Lynx to the Pharaoh

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Lynx to the Pharaoh Page 4

by Shelley Munro

  Charlotte scanned his broad shoulders and chest, her gaze drifting downward to his strong legs and the bulge of his sex. Her tongue darted out to moisten dry lips. Yes, she wanted to draw him so she would have something to remember him by when she returned to the pointless social whirr that was her life in London.

  Sethmet smiled lazily, striding over to her and halting close enough for her to reach out and touch without difficulty. “How would you draw me?”

  “Reclining, I think.” Charlotte tipped back her head to study him and felt the faint flush of heat crawl into her face. She lowered her lashes to screen her expression. “And nude.”


  “Yes,” she whispered, feeling unaccountably shy. Would he agree? She couldn’t think of a better way to pass the time, and it would give her a good excuse to study his body in great detail. His entire body, she thought, her gaze flicking down to his groin. Although she’d studied the statues and artwork in museums at home, she’d never had a chance to see a naked male at close quarters. The furtive groping by her husband didn’t count because she hadn’t seen much in the dark of his bedroom. No, she wanted to see Sethmet, a man in his prime.

  “There’s only one way I’d agree to that.”


  “You would need to take off your clothes too.”

  “Here?” Charlotte heard her voice rise in consternation.

  His chuckle broke the taut silence between them and conveyed his amusement. “That would be the fair thing to do.”

  A dare. It was clear from the light in his dark eyes he thought she’d refuse. Charlotte thought about his proposition. She’d already allowed him to touch her intimately. Removing her clothes wasn’t so different. She licked her lips again. “Would we do it here?”

  “There’s a small private courtyard not far from here. No one will interrupt us.”

  Charlotte nodded before she had a chance to consider the consequences. “I would like that.” An ache pulsed to life between her legs, her clothes starting to feel too heavy and cumbersome for a hot day.

  Sethmet picked up a basket he’d set aside earlier and held out a hand. “Come.”

  She scrambled off her makeshift seat and folded away her art supplies. After tucking them under her arm, she accepted his hand. His fingers curled around hers, strong and masculine and dark against her paler skin. It made her wonder if he was the same color all over.

  He led her through an archway, the ravages of time giving the ruin a drunken appearance. They walked a few more minutes before she heard a familiar sound.

  “Is that water I can hear?” she asked.

  “Yes. There’s a pool. I thought you might enjoy the cool water.”

  “How big is the pool?”

  “I haven’t visited here for a few months, but it used to be large enough to bathe.”

  When they rounded a large stone carving, Charlotte stopped. Sun glinted off the pool of water and several green plants grew around the perimeter. Some of the pillars and old statuary had toppled, but the ruins didn’t spoil the surroundings at all. “Oh, it’s beautiful.” She turned back to him, her breath catching. He was beautiful in a masculine way, so proud and confident. Enticing.

  Charlotte’s breath eased out when she caught the expression on his face, the intent regard. Her body heated, her breasts becoming heavy. Sensitive. She watched Sethmet pull a blanket from his basket and spread it over a patch of soft sand, conveniently blown into the courtyard by the desert winds.

  “You’ll need to help me pull off my boots,” he said, dropping to the woven blanket.

  She stared at him for a long second, her heart pumping out three fast beats before calming. After toeing off her shoes, she stepped onto the blanket and approached Sethmet.

  “Straddle my leg and pull.” His lips quirked up a fraction at the corners, his eyes full of teasing and a hint of dare.

  Charlotte never hesitated. She’d helped her husband remove his boots before. Turning to face his feet, she straddled Sethmet’s leg, grasped his boot and tugged. After initial resistance, it slid off. She repeated the process with his other boot before turning around to face him. “Do you need any other help?”

  “Are you offering to be my valet?”

  She considered his question and smiled, liking the idea, the freedom to touch his body. “Yes.”

  Slowly he stood and closed the distance between them until mere inches separated their bodies. “I’m all yours.”

