Fire & Flesh

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Fire & Flesh Page 93

by Kerri Carr

  The werewolves had been hunted down by human beings, leaving very few of them in existence. That was the reason why Jade and her type now lived in secrecy. If human beings ever found out that they existed, they would probably be used in the same way that lab rats are used, for research. Werewolves were generally more intelligent than human beings and they even made up for some of the politicians in the country, as well as successful businessmen. Jade had chosen to live a quiet life in Happy Valley, steering away from any the limelight.

  Werewolves met at least once a month, whenever there was a full moon. They would meet deep in the heart of the forest, where they would perform their mating rituals. During these rituals, they all came into heat and they would mate with each other until the wee hours of the morning. During those ceremonies, they also got to choose the alpha males that would lead them. Jade always looked forward to the full moon, and she had a feeling that it was because of the sexual experiences she got had there. She could take on as many mates as she could, and that usually left her extremely satisfied.

  The streets were dark and deserted as she drove to the main road that led out of town. It was just after ten and she knew that she would be home in the next thirty minutes. The thought excited her, and especially since she knew that she would find that Chris had made her some a homemade dinner. He would probably be walking around the house naked by now, his shaft hard, as he waited for her. Not a day went by without them having wild sex, probably a werewolf thing, although she also suspected that normal human beings also had sex quite a lot of sex.

  Jade breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the forest in the distance, knowing that she wasn’t too far from home. She loved the way that the area was isolated, and even the road had no traffic at all. She had been driving for close to ten minutes when she drove by a car that seemed to have veered off the road. Jade did not think twice about it since it was probably some drunk that had over done it. She reached her turn off and drove up the road to their house, located at the top of the hill on which she was driving.

  It was quiet as she parked the vehicle, and she wondered if Chris was home. The lights in the house were off but Jade didn’t bother to turn them on since her wolf eyes could see perfectly in the dark. A quick look and sniff around the house told her that Chris wasn’t home, and neither had he left a note. He was probably out there sprinting through the fresh air, or he had gone into town to have a beer with his friends.

  Deciding that she needed a sprint through the woods before she came back for dinner, Jade went up to the bedroom and removed her clothes, excitement filling her as she made her way out of the house, her body already starting to shift into a wolf by the time that she was out of the door. She loved the smell of fresh earth and rain as she took off into the woods, the strain she had been feeling all evening leaving her body. In the distance, she could hear wolves howling in the woods. Their ceremony wasn’t very far and most werewolves had already began moving closer to the forest.

  A distressed female sound caught her ears as she went down the hill through the woods. It was a human voice and she sounded panicked. Out of curiosity, Jade took off in the direction in which the voice was coming from. It was a good thing that she had very good hearing capabilities, even in the rain and wind. Her body had fully shifted into a wolf and so she was able to travel fast. As she went, she realized that she was heading in the direction where she had passed by a vehicle on the side of the road.

  “Crazy human being, what is she doing in the forest at this hour?” she muttered under her breath as she went.

  She could also hear howls coming from the same direction. It looked like wolves had already caught the scent and screams of the woman. As she sprinted into the opening of the road, there were several wolves hanging around the car. Some had even climbed onto the hood and roof as they looked for a way to enter the car. Jade dashed toward them and realized that inside the car there was a woman that had turned as white as a sheet of paper. The wolves were all males, and for some reason, Jade felt the need to rescue the helpless woman.

  “No, let her be,” she shouted in wolf lingo as she burst into the circle of wolves, who turned to look at her.

  This was dangerous. These wolves could rape her right here without thinking twice, but she could not just turn back and leave the helpless woman.

  “Ah, what do we have here?” a male wolf said, circling her and putting his nozzle against her labia.

  She turned around and lashed at the wolf, striking him with her claws across the face as he stepped away from her.

  “Ah, looks like she wants to play hard to get, huh!” a smaller male looked at her with lust filled eyes. “We can let the woman be if you can offer us what we’re after.”

