Volition_Uniform & Lace Romance Novel

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Volition_Uniform & Lace Romance Novel Page 15

by Tina Maurine

  Ari saw me in the mirror, “Jeezus, Tessa, are you okay?”

  Everyone turned around in their seats to look at me, “I’m workin’ on it,” I said with as much gusto as I could muster. “I just took something for my hangover headache.”

  I got a resounding ‘Hope you feel better’ from the peanut gallery, before they went back to discussing the sheep dogs.

  “They’re not that bad, they’re actually really good,” Ari volunteered, “They’re some sort of hotdog made from mutton. They’re really popular around Kef and Reyk.”

  “Yeah, and those of us in the van that have made it off base to whore around have already tried them.” Sage laughed, and Ace leaned forward to give him knucks.

  “Well, that leaves us out.” Kari winced.

  “It certainly does,” Sammie agreed.

  I eyed Ari in the mirror and shook my head. These boys.

  I don’t much care what anyone else thinks about sheep dogs, but a fat, pale hotdog made of lamb, beef and pork smothered in a tangy mustard and remoulade mayo sauce, heaped with onions and even bacon or chili…well, EWWW! I shuddered as the nausea from my hangover tightened down.

  “Tessa, you’ve no idea what you are missing; these sheep dogs are THE BEST things ever when you have the ‘drunk munchies’… am I right, guys?” Ari turned around eyeing the passengers in the van.

  “Dude, bro! You’re totally right, they’re heaven.” Sage pretended to eat a dog out of mid-air.

  “Well, I’m glad you all love them so much,” I said, laughing now in spite of my sour stomach. This had gotten seriously ridiculous, “but there’s no way you’ll ever get me to try one! Now can we quit talking about them, please?”

  I nuzzled my head even deeper into Sammie’s shoulder. “Hey, hon, please wake me in about fifteen minutes. I think a power nap is all I’ll need to feel human again.”

  She reached across to pat my forehead, taking care not to shove me off the shoulder I was resting on. “Sure thing, Tess.”

  I’m so glad I met you, if it weren’t for you, I’d only have Ari.

  I closed my eyes, and as I was fading, heard the van doors open and close. We’d been on the road about ten minutes I’d guess, when I voluntarily opened my eyes and, blinking at the bright light reflecting off the windows, noticed my headache had substantially subsided. Thank God.

  “You’re up, about time,” she kidded.

  I nodded and sat up. It wasn’t until then that I really took notice of the two new guys in the first row. Sammie, Kari and I had chosen the rear bench seat so we wouldn’t have the numb-nuts talking over us, but it probably wasn’t the wisest choice since I already felt like shit and suffered from motion-sickness. Memories of my hellish experience on the C-130 flooded over me.

  I tried hard to hear the conversation the middle bench in front of us was having with the security guys in the first row. The one on the left had coal-black hair, thick eyebrows and a sexy beard, which lent themselves to his ruggedly attractive appearance. He looked to be a broad man, definitely built, as I could see even from where I sat, on the right side of the van. His shoulder muscles rippled as he moved. He totally looked like Special Ops to me. They called this one Dirk Archibladt.

  The other sat on the same side of the van as me, so I didn’t have the best view of him. From what I could tell, he also looked like lean and sculpted; not as built as the other one, but his sinewy muscles were clearly etched under the white shirt he wore. He had wavy dark hair long enough for any woman to grab a hold of. That is, should she ever get the impulse to. He had a manscaped scruff, a nice profile and cute ears. What struck me the most, though, was his laugh; throaty, masculine, fun and sexy as hell. Something about him resonates with me, but why does he seem so familiar?

  The three of us in the back carried on our own conversation, as it was pretty hard to hear over the music three rows up.

  “As your trip commander, I am pleased to announce we will be arriving momentarily at the Blue Lagoon Geo Thermal Hot Springs.” Ari laughed and cranked the music back up. Dirk turned around to say something to Ace, who was sitting in the seat in front of me. While they talked, Dirk caught my eyes and held them.

  He raised his right eyebrow ever so slightly, grabbed the other new guy by the neck, and pulled him forward so he could say something to him in his ear. He, then slapped his shoulder and they both laughed.

