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Helios Page 3

by Marian Tee

  The girl stole a glance at Helios before answering, as if seeking his approval.

  Helios’ face did not change, but Kellion knew his friend well enough to know that Helios did not disapprove of the girl’s actions.

  “I…was hoping you’d have a need for a photographer.” There actually hadn’t been a list of vacancies on the club’s entry in the college paper. In fact, it was the only one that did not have any requirements, but MJ was banking on the fact that every club needed a photographer. Surely Helios’ org would be no different?

  Even Kellion was taken aback by her answer. She did not really have a clue about their club at all, he realized with surprise.

  Everyone in Christopoulos University knew that their club only had menial roles assigned to the girls, which ranged from cleaning their rooms, taking care of the laundry, and preparing their meals.

  Cheerleaders to heiresses to part-time models to groupies – all of them would die for a chance to serve Afxisi. All of them would do it for the same reason, too. Afxisi was a club that consisted of the world’s most eligible and fuckable bikers. Serving them increased the chances of having sex with any one of them, and being taken by one of the club’s members would mean bragging rights not just any woman could flaunt.

  Kellion smirked. “You truly do not have a clue about our rules, do you?”

  Instead of answering the question directly, MJ said weakly, “I’m a fast learner?”

  Yuri coughed again.

  Helios disliked all the attention his friends were showering on the girl, and he demanded, “Why do you bother applying when you clearly have no understanding of what our club is about?”

  Helios himself was the answer to his question, and the fact that he was the one asking it could only result in one thing.

  MJ’s cheeks turned the deepest shade of red.

  A flash of insight hit Kellion. “Well, fuck.”

  Yuri came to the same understanding a second later. “I see.”

  Helios frowned. “Can one of you explain what the hell’s going on?”

  The impatient note in Helios’ voice only made Kellion want to laugh, but he successfully managed to rein in his amusement. He nodded towards the girl. “We know why she’s joined.”

  Helios’ face became expressionless. “Is that so?” Something inside him intensely disliked the fact that Kellion and Yuri knew something about her that he did not know.

  “She has a secret crush on one of our bikers, and that’s the only reason she wants to be a part of our club. She wants to be close to him.”

  Chapter Three

  “I still think this is a mistake.” Helios made the comment in a cold voice as he took a seat at the leather couch. The study was one of several places off-limits to everyone in the club except for its officers. It occupied the penthouse floor, together with the rooftop garden and the officers’ bedrooms.

  Helios poured himself a shot of whiskey and tossed it back in one. He was hoping the liquid burning down his throat would at least calm him, but it only seemed to fuel the restlessness inside him.

  Kellion didn’t answer right away. He stood next to the bookshelves, which housed a collection of books ranging from finance to technology. Unknown to many, the men making up Afxisi were intent on using their winnings from underground racing to build their own fortunes rather than depending on their family’s inheritances.

  Helios was the reason all of them had a family here in the States, Helios the one who had gifted each and every one of them independence and freedom from the oppressive chains of their families. It was ironic then, that even as the bonds between all their members became stronger and closer, Helios had seemed to retreat further and further into isolation.

  It was only when that girl had come along that Kellion had seen his friend come to life again. For that reason alone, the girl would stay. Yuri had thought the same thing, and the two of them had come to a silent understanding.

  Kellion turned to his friend with hooded eyes even as he said lightly, “You could have overruled the decision of the majority as president.”

  “That is not my style and you know it,” Helios said stiffly.

  He crossed the room and sat across Helios. Pouring himself a glass, Kellion suggested, “Why not give her one chance? If she doesn’t cut it after the first week, then I will be the first one to kick her out. I’ll even get Yuri to—”

  Helios frowned at the mention of his other friend. “Where is he?”

  “Assisting her to her room.”

  Helios did his best not to scowl. “He’s been gone for over twenty minutes. What the fuck’s taking him so long?”

  Kellion shrugged. “Beats me.”

  The image of Yuri seducing the girl had Helios cracking his knuckles. Yuri might seem angelic, but Helios knew the younger man was no innocent. He had heard the girls speak of how good Yuri was in bed, how his masterful side was a contrast to the courteous demeanor he presented in public.

  Out of nowhere came a thought that nearly had Helios cursing, a vision of Yuri commanding the girl to suck his cock.

  No fucking way.

  The door slamming shut was Kellion’s only clue that Helios had gone. He leaned back against his seat with a satisfied smirk. And so the games began. Kali tychi, Helios. You will need a lot of luck to make sense of that girl.


  “Do you like it?” Yuri asked courteously. He had introduced himself as the club’s secretary. He had also referred to Helios and the other guy, Kellion, as the president and vice president of the club, respectively.

  She nodded.

  “Please feel free to explore.” Yuri had light blue eyes and a very kind smile, like an angel’s. It was hard to imagine someone who looked like him loved to race bikes.

  At Yuri’s urging, MJ warily stepped past him and went into the medium-sized room. It had wooden panels for walls and dark blue carpet tiles. A single bed was next to the window and across it was a study table and a floor lamp. It was a simple but charming room, and MJ awkwardly told the same thing to Yuri.

