Blood Legion: Adamantine Chronicles Book Two

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Blood Legion: Adamantine Chronicles Book Two Page 12

by D. R. Rosier

  “I took her to a jazz place, we ate, danced, talked, and then came back here. It was a great date, and I feel the same way about her that you do about Tina. I’m not smitten with her, like I am with you, but she’s so sweet and loving, and an amazing woman in other ways, that I don’t think it’ll be a problem. We had chemistry to spare, and I already feel protective of her, and like she’s mine, even if I don’t love her yet. She’s also got a wicked sense of humor at times, so watch out for that tonight.”

  She asked, “Are you sure?”

  I nodded, “Truthfully I was blown away, the date went better than I could’ve imagined. We’re definitely compatible between the sheets. Like you said, not better, but different.”

  She tilted her head, “How, I mean we’re both women…” she trailed off, and I could see a small amount of fear and doubt in her eyes.

  I said, “You’re my wild sexpot, you blow my mind with your joyful aggressiveness. Even when you’re in the mood to be taken and pinned down, you kind of go wild on me from underneath, which is amazingly hot, that I engender that in you. She’s different, more submissive. Comparing is just a bad idea, and I honestly can’t quantify it. Love makes a difference of course, we’ve only been talking mechanically, right?”

  She blushed, and nodded, “I didn’t want to say it, but yes, our intimacy makes it better for me with you, but that will change as Tina and I fall for each other, so it’s kind of a moot point, a little crass as well.”

  I nodded, “So, we’re both a go for tonight then?”

  She bit her lip, and then giggled when I nipped the tip of her nose, and I claimed a kiss changing her laugh to a soft moan.

  She said a little breathless, “Yes, I’m taking Carol out.”

  “I love you, more than life itself.”

  She beamed, “I love you too, Daniel. Is it strange that I feel more in love with you than ever, more connected in this moment?”

  I shook my head, “No, I feel the same way. Maybe it is strange, but you’re not alone.”

  We were totally lost in each other’s eyes. Her sweet, soft, and warm brown eyes were like coming home, and they warmed my heart as she looked at me with utterly devoted love and awe.

  She bit her lip, “We should go, or we’re going to be late.”

  I ran my hands lower on her body, and I gripped her firm and supple bubbled ass as I picked her up and claimed her lips firmly.

  I broke the kiss and whispered, “Late it is,” and carried her to the bedroom, still entranced and totally spellbound by my goddess of magic’s eyes.

  We’d shared a wild and hot coupling to reaffirm our love and calm any small fears. There weren’t many of those latter, but some concern and jealousy, doubts that our love might be overshadowed by the others, were natural after all. But otherwise things were going incredibly well, and I had no doubt those small fears would be silenced, as long as we stayed in honest communication with each other and things worked out.

  I knew all our loves would be different flavors, and I thought that would make the difference. It was impossible to compare different things after all, and even when I fell hard for my warrior goddess, I knew that wouldn’t lessen my need or love for my wild and sexy Alyssa.

  Alyssa admitted after our wild coupling, with happy tears in her eyes, “I was terrified you would be disgusted, or you’d hate me for having such a good time, for giving my body to Tina.”

  I kissed her lovingly, and gazed into her eyes, “I love you more. That won’t ever change, no matter what happens. We just have to communicate, my biggest fear is it will all work out and one of you will get jealous of my time with the others, or perhaps feel neglected in some way.”

  She smirked, “Love in all directions, we’ll support each other, not tear each other down. There is no prefer, just loving each other. Freely, in the same bed, if tonight works out. That’s what I’m most nervous of.”

  I nodded.

  “Any tips about Tina?”

  She giggled, “She teasingly aggressive, and not submissive at all in bed. We all like dancing of course.”

  I suppressed a chuckle at that, Tina had said the same thing about dancing when telling me about Carol.

