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Let Me Show You

Page 16

by Becca Seymour

  “Listen, Scott.” I looked up at the dusting of clouds littering the sky above, giving myself a moment to get my head together. Finally, I focused on the man before me. He appeared broken, so much more than my initial assessment of sad. Did he deserve to be miserable after everything he’d done? A part of me nodded in righteousness. But the man before me wasn’t the cocksure Scott who’d been a homophobic prick. “I have no idea what’s going on, or who filed the report—” He made to speak, but I shook my head before continuing. “It should have been me. I should have made a complaint the first time you were… inappropriate, but I didn’t.

  “I have no idea what’s going on with you, and it’s none of my business, but—”

  “I’m gay.”

  I was sure at the moment I looked like a caricature of an old Warner Brothers’ cartoon with my eyes springing out of their sockets. It was the last thing I expected to fall out of his mouth. What the fuck! It was a swear-worthy moment.

  I clamped my mouth shut and then made to speak, but nothing came to mind. Scott stared at me in abject horror. I had no idea if he’d intended to come out to me or not, but from his wide and glassy eyes, I assumed the latter.

  “I….” He shook his head and blanched. “I…. That’s the first time….”

  “The first time you said it aloud,” I prompted.

  He nodded, his rounded eyes not leaving mine. A flush covered his cheeks before he suddenly paled. “I think I’m going to throw up.”

  Crap. I stepped into his space and placed my hand on his back, encouraging him to bend forward. “Breathe.” I inhaled and exhaled exaggerated breaths, encouraging him to do the same. With my palm still on his back, I glanced around, looking for somewhere he could sit. Spotting a crate to the side, I ushered Scott over and maneuvered him to take a seat. He did so in silence.

  “You’re going to be okay.” The platitude was already out there, and I grimaced at the emptiness of the words. It was too late to take it back, so I continued, despite the rush of emotion and confusion flooding me. “I know it doesn’t feel that way, but this is a good thing, scary as hell, but good.”

  Scott lifted his gaze to mine. Some color had returned to his face. Disbelief played in his eyes, but I also spotted something else, something more. Hope. “It is,” I continued with a little more conviction. “For whatever reason you waited until now, at this juncture in your life, everything will pan out.” My hands gripped his taut arms in support. “Don’t worry about the consequences, about the what-ifs, just focus on breathing. Yeah?”

  He nodded. “Okay.”

  My lips curled upwards, the first genuine smile I’d offered Scott. His lips lifted, and a small smirk split them.

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s okay.” And this time my “okay” was true. I hadn’t forgotten or let go of the past few months, but nothing about this moment was about me. Scott must have been crapping himself. I wondered what had happened for him to have waited for so long to come out. I shivered at the thought and closed my eyes. I was so freakin’ blessed.

  A scrape of a shoe drew my attention to the entrance of the alley. Tanner.

  I grinned. Big. Wide. And true.

  His frown lessened immediately, and his gaze flicked to Scott before landing back on me, his brows lifting in question. I threw him a reassuring nod, hoping he understood I was okay. From his small nod back, I assumed he had.

  I gave Scott’s arms a comforting squeeze. He glanced up at me, no longer staring at the ground. Then he turned his head in Tanner’s direction. He tensed before looking back at me.

  He cleared his throat and indicated with a nod he was wanting to stand. I backed away and stood, watching as Scott seemed to pull himself together, and fully aware Tanner’s eyes penetrated my side.

  “Your ride’s here.” Scott broke the growing silence.

  I nodded. “Yep.”

  He bobbed his head. “Listen—”

  I raised my hand, palm out, indicating for him to stop. “Tomorrow morning come for breakfast at nine, okay.”

  Scott’s eyes widened in surprise.

  Not giving him time to refuse the invitation, I plowed on. “Nine o’clock. Come, and we’ll chat, or not.” I didn’t want to force the guy into spilling his life story. “Either way, you’re more than welcome. Tanner will make his famous pancakes, and my folks will have left by eight, back on the road home.” I laughed, and some of Scott’s tension seemed to ease. “I wouldn’t subject you to my parents. I’m not that cruel.” I winked, and pink lit Scott’s cheeks. This guy, I thought, I was sure had a story to tell. I just hoped that whatever had happened to him, he was able to find the way to a life that made him happy.

