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Andrey Page 7

by K. J. Dahlen

  He wanted to pull away from her, but he was pulling the scent of her hair in through his nose instead, and he could not seem to stop his hands from grasping her bare breasts.

  “Yes!” she exclaimed.

  He caressed her nipples with his palms, lowered his fingers to her clit, and massaged her there in slow circles. The overwhelming need to feel her skin seemed to direct his actions.

  She tugged him to the bed and with a sigh, she lay back and opened her legs. “Please?” She was panting breathlessly.

  Feeling some hesitation, he pulled his shirt off and looked down at her. “I believe you are drunk, Madame cop.”

  Kevy shook her head and got up on the bed.

  Andrey could see her now. God, the curves, those breasts, she was exactly as he’d imagined.

  She stated, “I am sober enough. If you want, I can get off the bed and walk a straight line?”

  Andrey couldn’t help it, he laughed. “Now that I would love to see.”

  Smirking, Kevy reached over, unsnapped his pants and sunk her hand in to grab his hard cock. “Mmm,” she moaned.

  Immediately, he stiffened as her soft fingers grasped him. She stroked him with rapid hard strokes. He had already gone hard, but this caused him to swell painfully.

  Letting go of him, she pulled his jeans down further.

  Breathing heavily, all clear thinking flew away as he quickly, took his pants and boxer briefs the rest of the way off. She sat up onto her knees and latched her mouth onto his stiff throbbing cock. He threw his head back as she sucked on him. The woman just went after him. He liked it. He shouldn’t have been surprised by it though. This was the type of woman that would come after whatever she wanted.

  Moaning loudly, she stroked him with her mouth, forward and back several times.

  Andrey thought he would burst as the hot silky heat of her mouth caressed him. He wouldn’t last long with her doing this. He reached down and pulled her off. He lay her back on the bed and pulled her knees up.

  Without effort, he tilted her hips back and plunged high up into her. He couldn’t think straight really as he just wanted to be inside her.

  She screamed with ecstasy.

  Andrey smothered her scream and sucked on her tongue as he thrust into her fiercely and repeatedly. He pulled his mouth from hers as he framed her face with his hands and spoke to her lips, “This is where we burn.” He couldn’t stop now—he had no choice—he just kept plunging into her hot, wet core. He was full of lust and heat, and a wild throbbing ran through him as she moaned loudly.

  Her eyes widened, as her body stiffened with pleasure. “Oh—oh!” she gasped out as she came.

  Lifting her up closer, he continued to pound into her, and after one, two, three thrusts, he climaxed inside of her.

  She grabbed onto his shoulders and yanked him down to kiss him deeply.

  Andrey looked into her eyes and saw the blue in them. He knew they were truly green and he counted on seeing this next time he was inside her. The blue wasn’t her. But the feeling she gave him was all her. He kissed her back while staring into her eyes. She stared back and he knew this was right. She’d never closed her eyes when he’d kissed her; she always looked directly into his. This woman was fierce, brave, smart and sexy hot. Feeling a shock of what all this might mean, Andrey broke the kiss. He indeed felt connected to her on a different level than just sex.

  “Oh, wow, it was pure fire!” she exclaimed with a laugh.

  With a start at this statement, while thinking of what Sergi had said, he joined in her laughter.

  “More!” She moved him down closer. “We will do it and do it all, until we just can’t breathe anymore!” She latched onto his mouth and moved her hips up and down.

  He was still inside of her and to his surprise he was still hard. He began to move slowly in her all over again, as he lowered his lips to her nipple and covered it with his mouth.

  She moaned aloud with satisfaction.

  Andrey rose up and away from her.

  Kevy tried desperately to grasp onto him with her thighs.

  Smirking at her attempts to control him, he swiftly turned her over, and she rose up on her knees. With another jolt of need, he pulled her to him and raised her legs up.

  Panting again, she gasped with astonishment as he had maneuvered her so effortlessly.