  She said, “Tina’s interested in history, she likes museums, art. She likes live plays, especially musicals. She’s very passionate about music, likes all kinds, which probably isn’t a surprise given her super power. She’s also slow to trust, like you overcame in me but more. You don’t have to tell me about Carol, Tina already filled me in, and we had those two girl’s night out.”

  I nodded, “We should get down there, it’s close to seven.”

  She grinned, “I suppose. I love you, Daniel.”

  “I love you too, Liss.”

  It was June, and the desert was miserable under the hot pounding sun. Fortunately, I didn’t feel the heat in my suit, being temperature controlled and all.

  Alyssa and Carol had gone to patrol after my usual sparring workout with Carol. With the MTF agents around she’d gone back to her usual twitching smiles, but there was a new sensual warmth and adoration in her eyes that was undeniable as I tried and failed to hit the flexible and graceful woman.

  Regardless, Tina had also left the office, claiming personal errands to run. It’d been a month, and her house was finally sold, and she had other things to take care of as well. She wasn’t that specific, she’d only said she’d be back in the late afternoon in time for our date.

  That’d left me at loose ends, so I’d gathered up things and went to the desert to perform some experiments. Far away from any cities.

  The first experiment was to simply make a very weak meta-energy battery, and then destroy it from a great distance, while hiding behind the ridge of a big ass mountain. It turned out to be unnecessary though, as I’d suspected the energy just dispersed harmlessly. Without a purpose, be it to form the energy into a weapon, shield, or other use, the energy had absolutely no effect whatsoever on this universe, either matter or energy. It was exactly like the meta-energy constantly going through the planet and everyone and everything, it was in a quiescent field state until taken and used.

  To have a purpose, it needed to be given one, either by a human who was quickening, or by an enchanter like me. The meta-energy power cores had no purpose at all except to hold and contain energy, the contained energy had no purpose at all, until I routed it to Rose and she fed it to one of my enchantments. Regardless, it was good to verify I wasn’t carrying bombs around my neck.

  The next project wasn’t so easy. I created an enchantment on a blank tooth that would conjure temporary matter in the form of a gauntlet on my hand. The matter itself was made up of several thin layers much thinner than my current suit, of various carbon allotropes in a nano-weave, and even an inner layer of tightly woven spider silk. It would be tougher than my current armor by a whole lot, not that it overly mattered since my true protection were the shields against physical and energy damage.

  That part was almost easy, and I removed my normal enchanted gauntlet and then initiated the temporary armor. It took a decent amount of energy to create, but not enough to make me abandon the idea, and it took almost no energy at all to maintain. Even at that point, there was already a connection between the gauntlet and the enchantment around my neck, to maintain the temporary matter’s stability.

  Then came the trickier part, as I tried to create a plasma weapon enchantment on the same tooth, that would use that link to the gauntlet to create and launch the plasma from the gauntlet’s palm. The same enchantment would also change the summoned matter to include the receiving enchantment. If I could do that, I could do everything I hoped to be able to do, and that I’d planned to do.

  That was the trick that would open up all the possibilities.

  At first, I thought I had complete success when I summoned the gauntlet with the enchantments in place. The receiving enchantment was there as well, on the glove’s palm, and when I read the energy structure of it, it was connected to th
e plasma enchantment on the necklace.

  I felt overly confident, as I launched a small plasma ball at a pile of rocks and scrub. Until of course, the shot totally missed the target, and murdered an innocent cactus.

  “What happened?”

  Rose said, “The targeting system is off, because it’s connected to the necklace, not the gauntlet. You’ll have to modify the root system that connects all the disparate enchantments and makes them work together, to account for the extra jump to the created matter.”

  I snorted, “That root system is you Rose. I won’t do that, I won’t take that risk, there has to be another way.”

  She replied after a few seconds of silence, “I… Thank you. I think you could do it though.”

  I shook my head, if I needed to do that then I wouldn’t do anything at all, and then I frowned as a thought occurred. Maybe I was making this more difficult than it needed it to be. Why did I need a receiving enchantment at all? Why not just use the enchantment on the necklace to make the gauntlet’s enchantment be the actual weapon enchantment itself. Kind of a template weapon enchantment, that duplicates itself temporarily on the conjured gauntlet.

