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Rage Page 9

by Elizabeth Reyes

  The kids ran over a few times to drop off tickets they won on some of the machines. Addison couldn’t get enough of seeing AJ’s interaction with them. For such an intense guy, as famous for his raging as he was for his incredible baseball skills, he was so sweet and patient with them.

  Addison didn’t even realize she wore such an adoring smile until he turned back to her. He’d been watching the kids run off again as she’d been watching him.

  “What’s that smile about?” he asked, bringing his mug to his lips.

  Feeling a little embarrassed because she’d been caught, she shrugged, but couldn’t quite undo what she knew was likely a goofy smile. “You’re so good with them. I think it’s sweet.”

  “Kids?” He glanced back at them then lifted and dropped a shoulder. “Never met one I didn’t like. It’s nice to be reminded of what life was like once upon a time. I envy them actually. I’d give anything for life to be that simple again.”

  “But your life is a dream come true,” she said, surprised by his last comment.

  “It is,” he agreed immediately. “And I’m not complaining, but like with everything, no matter what profession you’re in, there’s always something to worry about. When you’re a kid, you can go to bed at night without a worry in the world.”

  “Oh, you don’t think Clair worries about stuff?” Addison smirked.

  “Okay, you got me there.” He laughed. “But she’s an exception. I’m sure she worries about stuff she doesn’t have to worry about: the team’s stats, maintaining her perfect grades in school, her mother having company tonight.”

  That made Addison’s face heat. “Did she say that?”

  “Why? Does that embarrass you?” he asked with a growing smile. “She’s a smart little girl. Of course she’d think ahead. She knew this is what she’d be doing.” He motioned out to where Clair and Harrison were shooting basketballs into a basket and missing every single one then turned back to Addison. “She just thought it’d be better if you had someone to keep you company. I’m just glad it was me she asked and not anyone else.”

  Just as he had from day one, he’d done so again all night. Every time he said something she thought could mean more, he held her gaze silently for a few moments, almost as if to challenge her to ask him to clarify. In this case, he couldn’t be making it clearer. While the thought was beyond thrilling, she didn’t want him getting the wrong idea. Addison had been around baseball players her entire life. It still hadn’t stopped her from making the mistake once, but she knew better now. She wasn’t naïve enough to think that a guy like AJ would be interested in more than just a flirtation, maybe a meaningless romp—his San Diego girl even.

  If she thought she could go along with it—give her body the pleasure of what she could only imagine would be beyond amazing and have her heart not get involved—she would. God, would she ever. Again and again. But she knew she couldn’t, especially not with AJ.

  “I’m glad she asked you to also, AJ,” she said, smiling sweetly. “If you’re going to be my daughter’s best buddy, then I guess it only makes sense that you and I be friends too.”

  “It’s a start,” he said with a smirk as he eyed her over her mug. Before her heart could recover, he downed what was left of his beer and stood up. “C’mon. Let’s go help these kids out with that basketball. At least get one in for them.”

  She stood up, feeling as weak-kneed as she knew she’d be, and walked over to him. The booth they’d been in was somewhat in a private corner. Obviously, some of the patrons had recognized him but had given them their space; though she’d seen many of them rubbernecking the whole time they’d sat there chatting.

  Over by the games, the kids were not as discreet as the adults around them. AJ was immediately hit up for his autograph. He happily obliged then proceeded to do what he said he wanted to and helped Clair and Harrison with the basketballs. Of course, he was as good at shooting the baskets as he was at baseball. Before long, they were surrounded by cheering kids and adults taking photos with their phones and then posing with him.

  Being the daughter of a famous player, even if by the time she was Clair’s age he wasn’t playing anymore, Addison was used to this. Her dad had been a big enough name in the game that even now he was still recognized everywhere he went. She remembered watching him the way Clair and Harrison watched AJ now: with wide-eyed smiles and chests puffed with pride.