  Andrey growled and pushed into her.

  “Ahh,” she moaned and shoved herself back to get more.

  He pumped her again and again, feeling like he couldn’t get enough of her. His fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her up and back with the rhythm of his hips.

  She drew in gulping breaths and her body heaved with it, as she kept up with him.

  Breathing heavily, he felt under her and stroked her clit.

  “Unh, unh!” she cried out with a desperate tone.

  Grinding his hips in a circle, he forcefully swiveled her hips with the grinds.

  “Oh!” she yelled again.

  “More?” he teased.

  “I can’t,” she gasped the words out.

  Pulling her up, he sat her onto his lap. “Do it all, you said.” Helpless, she was still gasping. With a relentless movement, he shoved her down onto his still throbbing hard cock.

  “Unh,” she whispered with a shocked sound as her body tightened on him.

  “Does that feel good?” he whispered to her ear with a growl as he reached around and rubbed her clit.

  “Yes, yes!” She was moving herself up and down on him, yet again.

  He reached his other hand around and grasped her nipple with his fingers.

  “Oh, God, I’m going to—” She gasped for air. “Again!” She was coming as she sat on him. “We could die from this!”

  He felt his cock swell as her flowing moisture nearly soaked his lap and he thrust up high and met her climax with his. “Then we will die, but I cannot think of a better way to go.” His body stiffened as he came.

  She collapsed forward with a breathless gasping. “I-I never thought I could ever feel—like this! I just went for it. I pushed you to… ” She started to laugh. “I admit. I needed the vodka to be able to do this. It has been a long time for me. I needed the courage. I knew you had that beast inside… I knew it. I wanted to meet him.”

  “And it seems you knew exactly how to find him.” Andrey hugged her tightly and kissed her bare back. Then he laid down beside her and scooped her up. “I now need sleep. I hope you do as well.” Fatigue hit him suddenly and hard. He heard a slight sound and gazed down at her.

  Kevy was emitting a sweet little snore, as she was asleep already.

  Andrey smiled and kissed her head. Then he instantly fell to sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Kevy awoke. Her head felt sort of foggy as she realized she didn’t recognize the ceiling she stared at. Next, she wondered at the warmth next to her. She blinked. Then it all came back. She groaned. Oh, wow. I practically yanked a man into my room and proceeded to rape him!

  She felt strong arms around her now, virtual bands of steel. She took a chance and turned her head.

  There were those dark eyes looking at her.

  “Dobroye utro,” Andrey greeted in a deep voice.

  Pausing, Kevy stared at this beautiful man in her bed. “Good morning,” she finally replied.

  He smiled. “You don’t look so sure that it is a good morning?”

  She sighed. “I have to apologize for my behavior last night.”

  He stared at her, then he laughed… And he laughed hard.

  Her eyes rounded. “What is so funny?”

  He tried to speak but just couldn’t seem to. His laughter was unshakable apparently.

  Kevy sat up and glared down at him.

  His laughter slowed as he reached up and grabbed her, pulling her back down. “Last night was the best of my entire life.” He chuckled. “I do have to say I have never been woman handled before.” His eyes sparkled with humor.

  Kevy bit at her lip. “And I woul
d like to say… I mean it would be easy for me to say… That it was the vodka?”

  He raised a brow at her.

  “But,” she went on. “I would be lying.”

  He again laughed and held her close as he turned to face her in bed. “It may have been the fuel, but woman, the rest was us.”

  Kevy stared at him. “You think?”

  “I know. Dammit, I hate to use a line, but where the fuck have you been all my life?”

  Kevy was shocked at this attitude. Some men would have already been out of the room, clothes in hand to escape any entanglements. “I have been right here in Russia for most of it.”

  He chuckled at her straight forward answer. “Well, I should have come home sooner I suppose.”

  She smiled and then groaned as she rubbed her eyes. “I hate these contacts.”

