Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1) Page 11

by Brooke Summers

  "That sounds good, thanks, Mia."

  I wink at her as I stand from the bed, "Anytime. I'll see you in a bit." I tell her, as I walk out of her room.

  "Mom?" I call out as I descend the stairs, this house is huge, it's a wonder I've not got lost in it already.

  "In here, Mia." She yells, and I follow the sound of her voice to the sitting room.

  "Is everyone gone?" I ask as I enter the room, to find her sitting alone, the TV not even on.

  "Yeah, it's just us girls here at the moment." She pats the sofa beside her for me to sit down.

  Taking a seat, I tell her about Lacey. "Lacey's going home tomorrow. Her grandmother's taken a bad turn."

  "Oh no, does Lacey need anything? Does she need us to book her flights? Or does she have them booked? Are her parents on their way back?" She fires off question after question.

  "Whoa, Mom." I say, "I don't really know much about what's going on. Lacey has just told me what's happened and that she'll be going home."

  Mom reaches for her phone and fires off a text, "Okay, I'll have Harrison sort everything out. He'll find out if she's booked on a flight or not."

  "Do I even want to know how he would know that?" I watch her expression shutter. "I'll take that as a no." So much for an honest conversation. "So what did you want to talk about?"

  "I'm worried about you, Mia, you've been distant." She reaches for my hand and places both hands over it. "Ever since you found out that I was married, you haven't really been yourself."

  Shit, I didn't think she noticed. "I'm hurt Mom. You didn't tell me that you were seriously dating anyone, the next thing I know is you’re married. I thought that you didn't want me there." I'm proud that I managed to keep my voice even and keep calm. I don't want us to argue. She's the only family that I have.

  "Oh, Mia." She cries, "I never wanted you to feel that way."

  "Mom, if it were the other way around, how would you feel?"

  A sigh escapes her, "I'm sorry baby, I never meant to hurt you."

  "You're happy that's the main thing. I like Harrison, Mom. He's good for you." From what I've seen, he worships the ground she walks on.

  "He is, I don't think I've ever been this happy."

  Pain hits me, "What about Dad?"

  "Mia, your father and I were happy. But we both knew that we weren't meant to be together."

  I swallow harshly a few times trying to find the right words to say. "What do you mean you weren't meant to be together? Mom, you and Dad were married for fifteen years."

  She nods, "I know baby, we fell in love when we were young. By the time we graduated high school, we were planning on going our separate ways, he wanted to go into the army, and I wanted to travel the world."

  I frown, "So what happened?"

  "You happened!" She says simply, "I found out I was pregnant and your dad and I decided that we'd raise you together."

  "You didn't love Dad?" I'm trying to wrap my head around this, but it feels as though everything I believed has been a lie.

  "Yes and no. I loved your father, I really did. But not in the way a woman should love her husband."

  "So why get married?"

  "Things weren't how they are now. Being a single mom was frowned upon." She looks at me as though I should know this. “I honestly didn’t have the courage to go against your grandparents, it was hard. I had four adults telling me that I had to marry your father. Your father wanted to marry me too, he believed it was best for everyone involved if we did.” She shakes her head furiously, almost if she’s trying to get a memory out of her mind. Suddenly a smile forms on her face. “Your dad, he was so happy that we were pregnant, he couldn’t wait to be a dad.”

  I smile, “He was the best dad.”

  “That he was, he would talk to my bump every day. He’d tell you all about his day as we got into bed, once he was finished, he’d kiss the bump.”

  I laugh, “He did that up until he died. He’d always tell me about his day, and every night before bed, he’d kiss the top of my head.” I took it for granted. I miss those moments so much. I wish I could have one more kiss on the head.

  “He was a good man, he deserved better than the marriage we had.” She tells me softly, her eyes swimming with tears.

  “Where would you have gone traveling?” It’s one thing I never knew Mom wanted to do.

  “Asia, it’s someplace I’ve always wanted to go. I’d love to see the culture firsthand. If I had the time or the money, I would have gone to Europe after. Ideally, I would have loved to travel the world. Meet new people and see new things but it was never meant to be. Instead, I got pregnant and married your father.” She doesn’t sound sad about it, just resigned.

