The Soul Healer

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The Soul Healer Page 17

by B. Groves

  “How is Kyle?”

  Alison shrugged. “Busy doing his church stuff, I guess.”

  “Yeah, he is always busy with the church,” Emma answered.

  “He sure is.”

  The tension between the two women grew thicker than the humidity and more brutal than the early afternoon sun beating down on both of them.

  Emma bit her lip once again and said, “Alison we both know why you’re here. Let’s stop playing this game.”

  Alison feigned innocence and said, “I’m sorry. Did I offend you? I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”

  Emma crossed her arms over her chest and raised an elegant eyebrow. “I know you’re not Kyle’s cousin. Kyle doesn’t have family in Florida. I can do research, too.”

  Alison gave Emma a dazzling smile. “Aw, Emma. Am I going to have to take this muzzle off my dog?”

  Emma turned back to her sharply. “Is that a threat?”

  “Should it be?”

  It was Emma’s turn to give Alison her most dazzling smile. “It shouldn’t be taken as one. You don’t scare easily. I find that... admirable. In fact, I find it downright courageous, but others… mmm… not so much.”

  “What others?”

  Emma laughed. “Please. I’m sure Kyle told you his suspicions already. Are they true? You can find out on your own, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  Alison didn’t intimidate easily either, especially from another human. Emma Leavens was one of those humans. She was protecting her… investment. Alison pitied Emma. She was a follower. Hell, you could call her a cult follower. What promises did these shadows make to her? Nothing, because it was all bullshit.

  “Who’s threatening whom now?” Alison asked.

  Emma laughed again. She had a light, feminine laugh that made people fall all over themselves for her attention.

  “It’s not a threat. It’s for your best interest. I wasn’t lying when I said I admire you. I know you’ve been through hell. As a fellow homecoming queen, prom queen, and sorority sister, I want to help you while I still can.”

  Alison burst out laughing at Emma mentioning her past. “Wow, Emma, you did your research. I’m impressed.”

  Emma shrugged. “I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished, and you should be, too.”

  Alison scoffed. Proud? Proud of what? Was she proud that she wore a tiara for a few hours in high school? Big deal. Proud that she lived in a special house on a college campus? Oh, please. That wasn’t something Alison ever thought of anymore. Yes, she missed her old life. She missed the ignorant bliss of not knowing the darkness that surrounds the world, but those things Emma spouted, no, she wasn’t proud of those. Alison knew Emma’s type very well. Not only from her experience in demon hunting but life in general. She was the stereotypical gold digger, trophy wife, and she thought that was the only accomplishment she needed.

  “Are you proud of those nudes too?” Alison asked.

  Emma’s face never changed expressions at the mention of the photos. “I am. I work hard for this body.”

  Alison guessed her answer correctly. “I respect that.”

  Emma opened her mouth, must have had a second thought, and closed it. Alison could see her struggling for words.

  “Listen, Alison. Kyle has been…” Emma sucked in a breath, “amusing towards some people, but now that you’ve been called in, it’s turned serious. I was hoping he’d never discover hunters, but here we are. I’m telling you this as a warning for you, and for him. I care about Kyle, and I can only hold them back him for so long.”

  Alison raised an eyebrow. She couldn’t tell if Emma was sincere about Reverend Ellis or not.

  “Is that why you still attend church?”

  “Yes, because I was keeping an eye on him. When you came to exorcise Olivia, I thought it would have been one and done, but you found out there was more, didn’t you?”

  Alison nodded. “There’s a dark cloud that hangs over this town, Emma. Why you’ve decided to become a part of it, I don’t know and I don’t care, but I’m here to do a job. I will finish that job. Now, why don’t you be a good little human and tell me where those missing people are? Billy Wilson has been freed. Where are the others?”

  Emma smiled. “Trying to patronize me, huh? I won’t fall for that. I have to go, but you can never say I didn’t warn you.”

  “I will find them and put a stop to this.”

  Emma flung her hair over her shoulder. She gave Alison one last dazzling smile and turned to walk away.

  Alison leaned back against her car as the tension in the air faded, unlike the humidity.

  Simon had been standing on the hot asphalt long enough. She would check his paws once they entered the store.

  “I’m sorry, boy. That took longer than I thought,” Alison said. “We’ll get you some water and let you cool down.”

  Alison watched Emma leave the parking lot, but decided not to follow her for now.

  Alison brushed off the warning. She didn’t scare easily, and she certainly wouldn’t leave town. She did worry about Kyle. She didn’t want to see him hurt by this. Despite their difference of opinion, she liked him and wanted to keep him safe.

  Alison started walking towards the entrance to the grocery store. She grabbed her phone from her pocket and called Miguel.

  “Are you okay?” He asked when he answered his phone.

