Autumn's Kiss (Kiss Series, #2)

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Autumn's Kiss (Kiss Series, #2) Page 10

by M. K. Eidem

"Your mate is right, Kirall, because Tove will. If he feels he is losing control of the situation, he will call on Council Guard to back him up."

  "Council Guard?" Autumn asked looking back to Kiran.

  "They are a select group of Dragoons who have pledged their lives to obeying the will of the Council and enforcing our laws," Kirall told her keeping her hand in his.

  "Without question?"

  "Yes," Kiran said.

  "Well, that's not a good thing."

  "No, it’s not. Except for the fact that I am also a member of the Council and will have some influence over them too."

  "Enough?" Hearing the sharply sucked in breaths of Kirall and Niccele, she suddenly realized how that must have sounded. "Kur, Kiran, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

  "You have the right to question, little one, because I have given you no reason not to."

  "That's not true," Autumn immediately denied. "While we may not have met under the best of conditions, you and your mate have more than shown that it was the circumstances of the meeting that guided your actions and not your heart. Your offspring..." She looked to Kirall sitting in the chair next to her. "While liking to grumble and spit fire about it, loves and would willingly die for both of you. That says a lot. It also says a lot that you both came here, knowing you might not be allowed entrance. It's something I understand is the gravest of insults."

  "You would have had that right," Niccele said quietly speaking for the first time from her chair next to Kiran.

  "Perhaps, but that's not who I am and not how I want the first visit from my in-laws to be remembered. I hope that one day we can be a family... a real family. One that while it has its squabbles and disagreements, still stands together especially when times get tough."

  "I have always believed my family was like that," Niccele told her. "But it has never really been tested. Until now. Until you."

  "I'm sorry," Autumn told her.

  "Don't be,” Niccele said. “There is always a little drama when a mate is found. Yours is just a little more than most.”

  “Just a little?” Autumn raised an eyebrow at Niccele.

  “Maybe more than a little,” Niccele said giving her a small smile. “But I truly believe this wouldn't be happening if it wasn't Kur's will."

  Autumn and Kirall exchanged a look, both knowing that while this might not exactly be Kur's will, he was aware of what was happening.

  "Where do we have to fly to?" Autumn asked.

  “Dramman. It is where the Council always meets.”

  “It is midway between here and where the Inferno landed,” Kirall told her.

  “That’s a long flight,” she said thinking of how long it took them to get to his parents’ Lair by transport and then for her to fly here.”

  “Not as far as you might think,” Kirall told her. “I had the transport take the long way to my parents’ Lair, flying down into the valleys so that you could see some of Mondu. This time we’ll fly high over the ranges that are between Kruba and Dramman, cutting off a great deal of time, then glide down on the air currents until we land. It will take no longer than it did for you to reach Kruba from my parents’ Lair.”

  “And you think I can fly that far?” Worry filled her eyes as she gazed at Kirall.

  “Of course!” Turning in his chair, he gripped both of her hands, his gaze blazing into hers. “I know this is only your second flight, but we will be there to help you.” Kirall looked to his parents and saw both were nodding. “To guide you along the way. You are so much stronger than you think you are. Look at everything you have already overcome. The Varana, the death of your family, everything those doctors did to you, and me.” He gave her a wry smile. “This flight. The Council. They are nothing compared to all that.”

  Autumn took in the absolute faith and belief that burned in Kirall’s eyes, then looked to Kiran and Niccele and found the same. Looking back to her mate she took a deep breath then slowly nodded. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Oh my goodness...” Niccele’s eyes widened as she took in the view that greeted them as they stepped out of one of the turrets and onto the wide, private landing area on top of Kruba. "In all my years, I've never seen a view like this."

  "It is beautiful, isn't it?" Autumn smiled as she walked up next to her.

  "It's beyond that. I've never been able to view Mondu from horizon to horizon before."

  Autumn opened her mouth then shut it. Seeing it, Niccele encouraged. "What are you wondering?"

  "It's just that I thought you would have flown high enough to have seen all this before," she said gesturing around her.

  "While we do fly high, this mountain range is the tallest of all on Mondu. It blocks the view from other ranges, and when we fly over the lower peaks, other mountain ranges block the horizon."

  "I didn't realize."

  "That Kruba was such a powerful place or that you had flown so high?"

  "Both. I guess I just thought that while you couldn't pass through Kruba's boundary, you would still be able to fly over it."

  "You would be wrong," Niccele told her but kindly. "Not even in an aircraft can one fly over Kruba... unless you are outside the atmosphere."

  "Really?" she looked to Kirall.

  "My mother speaks the truth, Autumn. Even for Black Primes, the power of their Lair only extends so far allowing those strong enough to fly over their Lair."

  "Other Dragoons are able to fly over your Lair?" Autumn looked at Kiran in shock.

  "Not over ours," Kiran told her. "As Niccele and I are both Black Primes, our Lair is the highest of all Dragoons... until now. But for other Dragoons that is not the case. If a Dragoon is not granted passage through a boundary, he must either be strong enough to fly over it, or he must go around, which usually greatly increases the distance, especially if they aren't allowed passage through neighboring boundaries."

