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Safe With Me (Falling For A Rose Book 1)

Page 5

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Jonas answered the call, “Rose.”

  “Just the man I was looking for,” Kevin quipped.

  Jonas felt an annoyance, irritation, and frustration, none of which was displayed on his face. He kept his features neutral and continued to watch Samiyah as she rose to her feet beating a hasty retreat. Her beautiful brown body graciously glided across the cement surroundings of the pool, and she removed the chopsticks that held her hair in place allowing her tresses to tumble free past her shoulders down the middle of her back. The flick of her mane pushed back off her shoulders sent warm liquid coursing through his veins. Kevin was saying something about money being doubled for a fight. One thing Jonas had to give Kevin was his persistence, but Jonas was equally unrelenting.

  “If this is about money just let me know, I’d be willing to help you out. How much do you need?”

  A contemptuous scowl sounded through the speaker. “What?” Kevin said offended. “I’m not some charity case.”

  “You can work it off if that makes you feel any better, I have a job for you,” Jonas offered.

  Still, Jonas’ eyes never left Samiyah. On the diving board now Samiyah leaped, bouncing twice; her body folding into a ball turning full circle before stretching her arms and legs out slicing into the water head first with the tenacity of an experienced swimmer.

  “I’ve gotta go,” Jonas ended the phone call and stepped out of his sandals making an unseen entrance into the pool. He watched her swim under water in his direction and wondered if her eyes were open. From his angle, he couldn’t tell. Her long legs gracefully moved in waves like flippers behind her. When she came up for air, he got his answer. Samiyah thought she’d hit a brick wall when she collided with his broad chest. She opened her eyes, water dripping all over her face. Even in the cool water, the sight of him warmed her blood, and their collision caught her off guard causing her to grab hold of him.

  “Jonas!” she breathed breathlessly. “I didn’t see you.” Her hand slid down his carved chest leaving a tingling in her fingers.

  “That’s because you had your eyes closed, love.”

  Samiyah blushed and attempted to take a step back from him, but his rough hands held her in place.

  “What are you doing here, if you don’t mind me asking?” It’s not that she cared, she just wanted to know.

  “I’m on vacation, you?”

  “I was actually gifted this trip from a client, so,” she held her arms out, “here I am.”

  Her radiant smile set a flame in him that dived right to the center of his groin. Never had he met a woman that set him ablaze like she did.

  “Are you alone?”

  “Yes, every time we cross paths I’m alone. It seems to be the story of my life.”

  He heard the sad undertone in her voice, and she looked away. With the tip of his fingers, he turned her back to him.

  “That just makes me a lucky man.”

  Again, Samiyah blushed, her heart racing at his careful touch and sensitive words. “You’re too nice; you don’t have to say that.”

  “I don’t say anything I don’t mean, remember?”

  She did remember.

  “I don’t play games, Miss Manhattan.”

  She held her hand up. “Please for the love of God call me Samiyah.” To be clear she insisted, “at all times.”

  After Samiyah had spoken those words, she realized it indicated they would be together again. He caught it, too. A charming grin laced his handsome sculpted face. It was a good thing they were already wet, so Samiyah wouldn’t have to worry about soaking her bikini bottoms.

  “Have dinner with me.”

  Samiyah lifted a shoulder to her chin. Her head turned slightly, and her eyes lowered. “Was that a request or an order?” she batted her long thick eyelashes.

  “That depends,” he said closing what little gap was left between them. His torso touched her breasts and chills fled down Samiyah’s skin.

  “On what?”

  “On how you like to be handled.”

  His breath danced across her lips like a stolen kiss. The fire between them crackled. Samiyah closed her eyes and inhaled his masculine scent. Their mouths were separated by a wisp of a breeze. Jonas reached for her.

  “The water is boiling around you two, get a room!”

  Samiyah’s head whipped up; her eyes landing on a gorgeous, tall, delectable male. “Never mind him, that’s my brother, Jaden,” Jonas informed never moving an inch away from her. Now that Samiyah got a good look at him, he was one of the men on the front of the magazine cover. Of course, he was his brother. She remembered them all being strikingly handsome.