  “I got some interesting stuff that I’ll explain later, but can you check on Kyle for me?”

  “Actually, I just came from the church. I took Olivia over there for some counseling and Kyle spoke to her, but he looked nervous,” Miguel said.

  Alison stopped once they reached the shade of the grocery store. She kneeled to check on Simon’s paws to make sure they weren’t burned. “Go on.”

  “Alison, you better come back soon. Olivia said she felt something inside the church, and when I asked Kyle about it… he… well…”

  “What, Miguel?”

  Miguel sighed. “He has this woman trapped in one of the closets. She was one of his first exorcisms, apparently, and he says she needs it again,” Miguel finished.

  Alison’s mouth opened. She stood up straight and groaned out loud. She ran a hand through her hair and felt frustration building over what Kyle did.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Alison asked, trying not to yell. She looked around to make sure no one was listening.

  “Nope. I heard the woman yelling for help. He told us to leave until he resolves this. Luckily, I sent Olivia outside when I discovered her,” Miguel said.

  “Oh, good. Olivia doesn’t need any more traumas. I can talk to Olivia if she needs it,” Alison offered, thinking about the brave young girl.

  “She would like that, Alison, she was asking for you,” Miguel said.

  Alison softened. She was still furious at Kyle for pulling that stunt with the woman Miguel mentioned, but she would be happy to see Olivia.

  “Tell her I’ll see her soon. I’ll take care of this and see what’s going on with that woman,” Alison said.

  “Her name is Clara Reid. I don’t know her that well, but I heard she’s eccentric,” Miguel said.

  “That’s all I need. Thanks, Miguel,” Alison said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Alison hung up and phone and shook her head. Emma mentioned trying to protect Kyle, but Kyle was causing most of the trouble.

  “Well, boy, looks like we’re going to see the good Reverend Ellis faster than I expected,” Alison said to Simon.

  Alison led Simon into the store. There was a little area that provided water and other treats for pets. She went there first so Simon could drink some water. She felt safe enough to remove his muzzle since her familiar oppressive feeling never appeared inside the store. It was pretty empty for a Monday afternoon. There were some shoppers milling about, but none of them had the shadow surrounding them as Alison set her eyes on them.

  She removed Simon’s muzzle and filled up a bowl full of water. S
he spoke with another woman who owned a Labrador about their dog care, and traded some funny doggy stories.

  This was one of the few times Alison felt some normalcy. Just having a simple conversation with another human about each other’s dogs.

  Alison picked up some groceries. She wouldn’t visit Kyle until later. She hadn’t eaten and she needed some rest. It had been a long morning, and her confrontation with Emma didn’t help matters.

  She was meandering around the store when her phone rang.

  “Hey, John,” Alison answered.

  “Hey, Alison. I got more information if you’re available,” John said.


  “Nothing else on Emma Leavens for now,” John said.

  Alison heard papers shuffling over the phone, and it sounded like John was reaching for something.

  “I didn’t think so. I spoke to her before you called,” Alison remarked.

  “Oh, really? Is she one of them?”

  “No, but she made it clear she works for them, and she knows my background,” Alison answered.

  “Oh, shit. Do you need back up?” John asked.

  “No, I’m okay.”

  “Are you sure? I can get a team ready,” John offered. “It’ll be small, though.”

  “No. I’m good.”

  “Fuck. I hate those kinds of people. They make it worse,” he said.

  “They do. What you got?”

  “I wish you’d agree with me about a team, but I know you need to find out more,” John said with a sigh. “Anyway, Samuel Manes. Mayor of Wolfpine, North Carolina. Could he get any more obvious with the name?”

  “I know,” Alison said with a low laugh. “He’s mocking humans, and they don’t even know it.”

  “Nothing on this guy, because it’s an alias. I searched him up and down. Nothing. I’m not surprised. Whoever he was before, he scrubbed all that from the internet. His birth certificate is fake, I’ve seen that kind of job with people and other possessions.”

  “Not surprised.”

  “He says he was born in Virginia, but I doubt it.”

  “I never doubted it,” Alison answered.

  Alison hung up with John and continued to question her sanity about staying in this town.

  Chapter 27

  Kyle stood by while Miguel listened to Clara Reid through the locked door as she pleaded with them to release her.

  Kyle had been cleaning up the church when Miguel and Olivia showed up and he rushed Olivia back outside.

  He wasn’t able to explain the situation to Miguel until he had Olivia sitting in front of the television at his house. The little girl’s injuries were healing fast. Her bruises were fading, and her face was returning to normal. Miguel said she slept through the night, but woke up crying for her mother.

  Kyle regretted the timing on his capture. He said a silent prayer for forgiveness and suggested Miguel contact the psychiatrist.

