A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4

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A Changeling For All Seasons Vol. 4 Page 21

by Changelings

  “That’s the hottest thing I think I’ve ever seen.” His voice brought her back to reality. Her hand, slick with her own juice, moved slowly between her legs. Two fingers of her other hand worked her aching nipples with a slowness that had her panting.

  His piercing blue eyes looked her up and down. “Please don’t stop on my account.” His cock was hard and inviting. Dolly put a cream-covered finger into her mouth and pulled it back out slowly. Bryce’s eyes clouded over with lust, and he moaned softly. “Join me?” His voice was deep and controlled but his eyes begged her to step into the shower.

  “I would love to, but we need to keep it quiet so my parents don’t hear us.” She had always been self-conscious about her family and her boyfriends, which was why she never brought any home.

  “Your brother tried to eat me, so I’m not worried about what they think.” Bryce stepped forward and gazed down at her. He laced their fingers and held her hostage with his eyes, pulling her into the shower. “I want them to know that a prairie dog can be a perfect mate for their baby gator.”

  She couldn’t help but believe him about the perfect mate. Every word he said was filled with more love than she had ever felt before. His hand slid up her arm slowly, resting lightly on her shoulder. “I would sit in your brother’s mouth every night at dinner as long as I could look at you from across the table.” His arm looped around her waist, pulling her to his solid chest.

  “Bryce, I…” She had an argument -- at least she thought she had one. “It’s just not the proper thing to do in a Southern family’s home.”

  His lips pulled together in a crooked smile, and then he leaned forward until they were an inch away from hers. His breath smelled of bacon and peanuts, not unpleasant but not the minty fresh she was used to. “I’m not from the South, nor do I care to practice their prudish ways.” He pressed his lips to hers, and his tongue slipped between her lips, exploring. His dick hardened further against her belly.

  The heat in her body rose to scorching levels and Dolly thought she would melt right there in the tub. She moaned into his mouth, loving the feel of his heated hard-on against her flesh.

  Releasing her mouth, Bryce changed spots with Dolly and ran his fingers through her shoulder-length hair as it got wet. “All I want right now is to hear you scream my name.” He poured body wash in a loofah, lathered it up real well, and slowly washed between her shoulder blades and down her spine. Cleaning her back had never been so erotic. Her body tingled everywhere the loofah touched. He moved it over each breast, her nipples at painful peaks silently begging for attention.

  Bryce took a pink nub into his mouth, biting down on it gently. Her head fell back and she moaned as water cascaded over her face. His mouth was warm and his lips were as she knew they would be, smooth and soft.

  He slipped his hand between her legs. She moaned when a thick finger entered her folds. Dropping the loofah, he stepped into the water with her. Soap cascaded down her body and pooled at their feet.

  Dolly gripped his thick shaft and slowly stroked it to full life. Leaning his hips into her, he thrust in and out of her hand. “God, baby, that feels so good.” His hand cupped her pussy, massaging gently. He pressed another finger into her channel.

  Bryce leaned down, licking beads of water from her neck and collarbone. His mouth trailed fire in the valley between her breasts as his fingers pumped in and out of her pussy.

  “Bryce.” Her brain was fuzzy from the attention and speaking was difficult. “I’m sorry my brother tried to eat you.”

  He removed his fingers and turned Dolly around, bending her over. She braced herself against the wall. The thick head of his cock pressed against her opening. “The last thing I want to think about is that walking pair of boots.” He thrust in to the hilt, and let her adjust to his length. His hands glided over her, a thumb and forefinger rolling a tender nipple back and forth. He flicked his thumb over her clit, sending shivers down her spine.

  Bryce pulled out, leaving just the tip of his cock in. Cupping her tits, he thrust hard and deep.

  She pushed against the shower wall for leverage as Bryce pistoned into her cunt hard and fast. She bit her bottom lip to stifle a scream. Her body tingled and her legs felt weak. “Bryce! Oh, God!” she screamed, unable to keep it in.

  “You feel so good, baby. I’m going to come!” Bryce didn’t hold back and his pace quickened.