  For Addison, what she felt watching AJ posing and chatting with his adoring fans was different from what she used to feel with her dad. The guy was hands down one of the sexiest guys she’d ever been around. And Addison was no stranger to being around sexy baseball players. He was making it obvious he was gunning for more with her. As flattered as she was, it scared the hell out her. She wished she could be like one of those many groupies that guys like AJ had. She just couldn’t. Even now, as she watched the bimbo fluttering her lashes and asking to pose for a photo with him, Addison’s smile flattened. Clearly, these girls would jump at the chance for a fling with him.

  Addison’s heart literally ached at the thought of doing so and knowing she wasn’t his one and only. It was almost maddening that she wouldn’t be able to just shake it off for the sake of indulging herself in what could be a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be with the man she’d been drooling over for years.

  Then their eyes met again. Even over the crowd of people, he gazed at her in such a way that she knew he could easily own her heart after so much as one kiss. It’d be brutal to have to see or hear about him with anyone else like Miranda after any indulging she might give into. Nope. She wouldn’t allow it. She’d be strong, no matter how tempting it ever got. Period.

  The small mob around them grew fast. Addison knew from experience, especially in this day and age of social media, how much bigger this would get if they didn’t get out of there soon. She leaned over to Clair’s ear. “It’s getting late, mamas. We need to get Harrison home soon.”

  Clair was noticeably disappointed but complied, tugging at AJ’s shirt. As soon as he bent over and she said something in his ear, he began saying good-bye to everyone. It was still just a little after nine, but Addison had had a feeling it would take them a while to get out of there, and she’d been right. By the time they were in the car, it was twenty until ten.

  Luckily, Harrison didn’t live too far from the pizza place, and they made it there in time. He thanked them all, saying he’d see Clair online tomorrow. Clair reminded him she wouldn’t be online until after tomorrow’s game when she got home.

  “They play chess against each other online,” Addison explained when AJ’s brows pinched at Clair’s reminder.

  The pizza place was a little further from her parents’ home, and as expected, Clair’s seven-year-old body gave in to the day’s excitement. She was knocked out cold by the time they reached Addison’s parents’ home.

  “Don’t wake her,” AJ whispered when he turned to look at Clair in the backseat. “I’ll carry her in.”

  Without thinking, Addison placed her hand on his thigh. It felt as she’d always imagined it would.

  Delectably hard.

  AJ looked down at her hand as she withdrew it. The instant change in his demeanor was a living thing. The power behind those sultry eyes was terrifying, but not because she felt threatened by him in any way. It was just a brutal slap of reality. The man was an absolute dream. Addison wasn’t so sure she’d be able to stand her ground if he ever did try anything.

  “I was just gonna say,” she said, ignoring her pounding heart. “If you pull up further, you’ll be closer to the back door. It’s a little closer to her room.”

  His eyes fell to her lips, and right then she knew she was in trouble. Not only would she not stop him if he tried to kiss her, but certain body parts were already tingling in anticipation of him doing more.

  Chapter 8


  AJ had two rules when it came to women. He didn’t play games, and he didn’t beat around the bush. If he was in
it for nothing more than sex, he made it clear up front. There was no sense in making promises he didn’t intend to keep for the sake of getting in their pants. Too many were able and willing to give it up for nothing more than the fun of it or even bragging rights to have to lie his way into anyone’s panties.

  He’d always known that, if he ever wanted more than just a good time, he’d be up front about that too. There was nothing stupider than when he heard guys get all bent out of shape when they found out the girl they’d been bagging, no strings attached, was screwing someone else too. In most cases, the guys were just selfish pricks. They didn’t want to stop bagging other chicks, but they wanted one in particular for themselves exclusively.

  In other cases, some guys had fallen for their part-time girl for real but were afraid of losing what they did have with her if they pushed for more. That was just insane. AJ had always known it. If he ever fell for anyone he was screwing, he’d be damned if he wouldn’t just tell her, and she’d either agree to exclusivity or he was out. No way would he stay in a relationship with anyone he felt more for, knowing it was an open one.