  What the fuck was that about? Great. A day with more assholes, as if there weren’t enough of those at work! Seriously? On my day off? Fucking wonderful. I’ll have to remember to thank Ari for this one.

  Ari navigated us into a parking spot. Cars already nearly filled the lot, as it was a top tourist destination in Iceland. I wish I knew then, what I knew now: just how lucky we were to be stationed so close to one of the recognized wonders of the world—literally out our back door. Sadly, hindsight is always like that. Had we known, we would’ve probably ‘soaked’ it in more…no pun intended. Then, all I knew that they had only just opened the public bathing facilities last year, and I had in my mind it was going to be some kind of amazing spa.

  As I clambered out of the van in my usual ‘graceful’ manner, I realized just how wrong I was in my assumptions.

  The gang had all gotten out ahead of us, and most were doing their ‘bro-thing’ as they walked. Only Ari came around to give us a hand down and lock up the doors. He was, after all, in charge of the van. The four of us bought our tickets, and as Ari disappeared into the men’s locker room, we heard him shout, “See ya inside, baby girl!”

  “You have got to be kidding me!” Sammie turned around and looked at me immediately after walking into the locker room. The fairly small, white tile room had no lockers; wooden cubicles had been mounted on two of the walls, and most were taken. Numerous canvas bags lay scattered around the floor and on the wooden benches. A wall of dressing-room style closets each had a white curtain hanging three quarters of the way to the floor. The other side of the locker room had the showers. These were like boot camp; just shower heads jutting out of the tiled walls, pelting thick streams of water over mostly naked, overweight granny-types.

  What? Did the geriatric tour bus just arrive from the local nursing home? I mentally shushed myself for being so rude, but the thought actually made me laugh out loud.

  “I guess there is an element of comedy about all of this.” Sammie smiled at me and started changing for the pool. She’d brought her black Speedo racer-back one-piece… not too different from the one-piece we‘d worn in boot camp.

  Kari went into one of the dressing rooms and came out in a cute one-piece that only had a thin strip of suit up the middle connecting her top to her bottoms; the entire sides and back were open like a bikini. It was actually sexy as hell.

  “Awesome suit, Kari!”

  “Thanks! Saw it last summer and just had to have it. Never thought I would go from wearing it in Florida to wearing it here in Iceland, though. Funny where life takes us, huh?”

  Boy, did she have that right!

  I finished tying the itsy-bitsy bikini around my neck and at my hips. I’d chosen a plum purple Roxy suit that looked awesome with my red hair and green eyes. I, too, had figured it would make waves on the beaches in Florida, more specifically in Daytona during spring break; instead, I was wearing it here for the first time.

  We stowed our bags and made our way to the very public showers to rinse off. We grabbed our towels and headed outside onto decking still smattered with snow on the edges farthest from the water. We looked for the guys and, not seeing them anywhere, decided to walk over to the far side, where we laid our towels on the deck and walked gingerly into the water up to our calves.

  “Holy fuck! Shit!” Sammie exclaimed a little louder than I would’ve liked as several heads pivoted our way. I didn’t really blame her though, because I was thinking pretty much the same thing. I cannot really describe it to you how the scene unfolded before me.

  There were lots of elderly people, along with younger blonde
s, brunettes, men, women, topless women. A group of college kids—could’ve been military too—loudly gossiped, laughing and gesturing. Decks snaked out to a wooden island, and people sat around the edges, even lay in the white volcanic silica mud on the shore of the natural pool. I think it’s supposed to be so good for the body—to cleanse and exfoliate or some shit.

  People had it smeared to cover their faces and bodies. I saw people drinking blue drinks from small wine-type glasses. Pitch black volcanic rock provided a backdrop. Steam lay heavy like a blanket of fog on the Oregon Coast, easily hiding faces. It was pretty incredible, even with the overwhelming Sulphur odor that stunk like rotten eggs. I would say that after a good five or ten minutes though, all our noses got used to it.

  About this same time, Ari walked up with drinks for the three of us. He sat down on the shore with his. I took mine, leaned back on my elbows and closed my eyes, taking a long drink.