  Dolly rested her back against his chest. With one arm around her waist holding her up, his other hand squeezed her breast, forcing her to cry out. Her head fell back on his shoulder. He pumped his cock in and out of her throbbing pussy. “Bryce!”

  Bryce set her carefully back on her feet, blocking the water from the shower, since it had gone cold long ago. He rested his forehead against hers. “I love you, gator baby.”

  “I love you too.” She stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself up in a towel. “Oh, honey, don’t forget to shave, please, you’re getting kinda… furry.” She walked out of the bathroom with a snicker held tightly behind closed lips.

  Chapter Three

  Dolly walked into the kitchen where the family gathered to prepare dinner. She leaned against the counter and stared at everybody. “I would like to speak with ya’ll, please.”

  “Why, Dolly, honey, you’re absolutely glowing!” Her mother’s wide grin spoke volumes about what she knew.

  “Never mind that, Mother. The issue at hand is more important. Bryce is not an appetizer. He is my boyfriend. I love him, and for the duration of our visit at no time is anyone to glare at, snap at or attempt to eat him.” She crossed her arms over her chest and made eye contact with everybody.

  “Doll, I was just messin’ with him.” Billy stepped forward and put his hands on her shoulders. “Calm down, sis. He should have shifted faster.”

  Dolly shrugged him off. “Let me stick you in a cage for a few hours and see how fast you shift. Keep your teeth off my boyfriend!” She had never raised her voice to her family before, but it seemed appropriate on this occasion.

  Dinner was quiet. Her family’s eyes kept shifting to Bryce, everybody wanting to say something to him, but not wanting to be the first to break down. Dolly’s family had never been one to apologize without being forced. She kicked Billy in the shins to invite him to apologize.

  Billy cleared his throat and looked everywhere but at Bryce. “Listen, Bryce… um… I just wanted to say…” His hand massaged the back of his neck and sweat broke out on his brow. “I just wanted to say… Damn it, I’m sorry I tried to eat you. I was just messin’ around.”

  Bryce snorted around his fork, then quickly chewed and swallowed. “Well damn, I didn’t expect an apology. I guess I need to call back my bootmaker and tell him not to come.” He took a sip of his wine and set the glass back on the table. “I was really looking forward to those gator skin boots.”

  The whole table broke out in laughter. “I like him, Dolly, I really do,” her mother said.

  When Dolly’s father stood up from his chair at the head of the table, the dining room went quiet. “The meal was excellent as always. Now I think I’ll retire to my study for a brandy. Bryce, will you please join me?”

  Bryce turned to Dolly. She nodded. He then faced her father. “Yes, I will. Thank you, Mr. Madison.”

  Please let this go well! Dolly thought.

  * * *

  “Thank you, Mr. Madison.” Bryce accepted the brandy and sat down.

  “Please, Bryce, call me William.” He crossed his legs at the knee, sitting at an angle where he could see Bryce clearly. “I must admit I had ulterior motives for asking you in here tonight. Usually I like my brandy alone.”

  Bryce put an ankle on a knee and leaned against the arm of the chair. “I appreciate the invitation, William.”

  William circled the rim of his glass with the tip of his forefinger. “I love my daughter very much and was very careful who she dated when she lived with us.” He looked Bryce dead in the eye. “This is probably why she never brought a
ny boyfriends home to meet us. One day, when she is a mother, she will understand why I did that.” He switched his legs, crossing them the other way.

  “Of course,” Bryce chimed in.

  William snickered, took a sip of his liquor, then picked up a picture of Dolly and gazed at it. “If I may ask, how did you and Dolly meet?”

  Bryce grinned. “It was the best day of my life, sir.” He put his foot back on the floor and leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees. “It had started out as the day from hell. My buddies and I were coming back from a two-day ride and we hit this portion of I-70 that is just infested with prairie dogs. They like to play with the vehicles and see how many dogs can get across the road before a car has to slam on the brakes.” Bryce frowned at the memory. “As it turned out, my cousin realized that he wasn’t going to make it across and just stopped in the middle of the road. I swerved to miss him and laid down my ‘65 chopped-out panhead Harley.”