  Maybe Harrison can take her traveling, she seems really happy with him, and that could be something they do together and create lasting memories? "Do you regret it?"

  She doesn’t even think about her answer, she opens her mouth and the words spew out. "Yes, I had so many plans. I wanted to see the world and have fun. It was something I had dreamed of for so long, but I couldn't do that while I was pregnant nor while you were growing up. Not only that, I was married to a man I didn’t love for a long time. Everything I wanted vanished in the blink of an eye."

  My breath catches, and I try everything in my power to try and breathe normally. The pain of her words hits me hard. Wow. just wow. I stand up, "I didn't mean did you regret having me, Mom. Geez, I meant did you regret marrying Dad. But at least I know where I stand now."

  "Mia, I didn't mean it like that."

  I shake my head, "Whatever, I'm going out. I'll see you later."

  Stepping out of the living room, Lacey’s standing there with such sadness in her eyes. "How much did you hear?" I ask her.

  Her cheeks flame as she ducks her head. "I'm sorry."

  "Don't be. Are you okay?"

  She scoffs, "You're seriously asking if I'm okay? Mia, I just heard what your mom said to you, are you okay?"

  No, I'm not okay, but what can I do about it? "I'm okay, shall we go?" I need to get out of here, I really want to see Hudson, to have his arms wrap around me and just hold me, but I don't have his number, so I have no way of getting in contact with him.

  She gives me a weird look but doesn't comment. Instead, she nods.

  "Okay, let me run and grab my purse. If you're ready, you can meet me in the car?" I tell her as I place my hand on the banister of the stairs.

  She links her arm through mine, "I need to get my cell phone. My mom told me she'll let me know if there's any news."

  Lacey and I sit in front of the laptop, making sure that both of us are able to be seen. "What's wrong, Mia?" Sarah asks as soon as she answers, her eyes narrowing as she looks between Lacey and I. She looks good today, less stressed.

  Lacey and I drove around for hours, we went for lunch and drove around for a while longer, neither of us in a hurry to come back here, as soon as we did, we rushed upstairs and called Sarah. I'm doing everything in my power to keep away from Mom. I'm still hurting over her words, I understand that she didn't mean it to come out quite the way it did, but the sentiment was there. That's what hurts.

  "Hey, I wanted to find out what happened with you and Jagger? So spill, I've been on tenterhooks all day waiting to call you." I smile, mad at myself for making her worry, she has enough stress as it is.

  Her eyes light up, "He emailed me last night, I was so shocked. He told me that my email was the first time he knew of me being pregnant."

  "We know that, so what happened?" Lacey's impatience shining through.

  Sarah laughs, "Yeah, so I found him on Facebook and Facetimed him. I needed to see his face when he told me. I believe him, do you?" She's so unsure of herself.

  "Yeah, I believe him. Sarah, there's no way he's lying." I tell her honestly, as I remember his face when I told him about Allie.

  Relief shines brightly in her eyes. "He's already called today, twice. Allie smiled when she heard his voice. It was the strangest
thing but also the cutest."

  I'm so happy for them. It's all she's ever wanted, for Allie to know her dad. "Is he coming to see you both?"

  Her face falls, and I immediately feel like an ass. "Not yet, he told me that he wishes he could but right now, with things happening he can't. But he's hoping he'll be out here soon."

  "What about you two? Are you going to go there?" Lacey asks the question I've been dying to find out.

  "I don't know, when we spoke yesterday, it was all about Allie. I'm not sure if I would go there again. I was burned before." She gives us a small smile. "What about you, Mia? What's happened with you and Hudson? Did you talk?"

  Heat rises in my cheeks, shit, I should have known that she'd ask. I was surprised that Lacey hadn't asked me.

  "Oh, wow, that good, huh?" Sarah laughs.

  "We kind of picked up where we left off." I bite my lip as I wait for their responses.

  "Nice!" Sarah hoots. "Was it as good as you remember?"