  Her eyes traveled back to Jonas. “Good genes,” she offered.

  He cracked a smile, “Ditto.”

  His gaze held her in a deep sanctuary reeling her in with every second that passed. She swallowed back a lump in her throat.

  “So tell me Samiyah, how do you like to be handled?”

  Samiyah bit down on her lower lip driving him completely insane. “I guess you’ll have to find out,” she cooed letting her legs drop taking her underwater. She turned and swam off in the opposite direction, and Jonas swam after her, his sturdy arms catching her within seconds. He pulled her to the surface, twisting her around in his arms and Samiyah fell into a heap of laughter. Jonas pinned her against the pool wall and went under water placing his mouth on the softest part of her using his tongue to tease her most sensitive spot.

  She gasped and shuddered trying to get out of his grasp, but her efforts were ineffective. “Okay, okay,” she repeated. Slowly he gravitated above the water.

  “What was that? I didn’t hear you?”

  She splashed him. “I’ll have dinner with you.”

  Chapter Eight

  The application of dark purple MAC lipstick left a smooth finish on Samiyah’s lips. She puckered them and blew a kiss to herself flirting with her mirror image. So far, her day had been lovely. Running into Jonas at the swimming pool was the ultimate bonus. Even more blissful was the fact that he’d hung around for hours until Samiyah decided she was hungry. When he offered to buy her lunch, she declined and told him she needed to get something else done first. He had no idea her hunger had nothing to do with food. At first, she asked herself, what type of game was she playing.

  It seemed as soon as Samiyah thought she could be carefree, she would close up and wonder if she was being reckless. Throughout her life, Samiyah had always kept things in perspective. She was never one to do things out of the ordinary for fear of what consequences would come from her actions. That didn’t negate the carnal urges she buried deep inside her, for something adventurous, daring, and exotic in her life. Instead, she kept herself on remote; going through life business as usual. It was a true fight with self.

  The black dress exquisitely adorned her physique, fitting snugly down her waist. It coiled around her bountiful bottom, and curvy hips; cutting into a slit down her left thigh. The dress stopped short midway, and Samiyah did a full turn in the mirror. She knew the dress was quite revealing, but she hoped to gain the attention of only one man tonight. With its thin material and light weight, the dress lay softly against her rich mahogany skin. She stepped into her dark purple five-inch stiletto’s and decided to leave her clutch inside the room. She didn’t want to carry anything but herself. Samiyah left the room making her way to the first floor. Music drifted from a nearby room drawing her attention. She followed the sound to an open area filled with people, food, and drinks. They talked, laughed, and danced with one another, some holding hands and others having flirty fun.

  Gradually, Samiyah made her entrance, a clock on the wall read; 8:15 p.m., she was fifteen minutes late. She searched for him, strutting through the room using the poise of a feline. Men openly gawked at her; hypnotized by the racy sway in her hips as she made her way through.

  “Miss Manhattan,” a voice called.

  Samiyah spun on her heels, bestowing a bright smile. She held out her hand to gre
et him. “Dr. Sanchez, hello, it’s so nice to see you here.” She really meant that.

  The doctor assessed her, his eyes roaming from her dark flowing hair to the heels on her pretty feet. He accepted her greeting grasping her hand circling his thumb on her skin.

  “You are stunning, Miss Manhattan. I’m glad you did use the tickets; it is well deserved,” he said.

  “Thank you very much. You’re so kind; it is the best gift a girl could receive.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  Samiyah and Dr. Sanchez turned when they heard his voice. Jonas approached them in J Crew shorts, a crisp white button-down shirt that teased Samiyah with the two top buttons undone. It opened completely showing the long thick column of his neck then laid against his broad chest. He stepped into Samiyah’s personal space and towered over her his eyes gleaming a wicked glow.