  “Nice bike. Was it okay?” William sipped his drink slowly.

  “After a while she was. My buddy BD worked really hard to restore her for the second time. For a while I was stuck driving my Navigator, which feels like an oversized pet carrier… Anyway, I was sitting at the local bar drowning my depression in alcohol, when Dolly walked in.” Bryce glanced up at the ceiling. “She was so out of place but never let it show that she felt that way. She impressed everybody with her bartending abilities, and she really impressed me by how she handled all the bikers that just wanted in her pants. I knew at that moment that I needed to be with her, to protect her, to love her, and I have.”

  William placed the frame back on the side table. “I’d like to think I’m an honest and fair man. I’ve never seen my daughter this happy, but I’m sad to think that she is happy because she is no longer being oppressed by her mother and me.” He placed his drink on the side table and laced his fingers in his lap. “Despite you being small, furry and appetizing, you are indeed a man. I’m glad Dolly walked into the bar that day and you were there to gain her attention. You are a good man, Bryce, a good man.”

  Bryce reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled the ring box out. “Thank you, sir. With that being said, I would like to ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage and seek your blessing.”

  “You have my blessing.”

  Chapter Four

  Christmas Eve came and went -- another wonderful dinner with the family, everybody playing nice and nobody trying to eat Bryce. He and Dolly’s father again retired to the study for a brandy, which was weird since her father had always gone in there alone, only inviting Billy on a few occasions. When Bryce emerged from the study, he had a big grin on his face and his hand in his pocket.

  The next morning Dolly lay in bed listening to Bryce whistling as he got dressed, her irritation growing by the minute. “Bryce, what the hell is wrong with you?”

  His whistling stopped. He turned, his smile fading too. “What?”

  She got out of bed and walked over to him, not even bothering to grab a robe. “It’s not that you’re in a bad mood, or being a jerk, but you’re not telling me something. And you and my father are acting strange -- all buddy buddy.”

  “Dolly, are you going crazy from the heat?” He led her to the bed by her bare shoulders. “Cupcake, your father and I are getting along. Why not be happy like a normal person? Also, yes, I am keeping something from you, but there is still no need to worry because in a few short hours all will be revealed.” He leaned down to take a nipple into his mouth and sucked gently.

  “Oh my!” Dolly melted in his arms.

  He lifted his head and kissed her mouth. “Now, you cover up that sexy body, much to my dismay, and get ready. It’s Christmas morning and we’re missing breakfast.”

  * * *

  The morning and the afternoon went by in kind of a blur. Dolly kept trying to figure out what Bryce was up to and whether or not she was going to have to leave him to the gators. Literally. Nothing she thought of seemed to make sense. Could he and her father be planning a surprise birthday party? That couldn’t be it since they hadn’t celebrated her birthday since she was sixteen. Was Bryce being nice to her father just so it would be a more pleasurable experience for him? Who knew what was going on? All Dolly knew, it was weirding her out.

  After dinner, she stood in the kitchen drying the dinner dishes as her mother put them on the draining board. Her mind was hazy with trying to decipher what her family was up to. They all had weird smiles on their faces and were being overly nice to her. When Bryce came up behind Dolly, taking the towel out of her hand, he pulled her out the back door.

  “Bryce, what’s going on? I was right in the middle of dishes, and my mother is going to be pissed,” Dolly protested while walking with Bryce across the lawn.

  “Don’t worry, I cleared it with your mother earlier today. She and Billy are going to finish the dishes.” He grinned but continued walking.

  Now that was definitely weird. Billy hadn’t done dishes since her parents realized she could reach the sink. “Where are we going?”

  “The gazebo.” Bryce trudged on through the thick woods behind the house.

  “We passed the gazebo a few yards back.” Dolly pointed over her shoulder to the dilapidated wooden structure.

  “Not that one. We’re going to the one down by the bayou.”