  The wolf came toward her but she jumped onto him, sinking her fangs into the back of his neck and biting as hard as possible as she pressed him onto the ground. She knew that this was her chance to prove to the three or four wolves that she was not a push over, and meant business. As the wolf went to the ground, Jade swung her jaw from side to side, flipping the howling wolf easily but painfully with her motions. She did not let go of his neck as she pinned him to the ground. The other male wolves looked on with awe. All of Jade's fur had stood erect and this had to be her most vicious moment.

  The wolf in her mouth stopped struggling to get free, and instead seemed to give in, even trembling with fear. Blood gushed from the wounds where her teeth had sunk into the male. He was losing blood fast and would be dead in no time. The other male wolves retreated into the woods howling sulkily as she kept her eyes on them. As they disappeared into the woods, Jade slowly started releasing her grip on the male wolf. He remained still on the ground as she finally moved away from him and turned to look at the car, where the woman looked at her as if her eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

  Her adrenaline was still pumping through her veins as she walked toward the car, standing on her hind legs as she tried to open the door of the car. It was almost impossible to even clutch the door handle, and the woman looked even more terrified now. Jade realized that she was still in her wolf form, but she had to shift, at least partially, into a human, if she was to help the woman. Despite the fact that her blood was still boiling, Jade forced herself to partially transform into a human, her face and arms.

  “Hello, can you hear me? Open the door so that I can help you,” she said, knocking repeatedly on the window.

  “No, this isn’t happening. Tell me that this is all a bad dream,” the woman in the car replied as she moved away from the door, retreating to the other end of the car.

  “This isn’t what you think,” Jade said, looking behind to see if the wolves were coming back. “What the heck, we will discuss that later. I need to get you out of here before the wolves regroup and gather courage to come back. Please open the door, I'm your only shot out of here.”

  She looked at Jade fearfully but seeing that there wasn’t any other way out, she scooted over to the driver’s side and unlocked the door. Jade yanked the door open to reveal a hot woman that was in her early twenties.

  “There is nothing to be afraid of. I need to get you to my house. What happened to you, anyway?” she said to the woman as she reached out her hand to help her out of the car.

  “I lost control of the car when I hit a pothole,” she still looked like she had seen a ghost as she shakily extended her hand to Jade, who helped her out of the car. She couldn’t stop staring at Jade. “What sort of animal are you?”

  “A good one that would like to get you the hell out of here before the wolves’ attack again. Come on,” Jade wasted no time in grabbing her hand and leading her into the woods through a route that Jade knew by heart.

  In the distance, Jade could hear the wolves planning to attack again although the one that she had attacked had just started recovering and in the process of getting up.

  She was a blonde of medium height, and with a fleshy body. She had a voluptuous body that was also very curvy, having th
e sort of hips that would make any woman turn green with envy. Jade had the feeling that the woman was running from something that had scarred her, and it made her want to protect her against any harm.

  “We are going to be all right, honey, just stick with me,” Jade held onto the woman’s hand as they dashed through the trees toward the house. “By the way, you can call me Jade.”

  The woman looked like she was in a daze as Jade turned to look at her. It was the shock of being attacked by wolves and then coming across a woman that was half woman, and half wolf. Jade knew that she had a lot of explaining to do when they got home, and even more explaining when Chris finally got home. He would never understand the fact that she had exposed them to a human being, but that was something that they were going to have to live with now.

  “Ana,” the woman muttered under her breath.

  Jade could hear the wolves chasing after them, but as long as they got to the compound, they would be safe. “Come on, Ana, the wolves are coming after us. What were you doing in the middle of those woods, anyway?”

  “I was actually headed for to Happy Valley. I've never been there and I'm not sure how far it is from here. I’m a journalist and I intend to work there,” Ana replied.

  “I think I heard something of the sort going on around town,” Jade said, nothing ever missing her ever open ears as regards the happenings in Happy Valley. “I'm pretty sure that you'll love the place, and you're lucky because we aren’t very far from there.

