White Out

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White Out Page 2

by Vivian Ward


  I can’t wait to call Sierra fast enough! But I have to be quiet because I don’t know how thin these walls are and I don’t want him overhearing my conversation.

  She picks up on the second ring. “Hey! How’s it going? Was your flight okay?”

  “Oh my god!” I gush, making my way into the bathroom before shutting the door behind me. I need as much privacy as I can get, and maybe being inside the bathroom will provide me with a little more privacy so I can’t be overheard.

  If my room wasn’t gorgeous enough with the hardwood floor and bearskin rugs, the bathroom is even nicer! The white laminate sets off the gold trim and marble vanity. It even has a huge walk-in shower that could easily fit three people. This place definitely caters to luxury.

  “What? Is something wrong?” She asks. I can hear the worry in her voice.

  “No, no. Nothing is wrong but let me tell you about this guy!”

  She cuts me off before I can even tell her about…oh my god! What was his name? I don’t even know his name!

  “Don’t tell me you joined the Mile High Club on your way to Colorado!”

  “What? Oh God, no!” I laugh. “No, but there’s this guy here. I don’t know his name but he came up to me as soon as I got here and, oh my God, Sierra! He took my bags and I swear, the minute his skin touched mine, it felt like someone had burned me with a match!”

  “Is he cute?” She blurts out, interrupting me again.

  “Very! He’s like….perfect! He’s got the whitest teeth I’ve ever seen—they look like movie star teeth—and his hair is perfect; neatly cut and styled. And he smells so good! I’ve never smelled anyone like him! He has one of those ‘manly’ smells,” I say, making air quotes as though she can see me.

  “Wait,” she interrupts me again. “He’s not a bellhop is he? I mean, I send you away for a weekend to meet celebrities so don’t tell me you’re flirting with the help,” she laughs.

  “No! No, he doesn’t work here at all. He was sitting at the bar with Brett when I walked in and out of nowhere, he just approaches me. He even came in my room, Sierra!”

  “What? What was he doing in your room?”

  “He just followed me in,” I shrug as I play with my hair in front of the bathroom mirror. “I didn’t invite him in or anything. He just came in with me when I opened the door.”

  “And then what happened?” She spits out. “Stop keeping a girl in suspense!”

  I make my way back into my room to grab my bag of toiletries so I can at least start unpacking my bathroom items while I’m on the phone with her. “He just sat my bags on the bed and asked me to have drinks with him tonight,” I squeal. “Sierra, he’s so cute!”

  “You’re so getting laid this weekend! I knew it!” She laughs.

  “Sierra! I’m not getting laid! My God, all he did was ask me out for drinks. It’s really not that serious,” I say.

  “Yeah, right! What are you going to wear?”

  Shit! “I don’t know,” I gasp. “What do you think I should wear? Maybe my skinny jeans and a long-sleeved top?”

  “Nooo,” she says with disapproval in her tone. “You’re going on an informal date, not a college lecture! I think you should wear that one skirt that you packed—the one that’s short and tight around your waist but flairs out around your thighs.”

  “But I brought that for the pictures for tomorrow when we get to take our photographs with Brett,” I counter.

  “So wear it twice or wear your boring jeans for those.”

  I can practically hear her rolling her eyes over the phone. “Well, I guess I could wear it twice and just wear different tops with it,” I reason, but it’s more to convince myself that maybe I should dress up for tonight. The bar downstairs does look kind of swanky with all the high-back wooden chairs and sleek countertops.

  “That a girl! And if you get too cold, just ask him to warm you up,” her laughter roars.

  “Goodbye, Sierra.”

  “Goodbye, Amy,” she says, still laughing at her stupid joke.

  I spend the next couple of hours unpacking and showering to get ready for my date with—oh, god, I still don’t know his name. This is going to be very awkward when I have to ask his name mid-date.

  Chapter 4


  She looks absolutely stunning when she opens the door. Her makeup is a bit heavier than what she was wearing when she arrived earlier today but it outlines all of her best features. I especially love her cute button-nose and accentuated lips. Her hair looks so soft—perfect for wrapping around my fist while I fuck her in that short little skirt she’s got on.

