A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4

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A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4 Page 17

by Changelings

Maddox snorted. Madeline shook her head.

  Rick’s smile widened. “It’s an… aphrodisiac,” he admitted.

  Julia laughed, wondering what shade of red he’d turn right now if he could. Lifting it just under her nose, she took another whiff. The scent was strange but… good. Her nipples tightened into diamond hard points and the walls of her pussy clenched now.

  She’d heard of aphrodisiacs. She didn’t have a lot of background information but she knew their basic purpose. “So I…?”

  “You drink it,” Madeline answered, smiling. There was a touch of concern in her expression though. “I wouldn’t drink much. Some of those can be quite… potent.”

  Julia nodded, sure that her friend knew what she was talking about. Still, breathing in the scent again, Julia’s mouth began to water and she turned her attention to Rick. She wanted to taste the potion. Then she wanted to taste Rick. Every single inch of him…

  On impulse, she brought the bottle to her lips and took a small sip. Rick watched her curiously and Madeline stepped forward, looking ready to snatch the bottle away.

  The flavor was mostly sweet on Julia’s tongue with a hint of salt too. The potion was thick and it felt like syrup as she swallowed it. A shot of pure lust hit her a second later and wanting to taste Rick went to need-to-fuck-Rick-right-now in about three seconds. She hurriedly took another drink. She was bound to have the orgasm of a lifetime off the stuff if what she’d felt so far was any indication.

  Madeline looked ready to take the bottle away but Rick, smiling very appreciatively, held up a hand to stop her. “It should be fine,” he whispered, though his gaze never left Julia. “It’s a human aphrodisiac so it probably won’t have as strong an effect on her since she’s Lycan.”

  One last glance at Madeline showed skepticism on her friend’s pretty face. When Madeline nodded, Julia flung herself at Rick, her lips mashing up against his as her lust became frenzied. She thought someone, probably Madeline, took the bottle out of her hand and that was a very good thing because she wanted her hands to be free. They sank into the rich silk of Rick’s hair, and down, to slide over the hard contours of his body.

  Grinding herself against Rick, she felt the rigid length of his cock. There was no surprise he wanted her too. But she wanted him, right there. Right now.

  Dropping to her knees, she worked furiously at the fastenings of his slacks to pull his cock free. Her pussy ached with a need unlike anything she’d ever felt before and Rick’s rare loss of composure -- his mouth hung open as he stood frozen above her -- along with the audience of their friends only spurred her on.

  Rick groaned when she pulled out his engorged cock, wrapping her lips around the head. She knew she wouldn’t make it long enough to give him a proper blow job. The concoction she’d drunk was like a demanding devil in her blood, but she’d hold out as long as she could.


  She sucked him into her mouth with greed, swirling her tongue around his heated cock. She knew he’d fed because of his warmth and that was good. She wanted him warm, turned on, ready to fuck her for hours. His hands were clutched gently in her hair, urging her on as she slid him in and out of her mouth with eagerness.

  When she couldn’t take it anymore, Julia let him slide from her lips and pushed him in the direction of the new white sofa, shoved him down on it. Julia wanted to mess that couch completely up. Not giving Rick much of a chance to recover, she undid her pants and slid out of them and her panties as quickly as she could manage, leaving on the little black heels she wore. Straddling him on the couch, Julia cried out as he slid up into her heated wetness, filling her with one long stroke.

  There was murmuring behind her but she didn’t pause to see what their friends were making of the sex show they were being treated to. Julia’s lips met Rick’s in a searing kiss and his hands settled on her hips, trying to guide their movements. After only a few seconds, she realized it was more like he was holding on because her greedy body milked him, sliding up and down on him with abandon as the first orgasm came on.

  Julia tossed her head and her pussy walls tightened around him as control began to slip away. She thought Rick was tearing off the buttons of her blouse and she was grateful as hell to feel his fingers sliding up into the lacy bra she wore, teasing her hard nipples into unbearably sensitive points. When she felt the wet lash of his tongue against one of those hard crests, she came in an explosion of intense pleasure. The couch could have been on fire and it wouldn’t have mattered. Julia came hard, fucking him for all she was worth and bathing him in the hot juices of her release.