  “Well, that was quite a welcome that I got back there,” Jade could feel the woman’s eyes on her as they made their way into the opening of her compound, Jade stopping to kick shut the gates.

  Chapter 3

  Ana Lewis

  Everything in this place was strange. Ana had just come across wolves that were ready to feast on her alive, and now she had been saved by a werewolf. These were things that one only read about in fairytales.

  “I'm pretty sure that you have a million and one questions that you would like answered,” Jade said as they entered the house, Ana noting that she had already shifted back into her human form.

  "Yes, please tell me that I’m not imagining things,” Ana was thoughtful as she studied Jade, the werewolf that had just saved her life. In her human form she was a very sexy looking woman that had some sort of mystery about her. That seemed to make her even more attractive.

  “No, you weren’t dreaming. Werewolves do exist, although we do it in total secrecy because we fear that human beings might harm us and use as for experiments. We actually exist all around the country,” Jade said, not sure how to explain the situation to Ana. “I was actually born and raised in these parts. I just hope that one day you'll understand me.”

  “I don’t know. There have always been rumors about the existence of paranormals, and I've read a lot about them, being a journalist, but I had never imagined that they always existed. Oh my god, this is so exciting,” Ana could feel her journalist mind kicking in. “Is it true what they say about being some of them even being telepathic?”

  “You sure have many questions?” Jade smiled for the first time, giving Ana a very sweet smile that made her blush. “Yes, some of them have the ability to read minds. I can, for example, tell that someone broke your heart. What Cindy did to you is very bad.”

  “What?” this time Ana was more surprised than ever. It looked like she was going to enjoy her stay in Happy Valley.

  “Well, you're going to have to get used to it, although I'll try not to read your mind. It makes many people uncomfortable,” Jade said. “Come on, I'll show you where you can get changed and rested for the night.”

  The house was tastefully furnished like a normal human beings house. It looked like Ana's life was going to take a new turn here in Happy Valley and she had already made one friend that she could trust, one that wasn’t a human being.

  “What were your plans, did you already book into a hotel for the night?” Jade asked as they went up the stairs.

  “Well, the news agency had me booked into a hotel for a week as I scout around for a house. Maybe you could help me do that starting tomorrow if you aren’t too busy,” Ana replied as they entered a huge bedroom.

  “Yes, we can do that before I get to work, and after we make arrangements to have someone look at your car,” Jade replied as they entered what looked like a guest bedroom. “Here, you can stay here for the night. There is a bathroom right down the corridor.”

  “Thanks, Jade, I really don’t know what I would have done if it weren’t for you,” Ana said.

  Chapter 4

  Ana Lewis

  It had been a busy day and Ana was pleased that the day was finally coming to an end. Jade had helped her around with a couple of things like getting her car repaired and looking for a house. Her car was now fine but Ana had not yet gotten a vacant house that suited her. After what she had witnessed yesterday when the wolves tried to attack her, she figured that it was better to get a house in town, close to where other humans lived. She did not begin working in a week and so she still had plenty of time to search for a house.

  Jade had gone to work at a restaurant in town, and being the only person that she knew aside from her new boss, she decided to go and spend the rest of the evening there. Ana still couldn’t believe that Jade was actually a werewolf along with the guy that lived with her, Chris, but that was going to be her little secret that she would never tell anyone.

  “Hey, good to see you,” Jade said cheerfully as Ana stepped into the restaurant, heading to a vacant table. “Any luck getting a digs?”

  They hugged as if they were longtime friends before Jade pulled a seat out for Ana.

  “Hard luck, I went to the lead that you told me but he said that the house wouldn’t be vacant for another next week. I guess I'll have to keep looking, or wait for that pad,” Ana sighed.

  “Oh boy, would you like me to get you something to eat?” Jade said as she pulled a pad out of her apron pocket.