  Charlotte swallowed. Sethmet was a different proposition from her overweight, red-faced husband. This was a male in his prime, and she desperately wanted to explore his body. She inhaled, drawing in his masculine scent. Before she could hesitate, she lifted her hand and removed his simply tied cravat, letting it fall to the blanket, before starting on the tiny bone buttons that fastened his shirt. The fabric slid off his shoulders, baring his chest. Tanned with a faint sprinkling of dark hair, it was as muscular as she’d imagined. Charlotte wanted to see more.

  She worked on his trousers, drawing them over his hips, unsurprised to see the lack of underwear. It was too hot for many clothes, and she’d considered dispensing with hers when she dressed for the excursion earlier this morning. Maybe tomorrow. Bending she unrolled his stockings before rising to her feet again.

  “I hope my drawing skills do you justice.”

  “Do you want to draw me straightaway?” The desire in his eyes, along with the erection she hesitated to study for too long told her exactly what he had in mind.

  “No, I think I’d like to take a dip in the pool.” Indeed, the trickle of water and the small pool were very enticing.

  “Let me help you with your clothing.” Sethmet didn’t wait for her reply. Instead he removed her clothing with an ease that told her feminine attire held no mysteries for him. When the final item dropped to the ground, he studied her body and lifted his hand to stroke one breast. The touch of his fingers sent a jolt of pleasure shooting through her veins. She gasped, mesmerized by his tanned fingers against the curve of her breast—the contrast in colors. As they both watched, her nipple drew to a tight crest.

  “I’m going to kiss you there,” he promised. “I intend to kiss every inch of your creamy skin. But first…come.” He grasped her hand and tugged her toward the pool.

  The courtyard was sheltered and private and made Charlotte feel safe, unencumbered by etiquette. She followed willingly, the prickle of something magic pulsing through her entire body.

  The chill of the water shocked her, but Sethmet laughed at her wrinkled nose.

  “Come,” he commanded. Without warning he swung her into his arms and walked into the pool until the water came up to his thighs. “This is as deep as it gets.” He set her down. “I have to kiss you.”

  His lips touched hers before she could reply. Their chests brushed, and she felt the brush of his cock. He nibbled her bottom lip and stroked the seam of her mouth, kneading the globes of her bottom with his large hands all the while. Never had kissing brought such joy and pleasure. Murmuring, she grasped his shoulders and tugged him closer. The surge and retreat of his tongue reminded her of the sexual act, the heaviness of her breasts and between her legs intensifying to an annoying ache. Groaning, she sucked on his tongue, enjoying the cinnamon taste of his breath, enjoying each of his touches.

  Finally pulling away to regain her breath, she smiled at him. “Please let me touch and explore your body. I need to research for my drawing.”

  In answer, he sat in the water and grinned up at her. “Come down here and touch me where you will. I’m all yours.”

  Curiosity nibbled at her and she joined him immediately, sinking into the cool water. Cold. Invigorating. She adjusted to the temperature quickly and stretched out a hand to touch Sethmet’s chest. Warm skin greeted her touch. Like the finest silk money could buy, her fingers slipped over his muscular chest. She glided her hands over the faint dips and curves while Sethmet watched her, a faint smile on his lips.

  She la
ughed suddenly.

  “You must approve.”

  “I do,” she said, smiling. “I’ve never done this before.” With a fingernail, she scraped across one of his nipples. Fascinated, she watched it harden and pull to a tight nub.

  “Use your mouth,” he suggested. “Wait, we’ll move to shallower water first.” He scooted back until most of his body was out of the water. Leaning his weight back on his hands, he closed his eyes and waited for her touch, his faint smile present again. She loved that smile. It induced her to behave wickedly. Wicked, she’d found, was fun.

  She studied his body, his cock attracting her attention. The coolness of the water hadn’t reduced its size in the slightest. Charlotte leaned closer and placed a kiss on his breastbone. He tasted fresh. A little salty. Nice. A bead of water ran down his neck. Fascinated, she followed its progress, the urge to pursue it with her tongue getting the better of her. She licked down his neck and across his collarbone. His pectoral muscles bunched under her tongue, making her giggle.

  “Are you ticklish?” she asked.