  "There are no common passages that everyone is allowed to travel on? Like a road?"

  "No. A Dragoon's mobility is all based on his power and ability to fly over boundaries. If he can't fly over them, then he must find a way to gain the favor of the Dragoon so he can pass through."

  "And how does one do that?" she asked.

  "By offering them empowered jewels for passage," Kirall told her.

  "They make them pay to travel through their territory?!!"

  "Many do, yes. That way they don't have to waste their energy searching for and empowering jewels themselves."

  "Sounds lazy to me," Autumn muttered.

  "It is," Kiran told her. "Because a jewel is only as powerful as the Dragoon that empowered it. To fill your Hoard with jewels empowered by a lesser Dragoon weakens a Hoard and therefore the Keeper."

  "Then why do it?" Autumn asked.

  "Because as you said," Niccele told her. "They are lazy."

  "Are any of these Dragoons Elders?" Autumn looked at Kiran.

  "A few. Lando being one," Kiran told her.

  "So not only does he misuse his power, but he gets that power from those he has control over. Like Dacke."

  "Yes." Kirall nodded.

  "That's fucked up."

  "It is, but until another White Minor challenges him and wins, Lando will remain an Elder," Kirall told her.

  Autumn's eyebrows drew together. "I thought being an Elder was based on age and power."

  "For the most part, it is," Kiran told her. "But if a younger Dragoon becomes powerful enough, he can challenge the sitting Elder."

  "Challenge?" she asked.

  "They fight in Dragon form before the Council, and all those gathered to witness it," Kiran informed her.

  "To the death?" she gasped.

  "No, at least it’s not supposed to be. But deaths have occurred."

  "Which means the mate..."

  "Also passes, yes," he told her.

  "Is that how you became an Elder? By winning a challenge?"

  "Yes, and no."

  "I don't understand."

/>   "Yes, I competed against other Black Primes to become an Elder, but it was only after Elder Ki traveled to the White world."

  "He died?"

  "Yes, after his mate was killed in the last Varana attack."

  "Varana..." she whispered.

  Kirall was immediately at her side, his arms going around her. "It has been over five hundred years since they were able to make it to the surface, Autumn. I vow that you are safe."

  "You can't vow that, Kirall, because I'm not safe. I'm not safe from the Varana or from your Council of Elders. And neither are you. Any of you." Her gaze traveled to Niccele and Kiran. "And that's because of me."

  "No, Autumn," Niccele’s words held no doubt. "It's not because of you. It's because there are those that would destroy what they cannot have or be," Niccele told her.

  "No truer words have ever been said, my love." Kiran leaned down to kiss his mate. "Now shall we fly? The sooner we get this taken care of the sooner these two youngsters can get to work on giving us those offspring to spoil."

  With that, he launched himself off the platform shifting into his Dragon form before he even started to fall. Niccele quickly followed leaving Kirall and Autumn alone.

  "Are you ready, my love?" he asked as they watched his parents grow smaller. When she didn't answer he put a hand on her cheek tipping her face up to his. "What's wrong?"

  "You mean besides a group of Dragoons I've never met wanting me dead?"

  "The Elders don't want you dead, Autumn."

  "No, they want you dead which in turn kills me because I'm your mate."

  "It won't come to that."

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "Because while my father has told you how powerful Tove is, he hasn't revealed that he is the most powerful of all the Elders and that the Council listens to him."

  "Then why are we doing this?"

  "Because any Elder is allowed to call an immediate meeting of the Council if he feels there is an event that affects all Dragoons."

  "And I'm that 'event.'"

  "Yes. Autumn," his grip on her cheek firmed as she tried to look away. "If you don't want to go we don't have to."


  "We can wait. The Council can convene without us."


  "But what?"

  "We were summoned."

  "The Council can summon all they want, but they have no power over you. They just think they do. You are a Supreme."

  "We are Supremes," she corrected. "You are no less a Supreme than I am, Kirall. Actually, you are probably more of one than me because you at least have some inkling of what you can do."

  "Don't talk about yourself as if you are less!" Kirall roared. The wind that seemed to have risen with his temper whipped his unrestrained hair around his head as if it was flames from a roaring fire. He wouldn't tolerate her thinking of herself like that, primarily when this was all his fault.

  "I know I'm not less than you are," she fired back feeling her own anger starting to rise. "I didn't think I was even back on Earth when I didn't know I was a Supreme! But that doesn't change the fact that I barely know how to be a Dragoon let alone a Supreme."

  "Then we'll remain in Kruba until you do and then we will face the Council." He turned and started to lead her back inside.

  "But what about your parents?" she asked seeing they had turned back toward them.

  "They will understand."

  "But what will happen when they arrive without us?"

  "They will handle it."

  While he said it with confidence, Autumn heard the slightest hint of concern in his voice.

  "It will cause problems for them. For the rest of your family."

  "It could," he told her because he would never lie to her. "But as I've said before they are Black Primes, the strongest of all Dragoons."

  ""But they can still be harmed, especially if the Council Guards attack. Your father can't possibly defeat them all by himself."

