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Forbidden Lust (The Kingpin Book 1)

Page 13

by Brooke Summers

  "How much have you told her?"

  He glances out the window before turning back to face me. "Enough, I've told her not to tell anyone else as of yet. Just wait until Ma finds out what Carina did, she'll want to be the one to kill her."

  I smirk, "The fact that Mary hates Carina should have rang alarm bells for you. Mary thinks everyone is a sweetheart, she never has a bad word to say about anyone, except Carina."

  He sighs, "I know, it's a clusterfuck."

  "Say the word, and I'll sort it out. It'll give you more time to focus on Sarah and Allie."

  "I'll think about it. Right now, she's doing a twenty-one-day stint in rehab, that gives me plenty of time to get Sarah and Allie settled at home with me and then get rid of her." He sounds like a man with a plan, and I hope it works out for him, even the best-laid plans have a way of going awry.

  "Boss we're here," Martin tells me, and I immediately get out of the car. "Want us to wait?"

  Just as I go to answer, Lacey and Barney walk over to us, "You two going?" I ask frowning at the black tear stains on Lacey’s face.

  "Yeah." He whispers, his arm around Lacey's shoulders.

  "Jag, you and Martin go on without me," I tell them. Martin nods and begins to drive off.

  "Mia's on the beach," Barney tells me, his arm around Lacey's back, she's stuck to his side.

  "Hudson, she's okay," Lacey tells me and reaches out for my hand.

  "Are you okay?" I ask as she squeezes my hand.

  She shakes her head, tears swimming in her blue eyes. "My grandmother passed away."

  I pull her into my arms, she wraps hers around my waist and rests her head on my chest. "I'm sorry for your loss," I tell her quietly, glancing at Barney who has a shocked expression on his face. He really needs to get a poker face, the ass. He's probably never seen me be polite to someone before.

  "Thank you." She replies as I let her go. "Look after her Hudson, she's probably at the lowest she's ever been right now."

  "Don't worry about Mia. I've got her." She gives me a sharp nod and climbs into Barney's car. "I'll talk to you all later on."

  I walk away and toward the beach. I instantly see her as I step onto the sand, her profile lit up by the brightness of the moon. Her raven hair is blowing in the breeze, and the closer I get, the more I can see. Her heels are off, and to her side, her feet are digging into the sand. Her arms are around her legs hugging them close to her body. Her chin resting on top of her knees, her gaze focused on the beach in front of her. Lacey said she was at her lowest, to me she looks absolutely shattered. My woman looks broken and I need to fix it. No matter how broken she looks, she's still the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on, and I'm a lucky fucker to know that she's mine.

  I sit down beside her, not saying a word. A lone tear falls from her eye and down her cheek, she just sits there and stares out onto the beach. I leave her be, just sitting here waiting for her to talk. I know she will when she's ready. My arm reaches around her back, and I hold her. Within seconds, she's leaning against me, still not saying a word.

  "Is Lacey gone?" She asks, twenty minutes later.

  "Yeah, she's with Barney. He'll make sure she gets home okay." A shiver runs down her body, "Are you cold?"

  She blushes as she ducks her head into my chest, "No." She murmurs, her words low as she's talking into my chest. "Whenever you talk, I always get shivers."

  I smile at her admission, "Are you ready to go back?"

  She shakes her head. "I don't want to see her just yet."

  I pick her up and put her on my lap, "Talk to me." I ask her as I wrap my arms around her.

  Her head rests on my shoulder, and she places a kiss on my chin, "I'm probably being stupid."

  I rub my hand up and down her arm. Goosebumps form and I love the reaction she has to me. "Let me be the judge of that, what happened?" I already know, but from what Tina told us, I want to hear it from Mia.

  "Mom and I, we have these really honest discussions I honestly thought that she wanted to talk about us, I had it in my head that she knew about us."

  "She does, Dad heard us last night." Her gasp makes me smile, "He told your mom, and she's not happy about it."

  "Is your dad?" She questions, lifting her head off my shoulder. Her eyes wide and fearful. This is what she didn't want to happen.

  "At first he was, then I spoke to him, you overheard that conversation."

