Breaking New Grounds

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Breaking New Grounds Page 19

by Amy DeMeritt

  “That’s not true.” Jess snaps her head around to look at Jaime with her brows pinched in confusion and anger. “When I bought my first dance studio, I didn’t have enough money to buy the studio outright. I had to get a business loan. That loan included enough money to buy the business and to take care of my own personal everyday expenses for about a full year. Banks understand that when you’re starting a new business, you likely don’t have another source of income, so the loan typically includes a bit more than your projected business needs. A new business is much more likely to succeed if the owners are able to dedicate as much of their time as possible to the construct of that business. I agree with Kayla. You should cut your hours. We’re not just investing in your vision for the youth center; we’re investing in you.”

  “I don’t need…”

  “Jess, seriously, listen to us.” Jess narrows her eyes more as she stares Jaime down. “What is the point of your youth center? What is the point of any of the charity work you have done your entire adult life? You’re always trying to help people live as normal of a life as possible. You’re always trying to help people to actually have a life. So, what is the problem here? What are you trying to prove? You’re not a robot and you sure as hell don’t need to be a martyr. You know the smart thing to do from a business and personal standpoint is to work as few hours as possible while you build this organization.”

  Jess exhales hard as she looks down at the open folder in front of her. She flips through the pages, then closes it as she runs a hand over her face. She looks over at Allie, who is patiently watching her with a loving smile. Jess’ look of frustration instantly melts into one of relief and understanding. Allie leans forward and gives her a soft lingering kiss on her lips, and as she pulls away, she caresses her cheek and wiggles her small pointed nose, making Jess’ smile widen.

  “You want me to cut my hours down, don’t you?”

  “I know you have done it before, working the twelve to eighteen-hour days. So, I know you could do it again. But if there is an option for you to work less hours, I want you to accept it. I believe in what you do, Jess, and I believe in this youth center. But we’re a family now. I want another baby in a year. I don’t want you to miss too much of Chelsey growing up because you’re overloaded with work. I know those kids need you, but we need you too.”

  Jess looks down at Chelsey, who is sitting on Allie’s lap chewing on the corner of her blanket. She smiles and bends down to kiss their baby girl and pinches her thigh, making her shriek with shrill laughter and buck and kick around. All of us laugh and Jess looks up at us with a sheepish sort of smile.

  “Ok, I’ll cut my hours in half. Thank you for agreeing to invest in me and the center.”

  “You’re welcome, but I have a couple more conditions.”

  Jess releases a small laughing groan at me as she runs a hand over her face and asks, “Ok, what are they?”

  “First, if you ever run into a situation where the rainy-day fund runs out, you have to tell us so we can make up the difference till we figure out what is causing the insufficient funds. Deal?”


  “Good. My second condition is, we get to set your minimum annual salary, even if we have to pay that salary till the center begins to produce the funds.”

  Jess nervously bites her bottom lip and opens the folder. She points to the financials page, and as she’s about to speak, I reach out and close the folder, saying, “That is not enough for the amount of work you’re putting into this. I understand you want to put as much money into helping the children as possible, but you have a family to think about. Living expenses go up every year. You know this amount is barely enough to get by.”

  “Well, how much more were you thinking? Don’t forget, Allie is a teacher and plans to continue working. We have two incomes.”

  “For now, I recommend doubling the figure you have in here.”

  As Jess starts shaking her head and begins to protest, Allie reaches out, grabbing her hand, and says, “We accept. Do you have any other conditions?”

  I smile as Jess exhales hard and nods in a defeated sort of way, saying, “Yes, fine, we accept. What else?”

  “Ok, my last condition, that I can think of at the moment anyway, is a bit more complex. You said this center is going to be unique to any others out there. If the center ends up being as effective as you believe it will be, I want you to be willing to open additional locations, even in different states. There are at-risk youth everywhere. If you have found a proven method to help them unlike anyone else has before, I want to be able to spread that magic as much as possible.”