  “I think that some strong black coffee will do. I'm not really accustomed to eating in hotels, and besides, I finished the sandwiches that you packed for me a short while ago,” Ana leaned back in the chair.

  “Tough luck, you're going to have to get used to hotel food while you're still searching for a house. I have an idea, I get out of work in a short while, why don’t you come and spend the night over again?”


  Ana couldn’t believe that Jade had actually talked her to spending the night at her place again. As they passed by the spot where the wolves had wanted to attack her, memories of the ordeal came trickling back, a cold sweat breaking over her forehead. Jade finally turned the car onto the gravel road leading up to her house as a sense of mystery filled Ana. It was as if being here made her feel like she was dreaming. Everything seemed to real and yet so unreal.

  “Welcome back,” Jade said as she killed the engine of the car and opened the door.

  Eerie sounds of wolves in the distance reminded Ana that she was in the woods and the dangers that loomed out there should she try and venture out there.

  “Thanks Jade. Maybe I can help you fix up something to eat,” Ana trembled as they made their way to the house.

  “That sounds good, I hate cooking,” Jade said. “When I'm very hungry and don’t feel like eating, I usually shift into a wolf and go hunt down in the lake in the valley. The fish there are always so delicious.”

  “You eat them raw?” Ana was alarmed.

  “Yes, that is where all the energy comes from,” Jade led the way into the kitchen, where they started preparing a meal of spicy chicken and rice.

  An hour later they had eaten and were washing the utensils as they waited for Chris.

  “I don’t understand why he comes home so late nowadays. Yesterday he went out to the lake for a swim in the rain. Today I've no idea where he is,” Jade sulked.

  It did not escape Ana's eyes how Jade kept staring at her chest, making Ana's nipples harden with arousal. There was
a certain way that Jade looked at Ana that made Ana feel as if Jade was undressing her with her eyes.

  “Well, he is a man and you can't really tie him down,” Ana tried to ignore the strange feelings of arousal that swept through her.

  “Guess you're right,” Jade said, her eyes still studying Ana's breasts.

  The thought made the nipples grown even harder, this time with arousal. Ana noted with satisfaction that Jade was also a very sexy woman. She was dressed in a sexy outfit that clung to her body, showing off some really good curves. Skin tights going all the way down to Jade's shoes showed off some really good looking legs that Ana knew wouldn’t mind seeing with the skin tights off. She had to force her eyes off Jade's body as both women looked at each other in the eyes once again.

  Jade had these very hypnotizing eyes that seemed to pull Ana. They were dark, mysterious, and highly attractive. Ana wasn’t sure if she would be able to resist the feelings that this strange woman was putting in her mind. It was as if she was evoking things that Ana had been bent on running away from. Then again, maybe Ana was just undergoing some sort of withdrawal symptom from her previous relationship.

  “Let me get you something to wear. I'm not sure if you'll fit in my clothes since I'm slightly bigger than you, but they should do fine. Come on,” Jade said, leading into the house. Ana noticed the way that Jade kept looking around as if she was looking for someone, but Ana said nothing.

  Chapter 5

  Jade Rivers

  It had been a long time since Jade had felt this attracted to another woman. She had made out with female werewolves several times, being that she was a bisexual, but she had never done it with a human being. Naturally, Jade preferred to stay away from humans, as far as possible, but there was something unique about Ana that attracted her wildly.

  Being a werewolf came with special powers. Jade had quickly read Ana's mind and knew that she too was attracted to her although she would never admit it. She even noted the way that Ana's nipples pebbled through her blouse. The thought excited Jade even more and she started to feel a certain sort of excitement within her. Jade had more powers than just reading minds, she could manipulate minds. Right now she could manipulate Ana's mind so that Ana could have sex with her. The full moon was two days away, but Jade could already feel her body yearning for the monthly ordeal. Her body was readying itself for mating on the day of the ceremony, and the sudden appearance of Ana tended to enhance her hormones.


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