  How did he know about that gazebo? Dolly had only seen it once in her life and that was when her mother took her out there to tell her the story of how her father built the secret gazebo for them to have alone time. Dolly couldn’t remember how to get there and had all but forgotten about it.

  When they stepped into the clearing, Bryce turned quickly to see Dolly’s reaction. Earlier in the day he had sent Billy and her mother down here to decorate and get the gazebo ready for Dolly’s surprise. He was in awe at how beautifully done it was with all the flowers hanging from the ceiling in garlands. The burning candles mingled with the silver glow of the moonlight.

  “Oh, my God!” Dolly’s face lit up in wonder. “What’s all this?”

  “A little surprise.” He led her to the gazebo and sat down with her on the swing. “You were wondering what your father and I were up to the past few days and this is it. He was helping me to surprise you for Christmas.”

  Dolly seemed to gaze at each flower individually. “But you already gave me a Christmas present and it was absolutely wonderful. What else could there possibly be?”

  “This.” Bryce slid from the swing seat and dropped down on one knee in front of her.

  Dolly’s hands shot to her mouth to stifle a gasp, her eyes glistened with forming tears and her breathing sped up. “Bryce?”

  “Dolly Madison, after seeking the blessing of your father and mother, and being granted that blessing, I ask you, will you marry me?” He opened the velvet box he’d been hoarding for months and held it out to her in offering.

  Her hands dropped from her mouth, reaching for the box like it was a small infant. “Oh, my God! It’s gorgeous.” She blinked rapidly, appearing to get her thoughts together. “Of course I’ll marry you!” Shooting off the swing seat, she tackled him, spreading kisses over his face before finally settling on his lips, scorching his insides with the heat.

  When the kiss ended, Bryce removed the ring from the box and slid it on the ring finger of her left hand, admiring how it sparkled against her creamy skin.

  Bryce helped Dolly up off the ground. As she stood there in the moonlight, her skin sparkled with an iridescence that had him wondering if she was from another world. Her brown eyes glittered with moisture as she gazed at her ring, her chest rising and falling with deep breaths. She captured him in her gaze, knowing exactly what he was thinking about -- as if the tent in his jeans wasn’t evidence enough. Her eyes laughed at him, but sparkled all the same. He could stare into her eyes for eternity and never figure out the secrets behind their beauty or the spell they wove whenever he gazed into them.

  “Why, Bryce, is that another ring in y
our pocket or are you just happy to see me?” Dolly’s voice dropped a few seductive octaves as she closed the space between them, pressing her luscious body against his.

  “That would be my cock begging for attention.” The matter-of-fact statement surprised him, but he went with it.

  “Really? I didn’t think I’d been neglecting the poor thing.” Dolly moved in closer, rubbing her hips into his erection. “I guess I’m going to have to work on that.”

  Their fingers laced together, and the feel of her skin on his sent shivers through him. Silky, soft and warm, her skin glistened from the bayou heat. “Yes, you are, but not before I work on you.” He slid his fingers up her arm into her hair.

  Dolly’s hand rested on Bryce’s shoulder, and he leaned down and blew hot breath on her neck, nuzzling the soft skin right below her ear. He snaked an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him and pressing his erection firmly against her belly. He gazed into her brown eyes, lost to their magic forever.

  Bryce captured her mouth, placing small pecks at first before swiping his tongue over her plump bottom lip. She parted her lips slightly, and he pushed his tongue in between, exploring her mouth.

  Dolly’s hand moved from his shoulder to the back of his head, sliding into his short brown hair. She pulled him in for a deeper kiss, moaning softly into his mouth. His cock jumped in response, and he found it hard not to just throw her down and take her.

  Moving his hand up her torso under her shirt, he pushed her bra to the side and cupped a firm, luscious breast. As he rolled the nipple between thumb and forefinger, she threw her head back and leaned closer to his hand. Bryce quickly removed her shirt and bra, then took a rosy peak into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue while pinching the other between his fingers. It seemed Dolly couldn’t get close enough to him. Shifting to the side, he lavished the other breast with the same attention.


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