  “Mr. Rose,” the doctor sputtered. “I should’ve known it was you when all the women shifted to the other side of the room.” He chuckled. “I was just telling Miss Manhattan here how delighted I am that she used the generous accommodations, you awarded her.”

  Samiyah frowned, “Um, the envelope was from you, Dr. Sanchez.”

  “Oh well yes, you see, Mr. Rose here paid for an all expense trip for his board members and contributors to his branch expansion opening up in New York City.” The doctor’s eyes uncomfortably shifted from Jonas to Samiyah. “I told him what a wonderful job you did helping me with my finances and he extended the trip to you as a reward for your outstanding service.”

  “Actually, I thought the gift was directly from you, doctor. Had I known it was from Jonas—”

  “Then what? You wouldn’t have come?” Jonas asked his voice calm and soothing. He slid his hands into his pockets and awaited her response. Jonas was ready to tear the dress off Samiyah she so effortlessly dangled in front of him; like a sheet over a masterpiece.

  “What I was going to say is I would’ve acknowledged you instead. I was under the impression the gift was from the doctor.”

  “Sorry for the misunderstanding,” Dr. Sanchez said. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  He made his exit, embarrassed but delighted to get out of the hot seat.

  “I must say Samiyah, you are the sexiest woman I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.”

  Sudden warmth engulfed her, covering Samiyah’s body like candy coated in chocolate. She blushed. “I’m flattered. Why didn’t you tell me this trip was from you when you saw me at the pool?”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  She faltered, “But I asked you what you were doing here, and you said on vacation.”

  “It’s true love, I’m on vacation. It didn’t matter to me that Dr. Sanchez wanted to take credit for the trip. The only thing I cared about was getting you here.” He spoke slow and sexy taking a step towards her.

  “Why is that?” Samiyah stood facing him.

  “I needed to check up on you. The last time I saw you, you were kicking me out.”

  She chuckled, “About that, I just needed some time to think. It was too much for me to process at once.”

  “There’s no reason to explain. Samiyah… you get under my skin in a way I’ve never known. It’s foreign, and I don’t know what that means, but I want to find out.”

  The music changed and Floetry played. Samiyah took a labored breath, and Jonas reached for her enclosing his arms around her waist. He drew her in, and they slow danced as he kept his steely gaze fixed on her. They vibed and moved to the smooth melody.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Samiyah said.

  He gave her a spectacular grin that spread his perfect lips showing a set of beautiful white teeth. “Thank you, we’re looking to expand in more cities up north, and every time we do, we’re taking a trip.”

  “It must be good to work for you.” She let out a hearty laugh. He winked, and they swayed.

  “I didn’t want to leave you,” Jonas said returning to the topic of her abrupt change in attitude the last time he saw her.

  “Your sadness was overwhelming.”

  “I’m not sad now, quite the contrary actually,” she smirked.

  “Why is that, I wonder?”

  “I think you know,” Samiyah said.

  “Why don’t you tell me”

  Samiyah wasn’t willing to reveal that being around him made her feel like life would only get better. Jonas’ hand ran up the back of Samiyah’s neck into her hair. When he pulled her in, she let go, and they kissed. Soft, warm, and spicy, their lips caressed each other in a display of affection. Samiyah bit down on his lower lip, sucking it into her mouth. They’re tongues mixed and mingled engaging in an erotic kiss that sent them shooting to the stars.

  “If we keep this up,” he said against her mouth, “Everyone is going to watch me make love to you right where we stand.”

  Samiyah kissed his lips again and backed away from him. He was making her delirious; her body a constant flame.

  “Let me know who you are Samiyah. Tell me your hopes, your dreams, and desires.”

  “Excuse me,” a woman stepped in between them. She looked to Samiyah. “Do you mind if I have a word with him?”

  “Be my guest,” Samiyah responded turning to make her way to the bar on the far-right side of the lounge. With the way Jonas had set her on fire, Samiyah was sure to leave a trail of smoke in her wake. He was irresistibly charming, and it was all she could do to keep from jumping his bones on the dance floor. Her emotions were on high, and although she’d come tonight to have fun, Samiyah couldn’t control herself around him. He absolutely took her breath away. Have fun girl, it’s okay, it’s not like you’re going to fall in love.

