Fire & Flesh

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Fire & Flesh Page 15

by Kerri Carr

  “Thanks for coming back for me.”

  “I wouldn’t leave you,” Roslyn responded.

  He sat up, wincing as he touched the cut on his eyebrow. “To be honest, I wouldn’t have been surprised if you had.”

  “What do you mean, you’re my best friend. I would never leave you.” She grabbed his hand. “I’ll always be here for you. No matter what.”

  “What did I do to deserve you?” he laughed.

  “Ask the stars.” She stood and offered him a hand, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, her arm around his waist.


  Shadows danced on the walls, sweet laughter mixing with the harmonious crackle of fire flames. Questions and drinks flowed back and forth. Inhibitions lowered as the moon traveled to its peak point in the sky. Starlight added an ambiance that could make even the worst of enemies contemplate being lovers for the night. The effect was amplified by the pair of longtime friends.

  Roslyn held back a laugh as she swallowed her drink. “So where’s the strangest place you ever had sex?”

  “You don’t want to know that.”

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have asked.”

  “Do I really have to answer that Rosie? I don’t want you to think differently of me.”

  She nodded, withholding the cup from him as he reached for it. “Spill it.”

  Wade scratched his chin. He observed her, one of his eyebrows raised. He closed his eyes, his lips spreading into a smile. “Do you remember that fort we made in the woods?”

  “When we were seven, our secret hide out?”

  “That’s the one,” he confirmed.

  “You bedded some hussy in our fort?” Roslyn rocketed from her chair and headed toward the kitchen. “I can’t believe you.”

  Wade tripped over the table leg in an effort to follow her. “I knew you were going to be mad.”

  She returned with another mug, setting it in front of him. “I’m not mad Wade, I’m disappointed.” She filled the mug with her specially concocted brew. “We are no longer sharing cups.”

  “This would have happened a lot sooner if you knew everything.”

  Her mug hung suspended in midair, her mouth stretched to its fullest capabilities.

  “I’m just kidding Rosie, calm down.” Wade took a sip from his mug, the drink inspiring a burst of lust within him. Seduction was on his mind as his tongue traveled across his top lip. He took his turn to ask a question, targeting her personal life, specifically why she hadn’t found a man.

  She gave the standard of focusing on her career and not wanting to be distracted. The truth showed in her lack of eye contact and the beat she drummed on the desk. It showed in the fact that she kept her face away from the light, her hair casting a shadow across the majority of her face. She looked up, Wade already looking at her. She returned her gaze to the space between her feet.

  Sensing her trepidation, Wade used his finger to lift her chin. “You’re beautiful.” He held her in place as she tried to turn away. “Any man would be lucky to have you.”

  “All except the one I want.” The candles flames waved in his direction, pushing her to do what her heart was urging her to do.

  “Who do you want Roslyn?”

  “Y –


  Sharp blades were the first things to appear through the door, three gargantuan men following behind. Wade and Roslyn climbed to their feet, hands in line with their ears. One of the men shoved her back into her chair before another snatched Wade by the shoulder.

  “Where are you taking him?” The blade halted her attempt to stand.

  “It’s fine Rosie.” Wade kept his hands in the air as he followed the guard out of the door.

  Roslyn tried to push past the guard’s tree trunk like arm as she heard a pained scream. She let out her own scream as she felt her skin rip open. Air rushed through her nose when the guard slipped his blade underneath her chin. She didn’t dare swallow. Her eyes drifted toward the ceiling as the blade ate into her neck. The blood trickling toward her chest made her itch.

  In through the nose, out through the mouth.

  In through the nose, out through the mouth.

  “Where are you taking him?” she sniped.

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but the King wants to see him.”

  “For what?”

  Suddenly, the blade slide across the thin skin, the butt of the handle smashing into her temple, knocks her out of her chair. The guard’s heavy knee threatened to crush her ribs. He brought his face down to hers. “Let this warning to the rest of your buddies in the resistance.” He fished a knife from his pocket and ripped her shirt open. She could have sworn she saw the devil in his pitch-black irises. He ran the knife down her cleavage. His hands slipped between her legs, his knee doing the rest of the work.

  Roslyn turned her head, the combination of the dirt in his sweat and the musk of his breath causing her stomach to turn, bile burning her throat.

  Her neck popped as he made her look at him. “Eyes on me.”

  She held her breath as the blade ventured down her torso, inching its way toward her waist.

  The guard applied weight to her stomach before slipping the knife inside her waistband. The thin fabric cried as it split, several pieces clinging to their counterparts, falling limp after having been separated. His calloused hands left red streaks on her inner thighs. He tore her panties, revealing her untanned skin. He chuckled to himself. “I expected you to have some hair.”

  Her legs shook as she struggled to keep them together.

  His breath was rough, his tongue dry. He propped her legs on his shoulder, giving himself full access.

  Roslyn closed her eyes and did her best to sink into the deepest part of her subconscious. When nothing happened, she raised her head. Upon opening her eyes, she saw the man pacing back and forth, his flaccid member in his head. She made sure her laugh was silent as she watched the man frantically stroking himself.

