Fire & Flesh

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Fire & Flesh Page 113

by Kerri Carr

  But all doubts and questions melted away when Adam slid into her, pushing deep in a single, determined stroke. Nicole’s legs lifted off the bed and wrapped around her casual lover’s waist. She dug her heels into his back and followed his early rhythm, loving the sensation of being filled by his masculine hardness. She tried to remember the last time she’d felt so good, even the last time she’d taken a lover into her bed, but her thoughts wriggled out of her grasp, eluding her as overwhelming happiness flooded her mind and body.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” she managed to say. She had difficulty controlling her breathing enough to form words. All she wanted to do was grunt and groan.

  “I can show you many pleasures, Nicole,” Adam murmured in her ear.

  “This will do… for now. Please… don’t stop.”

  “I have no plans to stop. I intend to make love to you until you weep with joy.”

  “Weep with joy?” she echoed hoarsely. Why does that sound familiar?

  “Indeed. But there is so much more we could enjoy together. I would dearly love to raise you to heights of ecstasy of which you have never dreamt.”

  “This is… pretty good… so far,” she groaned, squeezing out her words in between deep, thrusting strokes. Her heels urged him to move faster, then faster again, as he plunged into her. His loins collided with hers, and the sounds of slapping skin echoed from the bedroom walls.

  “Oh… my… fucking… God!”

  “This is a mere shadow of the pleasures I could deliver, Nicole.”

  “Oh, fuck… oh, fuck!”

  “Please consider the delights I offer to you.”

  “Fuck, fuck, fuuuck!” Nicole arched, every muscle tightening fiercely. Her nails dug into his back; her thighs squeezed hard, and would have left any mortal man gasping in pain. But Adam endured her primal caress, and continued thrusting, seeking his own pleasure, which was approaching quickly. When he groaned, Nicole encouraged him with quick, whispered words.

  “Yes, baby. Cum for me. Please cum for me. I love the way you make me feel and I want you to cum too.”

  “And would… you cum for me… a second time?”

  “Oh, yes. I’m so close already. Don’t stop fucking me, please don’t stop.”

  “Mmm…” he murmured. “I’m so close.”

  “Cum inside me, baby. Please come inside me. I want to feel your hot cum splash inside me.” A small part of her mind questioned her desperate and uncharacteristic outburst. Why was she so eager to feel him come inside her? Why was she so casual about unprotected sex? Why did she care? She was on top of the world, loving every second of their loving. But why did he insist there were better feelings to be had when she felt so damn good?

  Adam cried out in a low, growling voice that emptied his lungs. Heat flooded Nicole’s passage, triggering her second orgasm, and she writhed in ecstasy as Adam continued to stroke into her. She clutched at the bed covers, wadding them tightly as her heels pressed into his back. Her buttocks lifted clear of the bed, and her hips tilted back and forth, magnifying the thrusts of his cock into her increasingly-slippery passage.

  “Fuck, fuck, fucking fuck!”

  “Ohhh…” he groaned, and slowed to a halt, pressing himself hard against her. “I want… to taste you… so badly, Nicole.”

  “I’d taste very strange to you, baby. And you’d probably think it was yucky. You’re leaking out of me already.”

  “It’s not our fluids I wish to taste, Nicole.” He kissed her throat, then licked her perspiring neck cautiously, fearing another reaction.

  “Oh, baby. You drive me crazy, and I’d do anything for you.” She slid her hands through his hair.


  “Pretty much, yeah. But promise me…”

  “What is it you desire?”

  “That you’ll do that to me again… and maybe again?”

  “Of course. Whatever makes you happy. Now…”

  “Oh, yes. You wanted to taste me. Here…” she pressed a finger to the skin between her breasts and drew it upward, catching the perspiration that gathered. But when she offered it to his lips, he frowned, then smiled from the side of his mouth.

  “Of course.” He opened his mouth and extended his tongue, cleaning her finger in a moment.

  “This is a new kink for me.”

  “Indeed. But as tantalizing as your sweat tastes, dear Nicole, there’s something else I’m even more desperate to sample.”

  She frowned. “You’re not into… bottom sex, are you?”