  “No. I’m enjoying your touch.”

  When she looked up, she saw his eyes were open again, the heat and fire in them stealing her breath. “Sethmet.” His name was no louder than a whisper.

  “Touch me, Charlotte. You don’t know how long I’ve craved your touch.”

  Charlotte applied herself with zeal, at first telling herself her exploration was purely scientific and necessary so she could draw his form correctly. It was a lie. Sethmet was a gift for herself, something for her to remember later when the confines of London became too much for her. She stroked her fingers along his shaft, jumping a little when he groaned.

  “Sweet mercy,” she whispered, realizing the power she had over him. The moment she recognized that power, her stomach went all fluttery and the ache in her loins throbbed with renewed life. Her pulse roared in her ears when she bent her head and dragged her tongue along the same path her fingers had taken. Grinning, she splashed chilly water over his erection.

  “If you’re trying to cool me off, that’s not going to work.”


  “No,” he said. “Take me inside your mouth.”

  She remembered the way it felt when he’d used his mouth on her, the soaring pleasure and the resulting eruption into climax. The need to give Sethmet the same pleasure, the sense of flying out of his body, rushed through her. She grasped his cock and took him into her mouth, glancing upward at the same time. The approval on his face made her want to please him further. His taste didn’t repel her, and she licked across the fat head of his shaft.

  “That feels good, Charlotte. Very good.”

  His encouragement was all she needed to continue, but her curiosity helped too. She watched each of his reactions, learning what he enjoyed most. She stroked and licked, alternatively sucking as well. His cock seemed to grow bigger, small beads of liquid escaping from the slit at his tip. Charlotte lapped them away, tightening her mouth on him.

  “Damn, Charlotte. You have to stop.”

  She lifted her head and smiled. “No.” Charlotte ignored his strangled chuckle when she lowered her head again. This power was heady stuff. He groaned when she sucked him, his hips jerking upward, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth. With a combination of sucking and stroking his erection, his groans grew louder, his large body shuddering with pleasure.

  “Charlotte,” he cried out, and seconds later, jets of semen spurted into her mouth.

  Surprised, she started, jerking her mouth off his cock. Sethmet chuckled and she giggled too. “Sorry.” She wiped her hand across her mouth.

  “Come here,” he whispered.

  She went into his arms willingly, enjoying the brush of her breasts against the hard wall of his chest. Their mouths met, mated, awakening the hunger inside her to fever pitch. She clenched her thighs together, the tickle of desire intensified by the move.

  “Sethmet, I need…” She trailed off, unsure of exactly what she needed.

  “Soon, sweetheart.” His accented voice seemed deeper and huskier than normal. He teased and stroked her body, taking small bites from her neck then laving them with his tongue. Gradually she became aware of his thickening cock. He moved down her body, rolling her nipple between finger and thumb, tugging to the point of pain before taking it into the warmth of his mouth.

  Bolts of pleasure shot to her sex and she wriggled against him, desperately needing him to assuage the ache he’d caused in her body. It felt so good, as if she burned in flames, yet she felt safe in his arms, trusting him implicitly. “Please, Sethmet.”

  He parted her legs and moved over her. With a seamless stroke, Sethmet pushed inside her. He stretched her and at first it hurt, but he continued to kiss and pet her, murmuring soft words of assurance. Gradually she relaxed. The sense of rightness intensified, and she quivered.

  “How does that feel?”

  “Good,” Charlotte said, an inadequate description for the pleasure that rippled through her every time Sethmet thrust into her quim. He quickened his pace, and the coil of tension snapped, her sex pulsing rapidly with his next stroke. She sighed with the pleasure, holding tight to her lover.

  Sethmet plunged into her body again, gave a raw and guttural groan, thrust hard then stopping, buried deep inside her body. He kissed her, and this time it felt different. The kiss was slow, their lips lingering. When they finally lifted their heads, they both smiled. Sethmet parted their bodies and gently washed between her legs before washing himself.

  “Do you still want to draw me?”

  When she summoned the energy, Charlotte wanted that more than ever. Sethmet had given her a gift today, showing her there were good men, men who cared about their partner’s pleasure. “Yes, please.”