  No fucking way.

  He’d known for weeks if he ever took the risk of trying for anything with Addison it wouldn’t be a casual fling or even a one-time deal. If he were going to risk it, it was all or nothing. With Addison, he wouldn’t even be willing to sleep with her the onetime just to get it out of his system, not with what he felt for her now.

  If they did agree to something more and it didn’t work out, at least he could say he tried. It’d probably be even more brutal to have to see or hear of her with someone later, but that was a risk he was willing to take if it meant the chance of so much more. He still didn’t know enough about her, but he knew himself. What he’d been feeling ever since the day he met Addison was like nothing he’d ever felt.

  After thoughts of Addison had distracted him throughout the entire game today, he decided to take Clair up on her offer for tonight. He needed to confirm if what he thought he’d picked up from Addison in Toronto and Niagara Falls was just a fluke or if she might actually be feeling the same thing he was.

  The moment in the car earlier was promising. Addison’s response to his eating up her sweet lips with his eyes had been a welcoming one. It if hadn’t been for Clair in the backseat, he would’ve already gone for it. So he was actually thankful for Clair now. He could easily give into the temptation of tasting Addison’s lips, devouring her mouth if she let him, but he didn’t want to go there until he had a few things straight.

  They got Clair into her room, and AJ waited for Addison out in the front room while Addison changed her and got her under her blankets. He circled the front room, looking at the photos on the different wall cabinets and in the expensive-looking frames that adorned the walls throughout.

  He had to chuckle at some of Addison’s photos as a little girl. Clair had been right when she said you could barely tell them apart. There was one collage in particular where they’d purposely put photos of the two side by side using photos of Addison at the same age as Clair.

  “She is so out.”

  AJ turned at the sound of Addison’s voice. “I was surprised she didn’t wake up when I picked her up.”

  “Oh no,” Addison said, smiling and shaking her head. “She’s been so excited about this weekend all week: first, because you guys would be back in town then because of today. So she was up early this morning with her papa making pancakes and getting ready for the big day. When she has a day with this much excitement, she knocks out good and hard. Nothing short of a freight train crashing through the house is gonna wake her up now.”

  Good to know.

  “Your parents gonna be home soon?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “That banquet they went to is in Highland. It’s too far. They’re not driving home tonight.”


  He waited until she walked up next to him to look at the collage he’d been smiling at. “It’s funny that Clair and I look so much alike because I look nothing like my mom’s childhood photos.”

  “Clair was right. You two could pass as twins in these photos.”

  She was close enough that their hands grazed, and he hooked his pinky onto hers, feeling her go rigid in response. So he turned to face her, slipping his hand completely into hers. It was so quiet in there he could hear her breathing accelerate as she licked her lips and searched his eyes. They weren’t as welcoming as they had been in the car. She seemed alarmed now.

  “Are you seeing anyone, Addison?’

  “No,” she said as her anxious eyes shifted from his eyes to his lips then back to his eyes again.

  AJ lifted her hand, placing it on his chest so she’d see she wasn’t the only one feeling the insane anxiety—another thing no girl had ever made him feel. All the weeks leading up to today he’d known Addison was a first for him. She’d be the first girl he ever felt inclined to ask for—needed to hear her say she’d be his exclusively. He just hadn’t anticipated being so fucking terrified about the real possibility of her saying no.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day we met,” he said as his eyes searched for clues of what she might think of that.

  “I’ve thought of you this whole time too,” she said, even as the anxiousness in her eyes remained.

  His apprehension began to drain a little, and he took a step forward. “I was really looking forward to getting back to see you again. You and Clair.”

  Finally, the alarm in her eyes waned, and she smiled sweetly, her eyes dropping to his lips as he moved in closer. “Well, you know how much Clair was looking forward to having you back.” She peered up into his eyes. “I was too.”