  “I’m glad you like it then.”


  When Yuri did not say anything else, she asked finally, “Do you need someone with an eye for interior design then? Is that the only vacancy left in the club?”

  It took a few seconds for Yuri to understand what the girl was asking. Then he began to cough, his best way of controlling his laughter. Dio, this girl was too amusing by half, with her ability to misconstrue everything. She truly was perfect for the president, who on the other hand took himself – and life – too seriously.

  Clearing his throat he said gently, “This is your room.”

  MJ’s eyes widened. “My room?”

  “If you are serious about volunteering for the club, then you should know that it’s an in-house position, which means you need to live here. I will get my younger sister to talk to you tomorrow. She’s in charge of managing the girls.”

  MJ could only nod. She was still trying to get her head around the fact that she was supposed to live here – in the same place as Helios Andreadis.

  When the girl didn’t speak, Yuri asked, “I hope it’s not a problem?”

  She said weakly, “Not at all.”

  “Then…good. I’ll see you tomorrow. No curfews here so you can come and go anytime. Just make sure you’re up tomorrow by six. My sister will come here to give you the official tour. Any other questions?”

  “None, sir.” The words were out before she could stop them, and MJ grimaced. She didn’t really want to be so polite but these guys were just too formal! They seemed more like CEOs than college bikers.

  Yuri’s lips twitched. “Goodbye.” He turned his back and reached for the doorknob.

  MJ silently pumped her fist into the air. Yes. Yes. Yes! She was going to live—

  Yuri turned around, remembering something, and immediately caught sight of the new volunteer practically doing a happy dance on her own. He blinked.


  Realizing that she was being watched, MJ slowly lowered her fist and pretended to start combing her hair instead. She looked at Yuri questioningly. “Er, yes?”

  His eyes twinkled with mirth but his voice was solemn when he said, “I realize none of us ever caught your name.”

  “Oh. Umm…I’m MJ Cartwright.”

  “A pretty name. Well, good night, MJ.”

  This time, MJ made sure not to do anything until Yuri truly did leave the room and closed the door behind him. When she heard the door close, she started pumping her fist in the air again. Yeeeeeeees! Who would have thought she’d end up living under the same roof as Helios Andreadis?


  Helios took his role as club president seriously. While he did not talk to every member or volunteer, he did make it his business to know everything that went on in his club.

  He knew, for instance, that one of the volunteers had been knocked up by a football player from another university. He knew that one of the younger bikers was struggling with doing a 360-degree turn in the air. He also knew that there was only one vacant room left in the club, and that would likely be where Yuri would take her.

  And so he went one floor down and paused outside the door of Room 17. He heard voices inside the room and his stomach clenched in anger. He did not like knowing that Yuri was inside the room with the girl.

  Against all thoughts of common sense, Helios slowly found himself leaning towards the door to better hear what was being said.

  “A pretty name,” Yuri was saying.

  Helios’ face hardened when he heard Yuri say “A pretty name”. He had not thought Yuri was the type to dish out empty flattery but perhaps he thought too highly of the kid. What the hell was so pretty about MJ? They were just two letters.

  The door opened suddenly.

  Helios immediately straightened but it was too late, judging by the way Yuri’s lips were twitching.

  “Do you have something to talk to me about?” Yuri asked.


  Yuri frowned. “Then you would like to talk to MJ?”

  And just like that, Helios realized he had trapped himself. If he said no as well, then Yuri might think he had only come here to eavesdrop. Worse, Yuri might even hit upon the truth and realize Helios had come here because he didn’t like the idea of the two of them spending too much time together.

  He hedged, “I do have something to discuss with her, but it is getting late so perhaps tomorrow—”

  “She did not seem sleepy at all,” Yuri assured him. He knocked on the door. “She’s very happy to be here, in fact, so I’m sure she will not mind any instructions you may have for her.”

  “How do you know she’s happy? Did she tell you?”

  Yuri said in his usual gently chiding voice, “Her secret crush is here, President. Of course she will be happy.”

  Smartass, Helios thought as he looked at the younger man’s retreating back. He should teach that boy some manners sometime, talking to him like—


  Fuck. He had forgotten Yuri had knocked on the door, and he had been so busy thinking thoughts of revenge that he hadn’t noticed the girl opening the door. Slowly, he turned to face her. This close, her eyes looked bigger, more trusting, and she was gazing at him with such wariness it made Helios grit his teeth.

  She had not looked at Yuri with the same wariness, so why was she wary with him?

  “Call me President.” He snapped out the words before he could stop himself.

  MJ flinched at the harsh tone and mumbled, “I’m sorry, President.” He was mad at her again. Why was it that she always made him mad? She couldn’t even think of anything she had done wrong.

  She sounded scared of him now, which only made him more irritated. “I came here to warn you.”

  MJ blinked. Warn her?

  “Volunteers are here for one reason. To take care of the club’s needs. If the university had allowed us to hire outside help, we would have and there would be no need for volunteers at all. But we can’t and that’s why you are here. But I’m warning you – if I hear even one instance where you’re causing trouble or being a distraction to any of the club’s members, you’re out of here.”