  He nodded. “Da, me too. I love those green eyes of yours.”

  Kevy was feeling irritation in her eyes badly now. “I should have taken them out last night, now they feel like sandpaper rubbing against my corneas.”

  He nodded and let go of her. “We do need to get up. We all have to meet…” His voice faded away.

  Kevy could see this day and its contents really worried him. She grasped his cheeks in her palms, loving the feel of his unshaven face. “It will be okay.”

  He closed his eyes as if he didn’t want her to see into them. “You cannot guarantee this, my love. You cannot.”

  Kevy gasped. He called her my love?

  Andrey opened his eyes and looked at her face to see the shock there. “Da, you are mine now, whether you want that or not. Whether I wanted it or not. It is so.”

  She blinked her scratchy eyes at him. “After just one night?”

  He nodded. “Da, after just one night. When this is all done…”

  She tilted her head at the unfinished sentence.

  “We shall take this up and figure out the how’s and the where’s. But just know it will be so.” He rose up and then pulled her up with him. “You will survive this damn bait business, if I have to take that fucker out with a bullet between his eyes.” He then kissed her soundly.

  So soundly, that Kevy was unable to even feel the shock at his declarations. Her breathing picked up, her heart raced, as she tasted him and his tongue battled with hers. Damn, I would love to have this every day. It could surely replace coffee anytime.

  West side, Moscow…

  Len walked through the crowded streets heading to the area where he needed to be and as always, he had very little trouble managing through the crowds. His appearance was enough to cause people to move out of his way. His long, dark blond hair framed a face with dark, hooded eyes. Combined with his thick beard and tats along his neck, he looked just crazy enough for people to move quickly out of his way. He moved through the crowds like he owned the very asphalt he walked on, confident they would make room, and he was right.

  People split as he walked down the middle of the walkway as if he owned the place.

  Couples released their holds on each other in order to get out of his way. Mothers pulled their children to one side. As he passed a particularly large group of people, Len smiled to himself when they moved hurriedly out of his way. It was almost dark and it would cover him mostly. He headed to the area where his next high would happen. Then he would be ready. He already knew what tomorrow night would bring.

  His body heated at the mere thought of creating another masterpiece again. The power he felt while being the magician. He would remember bits and pieces, enough so it kept him looking forward to the next killing. Yes, he’d been a killer for most of his life and he knew the feeling of the kill. When the life would leave their eyes—but not before he frightened them to near death. The feel of the warm blood on his skin as he lashed his blade and the power of controlling another human being’s life, the power of life and death….it all became an odyssey of pleasure for him.

  The first kill he’d made years ago had been a woman that he’d had for himself, then he grew disgusted when she wouldn’t stop her ways. She said she had to make sure her son had what he needed. She chose whoring over Len. That was the beginning. He had cut her throat one night. He then had decided at the last minute to get out her makeup and do her up as the whore she had become.

  After this, he couldn’t stop, he took women here and there from other towns and did the same to them. It was all his mother’s fault, they all looked like her and he hated her as he knew about all the affairs she had while married to his father.

  Then one day, his nephew found his knife and his kit as he had resided in his brother’s house at that time. It gave him a thrill to be doing what he was doing right under his brother’s nose. It was a secret that he reveled over, time and again. Then it wasn’t a secret anymore, after the teen found him out.

  Len had always been fond of the boy, and the kid looked just like him, not like his father. Funny, how family genes worked. The kid should have been his son by all rights. He took him under his wing and taught him all he knew. Len remembered thinking that life couldn’t get any better than that. It was uncanny really, the kid had such potential and was more like him than his father.

  Then one day, the young man that had been his partner, just disappeared. He went to see his brother in his office and didn’t get any answers. His brother said he sent him away to school as he had been causing trouble.