  “Come on. Not now. Come on. Come on.”

  She inched toward the table, tugging at the table cloth until a knife fell in her lap.

  “There we go,” the guard cheered. When he turned around, she was on her feet. His hands shot into the air. “You don’t have to do this. Let me leave and I won’t report it to the king.”

  She matched each step he took back.

  “The King will be suspicious if I don’t come back.”

  She stopped when his back hit the wall. Just as he had done, she forced to look at him. She slid the blade just underneath his chin, pressing it into his skin until she saw a red bubble appear. She did nothing to stop the snicker that erupted from her throat. She stepped closer to him. She wanted him to feel her. She trailed the tip down his shirt, finding pleasure in the stiffening of his body as the cold metal traveled to his tip. Her grip was soft, her handling of him tender, almost as if she was a previous lover. She placed her lips next to his ear. “Seems like fear does it for you.”

  “Please don’t. I – a tear flowed from the corner of his eye – you don’t…”

  “Why should I stop – she placed the blade where his shaft met his tip – when you weren’t going to?”

  “I’m sor –


  “Roslyn, don’t.” Wade’s chest heaved as he stood in the doorway. “Let him go.”

  “But he’ll just go tell the King what happened and I’m sure he’ll cast himself in the better light.”

  “I won’t, just don’t hurt me please.”

  Wade took measured stepped toward Roslyn, part of him turned on by the power she portrayed. His hand wrapped around hers, carefully lifting the blade away.

  The guard let out a sigh of relief, his tears flowing nonstop; he pleads spilling from his mouth at the same rate.

  Wade kept his hand on Roslyn’s as they backed away. “I think this is a good time to start negotiating. Tell the resistance wants to speak. We would like to discuss our terms.” He instructed the traumatized guard
on what he was to tell the Royal family, offering a small reminder of what would happen should anything go awry.

  Roslyn held her emotionless face until the guard scurried out the door. As soon as they were alone, she wrapped her arms around Wade’s neck. Her heart thumped against her chest, his racing on the other side. She didn’t realize she was crying until a salty tear seeped between her lips. She squeezed tighter.

  “It’s okay. I’m here.”

  “I thought, I thought you…”

  He broke the hug, sweeping the usual strand of her out of her eyes. “I’ll never leave you. You’re the most important person in the world to me.”

  “I don’t know what I would have –

  “Don’t even finish that statement. I’m here.” Wade’s lips found her forehead.

  Her lips found his cheek.

  “Roslyn, I lo –

  “Oh my God.” A small flame quickly ascended the tablecloth, before traversing the table. They took turns slapping at the fire, opting that liquid might be a better extinguisher. Roslyn punched Wade in the shoulder after seeing him drinking instead stopping the flame.

  “I had a fire in my stomach.”

  “I bet.”

  They were both quiet as they took time to determine where to take the conversation next. She spoke first, offering appreciation. “You’re kind of like a hero.”

  He flexed his biceps and puffed out his chest. “Finally, you see it.”

  “I’ve always seen it,” she whispered.

  He led her to the couch, pulling her down after taking her seat. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, guiding her head to his chest. His free hand settled in the arch in her back, his fingertips resting just above her bottom. “What are you thinking about?”

  “What happened, what almost happened?”

  “It’s over. You have nothing to worry about Rosie.”

  “I wish I was as strong as you,” she confessed.

  “You are. You’re where I get my strength from.” He positioned himself so he could look in her eyes. “If you wouldn’t have been in trouble, I probably wouldn’t have been able to fight off that other guard.”

  “Why not?”

  “While I do value my life, I value yours more.”

  Roslyn positioned her pelvis adjacent to his, demonstrating her enhanced mood. Her eyes lowered with the light from the candles, all extinguishing expect one, the single source of light providing just enough illumination to show the embers smoldering behind her green irises. “Do you really mean that?”

  Wade stroked her cheek with his thumb. “I really do.”

  “How should I repay you for your bravery,” she teased.

  “What’s on the table?”

  “Anything you want.”

  His hands ventured along the curve of her hips, his fingers stretching to grab hold of all her assets. “Anything I want,” he whispered.


  “I want you– his lips brushed against her neck – to go down to Birk’s and get me a sandwich.” He guffawed at her confused expression, lifting her into a seated position as he sat up.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, yes I am. I’ll be in the bath when you get back.”

  Roslyn huffed and puffed as she slipped into her outwear, mumbling her dissatisfaction as she slipped into her coat. She threw one of her boots at him, which he caught and tossed back. She couldn’t keep herself from staring at him as he stripped off his clothes. Before long, he was stark naked. “Wade.”


  With one hand covering her eyes, she gestured to his exposed man parts.

  “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” He shooed her out the door and began warming his bath water.


  Wade, Roslyn, and Elsa took in the riches that surrounded them as they waited for the Royal family. Priceless paintings kept an eye on them, while also giving them a glimpse into a life they would more than likely never live. Elsa scoffed at the silk table runner and turned her nose at the hand carved mahogany chairs.

  “Who needs this to eat?” After making sure no one was monitoring her, she slipped two forks and a knife into her shirt.