  “Were you?” he asked, a little confused, but he still couldn’t fight the temptation to slip his hand around her soft nape. Her brows pinched together at the question, even as she quivered slightly at his touch. “I kept wondering if what I’d felt from you the day of our Niagara Falls trip hadn’t been just imagined. Then you didn’t show last night to the game.”

  Her eyes widened strangely, but only for a second, and then she shook her head. “I had a lot of work I needed to catch up on, and I knew I’d be gone all day today.”

  AJ searched her eyes, not sure what to make of the strange flicker he’d seen in them. “When Clair told me you’d made the game today but didn’t come down with her on the field before the game, you have no idea how disappointing that was. I was dying to see you at that point. I almost turned Clair’s invite down to come with you guys tonight because I was beginning to think your feeling anything remotely close to what I was had to be all in my head.”

  There was no flicker this time, but she did glance away for a moment. “I, uh,” she said, making eye contact with him again. “I stayed with my mom because she has a condition in her legs that acts up occasionally and she can’t be doing too much walking around. It was acting up again today.”

  The unease he’d seen in her eyes moments ago was gone. A sudden softness permeated her eyes now as she brought her hand up and touched his face.

  “I really did miss you, Andrés. A lot.”

  AJ leaned his forehead against hers, closing his eyes. “God, I love hearing you say my name.” She giggled as he stared deeply into her eyes. “Does your missing me as much as I missed you mean I stand a chance of being more than just Clair’s best buddy who keeps you company on her play dates?” The pinch in her brows made him add one last thing. “Not that I think it’s a bad gig. I loved hanging out with you guys tonight. It’s just that”—he gulped before adding the most terrifying part of this statement—“I want more.”

  The unease in her expression was back, but it was different this time. “I’ve had a longstanding rule about not getting involved with any of my dad’s players—baseball players in general, AJ.”

  “Good,” he said, still curious about why that was, but he’d save that question for later. “But you’re standing here with me now so close I can almos
t taste your lips, and you just told me you missed me as much as I missed you. Please tell me that it means you’ll make an exception for me only.”

  “That depends.”

  AJ pulled his forehead away and peered at her. “On what?”

  “On what exactly you mean by more. I’ve been around traveling baseball players long enough to know—”

  “I’d never disrespect my coach or Clair by asking you for anything less than something serious and exclusive,” he said, making sure that was clear. “As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t want it any other way. I know it’s soon and we can take things as slow as you want, but it’s the one thing I’d need to know you’re on board with before anything else.”

  She stared at him for a moment, a semblance of skepticism—or something—in her eyes.

  “What about Miranda?”


  She lifted a brow, tilting her head sideways. “The girl you spent the entire night with and then hung out with again after Clair’s birthday. The reason why you couldn’t do the zoo tour.”

  Feeling utter annoyance that she still remembered that when he’d long forgotten the groupie, he frowned. “Look. I’ll admit, as a single guy, I’ve met and hung with girls who offer up no-strings-attached fun. She was one of those. But if I do this, all of that changes. In fact, I’ll be completely honest here. I admit that first night, the one she mentioned the day I first met you, I did spend with her. But after that, I made no further plans to see her. I would’ve hung around for the zoo tour. I was planning to because I didn’t have any plans with her that day. Only reason I didn’t was because I saw the exchange between you and Travis.” He took a deep breath before admitting the next part. “It pissed me off even way back then. But I’m telling you I wouldn’t dream of disrespecting you by spending time with any other women once we’re exclusive, especially because I’d be expecting the mutual respect in return.”

  He stopped short of saying he’d demand it because, in time, he was sure she’d pick up on what his heart would be demanding. The way he felt now, standing this close to her and knowing he was but seconds away from claiming her mouth, he knew he wouldn’t be able to hide just how entitled his heart would feel if this happened with her.


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