  I raised my brows, waiting for him to answer. After a beat, he nodded. “Okay. Thanks.”

  With a smile, I reached out and gripped his forearm, giving him a final encouraging squeeze. “Why don’t you head home? I’ll see you first thing.”

  He nodded again, before turning and heading back to the side door. I watched him go. When he paused, I tilted my head in question. Glancing back, Scott threw me a tentative smile before pulling on the door handle and making his way inside.

  Once more I looked at the sky, head tilted back and exhaling deeply. What a day! A huff of laughter escaped me, one of disbelief. Before I had the chance to turn and make my way to Tanner, his arms wrapped around me.

  “You.” He kissed the side of my neck. “Are so fucking amazing.” He whispered the last against my ear. I shivered in response, and goose bumps broke out. He spun me around to face him. His eyes searched my own, and he shook his head slowly, as if contemplating or debating.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re the most incredible man I’ve ever known.”

  I stilled, willing the tears that had sprung in my eyes to disappear. Today’s events had made me an emotional wreck. Controlling my breathing, I beamed, and my shoulders relaxed. “I love you.”

  He pulled me tightly into his arms, my head fitting perfectly in the crook of his neck so I was able to inhale his perfect scent and could press my lips against his warm skin.

  “I love you, too. Now let’s go home.”

  Home. The more I heard it, the more I wanted it to be official.

  Chapter Nineteen


  When I’d first spotted Carter with Scott in the alley, the need to charge in and get Carter away from potential harm had been fierce. It had waged a battle in me, and it had taken everything in me for rational thought to take control and remind me that Carter was a grown-ass man who could take care of himself. That brief hesitation had allowed me to read the situation better.

  Seeing Scott sitting with his head between his legs, Carter before him speaking just loud enough for me to hear fragments, was enough for me to take stock and rein my hothead in. Just.

  I gripped Carter’s hand and settled it on my thigh as we drove to my place. We wouldn’t stay there the night as Carter’s parents were at his, plus there was my dog to take care of, who’d taken permanent residence at Carter’s. But I could read Carter well enough to know he needed to talk through whatever had gone down today. That, and I needed to know what had happened.

  When we pulled up outside my place, Carter smiled at me, gratitude evident. I pressed a kiss to his hand and released him, got out and headed to the front door. He quickly caught up with me and leaned against my back, cheek resting on the back of my neck as I unlocked and opened the door.

  “Beer or water?” I asked once inside. “Sorry, I have nothing else.” I shook my head—even my refrigerator was bare, apart from out-of-date condiments. Over the past few weeks, I’d virtually lived at Carter’s. Neither of us had questioned the steady move of my clothes into his closet, but I knew at some point we’d have to chat about it. It wasn’t the time though.

  “Beer’s good. Thanks.”

  I headed into the kitchen while Carter made his way to the sofa in the sitting room. A moment later, I sat beside him, my kn
ee touching his thigh as I turned to face him better. “You ready to tell me the that was all about?”

  He shook his head in wide-eyed wonder. “I have no idea where to start.” He snorted. “I thought he was going to try to kick my ass.”

  I clenched my teeth, my jaw clicking and grinding.

  A wide grin split Carter’s mouth, and he rested his hand on my leg, giving it a squeeze. “You know I’m a lover not a fighter, but Scott and I are about the same size. I think I could have handled myself. I love that you’re doing that growly thing again though.” He leaned into me and pressed his warm lips to the corner of my mouth.

  I harrumphed. “Right,” I said and shook my head. “You ever even been in a fight?”

  That sexy-ass blush painted his cheeks. “Well, not exactly.” He stopped speaking. Oh hell no.

  “What’s that even mean, not exactly?”

  “It doesn’t matter really. I was telling you about Sc—”

  “Nuh-uh. What does not exactly mean?”