  “Perfect,” I purred. “Thank you, Ari. It’s just what I needed… a drink to get over my hangover.” I smiled at him sincerely and winked before dreamily closing my eyes. Even holding my glass, and with my elbows in the soft silica mud, my legs floated effortlessly on top of the hot mineral water. No trace of my headache lingered.

  “So, baby girl, did you ever figure out who Noah Garren and Dirk Archibladt were?”

  I peeked at him under hooded eyes as he jounced his eyebrows playfully up and down.

  “Dirk, no, but there’s something about Noah…”

  “Are you effin’ kidding me?” Sam shot me a look like I was slow as I moved back away from the group a bit into even shallower water. I didn’t want to have to worry about getting the seawater in my drink as I half reclined with one elbow in the mud, my legs floating out in front of me. I closed my eyes, cogitating on her snide comment and judgmental look, but they did nothing to my mood—I was healing from my hangover—as I absorbed the heat, steam, mud, my elixir… everything. I wasn’t going to let her ruin my good mood. It had taken me all morning to get it.

  I listened now to the banter going on between Kari and a new voice. I opened my eyes briefly to see it was Dirk Archibladt—I still wasn’t going to call people by last names— standing between Sammie and Ari.

  A strong hand glided up my left calf. My eyes flew open and Mr. Familiar-For-Some-Reason Noah sprawled on his elbows in the mud floating beside me. He smiled, and I noticed how straight and pretty his white teeth were; a good sign that he didn’t chew or smoke. He walked himself up on his elbows until he reached shoulder to shoulder with me. I took my time once again admiring his tanned, rugged good looks, thick hair, strong shoulders and back, nice firm ass and killer legs. His legs extended a good ten to twelve inches or so past mine, so he was about a foot taller than me, easily over six feet. I’d have to see him standing to be sure.

  He smiled a shit-eating grin at my blatant perusal, before turning over onto his back. As my gaze combed back up his body, I noticed his strong thighs, taut six-pack, and an amazing chest that had a hint of ink hiding under the silica mud that covered most of his body. His chuckle brought me back from my lollipop walk down his yummy body.

  “Like what you see?” Noah gave me a notably arrogant smirk. Then it dawned on me… his voice. It was the same husky baritone that had whispered in my ear last night after the last dance. Those amazing hands had been on my hips. The real kicker though—those full, sensual lips and already nipped at my neck. My nipples grew hard at the thought. Now, it was my turn to blush.

  What were the fucking chances Ari would invite him? A million to one? How could he know? He wasn’t even at the club. If he had known, would he have invited him?

  “I could ask you the same thing,” I countered back flirtatiously, successfully playing off an arrogant indifference just for the fun of it.

  “I knew you’d look good, but had no idea… I mean, damn.” His honest admission caused crimson to creep across his cheeks and ears in a blush I wouldn’t have expected from this hunk of a man. He was, after all, security, and many of them had been Special Ops or skilled Artillerymen who had seen action on previous tours, and I had made him blush. It brought a genuine smile of victory to my lips.

  “You never did answer me,” he prodded back.

  “Well shit, Noah—what do you think?” With that, I arched my back, dipping my hair in the water and thrusting my chest into the air. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. God, the water feels amazing. Its heat eased the tension in my achy, hung-over muscles and felt luxurious as it gently swathed my throbbing head. Right now, there’s no place I’d rather be. I’m so glad I came. I’ll have to make sure to thank Ari for such an incredible hangover cure.

  I felt Noah’s confidence radiating from every pore in his body; our chemistry undeniable, mutual sexual tension so thick you could cut it. He sidled up, saucily—hip to hip with me and turned on his side, his package firm against my hip, and draped his forearm across my taut abs. His hand rested on my hip farthest from him as his fingers gripped me in a possessive gesture. “Maybe you’ll give me the chance to take you out on a real date?”

  I opened my eyes and saw intense, hopeful ones looking back at me.

  “Smoochy, smoochy, love birds over there! Hey!” We both turned to see Ace and Lucas coming our way with Sage, Ian and Stuart—the electrician from my shop.

