Fire & Flesh

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Fire & Flesh Page 140

by Kerri Carr

  He allowed Jesh to drive his car. She was not even a little drunk. It would take something a lot stronger than vodka get even get them tipsy, stronger metabolism and all that. He was driving Alexis’ car so she would be able to leave the next day without much trouble, and he was driving her because he wasn’t sure Alexis and Jesh would not cause an accident if he left the two of them in a car alone. He should have just got a cab for all of them though because the looks she was throwing him was making his already tight pants even tighter as his erection grew. He shifted, trying to hide it from her not wanting to make her nervous, Gedhansi Raol, the gentleman. The first thing he had noticed when he first laid eyes on her in that club was that she was very shy when she let herself get self-conscious. That was why he was intensely shocked and pleased when she reached over and put her hand on his fly. This night was going to be fun.

  “That looks painful. Let me help you take care of it.” And she popped his zipper, setting him free before he could say anything about it. He put his hand in her hair to stop her when she wanted to lean down.

  “We’ll be home in one minute. Be patient, feisty.” Then he pulled her in for a quick kiss to soften the rejection before letting her get back to her own seat. He kept a hand on her thigh and did not bother zipping up his pants and the obvious tent in his boxers was a promise to both of them. He was impressed with the amount of self-control he was displaying today.

  As soon as they arrived, Jesh was standing outside waiting eagerly for them and he just barely managed to get them inside before they were on each other again. The sight before him was so captivating that he did nothing to disturb them. Between them, they’d managed to take off the two gowns and dumped them on the floor. Alexis took the lead, gently urging Jesh to the couch and she began laying kisses from her neck to her breasts, her hands following the trail her lips left.

  Jesh moaned in response and the sound went straight down to his groin; he made a sound in response that reminded them of his presence. Alexis beckoned him over, making room for him on the couch between them. He removed his shirt and went over to join them. Alexis, promptly transfixed by his well-built body, ran her hands all over him. Jesh moved over to Alexis, and began making her own kisses trail. She snaps Alexis pale blue lace bra off, and Alexis plasters her breasts against Gedha as she reaches up to kiss him. Alexis leans down to pull out his cock. She opens her mouth in shock at the size of it. “What the hell do they feed you?” she asks, causing the other two to laugh.

  “Does that actually fit in anybody? I’m pretty sure it won’t fit in me.”

  “Relax Lexi, you’ll be fine, I promise,” Jesh says, trying to reassure her. When it’s clear that she is still pretty tense, they both get to work relaxing her, Gedha kissing her and fondling her breasts and Jesh going down to lick her pussy. Gedha guides Alexis hands to him and she reaches for him again, and slowly, she pumps up and down, the build-up inside her spurring her to pick up pace. As she neared climax, she tore herself away from Gedha to bury her hands in Jesh’s hair until she came.

  “Oh my God, damn, wow.” She just kept muttering as she recovered. Gedha pulled Alexis into his lap as Jesh guided him inside her. The fit was snug, the pressure from her walls squeezed him and he knew he wouldn’t last long. Slowly he guided her up and down his shaft until she gained her rhythm. He let her have free reign while he paid attention to Jesh, kissing and rubbing her, until he could feel all three of them reaching climax. Alexis first, Jesh second, before he pulled out and let them take care of him. Sometimes, being the gentleman paid off big time.

  They went a few more rounds, on the couch, until Alexis decided to take a breather.

  “You know you are the only man I’ve ever kissed that I didn’t hate right?” she says in between kissing him and pulling Alex’s head between her thighs. He knew it was a compliment, not exactly the kind he wanted from her, but he’d take it.

