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Ruthless Royals

Page 1

by Eva Hart

  Chapter 1

  The wind in my hair, the speed of the car, everything felt perfect. I smiled to myself, pushing my hand through my long blonde hair. I looked around, seeing if anyone was on my tail. For a moment, not a single fucker was.

  I smiled to myself, feeling the satisfaction. Another luckless schmuck falling into my trap. I mean, he’s the one who okayed me using his ride, so I was just taking it for a little test.

  “Fucking idiot,” I said to myself.

  It was the same old same old. Another shitty ass date, and another guy who wasted my time. It was always like this.

  I only agreed to a date with that schmuck so I could try out his car. And by try out his car, I mean borrow it while pretending I was going to the bathroom.

  I think the guys’ name was Drew or some crap. Whatever, I didn’t really care. I just wanted his car, which was a shiny new Bugatti. Besides, the guy had his head so far up his ass he just wanted to take me out because I was a nice piece of ass that he could manipulate.

  Oh how he thought I wasn’t doing the same thing.

  He was a fucking sucker, and maybe he knew this himself, maybe not. I doubt it.

  Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the last thing I wanted to see. Cops. I slowed down, maintaining my composure, and for a moment, I thought about what my mom said.

  “I’ll be back soon, I swear,” she muttered to herself. My mom was always like this. I didn’t really believe it for the most part, especially with the way she acted. She always gave me that same old, same old schtick of “Oh I’ll be back soon dear” and then never show up for like six months. It pissed me off, but it also allowed me a sense of freedom, something not every girl had.

  My mom pretty much let me do whatever I wanted. She was a Britney Spears impersonator, one of the best on the Strip. Her name was Alice Virtue, my mom, and she was quite the charmer, even with a kid. Since then, my mom’s left me to fend on my own, which hasn’t always been easy.

  I’ve always been in the backseat to her ambitions. It’s always been like that, for as long as I could remember. Even when I was trying to tell my own mom of accomplishments in school, they would be thrown to the backseat. I used to have family take care of me, but they usually stopped doing so after a bit, and they would let me run wild, having fun.

  Of course, my mom didn’t seem to care all that much. Even when I was a kid for the most part, she let me do what I want. I’ve always experienced that side of her.

  I heard that she did that, but it wasn’t like I could really do much with it. My mom took a gig overseas almost a year ago, which left me in the care of one of her friends who was flaky.

  And by flaky, I mean the motherfucker didn’t even come home most nights. The rent was barely paid, and I only made ends meet by doing escorting, and porn.

  I wished my mom would come back, and for a moment I reflected on her promise to come back home so we could be a family. I didn’t believe her, but I still had an open mind.

  Which was how I got to where I was today. This guy was one of the stupid schmucks I escorted, and this guy was head over heels for my sultry looks, long blonde hair, and quick wit. He was very easy to manipulate, which meant that I could get whatever I wanted. I sked nicely if I could borrow his car while he was answering a call. The motherfucker said yes, and then, I bounced.

  It was worth it too. The guy had the personality of a fucking doorknob, and I didn’t want to deal with it for much longer. That’s why I said I would bring back his sweet ride. Of course, that would turn into me bringing it back in a few days, with not so much as a “Thank you” given to that loser.

  But then, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the police car getting closer.


  I tried to slow down, but then the inevitable happened. The lights were on, and I thought about potentially trying to escape the cops. But that probably would only make shit worse.

  I slowed down, and the car approached behind me. Fuck, this wasn’t good.

  The cop walked over, some newbie on the force that looked like a nervous puppy. I rolled the window down as he looked around, trying to avoid contact with me.

  “Ma’am do you know how fast you’ve been going?”

  “Obviously, not fast enough to escape you,” I said with a smile. I pushed my blonde hair back, using it as a means to charm this bastard. However, he didn’t seem fazed at all.

  “You do realize you were going 100 in a 60 area?”

  “Yeah I know that. what are you going to do about it though?” I replied cheekily.

  “I’m going to have to arrest you. By the way, is this even your car?” he asked.

  I looked at him, feigning innocence.

  “Why does it matter?”

  “Because this looks like a stolen Bugatti that we got reports about,” he said.

  That fucking prick! He sold me out! I then kept clam, trying to keep my breathing even.

  “Well, what are you going to do about it? You can’t convict me, I’m only 17,” I said.

  I pulled out my license, looking at him. he took the license, and then looked back at me.

  “I see this isn’t fake either,” he said.

  “No it isn’t sir. I can drive legally.”

  “I see. Well, we’re going to have to call your parents,” he said.

  “Not going to happen. Mom is gone,” I said.

  “You have a dad, right?”

  I paused. Shit, I forgot about him. My dad and I…we don’t get alone. This wouldn’t be good.

  “Good luck getting in contact with him. The bastard hasn’t said a word to me since in over a year, and I haven’t seen him since I was a child,” I said.

  “Well, if we don’t contact one of your parents, you’ll be facing some time,” he said.

  How could they do that? I mean, I knew cops were pigs, but Jesus Christ. I thought about fighting this guy, but with the look he gave me, I felt a strange feeling of dread. It was better not to.