  He sighed, his cheeks going crimson. “Well, I kicked a guy once.” I bit the side of my cheek as he continued. “It was in college, and this guy was being an idiot, sprouting some BS. I was with a friend at the time when this guy charged up and punched Billy. The guy then tripped, landing on his ass, so… I kicked him real quick before making a run for it with Billy, who had a bloody nose.”

  Carter narrowed his eyes at me just as my first burst of snort-laugh escaped. “So, you kicked a guy when he was down?” I could just imagine the scene. My sweet Carter kicking out before hightailing it out of there. He wasn’t a small guy or weedy by any stretch of the imagination, but he also wasn’t a fighter.

  “I didn’t say I was proud of it, but this guy was a lunatic. He almost broke Billy’s nose. Plus I thought he was going to jump back up and punch me too, so I took my chance while I had it.”

  I grinned widely as Carter looked a mix between mortified and indignant. “Have you got a lot of these compelling stories tucked away ready to share?”

  “Maybe.” He released the word with a small laugh and an exhale, relaxing against the sofa. “It’ll take a long time to share them with you though.” He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. The coyness that I loved about him appeared on the man who’d stolen my heart. Since I didn’t want it back, that was fine by me.

  I reached out for his hand, the whole moment softening. “I can handle long.” I shrugged. “Maybe even forever.” Swallowing loudly, I was all too aware of the shift in the mood. He was my forever for sure. I’d known it for a while. Admittedly there were times I expected our bubble to explode in a mess of ugly wounds, for no other reason than the last thing I’d been looking for was Carter.

  But I continued to wade through any hesitancy I had, and even went as far as happily kicking the crap out of doubt.

  “Forever sounds perfect.”

  It did, and he was. I cleared my throat.

  “What?” Carter tilted his head, scanning my face. His eyes widened and brightened with delight. “Is that pink I see on those cheeks of yours?” He mock gasped. “Are you going shy on me?”

  Narrowing my eyes, I reached out and dug my fingers into his side, making him squirm. “You’re an ass. We’re having a ‘moment.’” I shook my head, my lips tilting up at the corners. “Or we were.”

  Carter laughed loudly and all but pounced on me, snuggling against my chest, his mouth pressing against my neck. “It was a perfect moment, baby.”

  I gripped his narrow waist and flexed my fingers slightly. “Are you mocking me by any chance?”

  He shook his head, his lips brushing against my skin. His shoulders shook though, giving away his laughter. I flexed again, and he virtually squealed. Loud laughter burst out of me at the sound. “What the fuck was that?”

  I tilted him back to look at his face. Carter sucked at schooling his features. There was no hiding his amusement, despite his piss-poor attempt at a scowl.


  I raised my brows.

  “It was a manly guffaw.”

  If I’d been drinking, I would have sprayed the contents on his face for sure. “Manly guffaw?” I nodded, brows raised high. “Right, that’s what we’re calling squeals these days.”

  “I did not squeal.” He went to pinch my nipple, but I managed to stop him just in time. If he went there, we wouldn’t be able to get back to the conversation about Scott. Instead, I’d be spreading him out and burying my face between his legs.

  My cock twitched, and Carter raised a brow in amusement. I pinched his ass cheeks lightly and then placed him back on the couch next to me, causing him to groan.

  “No more distractions. We’ll come back to the squealing.” I grinned. “Get back to telling me about today.” And he did.

  I sat and listened, pretty fucking pissed off at the whole situation. I wasn’t a complete asshole that I couldn’t understand the fear of someone coming out, but after the nightmare he’d put Carter through, I couldn’t forgive or forget so easily.

  “But you didn’t see how much he was hurting, Tanner.” He gripped my hand tightly when I told him what a turd I thought Scott was.

  “I get that.” Admittedly not fully. I had no idea who Scott really was. It seemed the guy didn’t know himself either. “I just can’t believe you invited him over to ou— your house tomorrow, that’s all.” Carter’s eyes softened, but I chose to ignore his reaction.