  “You look amazing,” I compliment her as I force myself to look into her eyes instead of her amazing body. “Are you ready to go?”

  Her cheeks turn a shade pinker than the blush she’s wearing and she quickly nods her head. “Let me just grab my phone and wallet.”

  Making our way down the staircase, I see that the bar is completely packed. Brett is sitting in the center of all the attention, surrounded by a group of women and all of the other bachelors are out on the prowl as well. Some of them are talking to one woman while others are talking to two, but I also see a few guys standing around, hoping for a chance with someone as well. I swiftly step closer to her in an effort to show that she’s with me so that none of them attempt to approach her. For a moment, I think about asking her if she wants to go somewhere else but when I see how fast and hard the snow is coming down outside, I know that’s not an option either.

  “Oh, wow,” she says, scanning the bar. “It’s really packed in here tonight.”

  “It is,” I nod in agreement with her. “I guess we have a couple of options, though.”

  “What’s that?” She asks, tilting her head as she stares up at me. This woman really is beautiful. How is she single?

  “Well, we can wait a few hours to see if the bar clears out or we can enjoy a quiet evening in my room—or yours if you prefer,” I suggest, hoping she’ll take me up on the latter.

  Biting her lip, her big blue eyes beam up at me as she decides but all I can think about is how I wish I were the one biting her lip. “Okay, let’s go because the way it looks in here, I don’t think they’ll ever leave and I’m so ready for a drink.”

  “Let’s go,” I say, locking my arm in hers as I lead us toward the staircase. To my surprise, she doesn’t mind at all and smiles up at me.

  Making our way back to my room, she stops me before I open the door. “Wait,” she says, halting in her footsteps. Oh no, she’s changed her mind. “I don’t even know your name,” she giggles.

  “Oh!” I laugh with her. “Yeah, I guess neither one of us formally introduced ourselves. I’m Greg Storm,” I offer her my hand.

  “Amy Baker,” she grins at me, shaking my hand.

  “Well, Miss Amy, shall we?” I hold the door open for her.

  “I’d love to Mr. Storm,” she crinkles her nose at me.

  While we wait for room service to bring us a bottle of wine, we make small talk about ourselves as we sit on the opposing beds in my room and face each other.

  “So, where are you from?” I finally ask her.

  “St. Louis,” she smiles. “Grew up there my whole life.”

  “No way!” I shake my head. “That’s crazy. What part of St. Louis?”

  Her brows crease together as she replies, “North St. Louis—the downtown area. Why? How is that crazy?”

  “You won’t believe this but I live on the other side of the river, on the East Side.”

  “No you don’t! What are the odds? You’re just pulling my leg,” she rolls her eyes.

  “It’s true,” I stand up and remove my wallet from my back pocket. “Here’s my business card. The address is printed right on there. My office is only about 15 minutes from my house.”

  I hand her the card and she studies it with wide eyes. “You’re an estate attorney?”

  I nod. “Yes, ma’am.” Silence fills the room for a beat too long when
she says nothing else. “Why? Is there something wrong with that?”

  “No,” she shakes her head and hands my card back to me. She looks like she’s in deep thought about something but I can’t tell what. “It’s just crazy.”

  Room service knocks on the door, delivering a bucket of wine and two glasses. I tip the young man and quickly bring my attention back to Amy who’s busy texting like crazy on her phone as she ignores me when I try to hand her the glass that I just poured her.

  “I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?” I tease.

  “No, I’m sorry. I was just checking in with my roommate back home. She was asking how my night is going,” a smile crosses her face as she takes the glass from me.

  “And did you tell her that you’re with a handsome attorney?” I wink at her.

  “I did—I mean,” the blush on her cheeks brightens and radiates down her neck as she tries to correct herself. “I told her that I was having a drink with the guy across the hall from me.”

