You see something you admire and
You copy it exactly the same way
But that admiration begins to inspire
Resentment in a big way
You’ve always trying to one up me
And I didn’t know it was a competition
I thought we were sharing something about me
But you were fighting, a warring situation
I’m tired of it
I’ve had enough of it
I can’t trust you
You’re on my side just as a whim
What if I need you?
And now you’re siding with them
I don’t need it
Get away from me
Take you and your psychosis over there
Until you work this out amongst yourself
I want nothing to do with you
Until you decide which way you stand
I’ll keep my distance
Or maybe, I’ll love/hate you too
As I seemed to be disappointing him in some vague, unspecified manner,
I asked that he be more specific,
so I could disappoint him more directly and accurately.
Morning Conversation
(Conversation in descriptive language).
HUSBAND is sitting at the dining room table, sipping a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper. WIFE walks into the room with a glass of orange juice.
Standard greeting, sleepy, still waking up to the world.
Small acknowledgement, distracted, inattentive.
Waking up to the day's agenda, remembering some random items on my lists.
Still distracted, not really listening.
Ignored, wanting a little attention.
Hearing the squeaky wheel, trying to appear attentive.
Not appreciating the token effort, wanting real attention.
Annoyed at being bothered this early, but giving full attention.
Quiet signals of distress, resentment, a little anger.
Not part of the schedule, maintenance required, forcing more attention on the subject.
Rejected, not really being noticed, sadly astonished at all of this.
Anger starting to simmer now, quick assessment of what just happened, assigning blame elsewhere.
Quiet reflection of my life's situation, not as angry, more contemplative.
Really getting mad now, reacting badly to silent treatment, defensive!
Distracted? More introspection required, must take a mental assessment of my needs.
Don't quite understand this reaction, too late to turn around, hostile, defensive!
Still ignored, assessing the other, resentment at lack of understanding, lack of empathy.
Offensive, complaining, on the attack, going for the jugular, zeroing in on target!
Surprised! Shock, hurt, pain! Self-pity! Pure emotional reaction!
Nagging regret creeping in, bad call, rereading the situation.
Regret! Reassessing the situation again, not in my favor.
Pulling back, backtracking, trying hard to underplay.
Emotional wreck - play it to the hilt - gathering the pieces, getting it together.
Adding temperance, a little humbled, feeling bad about the whole thing.
Apology time.
Acceptance, a little fear, mixed with some regret. Reciprocal apology offer?
Accepting, keeping the tone down, soft pedaling, restraint.
Brave and earnest face, inwardly a little shaky, please keep the peace.
Peaceful, returning to the routine, back in gear.
Time pressures, back to making list, some apprehension.
Situation working itself out, no further assistance required, keeping the peace.
Spring Cleaning
Lift up the window and let in some fresh ideas.
Clear out all of the dirt in your soul, all of the dust gathered in the corners of your inner being.
Raise the shade, open the window, and let some sunlight into your personality.
It needs airing out.
You haven’t had many visitors. You can tell no one’s been in here for a while.
Let’s straighten up your mind, throw out those old thoughts lying around, bring in some fresh linen, and make up your goals.
These walls need painting, and your outlook need updating.
Check into those closets, will you, and see if there are any valuable memories lying around.
That sun feels good, doesn’t it?
Take a deep breath, and get ready for a new life.
Before the Fall
I want the fall
I want the golds, the browns, the burgundies,
And the grays
I want the cloudy skies, the crisp air, and unpredictable wind
I want the leaves to crunch under my feet
The temperamental rain and dramatic waves
I want to feel myself pulling my jacket closer
The sudden shifts in temperature
I want the light in the distance getting closer
I want the warmth of a door opening
And the gleam of the autumn sun
I want the heavy meals that fill the empty spaces inside
And steam on the window with smells in the air
I want the grapes and the pears and the apples
The dried corn stalks, and the hay in open spaces
The pumpkins and squash and piecrusts
I want the short days and fading light
The early frost and the threat of snow
Pumpkins seeds and popcorn
It’s August now
And summer is nearly over
The leaves are still green, but looking a little tired and worn
I want the fall
Soon it will come
Melodramatic Love
(Inspired by 500 Days of Summer)
I love you like the wind
Fleeting and gently
Hostile and harsh
Unrelenting and vicious
Violent and calm
Rushing, stopping, and starting
I love you like the clouds
Distant and beautiful
Changing and vanishing
Obstructing and playful
Churning and waning
Filtering, maddening, and selfish
I love you like the rain
Pouring and drenching
Light and covering
Overwhelming and drowning
Whipping and punishing
Soaking, touching, and yielding
I love you like the snow
Cold and melting
Blanketing and smothering
Chilled and delicate
Massing and solitary
Frozen, tender, and clinging
I love you like the sun
Brilliant and bright
Life giving and necessary
Burning and fading
Drying and warm
Predictable, blinding, and hot
I love you like the moon
Cool and distant
Invisible and present
Partially there, and lonely
Clear and cold
Silent, constant, and just out of reach
One Day Soon
One day, soon,
It will be
Better than
Nicer than
Happier than
More joyful than
Brighter than
Neater than
Funnier than
Sunnier than
More peaceful than
More fulfilling than
More restful than
More hopeful than
And on that day
I won’t look back
And on that day
It will be easy - enough to laugh
And on that day
There will be smiles enough
And on that beautiful, wonderful day
I’ll laugh
Calmer than
Softer than
Gentler than
More soothing than
Now What? Page 2