  “Don’t you think it’s odd— No, not odd, I mean terrifying and… sad that a guy his age has the need to not only stay hidden but to go a step further and behave the way he did toward me?” He shook his head, face straight, and emotion heavy in his eyes.

  Fuck me, this man was going to be the death of me. “You kill me, you know?” He tilted his head in confusion, so I continued. “You’re so kind and forgiving, hell… trusting. I’m not sure I’ll ever be good enough to deserve you.” I meant every word. Carter had me tied up in knots, had done since day one when I’d found him butt-naked and trapped.

  He smiled widely and stroked his thumb over my hand. “You’re more than enough, Tanner.” He paused a moment. I watched closely as his lips twisted a little and he started chewing on his bottom lip. With a small clearing of his throat, he said, “I think he needs help, or at least to talk to someone who knows the truth. It’s the reason why I invited him over to our place.”

  The next morning, we were up early saying goodbye to Carter’s folks. The week had gone by crazy fast, not only filled with our usual day-to-day living and working, but with the drama and outing of Scott.

  I’d admitted to Carter, as I’d dragged his ass out of bed, that I would be glad when the day was finally over so we could shut ourselves away from the world. Not only would I have to be on my best behavior with Scott, which rubbed me the wrong way, but all I wanted to do was work out the logistics of moving myself in officially.

  Carter had laughed when I’d whined earlier this morning saying I just wanted to get shit done. Though when he’d straddled my face and then taken hold of my erection with his mouth, my complaints became a distant thought as we’d sucked each other off.

  “Now, Tanner, do not let our boy run circles around you.” Marcy gave me a tight hug, and I laughed. “You know by now how he can overreact sometimes—”

  “Mom, seriously, leave him alone, stop telling tales, and get your butt in the car.” I moved my gaze to Carter’s, and Marcy released me from her surprisingly solid grip. After just one week, I knew she was a force of nature. She was also pretty wonderful.

  I saw Marcy sharpen her gaze on her son before a smirk that would have had me cowering if it was aimed at me lit her face. Thank fuck it was directed at Carter.

  “Marcy,” Jack said, no doubt completely aware of what was about to come.

  “What?” Her response was too innocent.

  Jack shook his head, his lips twitching. “Come on, let the boy go. No stirring.”

  “Humph. Me? Stir?” She made a great show of appe
aring disgruntled. I laughed, but stopped immediately when she turned back to me. Damn. That smile was still there, but this time…. I grinned at her. The smile was definitely conspiratorial.

  She leaned into me one last time. “I have your cell number.” I nodded, not quite sure where she was going with this. “Ken,” she whispered with a wink.

  My grin stretched wider. This woman was my goddamn hero.

  It took another fifteen minutes before Carter’s parents were on the road, with our promise to visit them soon. Once they’d left, Carter went into panic mode tidying and rushing around the kitchen. I watched on, a little startled and honestly scared he was going to either run into an open drawer and do himself injury or have a minor heart attack.

  After standing on the sidelines for another few seconds, I made my move. I captured him from behind and drew him close. “Slow down.” He sagged in my arms before leaning back into me. “Just breathe, okay?” He nodded and took an exaggerated inhale and then exhale. I nipped his neck. “I mean it.” He squeaked, and I smiled around the kiss I placed on his skin.

  “Just promise me you’ll be kind.”

  I snorted. “When have I ever not been—”

  “You know what I mean.” He turned and looped his arms around my waist. “I know you want to kick his ass.”

  He had me there. I didn’t even deny it.

  He shook his head and offered me his bright eyes. “Thank you.” He leaned up and placed his lips against mine, apparently reading something in my expression. His kiss was soft, tender, and immediately created a simmer in my veins. “Nuh-uh.” He pulled away just as I attempted to take the kiss deeper.

  Groaning in frustration, I refused to release him as he tried to pull away. With raised brows, Carter looked at me expectantly. “You seriously think that’ll get me through the douche—”


  “—coming over for breakfast and me not kicking his ass.” I was deadly serious, and from the mollifying look Carter gave me, he knew it too.


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