  I can't help the grin that forms on my face, "Better." I confess, "But guys, I feel so guilty, like what we're doing is wrong."

  Sarah's nose crinkles, "Why is it wrong?"

  "They're brother and sister." Lacey explains, "It would be weird for some people."

  My heart sinks, I didn't think she'd think that way. God, now I'm re-thinking everything I thought I had sorted out.

  "Mia, I don't think that." She reaches out and touches my hand. "I promise you, I don't. I watched you and Hudson last night. You two are made for each other. It's clear to see that you both really care about each other, even though you had only spent one night with each other."

  "Mia, do you like Hudson?" Sarah asks, her voice tight as she does so.

  "Yes, I really do."

  She nods, "Then fuck what everyone else thinks. You and Hudson do what you guys need to do to be happy."

  I laugh, "So ladylike."

  She gives me the middle finger salute.

  "She's right Mia, you need to do what makes you happy. If anyone has a problem, it's their problem. But if people see you two together, they'll understand." Lacey tells me, and I smile, my girls are amazing, they have my back no matter what.

  "Any other gossip?" Sarah asks, and I laugh. She's lonely and lives vicariously through us, although we don't have much to tell, usually.

  "Well..." I begin, "I want to know what happened between Barney and Lacey last night." I smirk as Lacey glares at me. So something did happen.

  "Oh my!" Sarah gasps as Lacey ducks her head, "Miss Lacey, spill."

  When she finally lifts her head, her face is as red as a tomato, "We kissed. Well, he kissed me."

  I roll my eyes, "Did you like it?"

  Sarah laughs, "Look at her face, of course she did!"

  "Lace?" I ask, trying not to laugh as she hides her face behind her hands.

  "Yes." It's a squeak, but we hear it.

  "Tell us everything," Sarah begs.

  I'm so happy for Lace. She needs someone in her life who will make her blush like she is now.

  "I went to bed, and he followed me up not long afterward. He knocked on my door and I had just put on my pajamas.” She shakes her head, a small smile on her lips, “His hand reached to the back of my neck, and he pulled me toward him.”

  “Holy shit!” Sarah whispers, “That is freaking hot.”

  “She’s not wrong. What happened after that?” I ask, wondering where it went.

  “I don’t know how long the kiss lasted, but he pulled away and said goodnight. He walked away without saying another word. I have no idea what is going on. I mean, did he kiss me for the hell of it? I'm confused."

  Oh, poor Lace. "Well then while he's here, ignore the ass until he says something," I tell her, I'd be pissed too if Hudson did that to me. I respect that he doesn't like playing games. Everything's out in the open with him.

  "Mia's right. Don't let him treat you like that. Ignore the jerk. No doubt he's waiting for you to say something to him first. No, let the ass see what it's like to be ignored." Sarah's eyes are narrowed, if she were here, she'd kick Barney's ass.

  Lacey sighs, "Yeah, it's just..." She trails off, as if she's scared to say it.

  "Just what?" I ask as I reach for her hand, this time I'm offering her support,

  "It's just that it was amazing. I’ve never felt that way when I’ve been kissed before. I got butterflies in the pit of my stomach."

  "Yep, I know what those feel like." I give her a reassuring smile. She's not alone here. Men are hard to understand and us girls need to stick together.

  "When I see him, I just want to be around him. Does that make sense?" She's so unsure, and I hate that she's feeling this way.

  "It makes total sense. Trust me, Lace, we've all been there." Sarah tells her and Allie's cries pierce my eardrums. "I've got to go, I'll catch up with you both tomorrow."

  "Bye." I wave, and she ends the call. Turning to Lace, "You never told her about your grandmother."

  She shrugs, "And you never told her about what happened with your mom."

  I shake my head, "She doesn't need to hear about that. She's got enough going on."

  "Yeah, do you think she'll move back to California now that Jagger wants Allie in his life?"

  "I don't know. It's hard because it's what she wants. To be around Jagger for the sake of Allie but she hates Cali, if she could be anywhere else in the world she would be. Time will tell." If Jagger doesn't move, I can see her coming back, but she won't go back to Oakland. That's one place she'll never step foot in again.