  “Now that’s… a Christmas present,” she panted.

  But Julia was far from done. Turning her back to Rick, she slid down on him again, loving the new pressure points his cock hit in the position. Her shins clamped around his thighs and she braced her hands on the back of the couch behind them, wanting to fuck more. Wanting to come until she died. Up and down, riding him hard, she realized the front of her blouse was shredded, her bra barely clinging to her. She ripped them off, naked and loving it as she fucked him there in the huge parlor where anyone could happen upon them.

  Hell, Maddox and Madeline were still there and the sight of them sent her spiraling into another orgasm. Rick’s steadying hands on her hips were the only things that anchored Julia as the room spun around again.

  When the blackness that had temporarily engulfed her vision cleared, she saw her friends again. Maddox’s shirt was open and so were his pants. He was fucking Madeline from behind, the pretty blonde’s face flushed in pleasure only a couple of feet before her.

  Maddox urged her forward and somehow they moved closer without losing their intimate connection. Madeline slowly dropped to her knees on the carpeting before Julia and Rick.

  Julia’s breath caught as Madeline moved closer, moved to the space between her legs and Rick’s. Her friend seemed nearly incoherent from the thrust and pull of Maddox’s cock inside her. Yet Madeline was focused on something else. Her purple eyes looked up into Julia’s only a second before her face lowered to where Rick’s body locked with hers.

  Madeline’s little hands felt like flames on her inner thighs. The first swipe of the other woman’s tongue had Julia struggling to breathe. The second one had her lower body exploding. Julia screamed as her friend tongued her clit. Madeline managed to keep her clever tongue in Julia’s pussy as Rick’s thrusts gained in strength and speed. He growled out his own release behind her while she came on and on and on…

  Gently Madeline pulled away, Maddox continuing to fuck her from behind, and the look on his face made it obvious he would come any time. Julia trembled as Rick’s arms wrapped around her from behind and she felt his cock ease from her body.

  But she didn’t want to be held. Her body was on fire, trembling from the heat and the need. The flesh all over her body was flushed and all she knew was that she needed more. Much more…

  Turning around to face Rick, she thought she could read the alarm on his face. She knew he was rummaging through her thoughts, realizing that she was in a bad state. He had to.

  “Give me a… moment,” he said, guilt and concern dominating his expression as he helplessly looked in the direction of their friends.

  Seeing both of them getting off made Julia insane. Maddox growled as he plowed into Madeline over and over and her friend’s fair face flushed pink as she cried out her own release.

  Turning back to Rick, she grabbed his face and kissed him hard. “Now!”

  “Maddox, can you bring me a basin of water and a soft cloth?” he asked of his friend.

  The blond vampire nodded, the ecstasy on his face melting slowly into confusion.

  “Yes, Madeline, that might help,” he whispered.

  Damn him for reading minds! Read my mind! It says fuck me right now!

  Lowering her to the carpet, Rick spread her beneath him and she knew relief when she saw his cock begin to stir. Gently he eased two of his long fingers into her aching pussy and she
hissed at the relief it brought, exquisite, immediate relief. He began to work them in and out of her, sliding on her juices and his come. Madeline, her shirt open and her lovely white breasts freed, slid a light finger over her clit and Julia came right there, screaming.

  “Lick me,” Julia begged her when the world came back into focus. “Please, do it again, please!”

  Madeline lowered her head over Julia’s pussy and did just that. Julia eased her baby blonde hair back so she could see her friend lick her, drive her crazy along with Rick’s invading fingers.

  Maddox rushed back into the room and Rick’s hand pulled away from her. Her entire body convulsed. “No!”

  But he was back in a flash, washing her with warm soapy water. That meant Madeline had to cease what she was doing and Julia thought she would lose her mind. She groaned, she cried out -- the need was sharp like pain, an indescribable agony with the only touch being a soapy washcloth.