  “Fine. But the charges will be dropped, correct?”

  “Yes but only if he comes to pick you up. You’ll need to return this car,” he said.

  “Fine, fine. Here’s the goddamn keys. I’ll wait for him,” I said.

  I tossed them back, and the officer nodded.

  “I see. I’ll be calling your dad,” he said.

  He grabbed my license, and after a bit I heard the officer come back.

  “Ma’am, we’re going to take you back to your apartment. Your father was in town actually, and he’ll be meeting us there.”

  Great. My dad really was in town. He wasn’t really a father, and I couldn’t stand it. he was always busy on business trips, and both he and my mother never seemed to give a fuck about me. But I went along with the officer.

  For the most part, my dad worked alone, and he was usually doing some job or another. He rarely contacted me, but I felt like this time, he might give slightly more of a shit. The officer urged me to follow him to the car, and so I did, sliding into the backseat.

  He took me to the rundown apartment, and sure enough, I saw the silver sports car there. Fuck, so my dad was in town. When we got to the doorway, a man with short, brown hair, a mustache, and glasses looked at me.

  “Julianna. What the hell are you doing?” he said.

  “It’s Jules, Father. And why does it matter?” I snapped.

  “Because, we’re going to have to talk. Now, let me finish with the officer here, and you sit on the couch. Also, your apartment is unlocked. You realize that’s dangerous, correct?” he said.

  “Well, not like there’s anything worth stealing here anyways. Mom barely sends me enough money to live,” said.

  “Well, your mom is not a part of this. I tried to call her,
but she’s overseas, so the number isn’t working,” he muttered.

  “Yeah, good luck talking to her. I haven’t spoken to her in six months,” I stated.

  My father sighed, looking to the officer who gave him a piece of paper.

  “Hey John, I’ll finish things up here and the report. We can waive the charges, but you need to do something about her. She’s clearly hiding things,” the officer admonished.

  “Yes officer, I know,” he said.

  My dad always acted like I was a burden, but the rat bastard never bothered to raise me anyways, so I didn’t really see him as much of a father either.

  After he finished with the officer, he looked at me on the couch, sighing.

  “Aright, spill,” he said.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “How did you know that guy?” my dad asked.

  “What do you mean, the pig?”

  “No, the car. And don’t call him a pig. You’re damn lucky you weren’t arrested and thrown in prison right then and there,” he said.

  “Yeah because I’m not an adult,” I replied. I mean, that was the truth of it.

  “Well you sure as hell aren’t acting like one. Now spill Jules, who the hell is that guy?”

  I paused, trying to figure out what to say. There was no way in hell I’d tell my dad about the escort work I did. I smiled at him, and then spoke.

  “I don’t know any guy. What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t lie Jules. You stole a car today. Who did you steal it from?” he snapped.

  Shit, he wouldn’t give up would he. I then tried to figure out how to approach this.

  “Well, I just picked someone at random. Why does it matter?” she asked.

  “There’s no way you just picked a random guy in a Bugatti. That’s a car not everyone sees every day. Are you doing…things you shouldn't be doing?”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. Don’t lie to me Jules,” he said.

  “Well I’m not saying. Mom is out of town anyways, so why are you suddenly stepping in and—”

  Suddenly, the phone rang. My dad looked at the device, furrowing his brows.

  “It’s your mom,” he said.

  “She’s out of town though. She’s on a business trip overseas and left me at home,” he said.

  Suddenly, my dad answered the phone, and I could hear my mom’s screeching from a mile away.

  “John! What the hell is going on? Where’s Julianna?” she barked.

  “She’s with me. But, is she supposed to be living alone?” he asked.

  “No! she’s supposed to be living with Cindy while I’m out of town. Now what is this about Jules being arrested? I got a new SIM card just as I got the call from the officer. What the hell is going on?” she asked.

  Fuck. Now mom was freaking out. And when mom freaked out, I knew I was in deep shit.

  “Hold on Alice, take a deep breath. I’ll fill you in on it,” my dad said.

  “Thank you, John. I don’t know what’s going on. I’m trying to get home as soon as possible so we can be a family and—”

  “Alice, calm down. Let’s talk this out,” he said.

  He put his phone over the speaker for a moment, glaring at Alice.

  “You stay here. I’m going to talk to your mother,” he said.

  As he left, I quickly grabbed my phone. I opened up the text chat with one of the girls who hooked me up with the guys I escorted. I starred at it for a moment figuring out to say and after a moment, I began furiously texting my words.

  Hey, so the cops got me. Met that Drew guy. He let me take his car, and well…he tried to report me to the cops. I’m okay, just annoyed my fucking dad is here.

  I pressed the send button, waiting for a response. My escort friendly quickly responded back.

  Glad you’re okay. Be careful, and don’t tell anyone about us,” she said.

  I told her I wouldn’t, but I felt anxiety course through my body. How could I be so damn careless? I need to start being more aware of this. I waited for my fate, of whatever the hell it was that my dad had planned for me.