  Lacey's phone buzzes and she stares down at it in shock. "Um Mia, your mom and Harrison have paid for my ticket back to Carson City."

  "Good. What time’s your flight?"

  She looks at her phone again, "Ten."

  I nod, "That's plenty of time."

  "For what?" She asks wearily.

  "Oh, you'll see, I have plans for us tonight," I smirk, tonight is going to get both our minds off everything.

  We’re going to a party in Malibu. A friend of mine is living there and having a party. It’ll be good to get away from here for a while.



  Everyone is sitting around the table having dinner, enjoying the meal. Jagger and Martin are shoveling food into their mouths like they've never been fed, both Barney and Lacey keep glaring at each other, I wonder what happened between them last night. Whereas Mia's sitting there with a satisfied smile on her face, she's like a drug, and I'm already addicted to her. Although I knew she was something special the very first time we met, she's had me in a tailspin ever since then. Not that I'd ever admit that shit to anyone. I don't need my enemies learning of the woman who means something to me. It's bad enough that they may accidentally stumble across her because our parents are married. I can just see those fuckers salivating at the prospect of getting to my woman.

  My enemies saw me when I was a punk-ass kid, they don't know me now; they have no idea that I'd kill them with my bare hands without so much as a second thought. Not only am I a mean sonofabitch, I have a lot of friends in a lot of high places. Not only do I have the mayor of California in my pocket, I also have members of the police departments on my payroll. So far I have at least three from each department here in California, not to mention the commissioner himself is my godfather. That is a fucking laugh right there. He and my father were best friends when growing up, the commissioner's father was my grandfather's right-hand man, we've all grown up together, it was expected that the commissioner's son Travis would join the ranks and be a soldier, maybe even work his way up but I wouldn't allow it. His old man's a cop. There's no way in hell that I'd let him in.

  I know a lot of organized crime leaders, too many to have someone so close to a cop know the ins and outs of my operation, to know who is in my inner circle or outer circle so to speak as I don't trust many people. Those that I do are the ones closest. Jagger and Martin, they're the only ones that I trust, although I wouldn't say implicitl
y. I've known many a man to betray those closest and being in this business, I'm cautious.

  "Son, how long are you staying here for?" Dad asks me, and I look up at him just in time to see him glance at Tina.

  Ah, she doesn't like me. She seems okay, a bit of a hypocrite. She knew what my dad was when she slept with him. One was being married, the other was being the boss. She got him to give up both of those things, leaving my mom a fucking mess. Although the way hers and Dad's relationship was, it's a good thing they're apart. Mom sees that she was betrayed and is raging mad. It's why I've not been to see her in a couple of weeks, the conversation always turns to Dad, and I'm done with hearing about it.

  "Don't know yet. Is there a time limit on my stay?" Even though my tone’s even, and I'm smiling, I'm pissed.

  "Of course not," Tina tells me, her eyes wide, I think there’s a hint of terror in them.

  "Son I'm not trying to get rid of you, you have your own house and a business. I was just wondering how long you were staying." Damn, he's eager to get rid of me, and I'm wondering if it's him or Tina.

  Mia snorts, "So, Lacey and I have our own place, you've not asked how long we're staying."

  "Mia!" Tina reprimands, but it's too late, we're all laughing.

  "What?" Mia looks innocent, like she has no idea what was wrong with what she said.

  "Mia, this is a conversation between Harrison and Hudson."

  I watch in amusement as Mia looks around the table, "Oops, my bad. I thought it was a family discussion, you know, with it being at the dinner table and all."

  Tina's eyes narrow, "Mia...." She warns, "We'll discuss this later."

  "Discuss what?" Dad asks his jaw clenching as he looks between a visibly shaken Mia and a wide-eyed Tina. I too would like to know what the hell is going on.

  "Watch out Harrison. Mom may regret marrying you too soon." Mia snarls, fuck, I'm going to kill whoever upset her.


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