  He laughed. “No, all I wish to do is indulge my need to bite you—gently of course.”

  She stared. “You want to bite me?”

  “A small nip of my teeth is all. I have no wish to tear off your limbs,” he lied, as calmly as he was able. The urge to dismember her was strong, although having been painfully repelled more than once, he harbored doubts as to whether it was even possible for him to harm Nicole.

  “Now look, this was wonderful, but the idea of you biting my skin makes me deeply uncomfortable…” Not that I’d be able to stop you if you tried. Suddenly nervous of his intentions, she writhed beneath Adam, hoping he’d take the hint and get off. But he stayed in place, laid along her body with his erection buried deep inside her.

  “Please let me up,” she said. But instead of complying, he tilted his hips, and began stroked her slowly, withdrawing, then pushing deep inside. Nicole’s tensed limbs turned to rubber and she cried out, throwing back her head as hard masculine flesh caressed her nerves.

  “Oh, fuck, it’s…”

  Adam smiled. “It is, isn’t it? Can you imagine feeling as good as this at a whim? With a single thought, you could fill your body with ecstasy and drive away all your cares.”

  “Oh, God…” She clung to his arms, pressing the tips of her nails to his skin. His thrusting was slow and deep, driving her over the edge and into an instant orgasm. Small squeaks escaped her throat as her muscles tightened in a way that was almost painful.

  “Would you like more?”

  “God, no. Yes, yes, more.”

  Adam grinned. “Look deep into my eyes, Nicole.”

  “Uh…” She tried to move her head, to peel open her eyelids, but her body refused. “I can’t… uhhh… maybe if you… stopped moving for a second.”

  But Adam continued to slide in and out, unwilling to squander his advantage. Nicole was helpless beneath him, and ripe for persuasion. He pressed a hand to the back of her head and brought her eyes level with his. Her mouth was wide open and her eyelids fluttered, but she was still unable to meet his gaze. Experimentally, he took her lower lip between his teeth and applied pressure.

  “Oh, yes…” she groaned.

  “Yes?” he asked.

  “Yes. It stings, but it’s a nice sting.” Adam braced himself, then pressed his sharp teeth into her lip.

  The soft, mortal skin deformed as he bit down. Nicole groaned as the sting pierced her awareness. The sensation was thrilling rather than painful, much as an unexpected slap to the buttocks could excite during sex.

  “Oh, wow…” she murmured around his lips. She kissed him awkwardly. With her lower lip trapped, she could only bring her upper lip and tongue into play. But Adam was still able to respond by pressing his mouth hard against hers. Heat spread across his face, a warning of her ability to repel him. But her hands found his face, and she stroked his cheeks frantically as his strokes continued.

  “Yes, yes, yes…” she murmured, then resumed kissing. Don’t stop what you’re doing. I love it!

  You would allow me to bite you? His words crept into her mind, startling, but warming her.

  Yes, I want more. Please give me more.

  Adam bit down cautiously. Nicole’s skin broke and she arched fiercely, almost throwing him off. Hot blood filled Adam’s mouth, and he groaned deeply. To distract Nicole from the pain, he thrust hard into her, hammering his body against hers, sending her over the edge and into a whirling, breathless orgasm that made her wail
and writhe beneath him.

  His head spun as the thrill of her energy infused his immortal body, charging the dark desires that gripped him. He’d promised Nicole he wanted only a single drop, but he sucked on her small wound, unable to stop. Part of him knew he should break away and allow her to live, partly because of his binding promise to Michael, but also because he had no wish to kill her. Letting her live would mean he could experience the same deep thrill of satisfaction over and over again. But the darkness scorned him, and refused to desist.

  Nicole wailed and writhed helplessly, becoming no more than a vessel formed to satisfy his urges. If nothing changed, she would be dead within minutes, and Adam hated the idea.

  Nicole! He sent out the desperate thought.

  I love you! she replied.

  You must stop me.

  I don’t want to. I feel incredible.

  There is danger here.

  No danger. No danger.

  If I do not stop, you will die.

  I’m happy to die feeling like this.

  No, you must stop me!