  They stayed up way into the night, not talking or being frantic with each other, but touching and learning each other’s bodies and finding orgasms, it was beautiful. Even for two Garrish who’d come to see sex as a casual affair, the experience was strangely humbling, teaching them the power of little things. The gentle smile on Jesh’s face as she tucked herself into him and ran her hand through Alexis’ soft brunette hair, and Alexis’ responding smile warmed his heart, maybe if they stayed on Earth long enough, they’d gain more than children, they’d understand the importance of beauty in imperfection, love when all is not exactly as planned. Most of all, as he remembered the dimple in Alexis’ right butt cheek, the dark birthmark behind her knees, the slight gap in her teeth when she smiled, he wished they could learn all of this with this human woman who was not perfect, but beautiful in her imperfection.

  At some point, they moved into Jesh’s room where they finally fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, they were all intertwined. His hands were cupping Jesh’s breasts and her hands were in Alexis’ hair whose hand was on his arm. That was why it was comical when Alexis woke up and tried to sneak out. They let her slip out of bed, run to the living room to dig out her clothes from where they’d haphazardly dumped them. While she was there, Jesh packed her phone, her purse and a card containing her and Gedha’s phone numbers, and dropped them on the dresser where she could easily find them. Then set about wearing clothes. Gedha just stayed in bed not bothering with any.

  “So you’ve slept with a male twice now huh?” he asks with an impish smile, she tosses her hair brush at him. “You’re a lousy lay, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t wrong, you know, now that I’m older and all.”


  Alexis comes back inside completely dressed and stops short.

  “I…I just—” she begins to stutter when Jesh interrupts.

  “Here is your stuff Lex, and a card with my number and Ged’s also, this is not rocket science,” she smiles and continues, “Well, it was chemistry, but, it doesn’t have to be difficult and awkward.” Jesh pulls her in for a kiss before coming back into bed. “You have to be up in an hour Ged if you want to make it to the auto shop,” Jesh tells him.

  “You work in an auto shop?” Alexis asks, still standing around like she didn’t know what to do with herself.

  “Yup, I’m an engineer,” Gedha replies, getting out of bed in all his naked glory, pleased when her eyes follow him all the way to out of the room. After putting on some clothes and brushing his teeth, he comes back to find that she’d changed out of her walk-of-shame clothes and into some of Jesh’s clothes. They were about the same size, only that Jesh was a full foot taller.

  “I am also a cook if you’re not running away anymore.” Alexis smiles sheepishly.

  “I wasn’t…” he just waves off her protest.

  “Eggs and bacon fine?” At her nod he leaves.

  While they are eating, he says, “Remember to call the club, so they don’t think you’ve been killed or kidnapped.” A blush stains her cheeks and his blood rushes the opposite direction.

  With a kiss from Gedha and Jesh, Alexis is escorted out by Gedha with Jesh calling that she not forget them, and not be a stranger.

  Chapter 6


  All through her drive home, she couldn’t get her mind off last night. Yes, it was supposed to be a night of adventures, and she’d had plenty that night, but she’d had plenty of other things too. The way they took care of her was something she had not experienced before from anyone. They were careful in their passion, like she was something to be treasured. Never mind the number of orgasms she got, she’d lost count by morning. And to think she’d previously thought she was a one orgasm kind of gal. Jesh’s call that she not forget them rang through her mind. Ha, like she could even if she wanted to.

  It was Saturday and while she didn’t have to go to work, she was meeting her mother and sister for brunch at 11:30 a.m. She loved the both of them to death, but she wished she didn’t have to see them right after last night. She was so transparent, they’d see right t
hrough her the moment she walked in.

  Back in her own apartment, which seemed small in comparison to where she spent last night, she took a shower, brushed her teeth and changed back into her own clothes. As she looked at Jesh’s clothes, she smiled. She’d definitely find a reason to see them again. She was already looking forward to it. Sure, they had weird names and seemed different, she was absolutely sure that brown wasn’t the color of either of their eyes, and Jesh had carried her into the room like she’d weighed nothing, Gedha had lifted the king size bed with one hand so he could find her shoe, also he carried them both to the bedroom, but she wasn’t counting that. Their body temperature seemed like they’d been stuck outside for a little while.

  Her mind catalogued all this information and explained them away, one after the other.