  “Rick! Please!” she begged.

  “I know,” he told her. Leaning down, he kissed her gently. She didn’t want gentle. But she was happy when his thighs pushed her own apart and the hard length of his cock filled her again.

  “Yes!” It felt so good! Julia held on to him, as he thrust into her and pulled out. He could have done it a thousand times and it wouldn’t be enough but all too soon her orgasms stopped and once again, he was done.

  “No, please!” Julia begged the moment he pulled out. But to her surprise -- and somewhere beneath the demon drug in her blood, mortification -- another cock took his place. Maddox kneeled between her legs, fucking her with Rick’s obvious encouragement. And that was something because normally Rick was the jealous lover who wouldn’t consider sharing her with another. Her body demanded it, the drug demanded it, and Maddox was available to give her body ease from the horrible, lusty desperation that held it prisoner.

  Madeline -- where the hell had she been? -- leaned in again to tongue her clit and Maddox leaned back while he was fucking her to give the other woman room. Julia’s toes curled, her pussy spasmed, and her body was wracked with hot and cold like fever as she lost control to the power aphrodisiac that demanded her to come over and over.

  The Enemy’s Plan

  Madeline smiled as she made her way down the staircase early on Christmas morning. Her body was delightfully sore from the festivities of the evening before in the parlor. Then after that with Maddox in the room they shared.

  The parlor had been tidied by the servants and she wasn’t surprised to see it empty. Julia was no doubt sleeping in after her exposure to what had apparently been a powerful aphrodisiac. Madeline felt bad for both of her friends. Rick had obviously wanted to save the elixir he gave to her as a gift for a private time. Julia had challenged him and then it had been so strong, she’d been robbed of all reason. It had taken all three of them hours to exhaust her into sleep. And asleep was, hopefully, how Julia remained.

  But Madeline didn’t expect a lot of awkwardness to come from it all. She knew enough of werewolves to know they didn’t require privacy for mating. Group sex was common for them. Rick and Maddox had certainly enjoyed themselves. For that matter, Madeline had too.

  Approaching the Christmas tree, her grin widened. While the room was straightened to perfection, the slight smell of sex lingered. Madeline was surprised the scent wasn’t stronger considering that Julia was Lycan. The wolves’ scent was heavier, animal.

  The windows were frosted behind the Christmas tree and beyond them she saw the snow. It had snowed overnight and for once, Madeline could look out at the pristine white blanket covering everything and admire its beauty. She had shelter now, the best. She was well fed and cared for. The snow had once been a source of her suffering when she’d been a prostitute back in the outskirts of the human world, the Shadow Zone. Now the snow lifted her spirits. Until she thought of the others who could use her help…

  Well, she’d talk to Maddox about it when he returned. She knew he was looking for Rick to see how Julia was this morning. How they both were because Rick had to be worried and filled with guilt over what had happened last night. He obviously hadn’t intended for Julia to be so --

  Voices. Strange voices reached her ears and Madeline jerked in surprise. By now she knew the voices of everyone in the house from her precious little Ivy to every single servant, human and vampire. She didn’t know the two voices that lured her away from the window. And somehow, some new instinct, filled her with dread. Whoever the two males were, they weren’t here to offer season’s greetings.

  They were whispering to each other as they made their way into the house -- how had they managed to get past everyone to get inside? -- but the sound was as loud as if they were shouting across a valley to her. Would she ever get used to her new senses?

  “Let’s find the bedrooms. She’ll be there,” hissed one low voice.

  “How many others?” That harsh whisper was from his companion. “What are we up against?”

  “Two vampires. Old ones. So we’ll have to be fast and we’ll have to be accurate with the stakes.”

  Stakes? Fear sliced through Madeline like a knife. They planned to stake Rick and Maddox?

  “You said there were three others.”

  The first one snorted. “The other one is a human. A woman. No threat.”

  Madeline slowly followed those anxious whispers, unnerved because that “woman” they referenced was her.