  I don’t… want to… Her thoughts were already distant as she drifted toward oblivion in a haze of ecstasy.

  I need to… He was appalled by his lack of will power. He was killing her, and he could do nothing to stop it.

  He was a monster.


  Adam’s shoulder was seized, and iron-hard fingers dug into his resilient flesh, making him cry out in agony. The instant his teeth detached from Nicole, he was hurled from the bed and into the bedroom wall. Brief anger flared within his cheated soul. How dare…

  But logic kicked in, and he stayed where he was, naked and trembling. No human could have treated him so harshly. No human was strong enough to battle an immortal. And Nicole hadn’t repelled him. Only another immortal possessed such power. He opened his eyes to see Michael cradling the naked Nicole in his arms. Adam frowned, confused by the sight. Michael’s sudden appearance was surprising, but Nicole’s reaction stunned him. Instead of a helpless, unconscious woman on the edge of death, she moved in a way that ought to be impossible. One hand stroked Michael’s cheek as she peppered his face with kisses. Her other fingers were curled around his upper arm, gripping him so tightly, his skin deformed. No human was capable of such a feat. A moment later, she tore away his sleeve, then ripped the rest of the shirt from his body. Her kisses were frantic, eager as she pulled him down on top of her. Michael’s startled eyes met Adam’s, before his head was turned and the kissing resumed. Nicole’s legs rose to wrap around Michael’s waist, and even though he was still dressed—aside from his ruined shirt—she rocked her hips, rubbing herself against him.

  “Taste me,” she urged. “Taste me like Adam tasted me.”

  “Oh, no!” Adam cried, and leapt to his feet. “You can’t! She doesn’t have enough—”

  Nicole’s hand flew toward Adam, and he was repelled into the wall, hitting it so hard, plaster showered down around his ears. Her dark eyes and deep frown dared him to interfere as she writhed beneath Michael.

  “She’s caught in the rapture,” Adam muttered.

  “Taste me,” Nicole said again, stroking Michael’s lips with her fingers. He needed no further urging. He pressed his mouth to hers and sucked. The hot, human blood flooded his dark soul, and the pair groaned deeply, relishing the power of the exchange. Adam stared in wonder. He’d only heard tales of humans who drew from their feeding hosts once they were bitten. Such women were extremely rare, and were considered precious, to be protected from harm at all costs. No wonder then, that Michael had thrown Adam clear. He’d undoubtedly sensed the danger to Nicole.

  But was she at risk once again? Her cries and steely grip on Michael would imply not, despite her continued loss of blood. Adam studied her flushed skin, and listened to her thumping heart, which showed no signs of faltering. But despite her ecstasy, she seemed frustrated. Her dry-humping was achieving little, although the blood exchange was satisfying her for the most part.

  Adam crossed the room slowly, unwilling to provoke another repulsion from Nicole. He slapped Michael’s covered buttock hard enough to distract him from feeding. Dark, angry eyes bored into his. A trickle of blood crept down Michael’s chin. Nicole, by contrast was smiling, untroubled by the interruption. Her eyes went to Adam’s still-swollen cock, and she smiled. Her lower lip was flushed and slightly swollen, but otherwise, she seemed unharmed.

  “If you’re going to do this…” Adam tilted his head, indicating that Michael should move off the bed. “You ought to get undressed first, don’t you think?” He smiled as Nicole curled her fingers around his growing member.

  “I’ve… never tasted such sweet power.” Michael said in a hoarse tone. The anger faded from his face as he rose from Nicole’s flushed body. She relaxed her legs and allowed him to stand.

  “She’s wonderfully sweet,” Adam said, and stroked Nicole’s thigh. “And we owe her the best night possible experience—if you don’t mind sharing.”

  “I don’t,” they both replied at the same time.



  “I can’t believe how much you’ve changed,” Eddie remarked. Nicole was eagerly pulling on her jacket, a wide grin spitting her face.

  “It takes time to settle into a new city,” Nicole said with a shrug.

  “Are you sure you’re not on drugs?”

  “I’m high on life, Eddie.” She stood on tip toe and kissed his cheek. “See you tomorrow. Bye!”