  Contacts: maybe it was a fashion thing.

  Extra strength: they were body builders.

  Cool temperature: probably a medical condition.

  Instead, all the way to her mother’s house, her mind fixated on the little things that tripped her heart. How Gedha massaged her feet and kissed them after he helped her take them off. Jesh running a brush through her hair so it wouldn’t tangle the next morning even though they were all tired. The look in their eyes that made her feel like she wasn’t just some stranger they picked up at the club. Gedha driving her car to their apartment so she could leave whenever she wanted, breakfast… She was pretty sure if they wanted to kidnap her, she’d volunteer herself.

  At her mother’s house, she met her sister already in the kitchen making pasta, from scratch of course.

  “Hey,” Jess says as she comes to hug her. “You don’t look like someone who’s devastated over her boyfriend running away from her, her gay boyfriend.” She hadn’t even thought about Nathan in almost twelve hours. Wow.

  “I went to the club, just like you suggested.”

  “And went home with a stranger?” Jess abandons the pasta she’s making and starts poking and prodding at her. “You’re glowing! Holy shit, if I knew a trip to the club was all I needed to do to make you lose your funk, I’d have done it years ago.” Alexis was pretty sure it wouldn’t have worked. It was a Jesh and Gedha thing specifically. She was also quite certain she didn’t want to tell Jess about the threesome, her sister couldn’t keep a secret even if her life depended on it; the story would definitely reach their mom’s ears.

  “Lexi,” her mother, Chelsea Donovan, called as she comes into the kitchen,

  “Hey Mom,” Alexis replies, as she reaches out to hug her.

  “Alexis went home with a stranger last night,” Jess blurts out, true to form.

  “Is that why you’re glowing?” Her mom begins her own inspection. This was really why she wanted to miss brunch. If she did, they’d have come over, and she’d have escaped nothing.

  They spend the next two hours talking, laughing and eating. From Jess’ husband (he traveleed to Nigeria) to Chelsea’s new restaurant (even though she cannot cook a single thing) to Alexis work (“that Jeff still on your tail about that story?”). But never, for once do either of them bring up Nathan (or his gayness) or her trip to the club last night. And for that, she was eternally grateful.

  As she drove home, singing along to an old U2 album and N’SYNC, she was felt happy, elated and satisfied. She was going to live, loosen up a little and maybe happen to life instead of sitting by idly as it passed her just because some shitty things happened to her earlier in life.

  She drove by a graffiti painting and smiled as she saw what was scrawled across in bold capital letters

  SHIT HAPPENS, DON’T STAND AROUND AND TURN IT OVER Well, she didn’t know if it was fate or just dumb luck or maybe even just coincidence, just one thought went through her mind.

  Perfect. That was going to be her new motto.

  Chapter 7

  Jesh rushed out of the emergency room, tossing goodbyes to everyone as she left, she was late—by two hours. Gedha wouldn’t get mad, but she didn’t want to let him down again. This was the third time shed canceled on him out of the three times they’d made plans to go scouting in the past two weeks. At least, this time, it was a club again and she’d told him to go on without her and she’d meet him there. She would just hurry home for a quick shower and go to him. She had just released the car locks when she noticed that someone was leaning against her car.

  “Lex?” I was positive we’d never see you again, thought we’d scared you off,” she says, her face breaking into a smile as she reached to hug her.

  “Naw, my mother thought me to always return things people lend me,” Alexis replies equally smiling. “I tried really hard to talk myself out of this though, but here I am. I missed you guys.”

  “How’d you know I worked here?”

  “Your card.”

  “I’m going to kiss you now.”

  “Okay.” She slides her hand to the back of Alexis neck and proceeds to kiss her like she air she needs to breathe. “Ged would be so happy to see you. he’s been mopey since you left,” Jesh says when they come up for air.

  “Mopey is not a word,” Alexis says smiling.