  “So, tell me about what a day with Amy is like,” I say. I want to know everything there is to know about her.

  Sipping her wine, she quickly swallows and runs her tongue along her lips. God, the places where I wish her tongue was.

  “It’s pretty boring, actually,” she confesses. “I mostly work and go to school. I’m almost finished, though.” A smile spreads across her face as she adds the last part about almost being done with school.

  “What are you going to school for?” I ask, refilling our glasses.

  “I’m becoming a registered nurse.” Her eyes wander off into the distance as though she’s reminiscing. “I promised my mom that’s what I would do with myself before she passed.”

  Her saddened expression hits me hard. I can feel her mourning at the mere mention of her mother, it’s radiating from her body. It’s like I’m completely in tune with her. “I’m sorry to hear that you lost your mom. Were you close to her?”

  She nods, “Yeah,” and her eyes begin to water. “I took care of her when she was sick and watched her die as the cancer took over. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. That must be very painful for you. I didn’t mean to upset you,” I say, moving closer to her and sit beside her on the bed.

  “I know,” she takes a gulp from her wineglass. I can visibly see her hands shaking from her nerves as she raises and lowers her glass. “It’s just that it hasn’t been that long and I’m dealing with a lot right now.”

  The realization sets in as I realize why she was so surprised that I’m an estate attorney. “Do you want to talk about it or is there anything I can help with?” I offer.

  “Do you want to take my licensing test?” She laughs.

  I shake my head and chuckle. “I don’t think I can do that. Well, I could but you probably wouldn’t get your nursing license.”

  “Yeah, probably not,” she crinkles that cute button nose of hers and takes another sip of wine. “Tell me what a day in your life is like.”

  “Pretty boring,” I retort, teasing her by giving her her own answer. She cocks her head and puts her hand on her hip. “Okay, fine,” I hold my hands up, surrendering to her. “I work 9 to 5 doing lawyer stuff and I hit the gym three times a week. Other than that, I don’t do much.”

  “What’s your favorite hobby?” She asks.

  I want to say, ‘flirting with pretty girls like you’, but I don’t because I don’t want to give her the wrong impression. “I like watching sports—I was quite the athlete when I was younger; it’s how I know Brett,” I add.

  “Oh! You’re personal friends with him?”

  I nod, “He invited me up here for the weekend. I wasn’t going to come, originally, but he talked me into it.”

  She laughs. “I wasn’t going to come this weekend either but my roommate, Sierra, talked me into it.”

  Her phone buzzes in her hand when she says her roommates name but she ignores it. “Why did she have to talk you into it?” I ask.

  “I told you, I’m busy. I work a lot and go to school but, to be honest, she’s the one who entered me into the contest. Neither of us thought I’d win!”

  “Why not?” I ask. “You’re gorgeous and they always accept all of the pretty girls on Meet A Celebrity.”

  She giggles and looks away. “Stop making me blush!”

  “It’s true,” I say, scooting so close to her that our legs are touching. When she doesn’t get shy or back away from me, I ask her, “So, Amy, do you have a boyfriend back home?”

  Her phone buzzes again but she ignores it again—which is a good sign that she’s into me. “No, actually, I don’t. How about you?”

  “No, I don’t like boys,” I tease.

  “You know what I meant!” She laughs and moves her hand to give my arm a playful smack but I catch her wrist mid-air.

  The minute our skin touches again, there’s that volt of electricity that I felt in the lobby. Just holding her wrist in my hand makes my dick stir in my pants.

  Her eyes stare at my hand wrapped around her wrist and I know she can feel it, too. Slowly, I move closer to her to see if she’ll let me kiss her and the second our lips touch, her whole body relaxes as she deeply exhales.

  Chapter 5


  His mouth devours mine as our tongues dance together and I melt against his muscular core. I’ve never felt someone as strong as Greg, yet feel so soft to the touch at the same time. Pulling me deep into his arms, he envelopes me in a blanket of warmth. I could live in his arms forever and never want this moment between us to end. Consumed by his kiss, I ignore my phone as it repeatedly buzzes and toss it behind us on the bed. It’s probably Sierra—blowing up my phone for details about my ‘date’.