  Len had a feeling though by the look in his brother’s eyes that something had happened to the kid. He would have found a way to get in touch with Len. They were close and bonded by many things, especially the magic as he called it. So after a few months and no sign of the kid, he moved out of his brother’s house and stopped killing. It just did not have that same zing for him after his killing buddy was gone.

  Then the cravings started again. The yearning for spilt blood, the infliction of pain, and the ultimate kill. Death held in his own hands. He started to really kill in earnest whenever he spotted a victim no one would miss. Prostitutes were a dime a dozen and people tended to think they ran off with a john or some other wild thing. He had no idea how many victims he’d taken since he was twenty. Thirty maybe? He grew and evolved in his craft. Now, he had been dubbed the Magician. He was infamous and he outshined his dammed bigshot brother. Len Valentin was now more powerful and more well known than his brother, Anosk would ever be. He was an artist, a magician, a fucking genius. He still hadn’t spotted the woman he would transform yet, but he knew he would. Those females of the night were after all, a dime a dammed dozen. He had her rose all picked out. Then the pattern would be finished by the dawning of the next month, His masterpiece would be done. He was only fifty years old and had accomplished far more than his brother could ever hope for. He’d already thought about what would be next. It would be heralded across the world, not just Russia. Balistar Heights…

  Andrey was lying on his stomach on a bed in a hotel room with a sniper rifle while aiming out of a window. He used a dark curtain for camouflage. He was watching Kevy in Leopold Park that ran along the street through a scope. This would be her starting point. It was almost dark so there weren’t many people around now.

  They’d all had the entire day to cement the plan. Decide who took what point. Where Kevy would be. Where each of the team would be. It had helped that Yuri and Mikal knew the area well.

  Ivan and Adrik had set up the tech part. Fitting them all with comms and mics.

  Only Kevy did not get a mic. She had argued that she shouldn’t even have an ear piece but the men all insisted. Good thing too, as Andrey would have insisted for this to happen on his own.

  They had gotten into place two hours ago, far before sundown. They used the time to scope everything on Balistar street. They needed to make sure there was no one that had detected their presence.

  Now, here Andrey was, staring at her through his sites and he seemed to be unraveling fast since he’d had nothing else to do but wait. It took all his training, all his focus to not fully detonate and c
all the whole sting off.

  He mentally recited the oath that all enforcers learned early on.

  Pust’ ne chuvstvuyutsya emotsii….Let no emotion be felt.

  This had never been a rule that Andrey put any real stock into. But now, he knew the meaning. He knew why it had been put into place by Viktor. He was living this very challenge and at this very minute as darkness fell and the slum’s nightlife came alive along the street. Bringing with it a killer.

  Viktor came over the comm interrupting Andrey’s inner turmoil. “See anything yet?’

  He tapped his mic. “No.” His eyes never left her. He wanted so badly to see him. Yet, at the same time, he didn’t want to. They didn’t know for sure, if he killed on sight or later. The forensic evidence always showed that there was some drug in the victim’s blood, so he must use that first, then sometime later, wherever his lair was he… Andrey did not complete the thought. Then the killer would prop his masterpiece up in some public area. This was what Viktor and the entire team had already concluded.

  If this were so, they would have time to… save her. He found there was a trickle of sweat that had just dropped down along his temple. That had never happened on an assignment. He never cracked. Instead, he’d always felt adrenaline.

  This time would be different, he felt no adrenaline and for the first time in his entire life, Andrey felt something foreign. He raised his head for a second as it him hit and he suddenly, realized it was fear.

  This shocked him to his core. There could only be one reason for fear to come into his being. He loved this woman and he feared for her. It hit him full force and his scope slipped a bit. He readjusted it and had her in his sites, again.

  She wore a tight skirt, those long legs looking even longer in the heels she wore. He barely recognized this woman. She did indeed look the part. A lady of the night. Careless and unsuspecting. Her acting skills were most excellent. Just like everything about her. He swept away those thoughts. Right now, she was a cop, through and through. And he needed to be an enforcer now, through and through.


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