  His golden eyes lanced hers. “Are we clear on that?”

  Extremely clear, MJ thought miserably. Just as it was extremely clear that for some reason, Helios Andreadis hated her.

  And so all she said quietly was, “Yes, sir.”

  Helios didn’t answer, and for one long moment they only gazed at each other. Tension vibrated from him, and if she had only been a little more experienced, a little less innocent, she would have known that one hint from her was all it would take for Helios’ tension to turn into passion. One hint, and he would have pushed MJ inside her room, taken her into his arms the way he ached to, and kissed her until she could no longer breathe.

  But she was not.

  All she knew was that the tension in Helios Andreadis meant he was furious. When he didn’t say anything else, she mumbled, “Good night, sir,” and slowly closed the door.

  A second later, she heard Helios curse explicitly in English and in Greek.

  Then came the sound of a fist smashing against the concrete wall.

  He truly hated her, MJ thought numbly. But why?

  Chapter Four

  Task #1: Get everyone up for breakfast.

  As MJ headed upstairs, she pulled out her daily planner to check her schedule. Today was a Tuesday, which meant all four of them had morning classes. She started with the room nearest to the stairs, which belonged to Andreus Economou, the grumpiest of them all.

  Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and said chirpily, “Good morning, Andreus!”

  A pillow would have hit her smack in the face if MJ hadn’t been ready to catch it. Of course, the first few times, she had not been ready to catch it. Since even a groggy Andreus had perfect aim, MJ was grateful that the club’s treasurer only liked to throw pillows and not bricks.

  Walking past the bed, she went directly to the windows and raised the blinds. “It’s time to wake up! You’ve got a class at eight!” She turned around and handily caught another pillow hurtling towards her.

  Finally, she went to his private bathroom. Wetting one of the hand towels, MJ marched back to the room, pulled away the pillow Andreus had slammed over his head, and replaced it with the hand towel. Then she started rubbing his face, particularly his eyes.

  “Fuck off, MJ.”

  “You know I can’t do that. You’ve got classes today, and Hallie told me you have an exam first thing in the morning.”

  Andreus, eyes still closed, muttered, “Hallie doesn’t know shit.”

  She countered promptly, “Hallie knows a lot of shit because she taught me all the shit I know.”

  It was enough to have Andreus smile. “You are too much of a nag. You know that, right?”

  “It’s another kind of shit Hallie taught me.”

  He threw another pillow at her. “Go on, I’m awake. I’ll just shower and head down.”

  Next was Yuri, but as expected, Hallie’s older brother was already up and freshly showered. “I heard you and Andreus shouting,” Yuri said when she peeked inside his room.

  She only smiled. “It’s nothing new. Do you need anything else before I go to Kellion’s room?”

  There was a moment’s hesitation before Yuri said, “No. Nothing.”

  That was odd. MJ puzzled over it as she went inside Kellion’s room next. His room was always the messiest, and the sight of what she had to clean up after class made her wince. “Good morning, Kellion.”

  No answer.

  That was also expected. Kellion hated attending his classes, more so than the rest of his friends. There was something about authority he despised, and he liked flouting it as often as he could. Whereas the trick to handling Andreus was making herself too nice for comfort, for Kellion it was the opposite.

  After raising the blinds and let
ting sunlight blaze into the room, MJ headed back to the side of the bed. And then she started to sing. “Amazing Grace…” She sang as loudly as she could.

  “Okay, I’m up, dammit,” Kellion growled when he couldn’t take any more of MJ’s God-awful voice. How a sweet-looking thing could have such a terrible voice was definitely one of the Devil’s greatest curses on mankind.

  “Breakfast in thirty,” she reminded him.

  Kellion didn’t answer.

  She started to sing again, the national anthem this time.

  “Okay, dammit,” he bellowed. “I’m up.” He cracked one eye open and muttered, “I hope Helios gives you hell.”

  She gasped. “Helios will not give me hell. He’s the nicest among you all, you know!”

  Kellion opened and closed his mouth several times. “Never mind.” It was too early to argue with a stubborn MJ. Helios, the nicest among them? Ha! Biggest fucking lie in the world.

  A moment later, MJ was standing outside Helios’ door.

  Three minutes later, she was still standing outside his door.

  I can do this, I can do this, she chanted silently to herself.

  Hand shaking a little, she knocked on Helios’ door.

  There was a muffled answer, which she took as a sign for her to enter. “President?” She never made the mistake of calling him Helios again since her first day in the club. She didn’t have the courage to, not wanting to have Helios Andreadis look at her like she was trash, someone unfit to say his name.

  Quietly slipping into Helios’ room, MJ made her way to the window without difficulty despite the darkness. After raising the blinds, she turned to greet Helios good morning but the words died in her throat.

  It was going to be one of those days again then.


  No sound of squeaking wheels, no rumbling engine, no mad laugh from James. No one hurting her, no one trying to hurt her, but it still felt the same. Sometimes, MJ felt like this hurt worse. This.


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