Isaac and Noel

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Isaac and Noel Page 6

by Jane Perky

  “Oh, Isaac,” he murmured.

  Isaac pulled his mouth away, licked the blood lingering there. “You’re mine now, baby. In every sense of the word.”

  “And you belong to me as well,” he said.

  “Finish the job, baby.”

  Noel left his own mating mark on the curve of Isaac’s shoulder, then looked up at his mate. “It’s done?”

  “Oh yes.” Isaac planted his hands on his waist, easily lifting him so Noel sat on the edge of the bathroom counter.

  “Does sex come next?” Noel asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at his mate.

  “I intend to ravish you multiple times tonight.” Isaac took out a first aid kit from the cabinet above the sink. “But first, let’s bandage up your neck.”

  Noel laughed. “That doesn’t sound romantic at all.”

  Isaac growled. “Just wait, Omega. I’m going to throw you on our bed and fuck you until you can’t wait straight tomorrow.”

  Noel’s pulse jumped at those words. “Now that’s more like it, Alpha.”

  Chapter 11

  Isaac impatiently drummed his fingers on his desk, didn’t bother checking his emails yet. His usual morning ritual. That, including having wild sex with his mate. This morning, Noel had been particularly horny, energetic. He couldn’t wait to see Noel’s body changing, hearing a second heart beat in Noel’s belly.

  By now, the entire pride would know he made Noel his official mate the night before. A couple of lion shifters already congratulated him that morning. The desk on his phone beeped, and Noel’s voice came in.

  “Mr. Reese is here to see you.”

  Two weeks ago, Noel sounded uncertain, unsure if he could pull off being Isaac’s personal assistant. Look at his mate now. Noel conducted himself professionally, the best PA he ever had. He looked at Jed, who sat in one of the two chairs facing his desk. Jed nodded. They’d discussed this meeting beforehand. Jed was one of the few members of his pride who wasn’t surprised he’d mated Noel. Jed had also congratulated him earlier, when Isaac told him that Noel was expecting.

  “He’ll fall in line,” Jed told him.

  “Send Spencer in,” he said.

  The dominant lion shifter entered, then scowled, probably wondering why both the Alpha and Beta of his pride were there.

  “Have you cooled your head enough to come back to work?” Isaac asked.

  “I’ll be more careful around your pet wolf.”

  He snarled at those words, but culled his inner lion. Spencer should have sensed the changes in the pride bonds last night. The other lion shifter had chosen those words to spite him.

  “Noel is Isaac’s mate, the Alpha’s chosen. Accord him the respect he deserves,” Jed told Spencer in a reprimanding voice. Good thing the Beta was there, because right now, Isaac had no mood to talk. Pounding Spencer against the wall wouldn’t set a good example to the rest of his lions however.


  Isaac made use of the pride bonds to make Spencer heel. Spencer grimaced, whimpered. Isaac seldom used his power as an Alpha to make another pride member submit, but Spencer disrespected his authority by not acknowledging or accepting Noel as his mate. Spencer fell to his knees, raised his head, and growled at him.

  “I want to understand one thing. What’s your problem with Noel?” Isaac asked.

  “Aside from the fact mating some random Omega werewolf makes you and, hence, our pride’s position weak?”

  “Take those words back, Spencer,” Jed warned.

  Spencer let out a cry as Isaac struck out using the pride bonds again. He rose from his desk. Counted to ten silently in his head. Isaac’s lion stood so close to the killing edge. As Alpha, he had every right to discipline an unruly member of his pride, but killing Spencer? Out of the question.

  “Sebastian would have never chosen an Omega werewolf as his mate,” Spencer spat out. “Did you forget him already? I chose to follow you because I thought you’d get rid of his killer.”

  Jed began to walk forward, but he raised a hand. Isaac finally understood how to deal with Spencer.

  “So we finally get to the heart of the matter,” he said, releasing Spencer from the grip of the pride bonds. “Did you think I’ve forgotten all about my brother?”

  “Seems to me you’ve lost focus, Alpha. No disrespect meant.”

  “No disrespect meant? Are you crazy?” Jed demanded.

  He laughed. “Saying those words won’t erase your past actions. Hasn’t it occurred to you I’m only biding my time?”

