AMISH ROMANCE: The Amish Bakery Boxed Set: 4-Book Clean Inspirational Box Set - Includes Bonus Book

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AMISH ROMANCE: The Amish Bakery Boxed Set: 4-Book Clean Inspirational Box Set - Includes Bonus Book Page 13

by Rebekah Fisher

  Naomi finally smiled. “Danke, Elizabeth.”

  “I feel so blessed that you asked me.” Elizabeth told her. ”I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Elizabeth walked back to the counter just as Sadie came through the front door. “Great timing. Are you ready for lunch?”

  Sadie nodded. “Jah. Let me tell Lucinda that I’m here.”

  “Okay, I’ll bring our food out to the table.” Elizabeth opened the back door and stepped out to the small area behind the bakery and café. She set the basket on the table and sat down.

  “It’s so nice that this table is out here.

  “Jah.” Elizabeth agreed. “John built it for us when he was working on the café.”

  “They had been eating for a little while when Elizabeth asked, “I know this isn’t any of my business, but do you know if Isaac is courting Abigail?”

  “Isaac? My bruder, Isaac?” Sadie asked.


  Sadie looked confused. “And Abigail Schrock?”

  “Jah.” Elizabeth was starting to feel foolish.

  “Nee. I don’t think so.” She shook her head. “I’m very certain that he is not courting anyone.”

  “Okay,” Elizabeth answered, feeling slightly better, but still a bit foolish.

  Sadie frowned. “Why do you ask?”

  Elizabeth shrugged. “Abigail was here last night. I saw her talking to Isaac and there was something about how she acted that made me think they might be courting.”

  Sadie nodded with understanding. “I think perhaps Abigail wants Isaac to court her.”

  Elizabeth was surprised by the jealousy that she felt. She had grown up with Isaac and he had always been like a brother, until now. Lately she found herself looking forward to seeing him when he came to wait for Sadie. Last week he had said something funny and when he grinned at her she had nearly fallen off her chair.

  Ach! What would Sadie think if she knew? Elizabeth would never do anything to upset her friend. She sought to change the subject.

  “Goodness! I almost forgot to tell you…Naomi asked me to bake her wedding cake.”

  “That’s wonderful! Rachel is so happy that you’re able to make her wedding cake, too.”

  “I could never say no to your shveshtah,” Elizabeth said. “I’ve grown up with Rachel.”

  The back door popped open and Daniel looked out. “Elizabeth, Susan is here.”

  “Great. Danke.” She started to get up as Daniel opened the door wider and Susan walked through the door.

  “Did you talk to Daniel yet?” Susan asked.

  Elizabeth had been sidetracked by Naomi’s request and totally forgotten. “Nee. I haven’t had a chance.”

  Daniel leaned back out. “What were you going to talk to me about?”

  “I want to take photos of the cakes that Elizabeth has made. If we could put a folder together for customers to see the cakes she might be able to sell more.” Susan pulled the photos from her bag. “These are photos I took of the cake Elizabeth made for Madison Carver’s birthday. Everyone loved the cake and most of us didn’t even know that Elizabeth was making cakes for the bakery.”

  Daniel nodded. “I think it’s a great idea.”

  Sadie spoke up then. “I think Elizabeth should add photos of her wedding cakes too. They are all so beautiful.”

  “That’s a great idea,” Susan said. “I can add a section for the wedding cakes too.”

  Daniel pointed to the table. “Let’s sit down and talk about this.”

  Susan sat down next to Elizabeth and whispered, “does this mean he doesn’t like the idea?”

  Elizabeth smiled. “Nee. Daniel just has to think everything through a little.”

  “We are already very busy between the normal bakery operations, the deliveries, and now we’ve opened the café too. Right now I’m coming in early and leaving late.” Daniel looked around the table. “We need to hire more employees. Even more now that you have started making cakes and wedding cakes too.”

  “Hiring more people will definitely help,” Elizabeth agreed.

  “Susan, would you like to work here at the bakery part time?” Daniel asked her.

  Susan looked surprised. “I’m not much of a baker, but I could work the counter or help in the office for a few hours a week.”

