Star Wars - Love is a Warm Blaster - Unpublished

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Star Wars - Love is a Warm Blaster - Unpublished Page 5

by Paul Danner

  She is intelligent, attractive, and cool. Her analytic ability and computer proficiency are amazing considering her age. With more experience, Daniera could be one of the best and brightest operatives in the New Republic. As such, Cracken has taken Daniera under his wing, challenging her with advanced missions to see just how good the girl really is.

  Cabe Maquez

  Type: Imperial Double-Agent Assassin


  Blaster 7D+1, brawling parry 5D, dodge 5D, melee combat 4D+2, missile weapons 6D


  Bureaucracy 5D, intimidation 6D, streetwise 5D+2, survival 4D+1


  Repulsorlift operation 4D+2, sensors 5D, starship gunnery 4D, starship shields 4D+2


  Con 7D+2, forgery 4D+2, persuasion 5D, search 5D, sneak 6D


  Brawling 5D+2, climbing/jumping 4D


  Computer programming/repair 5D+2, first aid 3D+2, security 5D+2 Dark Side Points: 2

  Character Points: 12

  Move: 10

  Equipment: NRI identification, blaster pistol (4D), Prax Arms Stealth 2VX palm dart shooter, nerve toxin darts

  Capsule: Major Cabe Maquez is another member of the New Republic Defense Force on the fast-track to success. He has recently been serving as a security liaison to General Cracken. Cabe is bright, charming, and a quick learner.

  Unfortunately, no one knows Cabe is using his talents for the benefit of the Empire. He is an accomplished assassin and he is currently taking contracts on New Republic officials.

  Luu-Mah ‘Thermal’ Mah-Luu

  Type: Ubese Entrepreneur


  Blaster 4D, grenade 6D, grenade: thermal detonator 9D


  Alien species 5D, business 7D, cultures 5D, intimidation 9D, law enforcement 6D, streetwise 8D, survival 6D



  Bargain 5D, command 6D, con 7D, persuasion 5D


  Brawling 4D+2, lifting 5D


  Computer programming/repair 5D, demolitions 9D+1

  Special Abilities:

  Survival: ‘True Ubese’ get a +2D bonus to their survival skill due to the harsh conditions they are forced to endure on their homeworld.

  Type II Atmosphere Breathing: ‘True Ubese’ require adjusted breath masks to filter and breathe Type 1 atmospheres. Without the masks, they suffer a -1D penalty to all skills and attributes.

  Force Points: 2

  Dark Side Points: 8

  Character Points: 21

  Move: 8

  Equipment: Breath mask with vocalizer/voice modulator, various thermal detonators, flowing robes

  Capsule: Luu-Mah Mah-Luu isn’t typical ‘True Ubese.’ He does not share their slight build (and that’s being kind), he could care less about taking vengeance on the yrak pootzck Ubese, and his only love of technology comes in the form of the thermal detonator always in his grasp. Hence his nickname, ‘Thermal.’

  Mah-Luu is a entrepreneur in the loosest sense of the word. He owns many enterprises, gleefully counts his profits, and orders people around; however he has no love for any of his operations or operatives for that matter. He is in business for one reason and one reason only… to maximize his pleasures in life.

  One of his favorites is intimidating others. ‘Thermal’ sits behind a desk created entirely of fused bone matter. He is never without a thermal detonator in his hand (and at least three more somewhere about his person), which he gleefully switches on and off while speaking to people. Mah-Luu also tends to giggle a lot, often at extremely inappropriate moments. Overall, one gets the impression that Mah-Luu is not someone to annoy.

  Mah-Luu’s Muscle

  Once in a great while, Mah-Luu’s attempts at intimidation do not work. For these and other situations where a more direct approach is necessary, ‘Thermal’ relies on depraved Rodian mercenaries of the bloodthirsty Scarlet Guard. Mah-Luu has the group under contract and utilizes them in a variety of ways. Their tasks include bodyguarding ‘Thermal’ and his guests, debt collection, and assassination.

  Scarlet Guard Mercenaries. All stats are 2D except: Dexterity 3D+1, blaster 5D, dodge 4D, Mechanical 2D+2, repulsorlift operation 3D+2, Strength 3D, brawling 4D. Move: 10. Blaster carbine (5D), scarlet cloak, comlink.

  ‘Thermal’ Ventures

  Mah-Luu owns a half-dozen businesses, most of which dabble (or plunge headlong) into criminal activity. Two of these nefarious enterprises are located on Coruscant:

  • Dark Vortex Club: A veritable playground for the elite of Coruscant’s underworld where anything can be bought or sold. This is where Mah-Luu keeps his office. His majordomo, the greasy Twi’lek called Vab D’Buula, organizes most of his affairs from here, too.

  • The Hold-Out: This scummy dive doubles as a warehouse for black market goods. There are many secret storerooms hidden away in this establishment, and it doubles as the Scarlet Guard headquarters.

  From Star Wars Adventure Journal 17 (05-1998) [Unpublished]




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