  We’d hung out for the last several hours visiting and drinking, eating and sunbathing, if you could call it that. It was more like lying on the shore in a heavy mist, soaking our bodies and souls in the spa-like waters of the Blue Lagoon. The gang, as we were now calling Ari, Ace, Lucas, Sage, Stu and Ian, had met an equally attractive group of young college girls and had been hanging with them pretty exclusively the last thirty minutes or so. Kari had branched off after lunch with a hot businessman with silver hair and very tan skin. Sammie and Dirk were hitting it off not far from where Noah and I lounged. Pretty much everyone seemed to be having an amazing day.

  Mmmm… I could so listen to his voice all day. I caught myself staring at him like an awe-struck schoolgirl and discreetly looked away. What am I doing? I never get this way around a cute guy!

  “…and so, after I got out of The Corps, I continued to need breathing treatments to recover from the damage caused by all the oil fire smoke I’d been exposed to in Kuwait. Recovery was long, but after I healed—hell—I just up and decided I wanted to start my life over. It was as though I had been handed an opportunity for a do-over…” His voice trailed off as though he were lost in the memory.

  I lay on my tummy in about a foot of water. The luxurious white silica mud cushioned my elbows and stomach as I lounged just deep enough that I could stay warm in spite of the light rain, but shallow enough that I could still rest my head in my hands.

  “I cannot imagine what it must’ve been like over there. It must’ve looked like hell… and you were so young,” I said, the last bit barely a whisper, more to myself than to him. One of my flaws, if you could call it that, was my extreme empathy, especially for soldiers. It just tore me up when I really took time to think about young men and women—kids really—out there running from themselves, something else, or even just trying to find themselves… seeking to define what it was that made them who they are.

  “It really was tough; there’s so much I’m ashamed of. I wrestle with the guilt daily.” Noah’s voice cracked at his eerily hushed confession, intended more for his own ears than mine. “I left a confused eighteen-year-old kid and came back a pretty fucked-up man. I was barely twenty, but I didn’t view anything the same anymore,” he ran his troubled hands through his damp hair, sending renegade waves falling onto his forehead.

  I rolled to my side and watched him as he scrubbed his face, like he was trying to remove the vivid images from his eyes. I reached out toward him, my hand unsure, before it stopped short and dropped back to my side. I turned onto my back and submerged my head and face into the insanely hot water, trying to release the depressing thoughts and images filling my head. I came up for a
ir and wrung the last thoughts away with a good swipe across my face. As I slicked back my hair, I lay there with my elbows fixed in the mud, floating in the seawater that came from 2000 meters below the Earth’s surface.


  “Mm hmm?” I replied huskily, weary with heat induced grogginess. The hot water and emotional overload had taken their toll. It almost felt as though he had drawn from my energy to tell his story. The combination left me drained.

  “Come here.”

  I opened my eyes as I turned toward him. Noah’s appearance struck me. The pain I could see in his eyes, the guilt scarring his face, gave him a severe countenance. Dominant. Confident. Powerful. Raw and insanely handsome. I slid deeper into the water so when I sat on my knees, my chin flirted with the surface. Noah followed me.

  “Come here.” He rasped the command and I obeyed. Something about Noah attracted me—purely animal, un-caged and wild—visceral even. I was irresistibly and dangerously attracted to him.

  Moths and flames, I mused. One remains in place, bright, hot, and beckoning, while the other flutters toward it with abandon, desperate to bask its warmth and radiance. “Be the flame, not the moth,” advised Casanova… The thought slammed into me with a shudder that raked through my body.

  “Come here,” he urged. “Are you cold?”

  I looked up, taking Noah in. Confusion twisted my expression; his reflected concern… or intrigue maybe? I struggled not to touch him, to reach out and find the steadiness I knew he would provide.

  What is wrong with me? Why am I so unbalanced? I’ve only ever felt like this once and have been searching for it since. Maybe this guy would be worth getting to know better…

  My eyes broke from the electric connection they’d had with his, a magnetism so strong that it shook me at my core. My gaze dropped to his flawless nose and full, kissable lips. They continued their journey across his strong, arrogant jawline to his neck and collar bones.


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