  “On the blanket or here at the edge of the water?”

  Charlotte didn’t have to think about the decision because she wanted to draw his entire body. “On the blanket please.” Now, more than ever, she wanted to draw Sethmet. The future might be bleak, but she’d have memories from the past to sustain her. In the future whenever she looked at the drawing of Sethmet she would remember this slice of pleasure and the feelings of loneliness would retreat.

  Chapter Four

  Later that night, Charlotte crept from her tent, thankful it was set apart from the others with less likelihood of her being intercepted and questioned. From the corner of her eye, she caught a flash of movement. Her heart jumped halfway up her throat before she realized no one had discovered her subterfuge.

  The cat.

  “Hullo, kitty,” she whispered, stepping toward it without fear. The cat was as large as she remembered, certainly big enough to gulp her down for a snack. “Good kitty.”

  The caracal turned up its lip in a snarl the second time she spoke. Charlotte stilled, suddenly diffident. The beast was wild. Perhaps approaching it wasn’t the wisest idea.

  They stared at each other for a long drawn-out moment. Intelligence glowed in the cat’s eyes but not menace despite the show of sharp, white teeth. Charlotte exhaled slowly, letting her tense limbs relax, and glanced away from the mesmerizing cat to see if anyone had noticed her departure.

  Not a soul stirred in the camp. Good. No curious, prying questions to answer. The cat swished its tail and stalked off. With one final glance over her shoulder to check the silent camp, Charlotte followed since the cat seemed to travel in the direction she wanted. She couldn’t wait to see Sethmet again.

  Up ahead, the cat broke into a loping run. Awed, Charlotte watched the leashed power of the beast. What would it feel like—running with not a care in the world? No expectations or restrictions. Charlotte sighed when the cat disappeared from sight. She wondered where it lived and hoped she’d see it again before she traveled back to England. Her fingers itched, the artist in her wanting to record the grace of the cat for the future when the restrictions of London became too much.

  Aware of the passage of time, she jerked from her reverie and hur
ried to the edge of the oasis where they had arranged to meet.


  A shadow parted from a date palm. “Charlotte.”

  Sethmet strode over to her, hugged her tight and swung her in a circle so her legs flew outward as they spun around. Finally, he let her stand on her own feet, maintaining his grip of her hand. “I am glad you came. I thought you might change your mind.”

  “No,” Charlotte whispered, brushing a lock of hair from his face. “I want this. I want you again.” Heat tinged her cheeks. She should have felt like a fallen woman. Definitely wicked, but instead excitement pulsed through her body. She hungered for his possession and couldn’t wait to share more intimacies.

  “Come,” Sethmet murmured.

  Tugging lightly on her hand, he led her down a narrow, overgrown path she hadn’t noticed. Charlotte’s skirts brushed against the sprawling plants lining the path. In a nearby tree, a night bird called a strident alarm, and she heard the flap of wings before it glided over the water.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My family owns a small cottage here. I didn’t want any interruptions.” His voice throbbed with promises and sent awareness flooding to her core. “Here it is.”

  Sethmet opened the wooden door of the stone cottage. He reached inside and produced a lamp. Seconds later, he ushered her inside and shut the door, locking the rest of the world out.

  Charlotte looked around, interested in learning more about Sethmet and his family. The cottage consisted of two rooms, the simple wooden furniture impersonal and not telling her much about the occupants. Sethmet clasped her hand and led her into the second—a bedroom. He let her hand go and lit another lamp. A subtle glow filled the room when he placed the lamp in a wall alcove and their shadows danced across the far wall.

  Sethmet turned to her, his golden eyes intent. “Let me be your maid tonight.”

  Wordlessly, Charlotte nodded despite her qualms. They’d seen each other naked this afternoon. She’d sketched his masculine form, but the sensual freedom took some getting used to. George had never seen her naked just as she’d never seen him unclothed. Sethmet dealt with her buttons and the laces on her stays, sliding chemise fabric aside and exposing her breasts to his gaze.


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