  Her cheeks flame, "I really didn't mean to." She bites her lip, "I promise I wasn't eavesdropping. You were practically screaming at one another. I never did hear you talk about us though."

  I shrug, "I'm not worried that you overheard. I am sorry that you had to hear that your mom and my dad were having an affair, though." I honestly thought she knew. Everyone knew that my dad was a cheating fucking ass.

  The smile she gives me is a wobbly one, her bottom lip trembling. "I don't really know who my mom is at all. Everything I'm finding out lately is shattering everything I thought I knew."

  "What do you mean?"

  She turns on my lap so that she's straddling me, "I grew up thinking my parents had the happiest marriage, that they were happy together. When my dad died, I hurt so bad. I was a daddy's girl. He was deployed a lot, but when he was home, they were the best times. God, I miss him terribly." She takes a deep breath, "So I went to college to escape the constant reminders that he's no longer here. I was so shocked when Mom called me to tell me she was married."

  My eyes widen, "What? You didn't know they were getting married?"

  She shakes her head, "No, I didn't even know they were serious. She told me she was dating, but that was it. I guess I never asked her. So when she called saying she'd gotten married, I was shocked. Fuck, I was hurt and pissed. It was as if I didn't matter. She couldn't be bothered telling her daughter that she'd met a man she liked, that she'd found love and was getting married. No, she waited until it was done before telling me."

  Damn! Tina's fucking cold, she's not the woman she appears to be. I wonder if Dad knows she never told Mia?

  "It felt like she was trying to run from the life she had with my dad; everything they had built together is gone. The only thing left of it is the house that she's put up for sale. The house my dad spent years paying for." Anger and sorrow fill her words, she's pissed, and right now I don't blame her. If that were me, I'd be fucking murderous.

  "What happened today?"

  "Ugh," she says as she shakes her head, her hair falling down around her face, I reach out and push it back behind her ear, "We sat down to talk, we got talking about Dad. She said that she didn't love Dad. That she didn't want to marry him, the only reason she did was because her parents and my dad's wanted them to. Mom wanted to go travel the world, see the different cultures, and Dad was going into the army, just as his father had, and his grandfather. He was the seventh generation to follow in the footsteps of his forefathers."

  "That's pretty commendable."

  "It's all he ever knew, you know? It was what the family did. I've let them down. I didn’t follow in their footsteps."

  My hands frame her face, "No, Princess, you haven't." I place a kiss gently on her lips. "What else did your mom say?" I try and ask as nicely as I can even though I thoroughly dislike that woman.

  "I asked her if she regretted it. I meant marrying my dad. Her response was... Yes, and no. That she had so many plans, that she wanted to see the world and have fun. It was something she had dreamed of for so long, but she couldn't do that while she was pregnant nor while I was growing up."

  Yeah, Tina is a selfish bitch. Who the hell says that to her daughter?

  "I know that she meant that she sometimes regrets it, or that she'd look back and wonder what if, but the culminations of the lies and secrets got to me. I can't stand the lies."

  Now isn't the time to tell her what I do, but I need to, and soon, if I don't and she finds out from someone else, I could lose her.

  "Do you think I'm overreacting?" She asks quietly, her
gaze drifting back to the sea.

  "No, I don't. I think you know how you feel and right now, you're hurt, and you have every right to be. But Mia she's your mom, you're going to have to talk to her eventually."

  Her nose wrinkles in distaste. "I know. Just not now."

  "Okay, time to go."

  She frowns as I lift her off my lap. "Where are we going?"

  Standing I pull her into my arms, "Well, you never ate dinner," I kiss her lips and she immediately melts into my body, "I can taste beer on your lips which means you've been drinking on an empty stomach." My words come out like a reprimand, but I'm not telling her off. I'm just stating the obvious.

  "Okay, let's get something to eat, is there a McDonalds around here somewhere?" She asks as she reaches for her shoes.

  She wants McDonalds, I'll bring her to it, I don't give a shit how far away it is. "Let's go," I tell her, and she instantly grabs my hand and holds it tightly. We walk toward her car, "You okay?" She's stopped crying and seems to be a little better, but I'm not sure if it's because she's good at hiding things deep inside.

  "I suppose, I still have no idea why my mom lied nor why she hid the fact that she was getting married from me and that hurts."