  Jess nods, saying, “You definitely will not have to fight me on that condition. That is the ultimate dream.”


  Chapter Eighteen

  My lungs are burning, my mouth is becoming as dry as paper, and my legs are becoming fatigued, but Aura doesn’t look tired in the least. She’s keeping pace with me, running a few feet ahead of me off to the side so she can keep me in her peripheral vision. This is our fifth lap around the wooded perimeter of our three-acre lawn and I think it’s going to be our last. Aura is a wolf and could run ten to thirty miles in a day if I let her. But I’m quickly becoming exhausted.

  As we’re coming around the side of the house to the backyard, the sight of my wives and babies hanging out on the large wooden deck is all of the incentive I need to call it quits for the morning. Instead of hugging the woods as we have been, I cut across the lawn and Aura immediately follows my lead.

  “Hello, puppy. How was your run?”

  Out of breath, I plop down on the deck on my back next to the blanket our babies are on sitting on and playing with toys.

  With a scratchy voice from my mouth being so dry, and between panting breaths, I answer, “It was good. I’m tired and thirsty now.”

  As I’m saying it, Symone is kneeling down next to me with a glass of ice water in her hand, saying, “Here.” With a grin, she traces two fingers down my exposed slightly sweaty six-pack abs. “Are you going to do some crunches next?”

  I laugh a little as I sit up and take the glass. I take a few gulps, then give her a kiss on the lips as I offer her the glass to take back. “Ok, I’ll do some crunches.”

  She playfully pinches my nipple through my sports bra, then stands up to sit back down on the built-in bench seats on the deck. I lace my fingers behind my neck, keeping my arms out like wings behind my head, then start my crunches, mentally counting. Only after seven, Helaku crawls over to me giggling and starts beating on my stomach like it’s a drum, making all of us laugh. He shrieks with giggles and continues patting my stomach. I scoop him up in my hands and hold him up above me while I continue my crunches. Each time I reach a fully contracted position, clenching my abs, I give him a kiss on his grinning mouth, making him squeal with the most amazing laugh and wiggle in my hands.

  After I’ve done fifty crunches, Symone says, “I think it’s time for some one-handed pushups.”

  I look over at Symone and laugh. She’s recording this on her phone. I sit up with Helaku on my lap and ruffle his hair. I set him down on the blanket, then get into position to do on-handed pushups. As I launch myself into the air and change hands on the deck, Helaku releases a loud squeal and reaches out to slap my hand. I laugh and launch myself again, quickly changing hands. Helaku rocks back with an incredible laugh that nearly makes me fall over, then he slaps my hand again. I launch myself again, and he rewards me with more laughter. Malana and Montana crawl over to sit with him, and each of them starts slapping at my hand or the blanket and reeling with laughter every time I launch a few inches off of the ground to change the hand holding me up.

  I get through twenty before I’m struggling too much to keep from laughing from how adorable they are. After my last repetition, I launch myself forward to playfully tackle the babies with tickling hands and kisses all over their faces, necks, and tummies. I play with them for a few minutes before I lay down
with them to catch my breath.

  Symone lays down next to me with her phone and pushes play for me to watch me doing crunches and pushups with the babies.

  “Oh, my god, our babies are so beautiful.” I laugh and reach out to rub each of them on the heads. “God, those laughs are amazing. Oh, we should post this. Hey, babies, you want to break the internet today?”

  I tickle each of the babies and they giggle and start slapping my arms and stomach again.

  Symone runs a hand over my head and kisses my cheek as she takes her phone back, saying, “I’ll post it on your social media accounts for you. You should go get cleaned up. Giz and Jerry will be here soon. And Sara called while you were running. She’s on her way to pick up your dad from the airport, then they’re coming over here.”

  “Ok, I’ll go get a shower.”

  I give Symone a kiss with a sucking nip on her thick silky bottom lip, then jump up to go inside.