  The three of them stood as the two guards that visited Wade and Roslyn stepped into the room. The King’s aura overwhelmed everything in the space; the Queen’s the only thing rivaling it. They took their seats on the other side of the table, the visitors following suit. The King toyed with a grape before swallowing it whole. He did this five times before even looking in their direction. He cleared his throat and had a servant clean his face.

  “So, you three are here to address the resistance.”

  “Among other things,” Roslyn retorted. She peered at the Queen. She hadn’t told the other, but she was planning to confront the powerful woman about disowning her son.

  “Let’s hear it.”

  Wade and Elsa took turns pleading their cases, Roslyn remaining quiet, her demeanor calm. Finally, it was her turn to speak.

  “Do you know who this is?” she asked, referring to Wade.

  Neither royal member offered an answer. Without warning, the trio found themselves with swords pointing at their jugular veins. The Queen rose, her stride confident as she made her way around the table.

  “I know exactly who he is. I’ve been watching him since I threw him away. I’m surprised he’s survived this long.” She took the sword from one of the guards. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” On her signal, the guard rushed Wade to the wall, delivering several bone-crushing blows to his torso. “I knew you would be a thorn in my side when you were born.” The blade screeched against the concrete floor, marking the date.

  “All he’s ever wanted was an acknowledgement,” Roslyn declared.

  “The one thing that would ruin me.” She instructed the guards to hold him up. The Queen assumed the stance of an experienced swordsman. “I should have killed you when you were in my stomach.” She drew her arms back, her breath steady. A hint of compassion passed over her face as she looked him over. She lunged forward.

  A scream ran echoed throughout the room.

  Blood trickled from Roslyn’s hand, a red stain decorating her sleeve. She stared down at the flailing queen, who was frantically scooting away from her.

  Elsa had a sword trained on the King’s Adam’s apple. “Don’t move.”

  Roslyn’s heels thumped against the ground as she followed the Queen’s blood trail, following her into the corner. She kneeled down, her grip tight on the bloody dagger. “I didn’t come here for blood My Lady. I just want a better life for the people down the hill. I want Wade – she peered behind her – to have his rightful place beside you.”


  Roslyn cleaned the blood on her shirt, the stained glass in the windows, giving the blade a rainbow hue. She used it to lift the Queen’s chin. “I don’t want your power, your money, or your jewels. I, we, are here for justice and equality.” She felt the royal pulse race as she pushed the blade into the Queen’s skin.

  “Okay. Okay. I’ll give you what you want.”

  The Queen and King took time to clean themselves up before negotiation began. As nightfall fell, they were signing an agreement to the terms, which included reduced taxes and the right to a trial. Once all the legal aspects were taken care of, the Queen stood.

  “Elsa, my guards will accompany you home. Wade, my son, this will be your first night in your new home.”

  “What about Roslyn,” he asked.

  “You’re the prince. She can stay if it’s your wish.”

  “It is.”

  “Then so shall it be.” Without another word, the Royal Family left the room.

  “Well, that went better than I thought.” Wade stumbled backward as Roslyn crashed into him. “You’d think you were declared the prince.”

  She held his face in her hands, lost in the depths of his soul. She kissed his forehead, followed by his nose. She kissed both chee

  He cupped her face in his hand.

  Their lips met.


  Shadows glided over Roslyn’s body, the moonlight giving her bare skin a bluish hue. The white sheets bunched around her could have been mistaken as angel wings, her golden tresses softly framing her face. She waited with anticipation to feel royalty. This anxiety was different. A subtle calmness floated in its undercurrents. She had no reason to be afraid. Her heartbeat was steady, her muscles warmed and relaxed. Scents of lavender and fresh roses coated the air, intermingling with her distinct pheromones. The thick curtains swayed in the wind, whose beautiful harmonies added the final touches to the atmosphere. She took a moment to appreciate the view, able to see the entire city from her height. She smiled to herself as she saw people dancing in the windows, a father telling his children a bedtime story. She transported back to a time when she was carefree, her only worry being the perceived monsters under her bed. She noticed that despite living a dismal existence, all the people she watched appeared happy, delighted even.

  She observed the contents in the room, an imported Italian rug, priceless paintings, handmade furniture, gold pieces sprinkled about; they didn’t seem to carry the beauty and weight they had previously. It was then that she realized they were nothing more than decoration, nothing more than a pair of earrings or a necklace. They weren’t necessary, their only jobs being to bring a look together.

  She untangled herself from the sheets and sat on the window ledge, the wind embracing her. She waved to the moon, stars, and passing clouds, promising herself one day she would fly amongst them.

  Lost in her thoughts, she paid no attention to the creaking door or the footsteps that slapped the floor. Lemon and sandalwood wafted into her nose, giving her a taste of what the other body that carried the smell tasted like. She permitted it to coat her nostrils before inhaling it into her lungs.

  “Different isn’t it?”

  “I’ve never been this high up before,” she admitted. “It gives a different impression of the village.”

  “I’m still getting used to it. I still can’t believe the Queen agreed.”


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