  I squeeze her hand, "The only way to find out is to talk to her."

  She nods, "Tomorrow, I promise. Thanks, Hudson."

  I pull her to a stop, and she crashes into my chest, "What are you thanking me for?"

  She gets shy and glances away, "For being here."

  I lift her chin so that she can look at me, "Princess, you're mine, and that means that I take care of you. I'm your man, and when you’re upset I'm going to be here, so don't thank me for doing what I'm meant to do."

  She reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses me, "You're a good man Hudson."

  If only that were fucking true, she doesn't know the real me. I'm debating with myself if I should ever tell her. Right now though, she doesn't need to know. I'm keeping her in the dark for her own protection as well as for my own sanity. I know that if I tell her that I sell drugs and guns she's going to walk away and that cannot happen.

  I take her hand again and walk to her car, "Keys." I tell her as I hold out my hand. She doesn't argue, just passes them to me. Getting in, I have to move the seat back, my six-foot-two frame doesn't fit, so I push the seat back all the way and I catch Mia smiling. "What?"

  She shakes her head that smile still present, "Just thinking how good you look in my car."

  I laugh, she's freaking adorable. Starting the car, it purrs to life, I put it into drive and get the hell out of here.

  "Oh yeah, you definitely look good in my car." Her voice husky and her hand reaches over the gear stick and she touches my leg, her hand moving slowly upward to my dick.

  Fuck, I'm hard, it's like I'm in a constant state of arousal when I'm around her. My hands grip the steering wheel tighter as she begins to unbutton my jeans. Fuck, this girl amazes me, she knows how to shock me. Her hand wraps around the base of my cock, and I hiss out a breath as she squeezes me. Christ.

  My eyes are glancing around trying to find a secluded spot that I can park in and fuck her senseless. She's made my fucking year doing this. I'm harder than I've ever been and the fact that we could be seen by anyone passing by doesn't seem to affect Mia. There’s a dirt road that leads toward the beach, and I take the turn just as Mia reaches over and wraps her mouth around my dick.

  "Christ Mia," I say through gritted teeth, fighting the urge to pull over and thrust into her mouth until she gags.

  "Mmmmmmmm." She moans around my dick and I have to grip the steering wheel tighter, my knuckles going white as I do so. Finally, fucking finally, I manage to find somewhere to park safely.

  "Take your pants off," I growl, and she looks up at me as she continues to suck me. Fuck, but that is sexy as hell. I thrust into her warm mouth and hit the back of her throat, she gags and I do it again, loving the sound. Her breathing quickens, and I know it's not because she's scared or can't breathe. No, my girl is fucking turned on from me gagging her with my dick.

  "Want me to come in your mouth?" I ask her, as I thrust deep into her mouth again and she whimpers as she nods her head. Yeah, my girl is a freak, she's made for me. "Work for it," I demand, and instantly she wraps her hands around my dick again as I pulse in her hands.

  I thrust into her mouth a few more times before the tingles begin at the base of my back, I'm close. "Mia, I'm going to come in your mouth," I tell her, and just as I thought, she doesn't pull away, instead she grips my dick tighter and she sucks harder. I close my eyes and lean back against the headrest and enjoy the feel of my dick inside her hot, wet mouth. Fuck, this woman is amazing.

  I feel the orgasm building and I reach for her hair and thrust into her mouth... once, twice... three times before exploding.

  She sits back in her seat with a smile. "I'm hungry." She comments, her eyes staring at my dick and I laugh. She shrugs and puts her seatbelt on, "What?"

  I shake my head and button my jeans up, "Nothing Princess, but wait until I get you home. You're in for a shock when I fuck you senseless."

  She gasps, her eyes widening before she sinks back into her seat and a cheeky smile forms, "You're sure of yourself, aren't you?"

  Damn, this woman is amazing. "Oh I am, want to know why?"

  "Why?" She whispers as I start the engine.

  "Because your panties are soaked." Her face flames at my words, "I can smell you from here, and as soon as I get you in bed, I'm going to eat that pussy until you beg me to stop. You're going to come so hard your body is going to shake, and then, I'm going to fuck you until you're sore and raw."

  She gulps, "I hope you live up to your promise."