  Spencer blinked, stared at him. No, Isaac hadn’t forgotten his true purpose for moving back to his old home. Spencer never said the words out loud, but Isaac had a feeling the other lion shifter thought Isaac had turned soft. Weak. They were wrong on so many levels. Mating Noel only hardened his resolve.

  Isaac meant every word he uttered to his mate the night before. He’d never been this happy, couldn’t even believe it was possible for someone as ruthless and ambitious as him. That only made him twice as scared of losing his mate and their future child. Isaac decided that morning that he wouldn’t let that fear weigh him down or rule him. He’d make his own fears his bitch, use it to his advantage.

  “What do you mean?” Spencer asked, sounding confused.

  “How many fights have broken out over the past two weeks?”

  “Five, six,” Spencer answered.

  “Enough to stir the heat between our two groups,” Isaac said. “Don’t worry. I want to avoid thinning our numbers, unnecessary casualties. I called you here to deliver a personal message to Russ Marsh. A challenge between two Alphas.”

  Spencer paused, but Isaac could tell Spencer’s lion no longer felt angry or betrayed. “What if he plays the same card again, the way he did with Sebastian?”

  “That won’t happen. The Alpha and I have discussed the matter beforehand,” Jed said.

  “I’ve alerted the other Alphas and leaders of other paranormal groups in this city. If Marsh refuses to confront me in a face-to-face fight, the Bloody Claws’ reputation would be dragged into the dirt,” Isaac explained.

  “The other groups won’t respect or even have a reason to fear them anymore, if word got out their Alpha’s a coward,” Spencer said with a nod.

  “Exactly. Marsh will have no choice, but to face me. Winner takes all. Control of this city. Vengeance for my brother.” Isaac spoke like he’d already won, but he knew in his gut he would do whatever it took to emerge on top.

  Isaac had too much to lose, so he’d fight to the death. Make this city safe for his mate, his future offspring, and his pride. Unlike the Bloody Claws gang, he’d rule this city with an iron fist, but at the same time, he’d also make it safer for the humans, the weaker paranormals.

  “I’m so sorry I doubted you, Alpha,” Spencer said, baring his neck to him. “It won’t happen again.”

  Isaac could see the resolve in Spencer’s eyes. The other dominant lion shifter might have been hard to control in the past, but perhaps what Spencer only lacked was motivation. “Be sure it doesn’t.”

  “We’ll discuss this further. Come,” Jed told Spencer. “The Alpha has other business to attend to.”

  Jed and Spencer left his office, and Isaac slumped against his swivel chair. Everything was going according to plan, but then again, personal experience taught him that the best laid plans also had a tendency to unravel. Now, all he needed to do was wait and see what Marsh would do next.

  * * * *

  “Wait a moment. Where do you think you’re going?” Jim demanded when Noel exited the apartment.

  “Dinner with my brother. I told you this morning. Isaac also knows,” Noel explained, frowning. He noticed the lion shifter bodyguard looked way too tense. Worried. “Did something happen to Isaac?”

  He left the office early, so he could head back home, change into something more casual for dinner with Teddy. Isaac was up working late again and suggested he head back, rest. His mate had turned even protective than usual,
after they discovered Noel was pregnant.

  Then again, he heard about Isaac throwing down a personal challenge to Marsh yesterday. The hyena Alpha hadn’t sent a response yet, as far as he knew.

  “No, Isaac’s fine. It’s just, we’re all on high alert, that’s all,” Jim said. “I’ll just check with the Alpha, about your visit to your brother.”

  Noel sighed, but nodded. Truth be told, he was getting tired of all the extra security, but he also knew that now, more than ever, he had to be careful. He wasn’t just pregnant, but being officially mated to Isaac meant their life forces were now tied. Anything happened to him, Isaac would feel the same effects.

  Noel was the Alpha’s weak link. He didn’t like to think of himself that way, but it was the truth. He heard some of the dominant lions in the pride call him that when they thought he didn’t hear. Jordan had been there, so was Mary. They defended him, but the name stuck. Weak link. God.

  Noel shouldn’t be irritated by the precautions Jim, Isaac, and the pride were taking. He should be thankful. His pregnancy just made him a little emotional and cranky sometimes.

