by Sophie Davis
Thank you for taking the time to read Created. Sophie loves feedback, and any reviews posted to,, Barnes and Noble, or any other retail site where Created is sold, are greatly appreciated.
As always, I would like to thank my friends and family for all of their love and support. I would not be able to create Talia’s world without their help. I would also like to thank all of my beta readers, Donna Bossert, June Seto, and Cheryl Davis. Without you guys Created would not be the novel it has become.
Thank you to Hannah. She has been instrumental in creating the Talented world. She listens to me whine when I am convinced each book sucks, and lets me know if it does. Her honesty only makes the books better. She keeps me going on late nights when I am banging my head against my monitor because a scene doesn’t work. She reminds me to slow down and enjoy life. And most of all, she believes in me.
Thank you to Barb Gordon for all of your support and help. It is so great to have someone I can count on.
Thank you to all of the readers. I have spent the last five years building Talia’s world, and I am so glad that you all have joined me on the journey.
Use the links below to snag your copies of Sophie’s other books!
Pawn, Nightmares Trilogy #1
Blind Barriers, Blind Barriers Serials (Volume #1)