  “If she worked in the office that would free up Naomi to work more in the kitchen,” Elizabeth said. “Having Naomi back in the kitchen would be like hiring two people right there.”

  “That’s a great idea. Naomi really enjoys baking. Working in the office so much hasn’t made her very happy. I’ll still need to hire a few more people.” Daniel said.

  “I think Matilda Zook likes to bake,” Sadie told him. “Also, I heard that Simon King is looking for a job.”

  “Great. Danke, Sadie.” Daniel stood up. “Susan, when you’re done taking your photos come talk to me in the office so we can talk about when you can work.”

  “I will.” Susan nodded and smiled. “Thank you, Daniel.”

  Daniel nodded as he went back inside the bakery.

  “Wow! That worked out great.” Susan laughed.

  Elizabeth was excited about Daniel hiring more people. She could really spend more of her time baking cakes. “Jah, it sure did.”

  * * *

  Isaac heard the front door of the harness maker’s shop open. He looked up from the front counter where he was making a note about a lead he had just repaired.

  “Hello, Isaac,” Peter Wilson greeted.

  “Doctor Wilson, how are you today?”

  “I’m well. Thank you for asking.” Peter Wilson came up to the counter. “I was on my way back to the office and thought I would check to see if my son’s saddle was ready.”

  “Let me check with Stephen, he’s back in the workroom.”

  Dr. Wilson nodded and Isaac walked into the back.

  “Stephen?” Isaac called when he didn’t see his co-worker in the workroom.

  “Jah,” Stephen stepped out of the storeroom. “Do you need something?”

  “Doctor Wilson stopped in to see if the saddle he brought in last week is ready.”

  “Jah, I worked on it this morning.” Stephen pointed to one of the worktables “I’ll bring it up front.”

  “Great. I’ll let him know.”

  Isaac came back up to the front. “Stephen says it’s all set. He’ll be bringing it up shortly.”

  “Thank you, Isaac.”

  Isaac was about to go sit behind the counter when he saw Abigail Schrock walking toward the front of the shop. Before he could stop himself he was walking into the workroom. “I’m going to run a quick errand. I’ll be back soon.”

  “Alright,” Stephen said, giving him a strange look.

  Isaac had just stepped out the back door when he heard the front door open. He wasn’t trying to be mean, but every time he saw Abigail she would ask him so many questions. She was a nice girl, but he wasn’t interested in having a relationship with her other than a friend. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but she didn’t seem to be aware of how he felt.

  Isaac walked past the small corral behind the shop. He crossed behind the stores and walked into the tool shop. He had been needing a new hammer, so he figured he might as well buy one today.

  Thirty minutes later, he walked back inside the harness maker’s shop. Isaac waited at the back door for a few moments to listen for voices. Stephen came in while he was listening.

  “Isaac, are you okay?” Stephen asked standing in the doorway to the workroom.

  “Jah. I’m fine.” Isaac smiled.

  Stephen let out a breath before saying, “I don’t want to pry, but you are acting a bit strangely today.”

  “I’m sorry.” Isaac hesitated, unsure of what to do.

  “If there is something I can help with, I’d be happy to talk to you.” Stephen leaned against the work table.

  Isaac didn’t want to burden Stephen with his problems, but it would be nice to talk about what wa
s going on. “It’s about Abigail Schrock.”

  Stephen nodded. “She was in here earlier looking for you.” He seemed to understand. “That’s not a good thing then?”

  Isaac shook his head. “Nee. She keeps dropping by the shop and she was at the bakery yesterday evening.”

  “Do you think she wants you to court her?”

  “Jah. I think she does.”

  “And you don’t want to court her, I presume.” Stephen said.

  “That’s right.” Isaac frowned. “I mean she is very nice and even kind of pretty, but I’m just not interested in her.”

  “Well you don’t have to court her.”

  “Should I talk to her about it?”

  Stephen made a face and shrugged. “No, I wouldn’t yet.”

  Isaac sighed. If he didn’t talk to Abigail, then she would keep showing up everywhere to talk to him.

  “Well, is there someone you do like well enough to want to court?”