  She took a look over at him. The woman was definitely a model; her tall, thin body leaned a shoulder into Jonas as she laughed about something that made him, in turn, react with an amused grin. Samiyah felt a slight tinge of jealousy and quickly turned back to the bar. The bartender approached her.

  “Pinot Grigio, please.”

  The bartender left and came back with the white wine in no time flat. She sipped and tried to snuff out the flame that still sat at the core of her belly.

  From across the room Jonas watched Samiyah intensely. She peeked over her shoulder and caught him staring at her. Samiyah’s body language spoke volumes when she turned completely around raising her wine glass to her lips.

  The owner of A Taste of Elegance Modeling Agency had interrupted their conversation, and Jonas was ready to pick back up where they left off. The woman laughed at her own comment leaning into him making sure to give him a full view of the cleavage that was about to fall out of her sequin top.

  “I’m glad you ladies are having a good time, make sure to live it up while you’re here,” he said.

  Samiyah sent him a flirty wink and a seductive smile beckoning him with her almond shaped eyes.

  “Excuse me for a moment,” he walked away, taking calculated steps like a man on the prowl. Other women tried grabbing Jonas attention as he neared, but they were out of his range of sight. The only thing he could see was Samiyah. When he pulled up next to her Jonas raised a finger and gave a quick whistle, the bartender glanced his way and nodded.

  “What was that about?” Samiyah inquired.

  “Adding you to my tab. While you’re here anything you buy is complimentary, that includes everything. Let me feed you.”

  She wondered if he was implying food. Jonas reached for her hand linking their fingers. They sauntered toward the dining area of the lounge and got comfortable in their seats. Samiyah crossed her legs causing her dress to rise just above her thighs. Jonas dissected her movements. The server emerged, but they hadn’t had a chance to look over the menus. He must’ve noticed the sexual chemistry that crackled between them because a smile flickered across his face and he raised a tentative hand.

  “If you don’t mind, I could suggest an entrée.”

  Jonas looked to Samiyah for her approval.

�By all means,” she said.

  “The gnocchi pasta is an Italian dish that’s coated with our signature sauce, small pouches of potatoes and topped with refined mozzarella sauce. It comes on one plate, the idea being to feed each other out of the same dish.”

  He looked from Jonas to Samiyah to check for their consent. With a burning fire in his eyes, Jonas said, “We’ll take it.”

  Chapter Nine

  “I never asked you, what do you do for a living now that you no longer fight?”

  “I took over my father’s company, Rose Bank and Trust Credit Union. I was appointed the CEO and Chairman.”

  “So, you took over the company before you retired from boxing?”

  He dipped his head in agreement.

  “Is that the reason you put up your gloves?”

  “No,” was all he said. He turned the focus back to her, no doubt wanting to change the subject.

  “It seems we have something in common, Samiyah.”

  “Which is?”


  This time it was Samiyah who agreed with a nod, “This is true,” she agreed. “I think we have more in common than finances. When we first met I heard you speak in French. Are you familiar with the language?”

  Jonas noticed the empty glass that sat in front of her. He took the opportunity to change his tongue. In French he spoke.

  “Would you like more wine, sweetheart?”

  Delighted, Samiyah responded in the Indo-European language, “sûr.”

  “Excuse me,” he said catching a server who was passing the table. Jonas was given immediate attention. “My lovely companion would like another glass of your Pinot Grigio, and I’ll have a glass of scotch.”

  The server left hastily to make their drinks.

  “How did you know I was drinking Pinot Grigio?”

  “Because I watch your lips move every chance I get, and I saw you place your order.”

  Samiyah inhaled a sudden breath; her tongue tracing her lips like they had a mind of their own. Sure enough, Jonas watched the tantalizing dance; his eyes now smoldering.


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