  “All right, we’re good to go,” Jim told him. The other lion shifter must have sensed his anxiety, because Jim said, “Hey, sorry about all this, but things are moving so quickly. Protecting you is my number one priority.”

  “I appreciate your hard work.” They went to the building’s parking lot and got inside Jim’s car. Noel asked, “What do you mean moving quickly? Has there been a new development?”

  “The Alpha just informed me that Marsh has accepted his challenge. The fight goes down tomorrow night.”

  “Oh God,” he whispered. “So soon?”

  Jim started the car. “Sooner the better. The entire pride’s feeling the tension, but if you ask me, Isaac challenging Marsh and calling him out is the right move.”

  “I agree. Better for two Alphas to settle their differences rather than bring in other shifters for a war, but…” Noel paused, bit his lower lip. “I’m just worried for my mate. I know that sounds selfish.”

  “Not at all. I worry about my wife and mate all the time.”

  Noel had met Clarissa, Jim’s wife, another submissive lion shifter who was part of the pride. She’d been kind to him, sweet. “But Isaac will be fine, right?”

  “The Alpha’s a great fighter, no denying that, but Marsh’s known to fight dirty,” Jim said. “Shit. Didn’t mean to worry you more. There’s no need to worry. Isaac will do fine. We’ll finally be able to get this city in order.”

  “I hope you’re right,” he said. “Dinner won’t take long. Maybe just an hour or two. I want to be home when Isaac returns.”

  “Not a problem.”

  Chapter 12

  “Will you fine for a few minutes?” Jim asked him as the bodyguard accompanied him to Teddy’s apartment. “I need to check on Benny. He’s the new shifter in charge of watching Teddy, and he’s not responding. Probably fell asleep again, the lazy bastard.”

  “No problem. The building’s just across the street, right? Teddy and I will be fine.”

  “The security system we installed in the apartment will warn you guys and me, if anything happens. You also have my number.”

  “Jim, like you said. It’ll only be a few minutes,” Noel said, raising his fist to knock on the door. It automatically swung open, hinges creaking. Why was it dark inside? Panic seized him. Images of Teddy bleeding or hurt rose up in his mind. He took a step forward, but Jim grabbed the back of his shirt, pulled him back to the hallway.

  “Teddy,” Noel yelled.

  “Noel, stand behind me,” Jim said with a growl. The bodyguard pulled out a gun from his belt, which didn’t help Noel’s nerves. “Call Isaac. If he’s still in that meeting, try Jed.”

  Noel fumbled for his phone as Jim used his foot to open the door wider. Isaac’s phone continued to ring. No answer. He tried for the Beta instead.

  “Noel? No, it’s a trap,” came Teddy’s muffled voice from inside.

  A shot rang out, and Noel watched in horror as Jim stumbled backwards. A red stain spread across Jim’s chest, and blood dripped from the side of his mouth. A hand reached out from within, grabbed a hold of his shirt, and pulled him inside, into the darkness. He dropped his cell phone.

  Noel kicked, slammed his fist into air. Laughter rang out. A fist drove into his gut. Noel wheezed, gasped, hearing the door slam shut. The lights in the apartment flickered open. Someone pulled his arms behind his back, restraining him. In the living room, he saw an enormous guy covered in tattoos, holding a knife to Teddy’s throat.

  “We meet again, Omega,” said a warm, repulsive, but familiar voice against the side of his ear.

  It took him a second to place that voice. Lars, from the alleyway, the night he was attacked.

  Cold metal touched the side of his head. A gun. Noel froze up. Lars was the hyena shifter who got away?

  “Look here, Steel,” Lars said, keeping the gun pointed to his head. The hyena shifter yanked the collar of his shirt down. “Omega’s been marked.”

  Steel let out a horrible-sounding laugh. “Marsh will get a kick out of that. Stupid of Isaac, to mate a weakling Omega.”

  “If I kill you now, the lion Alpha dies. No need for Marsh to come to the fight tomorrow,” Lars said.

  “Lars, Marsh specifically told us to bring the Omega alive,” warned Steel. “Don’t you fucking dare put a bullet in his skull yet. Marsh will have our fucking heads.”