  “Jah.” Isaac nodded his head slowly. “I’m not sure how she feels about me though.”

  “Why don’t you ask her to go for a ride or a walk or something?” Stephen said, as though that was the simplest option.

  “It isn’t that simple—we are really good friends. If she says no, then it might be awkward to be around her. It’s just all so confusing.” Isaac sat down on one of the chairs.

  “Hmm… my advice would be to test the waters; spend some time with her and trust that Gott will show you both the way.”

  Isaac nodded and realized that he felt much better. “Danke, Stephen.”

  * * *

  Chapter 3

  Isaac walked across the town square towards the coffee shop. He had spent most of the morning making a leather saddle bag. The pieces were cut and he had punched the holes for the lacing. It was late morning and the perfect time for some fresh air and a cup of coffee.

  He took his coffee and had just sat down at a table outside when Sadie walked up to the coffee shop.

  She stopped at his table. “Isaac, what are you doing here?”

  “I’ve been in the workroom all morning. I just wanted to get outside for a little while.” He rubbed his eyes. “What are you doing?”

  “I helped Diane at the gift shop this morning. I have almost an hour until I’m due at the café so I thought I would get some tea.”

  “I’ll be here for a little bit if you want to come back and sit with me,” he said.

  “Jah. I’ll be right back.”

  Isaac looked across to the bakery. He hadn’t seen Elizabeth in a couple of days. Hopefully he could leave the harness maker’s shop early enough that he could go to the bakery and talk with her before Sadie finished work.

  “Isaac, hello.”

  He turned around to see Abigail walking across the square. “Hello, Abigail.”

  “What are you doing here?” Abigail asked.

  He held up his mug. “I just stopped by to get some coffee.”

  Abigail pulled out a chair just as Isaac stood up. They looked at each other for a moment.

  “I should go back to the shop,” Isaac said finally.

  “Jah. I need to go too. My daed is waiting for me at the carriage shed.” Abigail smiled. “You can walk with me.”

  “Jah.” Isaac nodded slowly.

  Sadie came out of the coffee shop and called to him. “Isaac, before you leave I need to ask you a question.”

  He stopped at the table. “Sorry. I need to stay and see what Sadie needs. It was nice seeing you, Abigail.”

  “Jah. You too, Isaac.” Abigail said, with a sweet smile before she walked away.

  Isaac waited until Abigail disappeared around the corner before he sat down again.

  Sadie was already sitting. “It’s nice out today.”

  Isaac was relieved that Sadie hadn’t asked him about his conversation with Abigail.

  “Jah it is very nice out,” Isaac said taking a drink of his coffee.

  “Uh…I wanted to ask you—are you courting Abigail Schrock?”

  Isaac almost spit out his coffee. “What?”

  “Are you courting Abigail Schrock?” Sadie repeated, a grin on her face.

  “Nee.” He frowned at her. “Why would you ask that?”

  Sadie shrugged. “Someone else asked me if you were.”


  “I’ve seen Abigail hanging around a lot too.”

  “Jah.” Isaac shook his head. He did not want to talk about this, especially with Sadie.

  Sadie grew silent and Isaac was thankful that she had dropped the issue.

  “I think Abigail wants you to court her.”

  Isaac groaned. “Ach! Jah, I think she does too.”


  “And what?” he asked his sister.

  “Are you going to ask her to go for a ride with you after church?” Sadie asked him.

  “Nee.” Ugh! He couldn’t believe he was being forced into talking about this. “Sadie, you do know that this really isn’t any of your business.”

  “I do,” she said grinning again.

  Isaac groaned again. “Abigail is very nice, but I don’t want to court her. Are you happy?”

  “Jah.” She set her cup down. “What are you going to do?”

  “About what?”

  Sadie sighed. “What are you going to do about Abigail?”

  “I don’t know if there is anything that I can do.”

  Sadie stopped to think about it. “Hmm.”

  Isaac hadn’t wanted to talk to Sadie about this but they were in the middle of it now. “Should I talk to her?”

  Sadie thought about it. “Nee. That doesn’t seem like it would be a kind conversation.”