  He was talking with my mom for a long time. I figured it would be like this, but I hoped more than anything else that he would finally come back and explain what’s going on. I didn’t want to go with him at all.

  My dad looked at me with a glare.

  “You didn’t tell me your mother was gone for 11 months. So for the last 11 months, you’ve been on your own. How in the world have you been able to survive?” he said.

  “What’s that to you? Not like you cared all that much,” I snapped.

  “That’s because your mother reassured me that you’d be taken care of. Now I’ve found out that…that woman left you alone like this. She’s been gone for months. If I knew this, I would’ve brought you to come to the school I work at,” he said.

  “Yeah but, I’m almost an adult,” I replied with a scoff.

  “Not with the way you’re acting. Jules, you’re acting like a child, and I’m NOT going to let you live alone,” he said.

  “What you going to do, bring me back to California?” I asked sardonically.

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing,” he said with a triumphant smile.

  Oh hell no!

  I’m not going back to California. That’s where all those rich little yuppies are. I’d be better off on my own. My dad would have to drag me to California if he wanted me to come with him.

  “You’re funny dad,” I said with a chuckle.

  “Wipe that damn smile off your face Jules. You’re coming with me. I’m not going to leave you alone like this. You’re still technically a child,” he said.

  “And you’re barely my guardian. Why do you care so much?” I asked.

  “Because I’m your father,” he said.

  “You’re a sperm donor. You stopped being a dad a long time ago,” I muttered.

  “Jules, you’re coming with me to California, and I’ll take you myself if I have to,” he said.

  He couldn’t be serious. I’m not coming with him. I can make it on my own escorting and getting money from rich schmucks if I have to!

  “Fuck off dad, I’m not coming.”

  Chapter 2

  Just my luck.

  I lugged my backpack behind me, looking at the pristine building in front of me. A couple of the students in uniform looked at me like I had three heads. I glared at them, annoyed by this.

  I can’t believe my dad got his way.

  After a series of shouting matches, my dad called my mom, and she said that I had no choice. I had to go with my dad, it was for my own good. And right now, I didn’t have a choice.

  While I tried to fight it, it was no use. My dad had my mom by the balls, and I was stick going to this stupid fucking school.

  I already wanted to die.

  My dad insisted that I come with him, even though I could tell it was more of a chore. I mean, my dad only stuck around because he conceived me during his time when he was stationed at Fort Rucker. I barely knew him, and now, I had to live with the guy.

  This guy was so different from the man I expected to be my father. I mean, I thought he would just brush off the charges and leave me to my own devices. Instead, now I was in the car with my dad, heading over to some sort of new school. The place already had a vibe I wasn’t feeling. When we got there, my dad stepped out of the car.

  “Head on in when you’re ready,” he said.

  “Whatever,” I muttered.

  “Jules, you have to accept this. You’ll be here for the next year at least. The fact that you didn’t even get an education outsider of homeschooling your mother did disgusts me,” he said.

  “Bring that up with her. Not me,” I muttered.

  “We’ll talk about that later. For now, meet me at the gate,” he stated.

  He got up, leaving me alone in the car. I thought he was joking, but I didn’t think so. I didn’t want to be here, but I couldn’t find any w
ay out of this. I grimaced, but I accepted it.

  As I got out, I caught a few people clanging at me. I grimaced back, giving them a look. If they were going to look at me the entire time, the least they could fucking do was take a picture or something.

  This wasn’t going to be fun.

  What’s more, is my dad was right by the entrance of Kingswood Academy. he looked at me with a smile on his face.

  “Glad to see you made it to class. I didn’t have to do my job as head of security then,” he said.

  “Buzz off,” I said.

  “You better watch your tongue Jules. I’m the head of security and I take my job seriously.,” he said.

  I couldn’t believe this. Not only did I have to go to this stupid fucking school, I had to go here with my father.

  “Whatever dad,” I said.

  “I swear, I don’t know how Alice deals with you. You’re a handful and then some,” he said.

  “Because she’s not hovering all over me like you do,” I retorted.

  He paused, looking me over and then laughing.

  “You’re right. Her lack of parenting is how you got here in the first place. My mistake,” he said.

  I can’t believe I had to deal with all of this bullshit. My dad walked away from his post, looking at me with a peaceful smile.

  “Tell you what, I’ll take you to see Principal Kirtman,” he said.

  “Are you kidding me? I’m not five, dad,” I said.

  “Well, I think it’s only right to make a good first impression,” he said.

  There was no way I was going to be able to fight this. I can tell other kids were looking at me with curious glances as well. I grimaced, but followed my dad’s words and went over to where Principal Kirtman was.

  The office he was in was super big for someone who just sat in it all day. it was a huge, sleek office that felt so different from the regal nature of the school. I noticed a redhead sitting at her desk, with glasses and a smile on her face. The atmosphere of the place felt different. Instead of it being a staid, boring office, it felt relaxed.

  Was it because of this woman? Or was it the look I saw her give my dad the moment we walked in?

  “So this is your infamous daughter, isn’t it John?” the principal said.


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