you want?"

  "Want? Nothing."

  "Then why are you talking to me?"

  Evan shrugged. "Making conversation."

  "Well, you've got your two friends there, why don't you have a conversation with them?"

  Evan smiled. "I've got the rest of my life to talk to them. I've only got, what, two minutes to talk to you, before you get up and leave?"

  "If you're lucky," she groused.

  "I've always been lucky," Evan offered. "When it came to girls."

  "Good to know," the girl said. "But I guess that means I'm not like other girls."


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