  I’m pretty excited about today. Giz, Jerry, and a couple of sound techs from the record company are going to be here for a few days to rehearse and record several new songs. Some are collaborations between Giz, Madison, Sam, Awenasa, and Shannon. And a couple are Madison’s first singles for the start of her solo singing career.

  We also have a contracting company coming to start finishing the attic based off of plans Hayley created for us. The company is owned and operated by military veterans giving other veterans a fresh start after they get out of the military. Which I thought was pretty cool when Hayley and I were trying to decide who to hire for the job. My dad flew in so he can oversee the construction while we are focused on my wives making new music.

  After I’m showered and dressed, I find my wives and babies in the kitchen and informal dining room with Sara, Keira, and my dad.

  As I’m opening the fridge to get a glass of water, Sara leans in to grab a beer, and says, “We need to talk about some things.”

  “Like what?”

  I grab the pitcher of fruit water that Shannon made this morning and pour myself a tall glass. Sara leans against the counter across from me and while I guzzle my water to quench my thirst from my run, she takes a few swigs of beer while she scrolls through her phone with her other hand.

  “How do you feel about making about ten-million-dollars this week and another twenty next month?” I quirk an eyebrow at her as she looks up with a grin. “You remember the interview you did with that morning show at NBC earlier this year?”

  “Yeah, it was to promote the sci-fi movie. Why?”

  “Do you remember when they took questions from the audience and a woman asked you what your favorite hair products are?”

  I nod as I start peeling an orange. “Yeah, I remember.”

  “Apparently, Bio Pure has benefited from a nice uptick in sales since your interview. They reached out to Kathy and pitched her a pretty nice three-year endorsement contact for seven-million annually. They want to meet with you this week to get the contract signed and book you for a photoshoot and commercials when you’re back in L.A. next month to get ready for the winter season promotions. Like your other endorsement deals, you’ll have to shoot new promos and commercials each season and when new products are being released.”

  I break off a wedge of my orange, and before popping it in my mouth, I answer, “Sounds like fun. Where do we have to meet them to sign the contract?”

  “If we go Thursday, we can meet them in Chicago, which would only take a few hours. If not, we’ll have to fly out to L.A. this weekend.”

  Thursday is only three days away. My wives will be working on new music through Friday. I rub the back of my neck as I turn to face my wives, all of whom are sitting around the informal dinning room table with my dad and Keira.

  “What do all of you think? If we go Thursday, I’ll probably miss some of your studio sessions.”

  Madison gives me a proud loving smile, and says, “It’s fine, baby. It’s better for you to only have to leave for a few hours than have to leave for a full day or more over the weekend to go all the way to California. We’ll record the studio sessions so you can watch them when you get back.”

  Sara smacks my shoulder roughly, startling me, and making me spin back around to look at her. She laughs and starts typing on her phone, saying, “Awesome. I’m having Kathy schedule the meeting. Now, about the other three-million you could get this week… You know the brand Snuggle Duds? They specialize in sleepwear.”

  “Yeah, we have a bunch of their stuff. It’s pretty comfortable and they have cool prints.”

  “They want you and one of your wives to do a couple’s commercial segment and photoshoot for the upcoming holidays.”

  “Why only one of my wives?”

  Sara runs a hand through her hair as she lowers her phone to give me her full attention. “They’re doing family and couple promotions, but they think you’ll have the greatest positive impact in the couple promotions.”

  “I’m not a couple. I have six wives. I’ll pass.”

  Sara nods as she takes a sip of her beer. “I told Kathy you wouldn’t go for it. They proposed a counter offer. The payout is the same, but they’ll cast another girl to play your partner. That way it’s just an acting gig and it’s not personal.”

  “They made it personal when they suggested I pretend not to have a family. If they want a famous lesbian couple, then you and Keira should do it. I’m not interested.”