  "It would never come to that, Autumn."

  "But it could if they are there alone. It is how the Varana killed my family. One at a time. First my mother, then my father when he tried to save her, then Jack. If we had all been together, we might have had a chance. Had each other’s back."

  "Autumn..." He could feel her pain at the loss of her family radiating through their ever-strengthening bond. "You were ten. There was nothing you could have done, Autumn. You know that."

  "What I know is that I hesitated and because of that they died. I don't want that to happen to your family too."

  "It won't."

  "Not if we're there." In her head, she knew Kirall was right. There had been nothing she could have done to save her family but in her heart... She would always wonder if she hadn't hesitated, would it have given her parents’ Dragons enough time to emerge, even if only partially. If that had happened, they might still be alive. She wasn't ten anymore, and she was never going to hesitate to protect those she loved again. Or those they loved. She needed to trust in herself and trust in her Dragon. With that thought, she walked over to where Kiran had stood and took in the massive expanse below. The swirling winds buffeted her body, calling to her Dragon even as they lifted her off her feet. Closing her eyes, she let her Dragon answer the call.

  Kirall silently watched as his mate moved to the edge. Watched as she struggled to deal with the loss she'd suffered. He wished he could help her, could make it so it had never happened, but he couldn't. All he could do was support her when she needed it and pray that in time the pain would ease.

  His eyes widened as the wind picked her up causing her dress and hair to billow out, making it appear as if she were flying even though her feet were firmly on Kruba. And then they weren't as the wind carefully lifted her up as if she were the most fragile of offspring, suspending her over the drop. Until in a burst of light, her Dragon emerged trumpeting its arrival as it soared up into the sky.

  Kirall's Dragon immediately answered his mate's call and joined her there.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Autumn couldn’t describe the sense of freedom she felt as she soared over the land. She playfully dodged the smaller clouds flying over and under some, while she circled others on her back. All the while Kiran, Niccele, and Kirall looked on indulgently.

  After they passed through the expanding boundary of Kruba, they began to descend. She felt the energy pulses from the borders they were flying over. They tickled slightly as they skirted along her belly scales and had she been in her Other form, she would have squirmed and giggled. Since she couldn't, she focused her razor-sharp gaze on the quickly changing landscape beneath her. She was amazed at the closeness of the Lairs that dotted the lower peaks along with the number of Others she could see working in the fields.

  "Those are Others under the protection of lower colored Primes," Kirall told her through their mate bond.

  "There are so many."

  "Being under the protection of a Prime is a highly desirable thing."

  "But I would have thought that the less powerful Dragoons would only be able to protect so many."

  "That is true, but as these territories are so close together, it just seems like they support more."

  "How many will Kruba be able to support?"

  "As many or as few as we wish," he told her. "Even though the original boundary has retreated since Razeth’s time, few have ventured past the lower peaks into the higher valleys as they are challenging to reach. That means they will be very fertile and easily produce whatever we need, most likely more than that."

  "So what happens with the excess?"

  "It can be sold to Dragoons who are struggling to support their Others."

  "Are you saying there are Dragoons that can't feed those under their protection?"


  "Then if we can help them, we will. Because no one should go hungry when there is plenty to go around."

  Kirall suddenly remembered how thin his mate had been when he'd first met her. How hun
gry. How high she'd filled that first plate when food had finally been brought to their room on Earth. She'd hoped to use the money she earned from taking Kristy's place to further her education so she would be able to purchase more food. On the Inferno, she had started to put on weight, but shifting took massive amounts of energy. Energy that could only be replaced by consuming quality food. Something she'd never been given the opportunity to have before. It's why he could feel her anger that there were Others going through the same thing.

  "If that is what you want, then that is what we shall do, mate. No one will go hungry if we can prevent it." It took him a moment to right himself as an immense wave of love flowed out from her nearly knocking him out of the sky with its strength and purity. "Kur, Autumn... you humble me."

  "Never," she teased back. "You will always be that arrogant, demanding male I first met."

  "Who loves you more than his own life," he growled back, sending a short burst of flame her way. He heard her giggle as she dodged the flame that dissipated long before it reached her.

  "Alright, offspring, that's enough," Kiran's voice filled both their heads. "Playtime is over. We are approaching Dramman."

  Kiran's words immediately cut through all the lightheartedness Autumn had been feeling. Her gaze went to the rapidly growing high plateau before them. On it, she saw one large, domed structure with several much smaller ones surrounding it.

  "That's Dramman?" Autumn asked.

  "Yes," Kiran told her.

  "I thought it was a village."

  "No, it's not an actual village but an area that, while it is in no Dragoon’s territory, is supported by all. Council Guards reside there along with a small group of Others that care for them and the structure when the Council is not meeting."

  "I see."

  "The platform that is closest to the Council Building is for the Elders and those accompanying them. The one farther away is for those who are either appearing before the Council or have come to witness the proceedings."

  Autumn took in the multitude of dragons, in every color of Dragoon, circling Dramman waiting to land and the many heads that turned in their direction. Especially around the farthest platform.

  "Are there normally this many wanting to witness an unscheduled meeting of the Council?"


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