  “She’s with one of the leeches,” the first one explained. “If we can get her for a hostage, we might be able to get Julia without much of a fight.”

  Julia! They were here for Julia. Madeline’s blood would have run cold if it could have. Moving faster now on silent feet, she followed those two voices. When she got closer, she picked up the scent. They were Lycan, Julia’s kind. Here to abduct her.

  “What if that stuff killed her?”

  “It won’t kill her but the effect won’t go away without the antidote and I have it.”

  “So you inject her with it and we’re out of here?”

  “No, stupid. We get her out of here, take out the bloodsuckers, and then we can have fun with her for a little while before I give her the shot. And the good part? She’ll want it. Bad.”

  Madeline knew what she wanted badly. To rip the two of them into shreds.

  “What can I do for you two gentlemen?” Maddox’s polite voice rang out through the corridor just before her.

  Everything in Madeline exploded in that moment. They were here to take her friend, to stake the man she loved. She trembled, let the bloodlust consume her as the piercing pain in her mouth let her know her fangs were ready. And oh, she’d put them to good use.

  Somehow she managed not to hiss or snarl when she rounded the corner, but she caught Maddox off guard. His expression alerted the Lycans to her presence behind them. Big and surly, just like Vincent had been, they turned to look at her. One smiled, his expression pure malevolence, and he started in her direction.

  Maddox looked concerned. “Madeline…”

  Closer the Lycan came to her. The other’s voice rang out behind him, full of warning. “Cooperate with us, leech, and we won’t kill her.”

  Kill her indeed. Madeline waited until he was close before she revealed her fangs and sprang at him.

  Her hands locked around the Lycan’s shoulders, her fangs puncturing the warm flesh of his throat. And he fought her; he was strong, but she didn’t let go. His hot blood spilled onto her tongue. It was thick, a different taste than she was used to, but good, and she was lost to her instincts though aware of a flurry of activity around her.

  When the Lycan was pulled out of her grasp, his neck snapped before he was dumped on the floor, she jumped in surprise. Maddox’s expression was a cross between anger and amusement.

  “I wasn’t done with that.” It came out more serious than she intended, but it was the truth, and then Maddox did laugh.

  “Standards, my dear.”

  “Julia is Lycan,” she reminded him. �
�Be nice.”

  Maddox shook his blond head. “You sound more like Rick every day.”

  “Is that bad?”

  “I’m the one who loves you.” He stepped over the Lycan to kiss her, then made a face when he tasted the blood from her lips. “How could you drink that?”

  “To save Julia.” She needed to be serious now. “They were here for her.”

  “I realize that.”

  “No, I heard them. They knew about the aphrodisiac. They planned to kill the three of us and take Julia. One of them said that the effect of the drug won’t wear off without the antidote and he has it.”

  They searched the two dead Lycans and found a syringe in the pocket of one, the needle capped with cork.

  “No one answered when I knocked at Rick’s door,” Maddox told her. “I hope we’re in time.”

  Madeline kissed him. “Let’s go.”

  “Then you need to brush and rinse,” Maddox complained in his teasing way.

  “Oh, shut up!”

  But she was laughing as she followed him to seek out their friends.

  We’ll Take Care of the Mess Later

  “How do you feel?”

  It was at least the tenth time Rick had asked her that over the last hour since Maddox and Madeline had burst through their bedroom door with the antidote for the brutal aphrodisiac she’d been given. It would have been less awkward if Maddox hadn’t unceremoniously stuck it in her ass without explanation while she and Rick were attempting exhausted sex, but she was grateful all the same. But now she wanted some answers. Whatever she’d taken had damn near killed her and Rick didn’t look so hot either after the night they’d been through.

  “Okay, while I was lying there waiting to either die or for that stuff to wear off, I heard you and Maddox talking. What did he tell you?” Julia asked.

  Rick’s ebony eyes were soft as he adjusted the pillows behind her head.

  “Two Lycans broke into the house with the intent of taking you with them,” he said frankly.


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