  “I know, but it’s what he has been doing.” They hop into the car and turn on the radio. When an X Ambassadors song comes up, they both sing along. Jesh who’d become obsessed with Earth music and celebrities was way more surprised than she should have been when Alexis joined in—being that Alexis had been on Earth since she was born.

  Throughout the entire ride, they talked, laughed and sang like old high school friends. Jesh, thinking back to how she didn’t want to come to Earth in the first place, for once is glad her mother insisted she make the trip. Feeling a little nostalgic, she goes to a corner to make a call while Alexis goes to meet Gedha.

  “Mother,” she says as her wrist slide gives a tiny beep.

  “I expected to have heard from you a long time ago, Jeshunasha.” Her mother’s voice, still capable of sending shivers down her spine, floats up to her ears, unheard by anyone around because the sound waves actually did pass through spinal column.

  “Communication goes both ways, Mother.” Jesh regrets the words as soon as they come out, she was trying to never stop to her mother’s level.

  “How are you doing? How is Bells?” she asks trying to change the course of the conversation.

  “Bella and I are doing very well thank you,” her mother replies, then ruins it by adding “I hope you aren’t leading that boy Gedhansi astray?” Jesh sighs

  “Ged is a grown man Mom. He can make his own choices.”

  “Fine then, I hope you are taking care of yourself?” Wow, concern from her mother, who would have thought.

  “Yes Mother.” The conversation stutters on for a few minutes before her mother hangs up, but not before reminding her that the only way to finish the mission was to have intercourse with males.

  She leans against the wall until Ged comes outside to find her. He takes one look at her and concludes, “Your mother huh?” At Jesh’s nod, he curses.

  “Come on,” He pulls her toward the entrance, “your scrubs, but you’re hot in scrubs, I’m sure no one will care.” She laughs, and this is why they’d remained friends for as long as they had. He always knew how to make her feel better without making her talking about her feelings like she was at a psychiatrist’s office.

  Inside, the bartender takes one look at her and slides a drink in her direction, too bad she couldn’t get drunk, this was one of the times she just wanted to be drunk and oblivious.

  Her solution comes in the form of the human who was starting to cause a warm flutter in her chest anytime she showed up.

  “You don’t get to be mopey Jeshi, come and dance with me.” She smiles, Jeshi, she loved the way her name sounded when Alexis said it. So she allows herself to be dragged to the dance floor, and sandwiched between the two people most important to her on this planet. Within moments, she’s letting herself lose and dancing and having fun.

  One hour later, they leave
the club and go home. They sit on the couch, all tangled together, eating re-heated pizza and drinking soda. It’s almost as if they’re an old married, well not couple, more like trio. She loved it. Alexis’ right hand is in Jesh’s hair, giving her a slow massage while her left hand is drawing circles in Gedha’s lap. The next thing that happens, she blames entirely on this relaxed feeling.

  She reaches up to the side of her face to press the depression in the side of her face that controls her brown contacts, shifting them out of her vision and seamlessly into her skin.

  “Are you a robot? Please don’t be a robot.” Gedha and Jesh burst out laughing at her.

  “Look, I know you guys are different. First there’s this,” she says gesturing at Jesh’s sparkling purple eyes. “I spent the weeks away wondering and rationalizing things, like why your temperatures were weird, why you both displayed strength you shouldn’t have.” She untangles herself to pace around. “There are no pictures of you guys up and you don’t get drunk. I saw what you drank, any normal person should be knocked out by now, but here you are, as if you haven’t touched drop.” She holds up her hand to stop Jesh when it looks like she wants to interrupt. “Let me finish first please. Plus you guys are so perfect! I’ve actually told myself that I won’t freak out or be bothered by anything except robots. So please don’t be robots.” She moves to sit opposite them waving her hand to indicate that she was done

  “We’re not from this planet,” Jesh says ignoring the looks Gedha was throwing her way.

  “You didn’t answer my question. Are you robots?” Jesh and Gedha start laughing again. “No. No we are not,” he says when it becomes obvious Jesh was laughing too hard to answer.


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