  Eddie shook his head as Nicole rushed out into the dark. He was happy that she had put her fears behind her, but her personality had shifted from timid to gregarious overnight, a remarkable change in a very short space of time. He made a mental note to ask her if she’d found herself a boyfriend, then decided the question might seem intrusive. Who was he to question her happy mood? Or her abrupt change of attitude toward the night.

  Nicole had intended to walk home, despite the darkness. She knew she’d suffer no further attacks, so her fear of the night was no longer an issue. Although Adam and Michael were not the only vampires in the city, the others of their kind respected boundaries with fierce determination, and would never approach another vampire’s trove.

  “What a strange word,” she murmured. Absently, she touched her healing lower lip. It was still swollen, but she knew most of the redness had faded. She no longer resembled the victim of a domestic assault. She’d explained the injury by telling everyone she’d considered getting a cat, but the kittens she’d viewed had taken a dislike to her face. Fortunately, her colleagues had accepted the story.

  “They’d never believe the truth, not in a thousand years.” She crossed the street and was about to enter the park, when a cab flashed its lights at her.

  “Oh, Adam. You didn’t…”

  He had.

  “What have you done with the driver this time?” she asked, leaning over to frown at her lover.

  “In the trunk.” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder.

  “You can’t simply—”

  “Relax. He’s fine, and he won’t remember a thing.”

  “Is this the same cab you hijacked last week?”

  Adam shrugged. “It’s our one-week anniversary. I thought you might appreciate it.”

  Nicole smiled. “You’re so sweet and thoughtful.” She climbed into the back. “But promise me you’ll let him out of the trunk before you come into the apartment.”

  “I promise.”

  “Hello, lover,” Nicole said to Michael, who was already in the back.

  “Hello yourself.” He grinned, then kissed her lips.

  “Hey!” Adam cried. “No starting without me!”

  Nicole laughed. “Eyes on the road, driver.”

  “Yeah,” Michael added. “Mind your own business. Nicole can give me a blow job if she wants to. Mmm, that’s nice.” He faked a satisfied groan.

  “Hey!” Nicole slapped his arm and slid away from Michael.

  “Yeah, hey!” Adam mimic
ked Nicole’s squeal of protest. “We agreed, if this is going to work…”

  “I know, I know. No sneaky twosome trysts. But what if one of us is off hunting? Can I throw Nicole in the sack then?”

  “Stop that!” Nicole punched his arm hard. He barely flinched. “You promised not to hunt anymore.”

  “That’s right,” Adam confirmed. “And we don’t need to. Your blood satisfies all our needs.”

  “And then some,” Michael added. Nicole smiled. She’d earned the right to the title of trove with good reason. Her blood was unique in the city—as far as she knew. Her Bostonian heritage could be traced back to a small group of humans who’d survived a culling by vampire hordes. The monsters of 1783 feared her ancestor’s ability to resist them, and had taken drastic action.

  What a pity the arrogant vampires had overlooked the fact that her blood could not only satisfy their lusts, but also supercharge their dark souls. An added benefit was enhanced abilities for the human. Nicole’s thinking was clearer, her healing accelerated, and her energies almost unlimited. She only required two hours sleep, which was lucky, because the boys kept her up most of the night, pleasuring her and satisfying her near-insatiable lust for loving. She’d never felt so horny, not even as a teenager.

  “Ready for bed, boys?” she asked.

  “As always, Adam replied. “But I will remind you to take a break for food and drink.”

  “Hah! I don’t need that stuff. I can eat in the morning.” She grinned. “I’d far rather be spit-roasted by you two.” She shivered at the thought of Adam taking her from behind while she used her mouth to pleasure Michael. Sex with vampires was wild, and often rough, but immensely satisfying.

  “Oh, that reminds me, you’ll need to find a more discreet place to bite me. People have noticed my swollen ear lobe, and I can’t keep feeding them the ‘crazy kitten’ story forever.

  “At least your lip’s healing nicely.” Michael stoked her mouth with a finger, setting her shivering as the memory of their first threesome flooded back. She smiled and squirmed as heat flushed her pelvis.

  “Step on it, Adam. Please. I need you both more than ever. I need you both inside me.”


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