  Sara groans as she runs a hand over her face, and says, “Ok, I didn’t word that very well. Those were my words, not theirs. Basically, your biggest audience consists of people under thirty and people under thirty generally are attracted to promotions for singles and couples. They suggested casting you and one wife because they’re trying to cast real couples. Their goal isn’t to strip you of your other wives.”

  I set my face hard and cross my arms over my chest, asking, “So, you’re trying to strip me of my wives?”

  “Oh, my god. Kayla if you…” I start laughing hard and she laughs as she shoves my shoulder. “Ass. Are you interested or not?”

  “I don’t know. I still feel like I should decline because it’s like you just dangled a cool opportunity in front of my wives then snatched it back. Why can’t you and Keira do it?”

  “They didn’t ask for me. They asked for you.” I roll my eyes as I pull my cellphone out of my pocket. “What are you doing?”

  “Texting Kathy and asking if they’ll extend the offer to you and Keira instead.” Sara groans loudly and her fingers start flying over the screen of her cellphone. “What are you doing?”

  “Telling Kathy to counter offer them to book your whole giant ass family – you, your wives, your babies, and your wolf, the whole beautiful package.”

  “Then I’m pointing out that you and Keira perfectly fit both categories – you’re a lesbian couple and you’re going to be a family since she’s pregnant.”

  “I am your manager, not the other way around. Stand down, Kayla.”

  “You stand down. Why are you so against being paid three-million-dollars just to wear some pajamas? You’re being so damn weird right now.”

  We look over at the informal dining room as everyone bursts with laughter, and Madison says, “You two are hilarious. Why don’t you see if they’ll do a family and friends type of promotion? Then the whole squad can be in it too.”

  I smile really big and start quickly typing it out to Kathy. “That’s brilliant, baby.”

  The chime for the call-button on the front gate sounds, so Sam hops up to answer it. When she gets to the monitor, she says, “What the hell? Mom, what are you doing here?”

  Eliza’s voice comes through the intercom as she loudly screams, “Surprise!” with a laugh, and adds, “We all came to watch you girls make music. Buzz us in!”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Susan, Madison’s mom beams as she walks into the kitchen and throws her arms around her daughter. Madison returns her hug, and asks, “What are you guys doing here?”

�We wanted to watch you record new music. The whole family is coming. We decided to surprise all of you.”

  “Oh, my god.” Shannon rushes to the fridge and bites her thumb. “We don’t have enough food for everyone.”

  Eliza, Sam’s mom places a hand on Shannon’s shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. “We’ll go out. It’s the least we can do for showing up unannounced. Do you want to give me a list or should we just wing it?”

  “I’ll make a list. Kayla, can you give them some cash?”

  “You don’t have to…” Susan tries to protest, but I shake my head and pinch her side, making her laugh.

  “You can do the shopping, but you’re not paying.”

  I pull on Susan’s shirt sleeve, encouraging her to follow me, and I unlock the office. While I open the safe, she looks around at our bookcases and the pictures on the walls.

  “I hope we didn’t miss anything yet. Did they already start recording?”

  “No, not yet. Giz and Jerry should be here soon, but they’ll have to rehearse before they can record anything.”

  “You know more about contracts than I do. Did Madison get a good deal?”

  I smile and nod as I turn with a stack of twenty-dollar bills and let the safe close and lock. “Madison is a business genius. She really worked them over and got a fantastic contract, especially for just starting out. Jerry is going to line up some radio and TV performances for them while we’re in California for the next few months.”

  “I hope I can come watch her for a live performance.”

  “Oh, you’ll definitely be there. We’ll make sure of it.”

  Susan smiles with tears in her eyes and wraps her arms around me. “I can’t believe I almost destroyed all of this when Madison came out to us. Thank you for not giving up on us, even after what I did to you. Even without all of the fame and money, I’m proud to have you as my daughter-in-law and I love you dearly.”

  “I love you too and I really appreciate the efforts you made back then too.”


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