  “Do you need to get that?” He breaks our kiss, obviously annoyed by the phone as much as I am.

  “No,” I shake my head as he pulls me back into his arms. “It’s probably just my roommate.”

  As much as she wanted me to get laid, she sure is putting a damper on the mood! For a moment—just a moment—I wonder if it’s something important. It’s not like her to call me repeatedly but, then again, she might be wanting an update about my evening with Greg. I never even got to tell her his name! She’s probably worried whether I’m safe or not, but she’ll have to wait because this is much more important than spilling the tea to her right now.

  She’ll appreciate it for me later.

  Our hands begin exploring each other’s body like frantic teenagers. He’s solid muscle. His arms are as thick as my thighs and rock hard, matching his strong back and shoulders.

  I don’t know if it’s the alcohol or my lack of sex over the past couple of years or if it’s just the affect that he has on me but I’m putty in his hands. From the moment that he approached me in the lobby, I’ve felt this energy between us—like I’m supposed to be with this man. Every time we’ve touched, no matter how little, there’s this magnetism between us that draws me to him.

  I’ve been with a few people before but I’ve never experienced anything like this with them. Greg is different. His touch is different. His kiss is different. His energy is different.

  And being with him has me acting different. While I’ve been with my share of guys, I don’t do one-night stands. They’re not my taste; yet, here I am with him—practically a complete stranger.

  It must be the alcohol.

  Or maybe there really is something majestical about this place. Maybe it brings out love and excitement between people. Everything here is so beautiful and luxurious—the complete opposite of back home. There is no bustling traffic, no loud cars, no chattering people on their phones. It’s just me and Greg.

  And that’s all I need. It’s all that I want.

  His hands wander beneath my shirt before his fingertips slip under my bra. The second he touches my nipples, they harden and begin to tingle. Strong, warm kisses trail down my neck as his hands travel south on my body. Grabbing onto his strong shoulders, I whimper
as he takes turns pulling each of my nipples into his mouth, sucking and biting on them until they’re so tender that they feel numb. I can feel his hardened length throbbing against my thigh and all I can think about is how badly I want him inside of me.

  “Fuck,” I hiss, moaning softly in his mouth. I spread my legs to grant him complete access to my body, and the hint is not lost on him. He wastes no time exploring every inch of me with his mouth and hands.

  My sex buzzes as his strong hands slip under my panties and his finger begins to strum against my clit. “Mmmm,” he purrs. “Already so wet.”

  I’m not ‘just wet’. I’m completely soaked! I’ve never been this turned on by someone before, but Greg is different. Everything about him is so intense and, as crazy as this sounds, is just right.

  “Let’s get these off of you,” he says, hooking his fingers around the edge of my panties as he pulls them off of me.

  He tosses them on the floor and makes his way between my legs. Those strong hands of his wrap around my thighs, parting my legs, and I swear, I think his touch could melt my entire body. His skilled tongue softly outlines every slippery inch of my wetness, driving me insane. A fierce tingling begins to grow between my legs and I know it won’t be long until he makes me come.

  Panting, I grip the sheets, fisting them in my hands as my body writhes in pleasure. “Oh, my God!” I hiss through clenched teeth.

  Grinning, he stops for a minute to look up at me. “That’s it, come for me.”

  His words open a dam that I didn’t know existed as he pushes his fingers deep inside me and I come on command as if I was waiting for his approval.

  Without exchanging another word between us, his tongue masterfully manipulates me as his fingers slide deeper inside of me until they’re snug against my G-spot. I can’t hold out much longer, I think to myself.

  No sooner than the thought pops into my head, it disappears as my orgasm takes over my body, making me lose control.

  My eyes close and my legs shake as my walls clench against his fingers and beads of sweat begin to form around my forehead. After several intense minutes—which seem like an eternity—I finally suck in a deep breath, not realizing that I’d stopped breathing!


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