  I laugh, "On that, you have nothing to worry about. Remember that first night?" I smirk as she begins to pant. "You want food?"

  She shakes her head. "I'm not hungry for food..." She leaves it hanging in the air what she is, in fact, hungry for.

  I need to get her the fastest drive-thru known to man and then home and pronto.



  Hudson's hand is on the base of my back, he's leading me into the house, my entire body wound up tight. The lights are on downstairs which means someone's awake and I have a feeling that it's Mom.

  Hudson leans in close, his lips brushing against my ear. "Princess, it's fine, we're going to eat and then I'm taking you to bed." His gravelly voice as he murmurs in my ear sends shivers throughout my body. "How wet are you?"

  I gasp and turn to face him, his arm going around me, pulling me flush against his body, his dick hard against my stomach. He seems to be in a constant state of arousal. "Hudson, when you ask questions like that, I get soaked."

  He bites his lip as his eyes dilate, "Soaked?"

  "Mmmhmm," I reply with a smile, being around him is so easy, and I'm actually okay at flirting with him, it's fun to tease him because his reactions are so sexy, he loves being around me. He touches me at every available opportunity. Even though he's the first guy I've been with, he makes me feel cherished, wanted, special, and most importantly loved.

  Shit, is that what I'm feeling? Do I love him? I can't. It's way too soon. I mean we've only known each other two days, and I don't even know him properly. No, it's definitely not love, more like lust. Yes, caring lust. I care about him, so that's what I'm calling it.

  He lifts a hand to my head, his fingers tangling in my hair, the air between us crackling with electricity. Everything around us vanishes as his lips crash down against mine, his tongue entering my mouth, this kiss is hard, dominating, and fierce, just like Hudson himself.

  A coughing sound has him pulling away from me and glaring at whoever's behind me. "We'll be in, in a minute."

  I turn to see who he's talking to and I'm not surprised that it's my mom. "Okay," she says softly, but there's a hardness in her eyes as she looks at the way that Hudson and I are embraced. I don't have the energy to deal with her tonight if she's going to h
ave something to say about our relationship.

  "You going to talk to her?" He asks me when Mom walks away.

  I shake my head. "Not yet, maybe tomorrow. I'm not ready yet. I'm too emotional and mad at her. If we talk now, I'm going to say something I regret and things could get ugly. That's something I don't want." I love my mom, and I don't want there to be a rift between us. If I talk to her now, there very well could be.

  "You shock me each and every time you open your mouth. You're not like most women."

  I raise my eyebrow, "And how many women do you know?" I'm teasing him, that's one thing I don't want to know. I know he's not a saint, and I don't expect him to be, but I also don't want to know how many women he's been with, because knowing the truth is going to hurt.

  He glances away, and my teasing has backfired. Great and now my mind is wondering about who he's been with and how many.

  "Let's go in. I need to eat." I tell him as I turn in his arms, but he stops me, "What's the matter?" I ask.

  "The women I've been with don't matter Mia. I'm with you." His finger reaching up to my chin to make me look at him. "Mia, since that first night, I've not been with anyone. I knew then that you're the one for me."

  My breath hitches at his admission. "Hudson." Tears sting my eyes, God, who knew he could be so freaking sweet?

  His amber eyes flash with darkness. "Damn, I really need to get you upstairs. It's been too long since I've been inside you."

  My mouth instantly dries, "You've just been inside my mouth, Hudson, I'm the one feeling short-changed." I smirk, as he grinds his jaw. "I need food." I lie, but he's teased me so much, it's time to repay the favor.

  "Oh, you're going to pay Princess, just you wait and see." He whispers in my ear, "I'm going to spank you so hard you cum."

  I squeeze my legs closed, God, why does he do this? I'm like a puddle of goo when he says those things to me.

  "Now, let’s eat before I forget you need to and take you upstairs." He growls as he places his hand on my lower back and leads me inside, he walks past the sitting room where both Harrison and Mom are seated and into the kitchen. He places the bag of McDonalds on the counter, he's been carrying it since we got out of the car, he went around the drive-thru because he wasn't getting out of the car and wouldn't let me go in by myself, I had to roll my eyes at that one. I get that he's macho, but there's no need to be over dramatic.


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