  The front door burst open. Both Lars and Noel turned to look at the newcomer.

  “You won’t take him,” a voice rasped. Jim had somehow managed to get back on his feet and pointed the gun at them.

  Jim fired, catching Lars on the shoulder, enough for the hyena shifter to break his hold on him. Noel stomped on the bastard’s feet, grabbed the gun Lars dropped, and pointed it at Steel. Noel didn’t hesitate. He shot at Steel’s leg. Didn’t miss. The other hyena shifter howled as Teddy got free.

  “Teddy, move,” he yelled, grabbing his brother’s arm. “Help me with Jim.”

  Jim barely stood upright as both Teddy and he grabbed a shoulder and began hauling the big man to the elevator.

  “We have to move faster,” Teddy said. “I can hear clothing ripping. They’re shifting forms.”

  “Leave me,” Jim said with a wheeze. “Noel, you need to go. Now.”

  “Oh, shut up. Save your strength. We’re not leaving you behind,” he insisted.

  By some miracle they reached the elevator. Noel jammed his finger on the button just as two ugly, muscled hyenas emerged from the apartment, looking mad as hell. The doors pinged open. Together, Teddy and he managed to get Jim inside. Teddy pushed the close button just as one of the hyena shifters lunged himself at the doors.

  Too late. The steel doors slid shut.

  “I need a phone,” Noel said, relieved they’d somehow gotten free, but for how long?

  “Already called Jed. He’s on his way,” Jim said.

  “How bad is your wound?” he asked, beginning to reach for Jim’s jacket. He swallowed, peeling away the fabric to see crimson covering the entirety of Jim’s shirt. “Crap.”

  “The bastard missed my heart by half an inch,” Jim said, out of breath. “You two should have left me. Made a quick escape.”

  “Don’t make him talk. He’ll lose more blood,” Teddy said. “God, Noel. I can’t believe that just happened. I think—shit. That guy who’s supposed to be watching me? Benny? I’m not sure if he’s still alive.”

  Noel breathed in and out, refused to let panic take over his body. “One problem at a time. We need to get ourselves out of this building. Meet up with Jed. Tell him about Benny.”

  The elevator doors opened to the first floor. Noel nearly had a heart attack, seeing three figures running towards them. Recognizing Jed, a wave of relief filled him. He knew the two lion shifters Jed brought with him as well. Spoke with them a few times at work.

  “Noel, thank God. Steve and Mandy, help Jim
out,” Jed said.

  “There are two hyena shifters after us,” he said. “Jim managed to shoot one, I shot the other’s leg, but they’re still after us.”

  Jed growled. “I’ll deal with those two. Steve and Mandy will take you three to the car and bring you to a safe house. I’ll meet you guys soon. Let’s move.”

  “This way,” Mandy said. She and Steve led them out of the apartment building and to the Land Rover parked right across from the building. Noel and Teddy got in the back. Mandy and Steve got in.

  “What about Jed?” Noel had to ask. “And Benny, he’s the lion shifter watching my brother, but Teddy couldn’t get a response from him.”

  “Benny contacted Jed from a pay phone before you called. That’s why we managed to get here so fast. He’s injured but got himself into a hospital. Benny will be fine.”

  “And Jed?”

  “The Beta will make short work of those hyenas. Don’t worry about a thing,” Mandy reassured him.

  Beside him, Teddy gave his shoulder a squeeze. “We’re all right now, bro.”

  “Yeah, we are.” He sounded shaky, but who could blame him?

  In the past, all Noel had to worry about was Teddy and himself, but now? There were so many lives at stake. Jim took a bullet for him, Noel reminded himself. Jim was even willing to use himself as a distraction so they could get away. If the lion shifter hadn’t acted fast, Lars would have definitely killed Teddy and him. Isaac would have followed. Icy resolution replaced the fear in his heart. The hyena shifters knew the easiest, less honorable way to kill his lion was to go through him.

  “Noel.” At the iron in Teddy’s voice, he looked at his brother. “You’re shaking.”

  “Sorry.” Noel wrapped his arms around himself. “It was a close call tonight. If Jim didn’t fire at Lars and if we didn’t act fast enough, all three of us could be dead, and Isaac, God. I can’t even begin to think about it.”


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