  The energy would still have to be routed through the necklace, but the enchantment on the gauntlet should directly interface to my firing reticule on my HUD.

  I stripped the enchantments off, and then did it again. That time I formed the enchantment on the tooth to create the gauntlet with the plasma enchantment on it. It took me two steps, because it was too much to keep in my head at once. Then I activated it, and the dark blue gauntlet appeared on my hand. I checked it over, and the enchantment on it seemed stable. Not only that, there was an unexpected second channel back to the necklace, which maintained the temporary enchantment matrix.

  I raised my palm, and fired at the rocks and scrub, and that time they disappeared in fire.

  “Any problems regulating the enchantment strength, through scanner feedback of power?”

  That part was important, or I could accidentally kill a supervillain with it.

  Rose said in her always sultry voice, “It is functioning normally, just like your other gauntlet.”

  I smiled. It looked like I had what I needed, to create not only new armor, but Rose as well.

  I figured four teeth for my armor. The two weapons, then the body and helmet. Just like I had at the moment. I’d have to add multiple temporary enchantments but that wasn’t going to be an issue at all. Pretty much how Alyssa had suggested, my amulet necklace would have three teeth on either side. Four for my armor, and two for the extra power.

  Where the advantage came in was in the form of my armor, more options. Like I’d said earlier about that shuttle. The torso and legs of my armor could be in the shape of a shuttle, and hold all my flight, shielding, stasis, and all the rest of the same enchantments my current torso armor did. The helmet could become a flight console, with controls and a screen instead of a HUD, and my gauntlets could be shaped as weapons attached to the hull.

  The temporary enchantments wouldn’t have to change or be modified either, I could just add different templates to the same tooth for different ‘armor’ shapes, and then activate them by specifically imagining them in the shape I wanted. Much the same way as how I summoned out a specific outfit, by imagining how the clothes looked on me and willing them out of my quick-change amulet.

  Armor, a shuttle, perhaps a more aerodynamic flyer for atmosphere that could carry four, that would cost less energy than keeping my suit steady. I’d come up with more options as well, I was sure.

  I didn’t really have the time to do much, it would take me a hundred hours to do it all, including Rose’s body. Still, I returned to the building, and started on it, it wouldn’t get done if I didn’t try in my spare time.

  Besides the armor configurations, I’d also create conjured weapons, for up close and personal fights, which also meant I now knew how to create a rail gun enchantment that could create its own ammunition, I wouldn’t need to purchase rail gun slugs. Otherwise, my suit wouldn’t really be all that different, just a little tougher physically, the main point of it all was the fluidity of my armor size and shapes, and in getting Rose a body that would not only be strong and in the real world, but have a few powers of her own, to defend herself if she was out alone. Unlike me, her weapons would actually be enchanted right into her flesh and blood hands.

  Okay, I’ll admit it, I was also doing it because it was cool, and I was geeking out.

  I decided to start out with the armor, shuttle, and atmospheric flyer idea first. If I got any more ideas for armor configurations, I could always add them in later, just as easy as adding in a new weapons template. Those three would work for a start. Once all those were physically complete, I’d start to add the actual enchantment templates. Once it was all ready, I’d have to build Rose a new home, and have her move to a silver tooth around my necklace, instead of the helmet. I wouldn’t need my old armor anymore, but I’d store it inside the quick-change amulet.

  It wouldn’t hurt to have a backup suit, just in case.

  Then Rose would have a home around my neck, in the lamp if anything went wrong, and of course she could occupy her body of temporary matter, but that wouldn’t be a true backup, because it would depend on the lamp’s enchantments. Still, she would have a third backup, because she could retreat and hide in the helmet, safely stored in my necklace, if things truly got dire.