  “He has a better understanding of Olivia’s situation anyway,” Kyle said.

  “You’re right, but don’t shut me out, you promised,” Miguel said.

  “I won’t. You have a big role to play, my friend. I can feel it,” Kyle said as they walked back to the church.

  “What did you want to show me?” Miguel asked.

  Miguel’s eyes widened when Kyle showed him the closet.

  “Do you realize what you’ve done? What if Chief Carter finds out? I mean he can forgive a lot, but this…” Miguel pointed to the door. “This could get you in deep shit.”

  Kyle waved his hand in dismissal. “This will be forgiven when Alison comes back and releases her soul. I won’t call Markus about this.”

  “What about Miranda?” Miguel asked.

  “The Lord was shining down on me. She’s visiting her grandchildren this week,” Kyle answered.

  “Reverend, you always keep your doors open. What happens if you have a visitor?”

  Miguel’s eyes never left the door. They heard a small crack from the wood as Clara tried to run into it and break it down.

  “That wood is chestnut. A durable wood.” Kyle smiled. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  Miguel ran a hand through his dark, curly hair. “If you say so. What about visitors?”

  “I’m staying in the church. I’ll sleep in shifts. Besides, Clara’s strength will run out eventually,” Kyle explained. “I can chase people away.”

  Miguel eyed the door again and spoke in between bangs on the wood. “You have a week until Alison returns.”

  “I know. Do you know what she told me? She said she doesn’t always exorcise the demons. She says if the soul is lost after a certain amount of time, then there’s nothing she can do.”

  Anger choked Kyle as he thought of Alison’s explanation. Kyle refused to believe that. Somewhere inside Clara, her soul begged for freedom. Alison explained their souls were trapped in some kind of mental cage and that’s where she freed them and the demon left their body.

  “Doesn’t she have a point? Maybe she’s trying to save the life that’s left,” Miguel said.

  Kyle tried to hold back his anger. He figured Miguel would take Alison’s side since she saved his daughter.

  “Are you willing to overlook what that monster did to your wife?” Kyle asked.

  Miguel’s expression changed from one of confusion to anger. He clenched his fists and said, “That’s not fair. I want them all gone like you, but Alison knows these things inside and out.”

  Kyle knew he was alienating his friend and his ally. Miguel had come to him for help when he discovered what was happening to Olivia, they worked on finding a solution, and Miguel had been hell-bent on revenge.

  “Take her side, but you’ll see I’m right,” Kyle said.

  Miguel shrugged and said, “I better take Olivia home before she gets curious. Good luck, Reverend, but keep me out of this one.”

  “It’s better you stay away. I’ll let you know when it’s done,” Kyle said.

  Miguel turned and walked away shaking his head. Kyle ignored Miguel’s doubts and pressed his ear against the door.

  “Please, Reverend,” Clara’s muffled voice said through the door. “I haven’t done anythin’. I don’t hurt anyone.”

  “Where are those missing people, Clara?” Kyle asked.

  The noises behind the door went silent. Kyle waited for Clara to answer, but she was no longer pleading with him.

  “I’ll let you go if you tell me,” he said. “They need saving.”

  Kyle heard a laugh and another bang on the door. “You’re so pathetic, Kyle. You can’t win. You won’t win.”

  Kyle stayed near the door for a few more minutes waiting for Clara to say more, but she wasn’t talking.

  He moved away, satisfied that Clara was done trying to break down the door for a little while.

  Kyle walked back into his office and tried to concentrate on paperwork. He was falling behind on bills, and if the church elders got wind of it, he’d have to listen to them drone on about the responsibilities of the church. Miranda had set up his appointment book for the week and he thanked the heavens that his schedule was empty.

  He thought about what he wanted to write for his sermon this week. He thought of Clara trapped inside the closet and wondered how much room there was inside a body except for the human soul and God’s love.

  Kyle grudgingly admitted that Clara looked great. She seemed happier, more confident, and no longer the hoarder he’d known for years. Her house wasn’t filled with junk that piled to the ceiling, she was wearing makeup, and dressed in nice clothes.

  Kyle thought back to the moment Audrey called him about Clara and how she was tearing the house apart. She was beating on Audrey, and according to Audrey, her eyes kept turning black.

  After four continuous weeks trying to exorcise her, Clara woke up one day back to normal. Kyle thought he’d defeated the demon and Clara’s soul was saved.

  That wasn’t the case.

  He failed not only Clara, but a
ll his exorcisms, but that didn’t give Alison the excuse to leave the demons inside the person.

  Kyle let out a breath. He thought about calling Alison and speaking with her about it. No arguing. No judgment. Who knew if she’d ever come back to town and keep her promise to rid the town of its darkness. Kyle had been ignored by some hunters in The Network, and what made Alison so different?


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