  “So I’m back to not doing anything about it.” Isaac twirled his mug on the tabletop. “I think at this point the only thing I can do is try to avoid seeing her.”

  “Even then she will still know you are available. Probably you courting someone else will be the only thing that will deter her.”

  “I’m not sure how that will work.” Isaac was back to not wanting to talk about this.

  Sadie leaned forward. “Isn’t there someone that you would like to court?”

  “Jah, but I’m not talking to you about it.” He turned to her. “Sadie, I appreciate that you’re trying to help, but this is something that I need to figure out.”

  Sadie pointed. “Ach, here comes Elizabeth.”

  Isaac was happy to see her. He was also relieved that it would help change the subject.

  Elizabeth came over. “I wanted to come out and get some fresh air. Looks like you two had the same idea.”

  “Jah,” Isaac replied. “Would you like some coffee or tea? I can go get you a cup.”

  Sadie didn’t let her answer. “Elizabeth, Isaac has a problem.”

  “Nee.” Isaac said quickly. “I don’t have a problem.”

  Sadie grinned at him again.

  Elizabeth gave them both a strange look. “I’m going to go buy a cup of tea. That will give you two time to figure out what is going on here.”

  Isaac watched her walk into the coffee shop. “Sadie please don’t say anything to Elizabeth about Abigail.”

  “Elizabeth is the one that thought you were courting Abigail.”

  “Well please tell her that I do not want to court Abigail.” He sighed. “I’m going back to work.”

  How had things gotten so out of hand?

  * * *

  When Elizabeth came back to the table, Isaac was gone and Sadie was smiling. “Where did Isaac go?”

  “He had to get back to the shop.”

  Elizabeth ducked her head to pull out her chair so Sadie wouldn’t see her disappointment.

  “It was my fault. I was asking him too many questions.”

  Elizabeth chuckled. “Poor Isaac, what were you asking him about?”

  “Abigail Schrock.”

  Elizabeth had just taken a sip of tea and fought to get it down without coughing. “Why were you as
king about Abigail?”

  “She was talking to Isaac when I came out of the coffee shop. He didn’t look too happy.”

  Elizabeth didn’t understand why Isaac would look unhappy. Was he unhappy that Sadie had come out while he was talking to Abigail? Or was he unhappy because of Abigail? If she really thought about it, none of it was any of her business. Isaac was sweet and caring, and any girl would be lucky to be courted by him.

  “Isaac isn’t courting Abigail, and more importantly he doesn’t want to.”

  Elizabeth was pleased to hear that Isaac was not interested in courting Abigail, but she simply nodded and changed the subject. “Daniel said that Susan would be coming in this afternoon to start training in the office.”

  “That’s gut. Then Naomi will be able to work more in the bakery.”

  “Jah. Although Daniel said it would take several days to get Susan trained enough to have Naomi back in the bakery,” Elizabeth explained. “Tomorrow, I’ll have to stay late so I can bake the cakes that are going out the next afternoon. I’ll most likely have to stay late most days next week too.”

  “Ach! I’m sorry.”

  “You know how busy it is,” Elizabeth sighed. “Speaking of that, I should get back to work.”

  “Jah, me too.”

  They walked into the bakery together and Sadie waved as she went into the café.

  Marianna was working at the counter; there were two customers standing in front of the display case.

  “Has it been busy?” Elizabeth asked, feeling bad that she wasn’t there to help.

  “Nee,” Marianna told her. “Steady but not too bad.”

  “Gut.” Elizabeth hadn’t been gone that long, but the bakery was so busy she felt bad about taking a break.

  “Elizabeth,” Daniel called from the office.

  When she came to the office she found Daniel standing with Matilda Zook.

  “Elizabeth, you know Matilda. She will be starting at the bakery later this week.” Daniel picked up the work schedule off the desk. “I already let her know that I’ll have her work with Mamm; nobody knows the bakery better.”

  “That’s great! I look forward to working with you,” Elizabeth said.

  “Danke.” Matilda looked a little overwhelmed.

  “You’ll enjoy working with our mamm. She’ll reward you with cinnamon rolls.”


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