  I’d finished my new armor, at least the physical part of the conjured armor, which looked similar but was less bulky, far sleeker, and conformed to my toned body and V shaped torso. I’d also gotten started on the shuttle, which was far more complicated than I’d first imagined. I had to keep going in and modifying it, since it would need upholstered seats and other visual and tactile comforts for me and my passengers. It was far too much to create the conjuring enchantment option in one step. I still wasn’t done with it, much less the helmet or gauntlet part of the combat shuttle armor variation before I had to leave off and get ready for my date with Tina.

  That was okay, I’d known it would be a while before it was done, I’d just been dumb enough to think I could actually at least finish the matter conjuring part in one day.

  I took a moment to clear my mind, the last thing I needed to do was obsess about my enchantments during my date with Tina. Honestly, it didn’t take long, all I had to do was imagine her sexy body and soft beautiful girl next door face, with those piercing green eyes, and I was over it.

  I took a shower that time, dried up, put on deodorant, shaved, and then activated the necklace enchantment to dress in a pair of dark khaki Dockers, and a light blue button-down shirt and brown shoes.

  Alyssa invaded my apartment, and I gave her a smile. I wasn’t sure if she’d come by before her date again or not, but I was glad to see her. I’d missed her during the day, even as I’d worked on the armor and my ideas.

  She wore a pair of black yoga pants, sandals, and a light pullover half shirt. She looked sexy despite her very casual wear.

  “Hi, beautiful. A little casual for a date?”

  She smirked, “I’ve gone out dancing the last three nights in a row, even if last night was the first date. So has Carol, so we decided to have an intimate dinner and conversation in my apartment for our date, and perhaps a movie.”

  “Oh, damn. Think I could get away with that?”

  She giggled, and shook her head, “Nope, you have to woo us.”

  I laughed, “Fair enough, or not fair, whatever. I hope you have a good time, you’re still breathtakingly gorgeous, baby.”

  She smirked, and gave me a short kiss, “You look delicious too, I kind of want to steal you for the night, I bet Carol wouldn’t mind.”

  Fuck, the heated look she gave me blew my mind, I knew that look, she wanted to do wild things to me in that moment.

  “If only, tomorrow night, right. Assuming things don’t blow up.”

  She nodded wistfully, and I couldn’t help but steal another ki
ss. She melted into me, and she ground her body against me aggressively.

  She looked up at me with warm brown eyes full of desire, and she whispered, “Want a naughty pre-date relaxing?”

  Fuck. Me. She was so damned hot when she got in those moods.

  “Are you fucking with me?”

  She giggled, wrapped herself around me, and then slowly sunk down my body until she was on her knees. She reached for my pants and undid them, as she looked up and licked her lips.

  “Do I look like I’m joking?” she asked in a sultry sweetness only her voice could pull off, a wicked innocence that was just wrong, and my eyes flickered down to her lips.

  She fished me out, and then licked the tip and let out a soft moan, “I needed this monster in my mouth, do you want to fuck my pretty innocent face, my young nubile throat needs to be violated.”

  Oh, hell.

  She moaned deeply in approval, as I grabbed her hair firmly, and started to move my cock in and out of her mouth, firmly. She gagged slightly as my cock head bounced against the back of her throat, and her tongue was absolutely magical as she teasingly licked and slurped, as my cock slid between those full pouty lips.

  The look of lust and naughty desire did look hot on her innocently and angelically beautiful face, she was so damned beautiful it hurt. She was also my wild sexpot, and liked to get a bit nasty on occasion, and this was definitely one of them as I used her mouth firmly.

  “Such a talented cock sucker, you feel so good, is this what you wanted?”

  She nodded slightly, and tried to say yes, but it came out as a gagged gasp as I took her face roughly. It was her eyes though, filled with wild lust, devotion, and believe it or not, even loving trust in that moment, as I abused her hot little mouth with my long and fat cock.

  I didn’t last long at all, not with her begging me for my seed with her eyes, and the way her eyes burned with lust and satisfaction at me using her so.


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